From: a crazed dittomonkey
Subject: your "troubles"
I still don't know what you were charged with.
Was it for refusing to testify, or what ?
Were you "contacted" by FOB's ? Were you afraid
I just can't see a man with such sterling
credentials as K. S. just throwing all that away
to "trump up" some charges. For things to
be as you describe them, the entire judicial system
would have to be corrupt and you and BILL
would have to be the only innocent people on earth.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Crazed DM.
Actually I have never begged from anybody and
I realize that you did not follow my case or you would
understand that I don't know President Clinton,
his family, or anybody working in the White House.
I have never been to the WH, not even as a tourist,
nor have I have never worked for the Govt.
You would have known that I was a lifelong Republican
who had never heard of FOB or Bartcop,
or the Free Republic for that matter. You
would also have heard that I voted for Nixon, Reagan and Bush
prior to 1996, and didn't get around to voting
in 1996.
I was however indicted by Ken Starr and Co. for
my refusal to lie in support of the only individual I did know
in the entire fiasco, Kathleen Willey. Willey
claimed to have been groped by the President and to have told me
about it on the night it occurred. It didn't
happen, she never told me, then or later, any such thing.
I doubt that it happened because if it had why
announce it years later, and why lie about telling me?
Why not just let the truth stand for itself
if it is the truth?
The OIC had her phone records and had reams
of civil case transcripts that related to her husband's
death on the date of the alleged grope.
They knew she was not at my house as she claimed, they knew
she could not have been. Truth
was not the goal, ousting President Clinton was the goal. I am unimportant,
no more
important than any other ordinary citizen, nobody
special. What happened to me is important because it literally
could have been any one of us, the next time
it might be someone you love, I don't want that to happen, not to
and not to anybody else. The Govt. had
no case and yet they tried to convict me for telling the truth.
Each venue in which I was asked about Willey and
answered truthfully became another criminal indictment count.
There were 4 in all, forty years of prison under
Fed. sentencing guidelines. My defense cost over a million dollars,
I lost most everything except my integrity.
Maybe you can understand why it is that I don't want this to ever happen
to another American , not ever. And so
you see, for me it was never about "Bill" as you call President Clinton,
it was just one thing that became everything.
"Kathy Willey did not come to my house, she never told me anything
about this allegation, and I do not believe it
happened." That is all I am saying, all I have ever said, and it
my life forever. The actual purpose for
indicting me was to raise Willey's credibility. She had already been
a second immunity agreement after her lies had
severely broken the first one. She failed a polygraph and had to
given a second one with more general questions
that did not address the core issues. They needed a conviction in
my case to bring their star witness back to life
for her intended use.
During his August 17,1998, Grand Jury testimony,
the OIC changed Prosecutors. They brought in Jackie Bennett
to question the President about Willey.
He truthfully denied her allegation that she had been groped by the President
on November 29, 1993...or for that matter, that
he had EVER groped her. The OIC intended to portray me as the liar
by convicting me and to portray Willey as a truthteller.
The plan was to then indict the President for alleged lies about
the Willey grope in a Federal venue, i.e. the
Grand Jury. His indictment was written, under seal, and waiting.
The OIC failed to convict me, Ken Starr resigned
and went off to rewrite history as he traved about proclaiming his
victories, and I was released from the indictment
after a jury failed to convict me in trial. President Clinton went
on to
finish out his term and was not indicted for
trumpted up charges by an out of control OIC. In the end I had become
the last person standing between President Clinton
and an indictment. Neither President Clinton nor I had committed
the alleged crimes, neither of us would have
been indicted had partisan politics not replaced the Judical branch of
our Govt.
I was indicted because I got in the way. I was
indicted because I would not lie and as a result they could not indict
President Clinton. Absent conviction, I
was still in the way. And one more thing. None of this happened
in a vacuum.
The Judical Branch of our Govt. was abused and
compromised by the OIC . They used the Fourth Circuit Federal Court
to try to convict me of ridiculous charges that
they absolutely knew were false in any case. The leap from
the Fourth
Circuit Federal Court to the Supreme Court is
not very great. And as you know, the isues surrounding the election
Florida were resolved, not by Florida voters
or their representatives, but by the Supreme Court.
Regardless of your preference in the last election,
the outcome cannot be denied, the Supreme Court appointed
George W. Bush to the highest office in the land.
It was about partisan politics, it wasn't about us after all.
Our votes didn't count afterall.
That part in red?
Julie hasn't said this, this is speculation on my part, but it's
my guess that Julie has a copy of the
Willey phone records (from Starr's office) that prove that Willey
couldn't have possibly been in
JHS's house telling her about "the Clinton grope" on the day she swore
that she was because she
was busy making phone calls from her home phone and Julie lived 100
miles away from Washington.
My opinion?
JHS has PROOF that Kenneth Starr was lying his ass off under oath.
IF Julie has
Willey's phone records that shows she was home making phone calls
during the 3-4 hours it would've taken her to drive to Richmond, then
that would be
proof beyond a doubt that Starr knew Willey was lying and STILL
chose to needlessly
torture JHS in his religiously-insane Jihad against America's last
elected president.
Isn't that exciting?
If/when Julie sticks it to Herr Starr - I hope she does it right here