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"So, Wesley Clark is running for president.
Pretty amazing guy. Four star general, first in his class
at West Point, supreme commander of
NATO, saw combat in Vietnam, won the bronze star, silver star,
the purple heart for being wounded
in battle. See, I'm no political expert, but that sounds pretty good
next to choking on a pretzel, falling
off a scooter and dropping the dog."
-- Leno
The war was the war that I, John Kerry,
Chuck Hagel and John McCain and 3 1/2 million other Americans
of our generation were caught up in. It
was the scene of America's longest war. It was also the locale of the
most frustrating outcome of any war this
nation has ever fought.
Unfortunately, the people who drove the
engine to get into the war in Iraq never served in Vietnam.
Not the president. Not the vice president.
Not the secretary of defense. Not the deputy
secretary of defense.
Too bad. They could have learned some lessons.
Instead of learning the lessons of Vietnam,
the president, the vice president, the secretary of defense
and the deputy secretary of defense have
gotten this country into a disaster in the desert.
They attacked a country that had not attacked
us. They did so on intelligence that was faulty,
misrepresented and highly questionable.
A key piece of that intelligence was an outright lie that the
White House put into the president's State
of the Union speech.
"For a man who has benefited so greatly through
legacy and inheritance, President Bush seems determined
to deprive future generations of Americans
of their own....Bush and his neocon cronies have set a course
to undo our legacy. Bush is raiding
the corpus of the trust and by the time he's finished, all principal -
principles - will have been depleted.
Bush got to be a rich, successful man thanks to his family connections.
All along the way, from his admission
to Andover and Yale, to the rescue of his foundering oil business, to the
Texas Rangers deal, to his move into
politics, Bush was able to rely on paisans to come out ahead. Now it is
payback and he's protecting his own...In
the best traditions of a banana republic, Bush is actively concentrating
power and wealth. Friends-of-Bill walked
away with nothing compared with the Friends-of-Bush. They are being
given everything they want on a platter
- silver of course - and the spoils include what has been promised to you,
me and future generations of Americans."
--Robyn E. Blumner,
away the store
told me I could keep all I can steal..."
The Dixie Chicks say they don't want to
be a country music band any more.
Violinist Martie Maguire told Spiegel magazine:
"We don't feel part of the country scene any longer, it can't be our home
any more."
She said she was disappointed other country
singers didn't back up the Dixie Chicks in their criticism of Bush's politics
on Iraq.
"A few weeks ago, Merle Haggard said a couple
of nice words about us, but that was it," Maguire complained.
"The support we got came from others, like Bruce
Going home empty-handed from the Country
Awards ceremony also made them decide to break with the scene, Maguire
"Instead, we won three Grammys against much stronger
"So we now consider ourselves part of the big
Rock 'n' Roll family."
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ESPN Nazi Football
After the vulgar Pigboy made a point
about football last Sunday on ESPN,
Steve Young (R-Rich) countered, "That's
about as logical as a Democrat
voting for less government, to which
the Pigboy, having been told to keep
politics out of football replied, "The
gauntlet has been thrown."
So, the athletes (and Pigboy) who were talented enough to become
which forces them to turn Republican becayuse they can't survive
on $10M a year
have decided to turn Sunday afternoons into Sunday mornings.
The non-stop, ultra-vicious hatred that Pigboy used calling Chelsea
Clinton, "the White House dog,"
will now become part of America's football-viewing experience,
thanks to Disney and ABC.
You see, Disney wants Bush's $5,000,000,000 bribe in their corporate
bank account,
so they'll lean their football to the hard right. If you don't
like it, you can go to straight to hell.
too many niggers in football, anyway."
Subject: Alright, so you're an Arab hating, little prick
...who uses his website to get in the last
foolish word, then sticks his scaly, little head up his ass and hides.
And you're the one who's always wanting
to debate people? What a joke, you yellow fuck.
I'm absolutely suuure no one notices you
"debate" like O'Reilly with his mute button.
Well, I get as much satisfaction seeing
your tail between your legs as I would
kicking your phony ass even further up
into that empty brain cavity.
Pete, have we debated before?
Click Here to read Pete's hundred page opus on the Middle East
"Democracy itself is at stake in this election.
The extreme right wing has shown nothing but contempt
for democracy. Once again, we
stand here in Boston as patriots — and we stand with more than 410,000
other patriots around this nation who
have joined this campaign, and countless millions more who share our values.
John Ashcroft has drafted a document
that has broken down the mutual trust between the American people and
their government. That is not the act
of a patriot."
--Howard Dean, referring to
the Patriot Act Bush
Policies Threaten U.S. Ideals
I lived in Eagle County (home of Vail and
Beaver Creek ski areas), from 1979 to 1991.
Vail had a police force so LARGE, due to
its 'bed-base' of about 35,000 people, that when
spring came, and the tourists vamoosed
homeward (And the seasonal worker drones), that we
STILL had a force that may have equaled
1 officer for each 200 people.
Think about that.
Also, you know the 'pipeline' of I-70 ran
through there, and about the time of the Rodney King episode,
after the Long Beach riots (ex-brother-in-law
lived there), there really was an amazing parade of cars that
traveled through (I drove a taxi, and thus
the main business was hoofin' up and down the Interstate between
the two ski areas), and there were a string
of arrests, for 'racial profiling' that prompted a slew of constitutional
law/lawsuits claiming violations of civil
rights for that 'profiling' (A lot of drugs were taken,
some weapons seizures),
and often one 'laughed' or cried to see
the white cops with their Latino or African-American 'captures'.
Am now out of touch with local affairs there, but the actions and reactions of the 'community' are interesting.
(if that link works, it will bring up the
stories mentioning 'KOBE')
More later,
Drew in Geneva
Drew, thanks for that.
That's the paper that sued to get the cops
to obey the law.
It's my opiniom they want Kobe REAL bad
- whatever it takes..
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Fundamental Principles - Limits of Knowledge
We understand that we don't know everything
and we probably never will. We accept that in answer
to many questions like, "Why does anything
exist?" that the only correct answer is "I don't know."
We don't just make something up when we
don't understand it. We accept that there are things
beyond our ability to comprehend. Yet we
relentlessly strive to comprehend it anyway.
Condi knows irony
I just read this AP story and fell on my butt laughing...
"France and Germany have been pushing for a much
quicker handover to
Iraqis as well as for a larger role for
the U-N itself.
Condi Rice is criticizing any plans to rush
the transfer of power, saying it has to come in
"an orderly process." Rice says the French plan
would transfer power to what she calls
"an unelected group of people." She says that
just wouldn't work."
Well, I guess she would know!!
Andy P
"The Patriot Act is homage to George Orwell.
The Department of Homeland Security
is Franz Kafka's newest castle.
The Department of Justice is run by
a dangerously sober Elmer Gantry.
Guantanamo Bay is a tropical one-stop
of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Siberian gulag.
And whatever goes on in the White House
is a cross between Dr. Strangelove and 'Groundhog Day.'"
--Pierre Tristam, Daytona
Beach News-Journal Attribution
Subject: Pigboy on ESPN
I also noticed that the rest of the crew
ignored Rush.
He can hardly get a word in.
They acted like he didn't really exist
or matter.
Perhaps humiliating him every week is the
answer we are looking for.
He's going to make the money anyway, just
keep making him look like the unimportant Ass that he is.
Anoint Clark
by Bill Safire (R-Congenital Whore)
Their candidate is Clark. Either they are
for him because (altruistic version) they think Clark would best
lead the party and country for the next
eight years, leaving them applauding on the sidelines, or (Machiavellian
version) they think his muddy-the-waters
candidacy is their ticket back to the White House in 2004 or 2008.
Which is more like the Clintons?
Two points:
With the BFEE rampantly raping helpless
countries for their own personal enrichment,
it's just like a punk-on-the-payroll like
Safire to accuse the Clinton's of doing something sneaky.
Also, Clinton would make a great Sec of
State in the Clark administration.
He would be the most valuable and experienced
person Clark could ever hope to get.
This round, Bush really hits the trifecta
"For the past two years, asked to square oceans
of red ink with campaign pledges to balance the budget,
Bush insists that he left himself three
outs: war, economic downtown and national emergency.
"Lucky me. I hit the trifecta."
It always pisses me off when this sick bastard jokes about 9-11.
Actually, research has failed to find any
campaign occasion when Bush listed the three exceptions --
although there does seem to be a speech
when Al Gore did. But now, Bush has offered a plan that sets off
three different voter concerns: miscalculation,
isolation and a deficit the size of Texas.
This time, he's really hit the trifecta.
Or rather, it's hit him."
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"He and I have had some pretty frank discussions
before about issues.
I will continue to remind him, though
- and he needs to hear this clearly from me,
which he will - that America is a good
nation, genuinely good."
--Pres Pinhead, trying to justify
his ongoing murder spree to Jacques Chirac, Attribution
Judy O Christian - Scott and I can't reach you.
Can you contact us?
Sticker placement contest
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
We'll give away a prize each month for Best Sticker Placement.
A Brooke Burke calendar or
Conason's new book.
More sticker pictures coming Monday.
Subject: Kobe
can't you post this response to your paranoid rant and give the woman a fair and balanced chance
after all she deserves the same consideration
as the accused. And you haven't ranted about these men,
who have nothing to do with this situation,
who are involving themselves (violently) as though "poor" Kobe
has no resources.
Bart, I thought you were a humanist. I have
overlooked some of your sophmoric attitudes toward women
cause I think you have a good heart. I
hope I'm not wrong and you are not just another selective rights advocate.
You don't defend male priveledge do you?
Isn't that just what you detest in the
Republican Right?
Prejudice is prejudice, Bart, give the
woman the same benefit of the doubt you give Kobe.
Martha, why do you look past what I've written
to read between the lines?
I said it appeared the cops were illegally
sealing public records to shield the girl.
cops break the law to unfairly convict a black man in an all-white town,
why should I look the other way because
it might appear to some that I've turned GOP?
I'm guessing a difference between us is
that I'm willing to admit Kobe could be guilty,
but you seem to be saying this woman is
solid, innocent and the victim - for sure.
For all we know, she smelled money - we
just don't have any facts.
Two more things:
If I show you my bruised and cut-up knuckles,
and I tell you I hurt myself when I
punched Sean Hannity in the mouth, those
cuts do not prove I hit Sean Hannity.
If she has bruises, they have to establish
how she got them.
Lastly, and before you scream "He's
GOP!" have you heard that the cops may
allow the woman to testify on videotape,
which is BIG-time unconstitutional?
The Sixth Amendment gives Kobe the right
to face his accuser, not some videotape.
People who think Kobe has more power than the state of Colorado are mistaken.
This is 'Banned Books Week.'
All fresh TV shows tonight
Monday's lowest rated program
'Rock Against Bush'
Big raises on 'West Wing'
PR specialist Victoria Clark joins Paula Zahn
MTV pulled Tom Green's plug
Kelsey Grammar & class warfare
David Lee Roth hurt himself
Grammys returning to LA
No room for altar girls
And, Queeny the cat
Lied, Many Soldiers Died
by Jimmy Breslin, who is at least partly sane
"George Bush told lies and they died.
First, your government lied to ensure Bush's
Who votes against a president in time of
war? And even better, you get oil with the winning election.
So Bush lied to you. Not misstatements.
He and his people threw away their honor
and consciences to lie to the people they had sworn to protect.
The lies of Washington put young men from
Seymour, Tenn., and Maspeth, Queens and Palos Hills, Ill., into boxes.
And that, dear reader, is quite a lie."
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"Without the Ten Commandments posted inside
the courthouse,
how will you know that killing
is wrong?"
-- Stephen Colbert, to an Alabama official, on tonight's
The Daily Show
Subject: Radio music
hey bart..love the radio show...
i wouldn't mind if you played a whole tune
rather than just a short segment...
a few seconds of music sucks
Roy, thanks for that.
Most of the feedback that came in was anti-music, which didn't
surprise me as much as the anti-Beatles wave.
I guess it's human nature for the contraries to write most, but
that gives them more power.
People who are satisfied aren't motivated to fire off a hot e-mail.
We'll have more music in the next show - thanks.
I ran into a musical surprise.
Subject: Carvey as Miller's ditto-monkey
Hey Bart,
Did you happen to catch Dana Carvey on either
Leno or Bill Maher's show last week?
I did. On Leno, Carvey tore a page out
of Dennis Miller's "no longer funny and can only
resurrect career by jumping on the anti-Clinton
and liberal-bashing bandwagon" handbook.
Making snide remarks and referring to Governor
Davis as "Gay Davis" worked well enough
for the Leno crowd. But when he tried the
EXACT same jokes on Maher's set he was nearly
booed for his obviously homophobic remarks,
and at one point I think I nearly heard crickets chirping.
No doubt Maher's audience is left of Leno's,
but I'll bet they're better read too.
What's next? John Lovitz Hillary bashing
on Meet the Fat Ass Press?
Lies we Bought
The Unchallenged "Evidence" For War
by John R. MacArthur
"The American media failed the country badly
these past eight months. As journalists, what can we do about it?
Politicians know all too well the propaganda
dictum related nearly twenty years ago by Peter Teeley, press secretary
to then VP Bush. Teeley was responding
to complaints that the elder Bush, during a televised debate, had grossly
the words of his and Ronald Reagan’s opponents,
Mondale and Ferraro. As Teeley explained it to The New York Whore Times
in October 1984, “You can say anything
you want during a debate, and 80 million people hear it.” If “anything”
turns out to be
false and journalists correct it, 'So what.
Maybe 200 people read it, or 2,000 or 20,000.'”
...unless you have Tim Russert on your payroll.
Then you can lie like crazy and never be called on it, and worse,
have Russert twist the truth into lies
so he can get another cookie from Karl Rove and his corporate
masters at General Electric.
Poor Timmy Russert, can only handle one thought at a time.
Subject: Bush was reading!
I was trying to figure out what was wrong
with Bush's eyes during the Fox interview last night,
and then I realized, he was reading his
answers. Would you really hold Fox News to a higher standard then this?
I wouldn't.
Anyone who doesn't think so rewatch the
interview, his eyes and head are moving back and forth
the whole time, to Hume, then away, to
Hume, then away.
Matt, Bush is lucky to have the networks fawning over his "greatness."
"Even in marriage I had a little guilty feeling
about sex, as if the whole thing was tinged with evil."
--Ronald Reagan in
a 1951 letter to a friend
I guess Ronnie wsn't feelling that tinge when he raped that starlet in Hollywood
"The US approach was to ask for our support,
but while asking - point out that they didn't
really need it, planned to attack Iraq
anyway and basically thought the UN was a worthless
institution. Not surprisingly, that
didn't produce an outpouring of affection."
-- a UN diplomat talking
about murderous George Bush
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Josh Marshall:
So, setting aside why we're in Iraq, how we got there, whether we should
gone in in the first place, where are
we now? Where do you see our position right now?
Joseph Wilson:
Well, I think we're fucked.
Joseph Wilson, acting Ambassador to Iraq 1991, speaking frankly Attribution
Subject: Clark Unglues GOP
Watching Robert Novak gnawing his dental
adhesive last week on CNN's Crossfire, a thought occurred to me:
the prospect of presidential candidate
General Wesley Clark literally unglues the GOP.
Mr. Novak reillustrated this phenomenon
in his Monday, September 22 editorial, "The Trouble With Wesley Clark."
Novak's transformation of a diplomatic
molehill into a blunderous mountain of personal weakness is the latest
of how far out onto that precarious branch
of spin desperate ideologues will stray. I imagine a similarly desperate
resourceful Democratic demagogue in 1952
might have brought into question the affair between General Dwight D.
Eisenhower and his driver, Ms. Kay Summersby.
Ultimately, I'm encouraged by the frenzied
tone and esoteric nature of Novak's "dirt" on Clark.
Apparently the General's bash-ability potential
is a scarce commodity.
In 2000 the Republicans swiftly firebombed
the campaign of John McCain.
However, misleading telephone push-polls
won't work when your opponent comes from "the other" side of the fence.
Philip Thompson
Hamas: Bush declared war on Islam
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder of the Islamic
militant group Hamas, denounced Bush's speech to the UN
as a declaration of war on Islam. "Today
Bush declares war on Islam under the pretext of terrorism and
ideologies that feed terrorism. Bush views
Islam as terrorism," the wheelchair-bound cleric said.
Yassin has been in hiding because of Israeli
missile strikes against Hamas leaders after a wave of suicide bombings
Now we have 1.8 billion potential martyrs - thanks to Bush's
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 305
counting the injured who have since died.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600? Or 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 101
Perhaps 1,200 wounded - missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Subject: message from Bart
Bartcop has been having problems with his
Think we should all write Bart a note telling
him the chiroquacks
can’t prescribe real medine in Oklahoma??
John, that was some of the shorthand I'm known for.
The Chiro asked me to call Doc Shariff and have him prescribe
some Vioxx,
which was odd because Shariff diagnosed my TE and sent me to
the Chiro.
Also, there was a lot I didn't say about the treatments.
I'm using cold packs on my elbow, plus doing these odd exercises
where I
bend my fingers back, and then down. I also do this weird rub-the-muscle
Whatever - it seems to be helping.
Have a good time today - that's just a suggestion...
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throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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