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"Except for a weak, halting essay suggesting
the NFL's minority hiring policy
on coaches might backfire, Rush Limbaugh's
conservative viewpoints were
largely absent in his debut on ESPN's
Sunday NFL Countdown show.
-- Rudy Martzke, USA Today
So, the first thing out of the vulgar Pigboy's mouth was that
the NFL has
too many blacks trying to do a white man's job? That's
Disney knew exactly what they were getting when they hired the
racist bastard.
Fires Spewed Toxic Gases for Weeks
Bush knew, but he decided not to share that with New York
Will he ever be held responsible for anything?
The burning ruins of the World Trade Center
spewed toxic gases "like a chemical factory" for
at least six weeks after the 9-11 attack
despite government assurances the air was safe.
The gases of toxic metals, acids and organics
could penetrate deeply into the lungs of workers
at Ground Zero, said the study.
Last month, an internal report by EPA Inspector
General Nikki Tinsley said the White House
pressured the agency to make premature
statements that the air was safe to breathe.
The White House "convinced the EPA to add
reassuring statements and delete cautionary ones,"
Tinsley said. Among the information withheld
was the potential health hazards of breathing
asbestos, lead, concrete and pulverized
glass, the report said. .
were mostly liberals, so fuck 'em."
"I do think that this administration did a
job of planning in a post-Saddam Iraq."
-- Senator
Chuck Hagel (R-Diebold) [Seattle Times, 9/6/03]
Yet because the President hesitated to
commit American troops in sufficient numbers to extirpate
both Al Qaeda and the Taliban, they are
reportedly regrouping in Afghanistan, a country that we
bombed and abandoned. It is difficult to
understand why we have sent 130,000 troops to occupy Iraq,
rather than to destroy the marauders who
committed a bloody act of war against our civilians. It is also
hard to understand why that mission remains
unfinished, considering the extreme peril of renewed
Islamist power on the border of unstable,
nuclearized Pakistan.
Instead of completing the pacification of
Afghanistan—a project that enjoyed the full support of our allies
and most of the world—Mr. Bush embarked
on the lonely American adventure in Iraq. Every day the
recklessness of that endeavor is confirmed,
while the promised benefits continue to recede. Our troops
have found none of the terrifying weapons
that they invaded Iraq to capture. Our diplomatic initiative in
the Middle East has reached an abrupt dead
end. Our capacity to use Iraqi oil revenues to rebuild that
country has proved to be imaginary
"Kill him... Off with his head."
"...a good part of the media are essentially
part of the machine. If you work for any Murdoch
publication or network, or if you work
for the Rev. Moon's empire, you're really not a journalist
in the way that we used to think. You're
basically just part of a propaganda machine. And that's a
pretty large segment of the media."
-- Paul Krugman in the
Buzzflash Interview
Wesley Clark
I like the idea of a Wesley Clark candidacy.
Clinton likes him a lot, and his opinion
holds a ton of weight with me.
Clinton's the smartest politician of our lifetime, and he if says
has what it takes to win, I'll trust him on that.
Click Here to see Blaze's "Draft Clark" page.
Please visit our sponsors
"Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this!"
-- from Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Guns and Money", mocking
Dubya, released 25 years ago
The surprise resignation of the forty-third
President of the United States, George W. Bush, on the second
anniversary of the terrorist attack on
America, was hailed by chiefs of state throughout the world. Mr.
announced that after, "two years of bloodshed,
economic devastation, and spreading fear in America and abroad,"
he saw no choice but to accept that, "I
have held a title which I did not win, and for which I have proven unqualified."
A memorial
for those lost during the events of September 11th tragedy.
selling at $19.99 per piece. Great gift ideas for mom, dad, family members,
and co-workers. Every American should have one.
...to poop on!
If I lost someone at the WTC and some slug gave me a Bush-hero bill
I believe physical violence would rain down on his ass.
lost opportunity, money by squashing technology
by Houston Wade
The funny thing is… If the Democrats were
truly smart they would try to appeal to the hi-tech sector on this front.
It is by far, more wealthy and has the
opportunity to revolutionize the way we do business. What the hell does
have to offer? Another two-star film and
yet another crappy, holier-than-thou album from Creed? Give me a break.
One would think that Hollywood would have
learned not to fight for the status quo when it comes to the introduction
of revolutionary technology in its medium.
Hollywood fought against the proliferation of VCRs and lost in the Supreme
Court’s legendary 1984 Betamax decision.
Hollywood was afraid that people were going to steal and distribute their
product and that it would hurt their business.
It turns out that this was the greatest thing to happen to Hollywood since
the golden age of the studios. Hollywood
was able to revive a faltering movie market that was steadily losing its
to television since the 1950s by signing
deals with video rental companies like Blockbuster. The gross earnings
from video
sales now account for more than $16 billion
annually—almost double box office receipts (the porn industry got an even
bigger boost out of this decision).
as seen on pintsize.com
Subject: Got an email from your "friend"
I got a letter from some Minnesota guy named
Peterson who says he is your friend,
but stabs you in the back. Warn your
readers to watch out for this guy and his emails.
He said Bart thinks he is his friend, but has emailed me to expose him saying:
"Bartcop is running a web site on the cheap
and begging for money, which he receives by the thousands of dollars each
Instead of delivering a quality web
site, and a Bart radio show as promised, his sub-standard system crashes
and most of the money he receives goes
into his stock portfolio and to buy an expensive car, clothes, jewelry,
Vegas gambling trips, liquor, etc.
If you can get the IRS and the FTC to
investigate his scam, Bart will spend most of the rest of his life behind
This guy sounds like he could cause you
a lot of trouble.
Or, it could be his idea of a joke.
Good luck with this Peterson guy.
Ken Wright
Ken, I think you're the victim of a hoax.
Isacc Peterson is indeed a very good friend.
But I love the challenge, so let's get into this:
a web site on the cheap - I plead guilty.
for money - I'm supported by my supporters - I have no other
job or income.
of delivering a quality web site - What??? This
is the finest tequila treehouse on the entire internet.
a Bart radio show as promised - True, building the radio show
has been downright Herculean, but we have
managed 13 sub-par shows, and the Tommy Mack-produced,
professional-sounding shows are just days away.
sub-standard system crashes regularly - True, I use Microsoft
of the money he receives goes into his stock portfolio - ha
ha What stock
an expensive car - I paid $3K for my car - It's a nine year
old GM sled
- ha ha
- Yes, I only wear Gucci and Vera Wang,, as the Pokerfesters
will attest. I'm one slick Dude.
- Does my gold tooth count? ha
gambling trips, liquor - guilty on the gambling. Christ, how
can I host a Pokerfest and plead any other way?
Luckily, thru my skills at manipulation money
and FF points, we get free air fare, (SW has a deal
right now, sign up
for a SW Visa card -
you get 4
points. Use the card, you get 4
points. If you sign up
with Earthlink, you get 8
Boom! - Welcome to Vegas.
Ain't nothing to it.) and yes, I often have a cocktail after dinner.
Also, I open each radio show that he says
doesn't exist with a shot of Chinaco.
As far as the IRS, I went to
see an accountant about Bart money. He asked how much I'd made so far.
When I told him, he laughed, stood up, shook
my hand and said to come back when things got rolling
...and trust me, Isaac is a good friend, and he's a much better writer than this guy.
And to the stalker who's sending those e-mails, thanks.
You make me feel like a success when you try this silly crap.
Too bad you don't have the courage to meet me head on.
Please visit our sponsors.
The World Poker Tour on The Travel Channel last night.
I'm not sure what happened last night, but they were on a cruise,
which was cool, but they played
some women's game of poker with all kinds of rules about
how much you can bet. That's not the
kind of poker we're playing in the big Pokerfest tournaments
this weekend at Binions.
We're playing the official rules of the World Series of Poker,
where you can declare "I'm all in" any time it's your
damn turn.
Breakfast with Tally the Weather Vixen and Tommy Mack at 11 AM.
Poker starts at noon, second tourney at 4 PM or whenever
everyone's ready.
We have two trophies - the winner of the $500 tourney gets the
Chinaco Extra-Aged trophy
and the $1000 winner gets the very prestigious Chinaco
Wildflowers trophy.
After the second trophy is awarded, it's tequila time.
Subject: gotta love ya...
Despite our sometimes frustrating differences
(Independent vs Democrap), I have to hand it to you
for the Happy anniversary, Dick" picture
opener of todays rant.
Love it--bold.
Your crazy friend Neil in Vermont
PS: I'm for Wesley Clark if he declares.
E! page
Special Bonus 'Disinfotainment Today' by Paul Krassner
The Hollywood Hustle
'Steve Harvey's Big Time' debuts on the WB tonight
'A Concert for George' (Harrison)
'Whoopi' had 'great numbers'
'Sex & the City' syndicated
Sharon Osbourne's marital woes
This week's new video releases
Ted Nugent's family values
Dan Quayle's bust unveiled
And, Black Holes operate in B-flat
"I want to kill him. I want his intestines
on a stick. ... I want to kill his dog."
--extra-Catholic Mel Gibson, about his not-good friend Frank
Rich of the NYWTimes Attribution
I think somebody needs to go to confession.
Bush open for suggestions
Bush claims he is "open for suggestions"
as to what to do about Iraq. Ok - I have a suggestion.
Why don't we get out of Iraq and go after
Bin Laden in Pakastan and go after the Saudi's who are backing him?
But Bush isn't going to do that because
he made a deal not to go after Bin Laden.
Seems to me that if you are going to fight
terror you should go after the real enemy
rather than trying to pass laws taking
away rights from Americans.
That's my suggestion.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
The Genetically Modified Bomb
Imagine a bomb that only kills Caucasians
with red hair. Or short people. Or Arabs. Or Chinese.
Now imagine that this new bomb could be
set off anywhere in the world, and that within a matter of days,
weeks, or months it would kill every person
on the planet who fits the bomb's profile, although the rest of us
would be left standing. And the bomb could
go off silently, without anybody realizing it had been released
- or even where it was released - until
its victims started dying in mass numbers.
Who would imagine such a thing?
Paul Wolfowitz, for one. William Kristol for another.
And, history shows, when the men who define
U.S. military policy from the shadows
set their sights on something, it's worthy
of our attention.
Subject: lying about everything
Cheney, who obviously is not wanted at the
September memorial services in New York, claims that he
will not attend due to "security issues",
mainly that his security contingent will affect the ceremony.
This is the same exact thing his office
said when Wellstone's family told him he was not welcome.
Watch, I bet you Bill and Hillary will be there, with their security contingents, affecting nothing.
These guys spin everything.
How are they going to spin the tens of
thousands of people rioting in the streets of New York in 2004?
Mr. Rove is not as smart as everyone thinks
he is.
New York is the last place Republicans
want to be for their National Convention.
Ricky Z
Y'know, I'm considering going to NY for the Nazi-Con 2004
Maybe American Stranger
has room for me on his couch?
Please visit our sponsors
"I vow to bring bin Laden to justice,
or to bring justice to bin Laden."
--the spoiled little boy who never
tells the truth or keeps his promises
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
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The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
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Maybe a Brooke Burke calendar or
Joe Conason's new book.
Send in your sticker pics - win valuable prizes.
We still just have one entrant, but somebody wants the Conason book
or the BB calendar - I just know they do..
Please visit our sponsors
Subject: Letter to the Pigboy
You are the biggest hypocrite I have ever
heard or seen. I just love "open lines" Friday, when you really don't
take any calls.
You've been on the air an hour and a half
today and you have taken three calls. Shameful. You don't put
those who disagree
with you to the front of the line as you
always claim, you simply don't take their calls. And if one manages
to sneak by your
army of screeners and voices an opinion
not concurrent with you, either that one and a half minute tape delay dumps
or you quietly and conveniently hang upon
the caller and then you and your dittoheads shreik about the caller for
the rest of the day.
Alyssa Milano gives a little extra to our fighting men while
signing autographs.
That Alyssa - she's a trooper.
September 11, 1943
Allied forces fail to expand the very shallow
beachhead at Salerno after a day of heavy fighting
which saw no appreciable gains against
ever stiffening German resistance. German aircraft attack
the Allied positions despite friendly air
cover, damaging the US cruiser Savanah. Meanwhile,
Montgomery’s 8th Army continues to creep
forward capturing Catanzaro and Brindisi.
The Italian’s on Rhodes surrender to the Germans.
As heavy fighting on the island continues, the US 27th Infantry Regiment reinforces Arundel.
Australian forces in New Guinea capture Salamaua.
A German U-boat succeeded in laying mines off the coast of Charleston, SC.
blows the whistle on Big Thunder
Did Disney kill that kid by saving a buck or two on maintenance?
years ago, Klostriech and at least two other coaster mechanics specifically
pointed to
Thunder as an area of primary concern. Said one mechanic: “On Big
Thunder, over the years,
developed time schedules for the replacement of axles, etc., so you replace
it before it breaks down.
now (in spring of 1998) one year behind on preventive maintenance. You
run it 'til it falls apart.”
for sale?
(More of that shameless begging the stalker
talked about)
For those of you who have slow connections or difficulty with
would you like to get on
a CD?
BartCop.com presents this amazing, astounding,
lackluster offer!!
first 13 shows for only $12.
My good Catholic math says that's less than a dollar per show!
Listen to them again and again,
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Get one for that Bush Monkey
you work with, or that snotty ditto-monkey brother-in-law!
Play it at parties, weddings,
Bar Mitzvah's and extra-loud on your train to work!
That's right - for a limited time, you can get the first 13
shows for just $12.
Watch as Bart grows from totally incompetent moron to mostly
competent moron.
This shows are in MP3 format, which most new CD players support.
You can PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
or snail mail a check to
BartCop.com PO Box 54466
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Get your sure-not-to-be-a-collector's-item BartCop Radio CDs today!
GW Lied
Men Died
Economy Fried
Press Buyed
Bush's Hide
Constitution Denied
Nader Pied
Take Ride
GI Suicide
Justice Tied
Arrogance Wide
Barry Crimmins
By one count, Bush used the word "terror"
26 times in his 15-minute speech.
The only thing he does more often than
that is lie.
Bush says he needs $87 billion to continue
the quagmire in Iraq. To give you an idea of how much
money $87 billion is: that's nearly 1/4
the amount in Dick Cheney's Secret Energy Buddies Slush Fund.
$87 billion is almost half of what Karl Rove plans to spend on attack ads next year.
$87 billion may seem like a lot of dough
but in "quagmire dollars," it will evaporate more quickly
than Bush's rationales for attacking Iraq.
The entire Vietnam War cost about $57 billion but that was back when a quagmire dollar was really worth something.
Two years after Bush was caught napping on the job
don't we have answers to all these questions?
Bush can't afford to let the truth come out
2. Why did Ashcroft and some Pentagon officials
cancel commercial-airline trips before Sept. 11?
6. Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets?
7. Why did Bush read a story to grade-schoolers for a half-hour during the attack?
13. Why did the Bush administration lie about dangerously high levels of toxins after the WTC collapse?
17. Who killed five Americans with anthrax?
19. What is in the 28 blacked-out pages of the
congressional Sept. 11 report?
" ...and
the Democrats are too damn afraid to ask!"
Friends, Americans, Countrymen...
I heard/read Bush's speech yesterday. I
can't watch him for more than a minute at a time- I hate him that much.
He makes me sick. He stands there, squinting
his eyes and pursing his lips, going on and on with such blatant lies.
And he looks just plain stupid.
His whole speech was just an idiotic repetition
of what he’s been saying ever since Afghanistan,
“Give me more money, give me more power-
I’m doing this for you. Bechtel and Halliburton have nothing to do with
Doesn’t he ever get tired of saying the
same words? Don’t people ever get tired of hearing them?
Subscriber help
Can't get in? Click
Here to reach Sam
If you should be in the members section, but aren't, write
to Sam and tell her
if you subscribed by 2Checkout, PayPal or
snail mail. She'll fix you up.
Half off for students, teachers, military
Is bartcop.com membership worth $5
a month when you're on a tight budget?
Put in code x041971 for extra savings
Subject: Middle East madness
Hey Bart
Its hard to believe that you actually think
there is a difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Zionist
that run Israel, You actually think that
they hold any Palestinian child in any higher regard than Rush does
any non white in this country and you don't
think that the kkk isn't what Rush is about.
Please you need to re-think your position,
I know your smarter than that.
They could care less, if they could kill
all those sand niggers, regardless of age,
it would be sweet music to their ears.
Yodel, I know what Rush is like, I can't say the same for "the Zionist."
Recall God And Fake Orgasms
the whiny CA politicos and their PR machines
Let's recall things that really matter
This is your chance. Here is the insane
inane circus of the California recall, and here is this huge gaping maw
of political idiocy and infighting, and
apparently they just really, really want you to know that all you really
is a million bucks and a million signatures
and you too can change history to suit your whiny conservative whims.
Ah, democracy.
Ha. You will show them. Because this is
your chance. To harness the bitter energy of the bitchy little pundits
the hysterical media stories and the desperately
weird Schwarzenegger campaign ads featuring all those "normal"
citizens sitting around a classroom shooting
the Mumbly Meat Man broad-stroke questions about CA's never-ending
fiscal crisis as if they weren't talking
to the Terminator, the big dumb action hero, Conan Kindergarten Cop himself.
God but the world is strange.
FM's Pigskin
Thursday Nite
Cal 33 Utah 24
Arkansas 27 Texas 24
New Mexico 41 BYU 35
Oregon 55 Arizona 16
Jets 16 Dolphins 10
Niners 29 Rams 24
Saints 40 Texans 10
Monday Nite
Giants 44 Cowboys 10
Fr. Mushroom
Visit BartCop Sports for FM's hilarious reasoning
Click to Enter
"The Treasury is going to change the $20 bill
to a peach color. Have you seen
the new $20 bill? It looks like Andrew
Jackson had a queer makeover."
-- Dave
Santa Cruz urges probe into Bush impeachment
The Santa Cruz City Council on Tuesday
became the nation's first local government to ask Congress
to look into impeaching President Bush
on charges he deceived the American public about Iraq's WMDs
and has used the Sept. 11 attacks as an
excuse to crush civil rights.
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 291,
309 counting the injured
who have since died.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600? Or 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring 'em On": 87+
Perhaps 1,200 wounded - missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
In trouble?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Subject: And when did you
turn Zionist wacko you rationalizing fraud?
This subject always makes people's brains come off the track
The problem is that some of us know the
difference between the actual truth and the technical truth and you
usually do to -- in fact you've got a nose
for it. That's what makes this case so strange. You don't have visions
in your mind of one of those stereotypical
"rich Jews" coming along and funding your radio dreams do you?
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Thanks to Steve Cich
Shrl, call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at The Joint
on your next American tour.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of attempts
at humor.