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"There was a question about deployment. It
must be in the national interests.
smirk) It must be in our vital interest
(Big smirk) whether
we ever send troops.
The mission must be clear. Soldiers
must understand why we're going. (Big
The force must be strong enough so
that the mission can be accomplished.
And the exit strategy needs to be well-defined."
(So proud he got the words out in the
right order...)
-- never-elected
friend of the paid-for goons on the Supreme Court, Oct 17, 2000
U.S. soldiers shot into a crowd of thousands
of demonstrators in Baghdad on Wednesday,
killing one civilian and wounding four
after a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at them, the military said..
In Sadr City, a Shiite Muslum slum, about
3,000 demonstrators gathered around a TV tower where they said
American forces in a helicopter tried to
tear down an Islamic banner. U.S. military spokesman Sgt. Danny
Martin said it was apparently blown down
by rotor wash from a helicopter.
But he wasn't telling the truth.
Amateur video footage played on CNN showed
a Black Hawk helicopter hovering a few feet from the top
of the tower and apparently trying to tear
down the banner. Later, U.S. Humvees drove by and the crowd
threw stones at them. Heavy gunfire could
be heard and demonstrators were seen diving to the ground.
"We are ready to defend our religion. I heard
that there are people here who are preparing mines and
suicide exposive belts, and others are
ready to use RPGs. We have difficulties controlling the people.
If the Americans promise not to come back
to Sadr City nothing will happen. If they do the situation
will be worse," said Sheikh Qais Al-Kazali,
rep for firebrand anti-occupation Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr.
Why are our soldiers taunting these
people, tearing down their Muslin flags?
Why do they want to make a dangerous situation that much more
"We don't condone or endorse the president,
but he fit the criteria of our Elite Force collection...
It would have to be somebody in uniform,
a military hero of some kind, or depicting a military uniform."
--Lauri Aibel, spokeswhore for Blue Box Toys, that
makes the new Dubya military action figure
Translation: We know he's an fraud and an idiot, but we
wanted to make money because
we know how stupid the Americans are, praising this fool like
he was a real war hero
About 3,000 people have died in France
of heat-related causes since abnormally high
temperatures swept across the country about
two weeks ago, the health ministry estimated.
biggest contributing polluters say this is all a bunch of hooey..."
Impressions or Falsehoods?
by Gene Lyons
Gore's theme was that the Bush administration
governs through a weird mix of cronyism, ideological certitude and sheer
dishonesty previously unseen in our national
life. "The direction in which our nation is being led," he said "is deeply
troubling to me
not only in Iraq but also here at home
on economic policy, social policy and environmental policy. Millions of
Americans now share
a feeling that something pretty basic has
gone wrong in our country and that some important American values are being
placed at risk."
Gore enumerated a list of "false impressions"
that led the U.S. to invade and occupy Iraq: that Saddam Hussein was partly
reponsible for 9/11 and conspiring with
al Qaeda; that he threatened to help terrorists launch poison gas and germ
against the U.S.; that he was acquiring
enriched uranium and building a nuclear arsenal; that Iraqis would welcome
US soldiers
with open arms and make a quick, easy transition
to democracy; and that allies who opposed the war would be only too happy
after a painless victory to send soldiers
and money to finish the job.
"Now, of course," Gore said "everybody knows that every single one of these impressions was just dead wrong."
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"Fox News executives are either determined
to waste Rupert Murdoch's money on legal fees, or they
secretly hate Bill O'Reilly and love
Al Franken. They must be absolutely determined to sell Al's
forthcoming book, regardless of the
cost in money and embarrassment. Otherwise, how can anyone
explain the decision to sue Franken's
publisher -- which will produce nothing except a bonanza of
publicity for the brilliant comic and
commentator? By this afternoon, coverage of the Fox lawsuit
against Franken and his publisher,
E.P. Dutton, had blasted "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them:
A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right"
to No. 7 on Amazon.com – almost 10 notches higher than
"Treason," by what's-her-name."
-- Joe Conason's Journal, O'Reilly's
ha ha
Coast Farce No Laughing Matter
by Joe Conason
Bizarre as it surely is, the California
recall is just the latest in a series of episodes that demonstrate the
Republican Party’s unquenchable urge to
seize power by whatever means are available—even when that
means vandalizing American political norms
and traditions. Amusing as it is to imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger
as governor of the nation’s most populous
state, the impulses leading toward that conclusion are extraordinarily
serious and potentially dangerous.
The President and his advisers don’t care
whether the will of last November’s electorate is overturned, or whether
this fiasco sets an awful precedent, or
whether Mr. Schwarzenegger is qualified to hold office—or even whether
actor shares their conservative social
views. What they do care about is getting and holding power.
Media assist Republicans' honesty deficit
Just seven programs make up about 75 percent
of all federal spending: Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid, military pensions,
civil service pensions, defense and interest on the debt.
That's "big government." Republicans aren't
trying to cut a dime of it. In fact, they're calling
for big increases in every one of these
programs. According to the White House, interest on
the national debt alone will soar by 66
percent over the next five years thanks to the red ink
oozing from President Bush's budget.
Over the next 5 years, figures the "big
7" programs will cost about $1.8 trillion a year..
He's lying.
His budgets have been a Niagara of horseshit,
so that $1.8T will be $3T, or more.
And your kids will be paying for this idiot's
spending spree for decades.
Get yours, then send in a picture of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
We should have a prize each month for Best Sticker Placement.
Any ideas?
Maybe a subscription to a magazine ...or a Brooke Burke calendar?
Wait, I know...
Winner gets a copy of Joe Conason's new book.
to Order
new book
My regular computer is in the shop.
We had to wipe the hard drive clean to get rid of the virus.
The geniuses at Microsoft can be outwitted by any horny 14 year
old kid,
so I'm once again paying the price for sticking with that Gates
devil Republican.
For now, on my laptop, I have no sound, so we can't do radio until
I get it back.
Also, as of today I'm once again able to get subscribers into
the members section.
If you should be in the members section but you're not,
please send a polite
e-mail to Sam and she'll get you in - guaranteed.
Subscriber help
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If you should be in the members section, write to Sam and tell
her if you subscribed by
2Checkout, PayPal or snail mail.
She'll fix you up.
Students, teachers, retired, military
If your e-mail address ends with .edu
you can get members priviliges for just $5 a month.
If your e-mail address ends with .mil
you can get members priviliges for just $5 a month.
Still working on that AARP thing...
Is bartcop.com membership worth $5
a month when you're on a tight budget?
Email Bart bartcop@bartcop.com
Why does the oversexed Musclehead have a raging boner
while holding up a ten year old girl - and WHY is he holding her?
“American soldiers told stories that at times
they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads,
taped wires from portable telephones
to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs,
blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians,
razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan,
shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned
food stocks and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam,
in addition to the normal ravage of
war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the
applied bombing power of this country.”
-- John Kerry, Navy
lieutenant, leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
I don't have the attribution for this, but it's my best guess it's a true quote.
Remember about a week ago, Bush's good puppy media was screaming
our military boys were "closing in"
on Saddam and "tightening
the noose?"
Why don't they EVER hold them accountable for ANY of these wild claims?
The next time President Pinhead makes a wild claim, the whore
press could ask:
"Is this for real? Or is this another
'noose tightening' ?"
Arctic Ice Cap Will Melt Completely in 100 Years
No need to pay attention to this story - it's only our planet...
appeared to some observers to be weeping...
The Arctic ice cap will melt completely
within the next century if carbon dioxide emissions continue to heat
the Earth's atmosphere at current rates,
according to an international study. "Since 1978, the ice cap has
shrunk by nearly three or four percent
per decade. At the turn of the century there will be no more ice at
the North Pole in summer," one of the study's
authors, Ola Johannessen, told AFP on Wednesday.
want them dead ...I want them all dead ...I want every faggot in that study
added to
Al Qaeda list within the hour. Have Croffy kill the local ones and use
special ops or
3ID to take the rest out - fuck 'em..."
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E! page
Hillary Rodham Clinton is on Jon Stewart tonight
An hour of 'Queer Eye For The Straight Guy' on NBC tonight
'The Hollywood Hustle' by The Artful Dodger
Dr. Paul's Words of Wisdom
Noah Wyle on 'ER' for another year
Marlon Brando is Courtney Love's grandpa?
Robert Conrad pleads innocent (his blood-alcohol level was 0.22%),
lies about his age.
Leno invites all CA recall candidates (who aren't named Gray Davis)
Ted Nugent in Illinois
And, the 'History of Contraception Museum.'
Proposition 187
I heard that right-wing idiot William Schneider say on CNN that
Pete Wilson was the only man in Callie
who was less popular than Gray Davis. He said Wilson was hated
by Mexican Americans because he
pushed for Prop 187, which said that Callies would have to pay
for medical expenses for illegals.
On a prima facia basis (I'm smart now, remember?) that
sounded not unreasonable to me,
so I asked on the members page for an explanation.
You're right that Proposition 187 was pitched
as stopping having the state pay for illegal immigrants' medical expenses.
If you read it,
however, that was not what it did -- the
state already only paid for emergency medical expenses without first making
sure you would pay.
Under Proposition 187, any service provider
(police, doctor, schoolteacher) would be liable if they provided services
to illegal
immigrants. That meant, in reality,
if you were brown you had to provide proof of legal status, while if you
were black or white there
was no such requirement. It also
meant that, if you showed up at a hospital with a knife wound losing a
liter of blood per hour, you would
first need to demonstrate legal status
before the hospital was supposed to treat you. If you came in at
night or on a weekend, you would
probably have to wait until the government
opened in the morning (or on Monday) so your visa could be verified with
the Department of State.
It goes without saying that you'd bleed
to death in that time.
The reason it was ruled unconstitutional
is that it forced teachers, doctors, etc. to be unpaid members of the INS
immigration enforcement
division, since they would be penalized
if they provided treatment and services to anyone in the country illegally.
Don't forget that they
extended this to greatly reducing government
support to legal immigrants while Clinton was president. And the
current administration
is trying to extend the Patriot act to
require teachers to check on the expiration dates of their students' visas,
making them again unpaid INS
(excuse me, they're now the BCIS) agents.
So, why do some of us Californians dislike
the proposition? It formalizes anti-Mexican bigotry and penalizes
doctors and teachers who
do their jobs. These days, under
Bush, those may not be important, but we felt they were (and the Court
of Appeals agreed).
Subject: reduced rates for seniors
...this fixed income, social security dude likes bartcop...
DMS, thanks for that.
Being an old dude, I can't help but think we old dudes think
...and there are some kids who read bartcop.com, too
Hillary on Jon Stewart
To my knowledge, Hillary has never met a more friendly talk show
Christ, Stewart is nice to Ann Coulter, Newt the Scumbag
- everyone except Dick the Toe-Sucker.
This could be the most relaxed HRC we've ever seen.
I'm going to watch.
Subject: Murrah Building replica
Hey Bart,
Okay, the Monkeyboy Fighter Ace Action Figure
was just a piece of campy trash for
dittoheads (although I admit I was tempted
to see if KB Toys also sells voodoo needles).
But this replica of the Murrah Building...
What is the market for that?
How about a replica of the Twin Towers
with real fire?
Tom D
Dude, don't ever underestimate the greed of the wild-ass GOP
Buildings of Disaster
Miniature replica of the world trade center
I guess full-scale would be too expensive to ship?
They also have Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island, the Pentagon,
and The Dakota, where John Lennon was murdered by that insane
For 80 minutes in a hushed U.N. Security
Council chamber in New York, [Colin Powell] unleashed an avalanche
of allegations: The Iraqis were hiding
chemical and biological weapons, were secretly working to make more banned
were reviving their nuclear bomb project...
It was the most comprehensive presentation of the U.S. case for war.
Powell marshaled what were described as
intercepted Iraqi conversations, reconnaissance photos of Iraqi sites,
of defectors, and other intelligence sources.
The defectors and other sources went unidentified. The audiotapes were
uncorroborated, as were the photo interpretations...
Still, in the United States, Powell's sober
speech was galvanizing, swinging opinion toward war. "Compelling,"
"irrefutable" were adjectives used by both
pundits and opposition Democratic politicians. Editor & Publisher magazine
prowar sentiment among editorial writers
doubled overnight, to three-quarters of large U.S. newspapers.
Powell's "thick intelligence file," as he
called it, had won them over. Since 1998, he told fellow foreign ministers,
"we have amassed much intelligence indicating
that Iraq is continuing to make these weapons."
But in Baghdad, when the satellite broadcast
ended, presidential science adviser Lt. Gen. Amer al-Saadi appeared
before the audience and dismissed the U.S.
case as "stunts" aimed at swaying the uninformed.
Point by point,
he lied his ass off.
Powell sold his soul to get into the B.F.E.E..
He intentionally helped murder up to 10,000
Iraqis, but it didn't involve sex,
so Bush's whore press looked the other
way and the Democrats went along because they're scared.
We have 263 (who knows, they took the site
down) dead Americans and we could have thousands
of dead before we're able to extricate
ourselves from Bush's Folly..
ha ha
Tiger has a temper, especially when he's a victim of The Hex
Apparently I still don't have the facts
straight about Mark Bingham and Todd Beamer,
but I can't spend the rest of the year
on it - so if it's important to you, Google it and find out
"It was fun, nay comical, listening to Hannity
and Newt Gingrich talk about Arnold being pilloried
on the radio today. Hannity said he
had "never seen such a vicious smear campaign" because Dems
are pointing out the Terminator's womanizing,
drug use, etc. Perhaps, Hannity had forgotten the years 1992-2000."
-posted by Barney Gumble on Media
Whores Online
It's fair to say Fox's lawsuit lacks balance
After comedian Al Franken titled his upcoming
book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and
Balanced View of the Right," Fox News filed
a lawsuit against Franken. The lawsuit complains about trademark
infringement for Franken's satirical use
of "fair and balanced," and about the use of O'Reilly's photo on the book
In the meantime, those needing a little
comic relief can at least rely on excerpts from the Fox lawsuit. "Franken
is neither
a journalist nor a television news personality,"
the suit alleges. "He is not a well-respected voice in American politics;
rather, he appears to be shrill and unstable.
His views lack any serious depth or insight."
"Shrill and unstable?" You mean like Fox favorite Ann Coulter?
...while soldiers are dying
...where is the unelected appointee?
He went home to be on vacation - AGAIN,
The BFEE is making billions off this FAKE
Dave's Top Ten things overheard during Moron's vacation
10. "This vacation is flying by -- only 33 days left"
9. "Dang, Springer's a rerun"
8. "These margaritas are weapons of mass destruction"
7. "Whoever's in charge really screwed up the economy"
6. "My God! Mars is coming right at us!"
5. "Don't worry, George. In 17 months, you'll have the longest vacation of your life"
4. "Better start making stuff up for the State of the Union Address"
3. "I'm itching to declare another war"
2. "Proceed with 'Operation Letterman.' Make it look like an accident"
1. "Sitting around doing nothing reminds me of being president"
9/11 Joint Inquiry chairmen are in conflict of interest:
9-11 breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill
Why did the 9-11 attack financier Gen.
Ahmad meet with US Intelligence Committee Chairs on 9-11?
Was this mysterious breakfast venue a 'political
lapse', an intelligence failure or something far more serious?
How come the very same individuals (Goss
and Graham) who had developed a personal rapport with
General Ahmad, had been entrusted under
the joint committee inquiry 'to reveal the truth on 9-11' ?
I know - let's ask Lee Hamilton (R-Bushboy).
He'll tell us the complete truth!
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 263
Total deaths since the Bloodthirsty Bully said, "Bring 'em On": 62
Perhaps 1,100
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
Note: Believe this figure. The site is back up.
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
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