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"As long as it takes to win this war on terror."
--Dubya, when asked how long our
soldiers would be dying in Iraq Attribution
What he means is,
"Until greedy oil men have enough money
or my second term, whichever comes first."
"I guess one of the challenges we have
to understand is that our job is to reduce risk.
The president intuitively realized
we are at war. It is a permanent condition.."
--Tom Ridge, lying to please his King
The president can't intuitively decide if
it's raining or Kim Jung Ill is peeing on his leg.
When those planes hit the WTC, he didn't
call out the F-16s.
He sat there with the other children, reading
the goat story for 45 minutes.
...but of course, the press will continue to cover for him and insist he's a hero.
The American Gulf War Veterans Association
(AGWVA), an independent Gulf War Veterans’ support organization,
has long searched for answers to explain
why nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are now ill and why
200,000 of those servicemen/women have
requested disability, but have received no adequate diagnosis or treatment,
from either the Department of Defense (DOD),
or Veteran’s Affairs. Though there have been over 125 studies done
by the government at the cost of over $300,000,000
to the taxpayer, we still have no answers as to what caused so
many of our soldiers to become ill.
Meanwhile, the suffering veterans are receiving little, if any, medical
treatment for
this illness. It seems that whenever
veterans become ill, the term “mystery illness” seems to be the first and
often the
only diagnosis that is ever made.
Veterans are then left to fend for themselves, sick and unable to work,
with little
hope of a normal life again.
The AGWVA is now again asking questions,
this time, about the newest “mystery illness” to hit the military.
True, we have hundreds of thousands of sick and abandoned veterans,
but the good news is,
the Bush Family Evil Empire have made billions
off both wars they started for no good reason.
...and for some wild reason, they continue to love Bush no matter what he does to them..
"The Iraqi resolution halted the immunity to
the point of sale. Once the oil is sold, the revenues are there
for the development fund's Coffers.
Bush went further, he went through the whole lifetime of that oil,
once the title passes hands, it's still
immune, as long as it's handled by U.S. corporations. So once it's on
a tanker, once in the U.S. marketplace,
once it's at the gas pump, it's still immune from any kind of
accountability for anything that happens
associated with the handling of that oil."
Vallette, Total
I think Jim's missing the bigger picture: Bush and the B.F.E.E.
are stealing that oil.
There are accountable to nobody.
They can pump out 2M barrels a day and say they only got 200,000
(Catholic math: 1.8M barrels at $34 each = $61,000,000
per day, tax free for the B.F.E.E.
That's almost $2 billion in stolen profits per month - and
who's going to stop them?
The Baghdad police force?
The Democrats?
The American press?
The French?
Safeguarding the Vote
Since 1964, Voter News Service (VNS), owned
by a consortium of broadcast and print media, provided exit polling
election-night projections. Following the
election fiasco of 2000, VNS undertook a complete redesign of its computers.
On election day 2002, VNS announced that,
due to computer problems, it would produce no projections. VNS has
never released its exit-polling data from
the 2002 elections. In January 2003, the owners of VNS announced that they
were disbanding the service, which has
a historical record of remarkable accuracy.
A growing number of people see a sinister
trend in these computer difficulties.
I'll never forget election night 2000.
The networks called Florida for Gore, and the smarking chimp
called reporters to his luxury bungalo
and guaranteed them that the call was wrong and that he would
win Florida when it was all over.
How could he possibly be that confident - unless the fix was in?
Remember, he'd never worked a day in his life, and he'd never
been in a fair fight.
How could he know for sure that the networks would reverse themselves?
Did the B.F.E.E. order the networks to reverse their calls?
Joe the loser Lieberman
"We learned a lesson September the 11th, and
that is, our nation is vulnerable to attack.
The best way to secure America is to
get the enemy before they get us, and that's what's happening in Iraq."
-- The Lying Pinhead,
Aug. 8, 2003
Hey Moron, why don't you go after the guys who brought down the
WTC, instead?
Is it because you can't steal $2B a month finding Osama?
is this Bart guy still alive?
his tongue out and shoot him, before I lose my temper..."
To: KB Toys
Subject: Bush Doll
Why not show this doll going AWOL during
National Guard duty?
Why not show this doll hiding in a hole
while the country was under attack on 9-11?
Did you forget to add the sock in the croch
for effect?
Are you going to give the proceeds to
the families of our brave soldiers who
have died since this pinhead declared
"Mission Accomplished"?
You have no shame!
Charles F. S
Defense of marriage?
You know how the GOP would rather climb a tree and condemn gay
than stand on the ground and mind their own f-ing business?
They don't want to allow gay marriage because it's not the will
of the Invisible Cloud Being,
but they recognize a forced, arranged marriage from a undeveloped
nation with no problem.
Why is that?
I know a guy who married the woman his parents picked out for
so who is surprised when that man cheats on his wife?
How hollow is a marriage vow with someone you don't love?
Subscriber help
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her if you subscribed by
2Checkout, PayPal or snail mail.
She'll fix you up.
Students, teachers, retired, military
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you can get members priviliges for just $5 a month.
If your e-mail address ends with .mil
you can get members priviliges for just $5 a month.
Still working on that AARP thing...
Is bartcop.com membership worth $5
a month when you're on a tight budget?
Email Bart bartcop@bartcop.com
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"The barbecue here was closed to the news media,
ensuring there would
be no public images of Bush mingling
with his elite fund raisers."
--Will Lester, covering
Bush's Billionaire Bar-B-Q Blowout Attribution
The film captures the Austrian Oak in all
his vicious, megalomaniacal glory: Arnold bullying,
tricking, and psyching out his dopey rival
Lou Ferrigno. Arnold extolling his own ambitions:
"I was always dreaming about very powerful
people, dictators, people like Jesus, being
remembered for thousands of years."
Plus, Arnold lighting up a fat celebratory joint.
Career officer does eye-opening stint inside Pentagon
Defined as ``reasoning or decision-making
by a group, often characterized by uncritical acceptance or
conformity to prevailing points of view,''
groupthink was, and probably remains, the predominant characteristic
of Pentagon Middle East policy development.
The result of groupthink is the elevation of opinion into a kind of
accepted ``fact,'' and uncritical acceptance
of extremely narrow and isolated points of view.
The result of groupthink has been extensively
studied in the history of American foreign policy, and it will have a
prominent role when the history of the
Bush administration is written. Groupthink, in this most recent case leading
to the invasion and occupation of Iraq,
will be found, I believe, to have caused a subversion of constitutional
on executive power and a co-optation through
deceit of a large segment of the Congress.
So, under the Unelected Idiot, you either go along with their
version of events, i.e. Saddam has WMDs,
or you're branded as "one of them" and your career is finished.
No wonder we're in have another Vietnam.
Thanks to zendaba.com
E! page
Letterman's Top Ten from Friday
The series finale of 'Futurama' tonight on Faux
Merle Haggard formed his own label
Confederate time was 26 minutes behind Yankee time
The world's largest jackfruit
Michael Huffington is solidly behind Arnold
'Best Song Of The Month' website
A Japanese black-tailed gull spotted in Chicago
And a bunch of links
"The "death tax," as the Republicans so cleverly
misnamed the estate tax, which affects 2 percent
of all Americans, has now been replaced
by the Bush birth tax — if you're born in this country,
you're in debt — you have to help pay
back the money the Bushies took out of Social Security,
plus the interest on the debts they're
running up."
--Molly Ivins, Attribution
Bush sings "I want it now"
Bin Laden Disappears from U.S. Radar Screen
"... in all the hype and news coverage in Iraq,
it appears that a true, committed, anti-US terrorist, Osama bin Laden
has been more or less forgotten. The same
bin Laden who appeared on 60 Minutes and warned the U.S. of his agenda
of destruction of the "great Satan" cannot
even get any sound bites on the U.S. media these days, whereas Saddam is
not only the lead story in countless reports,
but has thousands of U.S. troops hot on his trail, even though he has little
ability to hurt U.S. interests at this
"It's been 691 days since Bush said he'd catch
Osama bin Laden 'Dead or Alive!"
about Osama - Saddam gassed his own people..."
Hey Musclehead, how are you going to fix California's economy?
"I'm going to pump up Sacramento, just you watch..."
No, you idiot, I mean specifically, what programs will you downsize or eliminate?
"I'll be back...with details later..."
No, you steroid-addled fool, the election is in just weeks away.
Tell the voters what you're going to do to save them from Bush's
energy rapes.
"I'll tell the debt, Hasta la vista, baby!"
How do you expect to get elected if you know nothing about the issues?
"I'm running a Dubya-style campaign..."
"Guess you heard President Bush passed his
annual physical with flying colors.
Doctors say his reflexes are excellent.
Every time, they hit him on the knee, he bombed Iraq."
--Jay Leno
Subject: The Beatles
Hey Bart,
I'm one of your most faithful readers, and
I do love the Beatles! I read this article even before you cited it,
and accept the thesis without reservation:
The Beatles did cause the collapse of the Soviet Union.
There's no calculating the positive influence
they had on the entire world--and would continue to have if
it weren't for the forces of darkness and
evil now running things--could anyone in the BFEE appreciate
"I Am the Walrus"? "All You Need Is Love"?
"Don't Let Me Down" (my absolute favorite)?
No one who doesn't love the Beatles should
be allowed to hold public office, period.
As Bob Dylan said, "They should put up statues
of those guys (the Beatles) in this country" for what they did
for American music and society.... You
know, John Fogerty said that when he met Dylan sometime in the late 70s,
"I finally got the chance to thank him
for ending the Viet Nam War." It's a miracle Dylan is still alive.
The assassination of John Lennon is one
of history's greatest tragedies, because of the good he might still have
The forces of darkness may be evil but
they're not stupid. They know who to kill.
Thanks for the good you're doing, Bart, and good luck.
There are a few hundred worthless monkeys in Washington DC...
right hates the goofy Terminator
Ah-nold is being blasted from all sides - when we he withdraw?
The tittering Republicans so enamored with
Arnold Schwarzenegger undermine their own case
that the crisis is dire by addressing it
in such a light setting. Doesn't it occur to them that their
candidate's announcement on a show of gags
and jokes just buttresses Gray Davis's argument
that the state is not in a solemn crisis
justifying a recall? The superficiality of it all lends support
to the Dems claim that the Republicans
are engaged in a frivolous power grab.
Lies from This Whore with Judas Maximus
Sunday morning, George Will (R-Smug Bastard) was full of lies
and distortions.
He said the recall movement had "roots with a long history,"
then cited some obscure race
from the early 1900's as "proof" that recalling a sitting governor
was an everyday occurence.
Notice he had to go back a hundred years to find an example...
To me, the point seems to be that recalling a sitting governor
(with one or two percent
of the voters deciding) is so rare it hasn't happened in a century,
but liar George Will,
who was proven scientifically and beyond a doubt to be more stupid
than a chimpanze,
(Only Fred Barnes is more stupid than George
...was allowed to portray a century-old political anomoly as "everyday democracy."
And, of course, there were no liberals on the show to call him on his lies.
What Would Arnold Do?
In 2000 and 2001 California had a major
energy crisis because several big energy companies like Enron
gamed the system and created artificial
energy shortages. The high energy prices were devastating to the
California economy - but Davis managed
to see us through it and get new power plants online. But what
would happen if an actor like Arnold Schwarzenegger
were governor and we had an energy crisis?
What would Arnold do?
Isn't that the real question facing the
voters of California?
In an environment where all of America
under the Bush administration is on the verge of economic collapse,
you do you trust to get us through the
tough times? Shouldn't California have a governor who knows
what he's doing rather than an actor who
is merely playing a role?
What would Arnold do?
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
60 years ago today - another day of infamy
Patton lost all control. Shaking with rage,
he shouted at the man,
"Your nerves, Hell, you are just a goddamned
coward, you yellow son of a bitch. Shut up that goddamned crying.
I won’t have these brave men here who
have been shot seeing a yellow bastard sitting here crying…
You’re a disgrace to the Army and you’re
going back to the front to fight, although that’s too good for you.
You ought to be lined up against a
wall and shot. In fact, I ought to shoot you myself right now, God damn
Patton then pulled his revolver from its holster and waved it in front of the terrified private...
Subject: Problem with member's page
Getting the radio just fine and dandy.
Great shows!
However, I'm getting something weird on
the page itself.
The non-member page comes up just fine.
However, about half of the member's page comes up missing.
The members page is being built before your eyes.
It starts with just enough color and font to save my arm some
wear & tear.
Sometime, when you have nothing better to do, set your alarm
to go off
every two hours and check the members page - watch it get fuller
and fuller.
This way, if you spot a mistake or want to comment on something
that hasn't
yet been printed, you can be in the new issue when it hits the
main page.
Thanks for your support...
Saw this at http://toysales0.tripod.com/BUSHTOY.htm?_ts=n
"The movie "Freaky Friday" has opened. It’s
a movie about a teen that gets
into a 40-year-old body. I believe
they got the idea from Ashton Kutcher."
-- Dave
that Letterman - no reason - just because I said so..."
Subject: bart, lighten up on cuba...i will explain
did you know that cuba was instrumental
in the defeat of the south african army when that racist country invaded
did you know that the u.s.supported the
south african nazis ,and therefore buttresed the apartheid government?
did you know that
nelson mandela after his release visited
cuba, and thanked the people of cuba for their key role in defeating apartheid
and helping
him be liberated from prison?
Dude, I gotta tell you - I've never seen
Cuba defended like you're doing.
Cuba is a large prison, with a 90-mile
watery wall surrounding it.
Fidel keeps people there at gunpoint -
how do you defend that?
Subject: Supporting the troops
I'll pay for the first 10 .mils who sign up for their first three months, or $150.
Dude, that's very generous.
So if any of you military guys & gals want three months of
members privileges,
send me your .mil e-mail and Brew will pick up the tab.
(So far, only two have signed up for three free months of membership)
Subject: Military guys and GAYS?
Is "military guys and gays" on purpose? It's appeared twice now.
No, that's
just a typo.
Should be "guys and gals."
Sometimes my fingers just "go funny."
For some reason, I often type "Bill Clitnon,"
which seems Freudian, but it's just a screw up.
Also a bit more about Clive James:
several years ago he said Arnie looks like
a "condom stuffed with walnuts"
ha ha
Hey, Bart,
Your August 10 page cited part of Al Gore's
speech recently given to the MoveOn organization...
but your tag line reads...
> --Al Gore, launching his 2000 campaign for the White House.
Odd error...it changes history by putting
Bush in the White House
at the same time Gore began his 2000 campaign.
I know you didn't intend that.
You saw that as an error?
I was commenting that Gore seemed to be
starting his 2000 campaign three years late.
Subject: Flight 93: 9/11 in general
Oh Bart!
Regarding the crashing of Flight 93 in PA,
the FBI's theory discounts the popular perception
of insurgent passengers grappling with
terrorists to seize the plane's controls.
In your opinion, it bolsters it?
I can only guess we're hung up on semantics, somehow.
Obviously, the hijackers didn't intend to crash the plane in
a field.
Something knocked their train off the tracks - it had to be the
passengers - right?
Do you think the Saudi's just decided, "nevermind" in the middle
of the operation?
Cell phone calls to planes? According to
a Electronic Warfare Intercept Strategic Signal Processing/Storage
Systems Specialist, this would be completely
impossible. Lisa Beemer's official story IS that she never talked
to her husband. That he talked to an operator
and "the story" was told to her. Keep in mind, the first phone
call was reported by Ted Olson.
One of us has his facts alllllllllllllllllll wrong.
The reason the passengers fought back is because they were told
via phone that other hijackers crashed
their planes into buildings. The hijackers encouraged passengers
to call loved ones, to increase the terror.
A lady flight attendent gave the FBI descriptions and numbers
over the phone. If no cell calls were made
or received that day, there are dozens of grieving families in
on the hoax, and what would be their motive?
You have always used a skeptics lens for
all information being evacuated by these goons,
but why do you continue to swallow the
9/11 story hook, line, and sinker?
What does that mean?
Are you saying 9-11 didn't happen?
You're not saying anything I can latch
I am a simple man with no ties to any party,
and I have researched 9/11 since it happened.
I would be happy to provide any of my work
or sources.
I must allow for the possibility that I misunderstand your words,
but dozens of families got calls from Flight 93.
Your unnamed expert's best guess pales against the credibility
of the families' reports.
You argue about tax cuts and diebold, but
let the largest crime in our history to go. Why?
What are you talking about? I let 9-11 go?
You seem very, very certain that you have a monoply on these
but besides getting the phone calls wrong, you haven't really
said anything yet.
Which crime am I ignoring? Are you saying our F-16's blew
the plane out of the sky?
If you would, write back and say something, instead of telling me I have it wrong.
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 258
Total deaths since the Bloodthirsty Bully said, "Bring
Them On": 56
260 flag-draped coffins - so far.
Perhaps 1,000 wounded.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
Note: Believe this figure.
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
In trouble?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Subject: whats up w/ Arnold and the naked chick pic?
My wife wants to know why is the girls face
and what's the context of the picture.
I'm real curious too..
Low, I don't
I'm certain the picture is legit, but that's
how it arrived.
I suspect Spy Magazine ran that in the
- just plain bad for America
Rep. Henry Waxman - fighting back in the House
The Bush Administration has manipulated,
distorted, or interfered with science on health,
environmental, and other key issues. Find
your issue below and read more.
Example: Yellowstone
In April 2003, Deputy Assistant Interior
Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Paul Hoffman wrote
to the United Nations’ World Heritage Committee
and requested that Yellowstone be removed from a list
of parks at risk and in need of international
attention. He wrote, “Yellowstone is no longer in danger.”
To make this argument, Mr. Hoffman cited
a reported written by Yellowstone Park staff.
However, this report had apparently been
substantially edited to suppress scientific information
They say, "We protect the environment,"
then re-write the scientific report to make it say
whatever will make the most money for the Bush Family Evil Empire..
The press praises the Unelected Fraud while he sells our resources
to the highest bidder.
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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