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"I want to thank Governor Warner for his hospitality
leading this important state
through Hurricane Isabel."
--President Stupid, Attribution
Does he mean Virginia is important to his 2004 theft?
A report aired on British TV screens last
night said Colin Powell and Condi Rice
confirmed in early 2001 that Saddam Hussein
had been disarmed and was no threat.
But after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, Pilger
claimed Rice said the US "must move to
take advantage of these new opportunities"
to attack Iraq and claim control of its oil.
Pilger uncovered video footage of Powell
in Cairo on February 24, 2001 saying,
"Saddam has not developed any significant
capability with respect to WMD.
He is unable to project conventional
power against his neighbours."
If this accusation had been made against Clinton, NBC would've
built two more cable hate channels
so Ann Coulter, Chris the Screamer and tons of other Clinton-haters
could go ballistic 24/7 saying,
"How could America could allow such a murdering
criminal to steal the Oval Office?"
Buit since it's Bush, the American press covers for him and we have to hear of this proof from the Australian press.
A fake war ...so the BFEE could rape Iraq and steal their oil.
Over 300 brave, dead, and perhaps 1,000 who have lost limbs
all for a fake war started by a fake and criminal president.
Subject: Bruce and Fox News
Was flipping through the channel and I saw
my man, Bruce Springsteen on there.
They were giving him the thumbs down because
of his opinion of Bush and he actually said it out loud at one of his concerts.
Imagine that?
Thanks for the heads up because I read
the quote on your website the day before so I knew what they were talking
Also saw the Bruce concert in NC a few weeks
ago. My 13 year old daughter got a chance to talk to him.
He took the time to chat with her, called
her sweetie and his manager gave her the play list for that night's concert.
So my daughter has a wonderful memory of
the concert and meeting an ole legend of rock.
Thanks again for your heads up.
“If Bush managed the Texas Rangers like he's
managing government, you'd just see this whole group
of people on the field, including lots
and lots of coaches, lots of deputy coaches, and under deputy coaches
and assistant deputy coaches. But you
wouldn't be winning very many baseball games.”
--Professor Paul C. Light
of NYU Attribution
wrong with having a bigger and bigger federal government?"
"Second thing, when is it patriotic, General
Clark, to denounce the military and our commander-in-chief in the midst
of a war?
That's dissent. That's free speech. But
it ought not be confused with patriotism. And that's what you're doing
now. And there's
nothing patriotic about the hate-America-first
crowd. But what amazes me about this, this whole subject is the insistence
the likes of Ted Kennedy that we not question
the patriotism of those who dissent, when it's people like Howard Dean
by implication Hillary Clinton, John Kerry,
John Edwards and all that, who do question the patriotism of John Ashcroft.
It is the left that is using patriotism
to attack the Bush administration; it's not the other way around. Bush
is not attacking
anybody's patriotism. He wouldn't dare...
We do not need General Clark or any of the rest of you liberals.
The vulgar Pigboy wants you to forget that
impeached Clinton during a war.
And when Clinton attacked terrorism, they
ridiculed him for trying to distract voters
from the hate crimes the American Nazis
were committing all through 1998.
...and you say Bush wouldn't attack anybody's
What about when his 2000 campaign said
John McCain was unbalanced mentally, a man who
liked it when women got breast cancer,
and betrayed his fellow POWs back in Vietnam?
The Bush team always plays extra-dirty, even for politics.
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sues Secret Service
Bush can't move among the people like Clinton did
"At events attended by Bush and other senior
federal officials around the country, the Secret Service
has been discriminating against protesters
in violation of their free speech rights, the ACLUnion
charged today in the first nationwide lawsuit
of its kind.
“There is nothing more American than raising your
voice in protest, and there is nothing more un-American
than a government that attempts to hit
the mute button when it doesn’t like what it hears,” said Witold Walczak,
Legal Director of the ACLU of Greater Pittsburgh
and a member of the national ACLU legal team that filed today’s lawsuit.
The ACLU said it had seen a significant
spike in such incidents under Bush, prompting it to charge officials
with a “pattern and practice” of discrimination
against those who disagree with government policies."
my subjects forget to bow when my limo passes by..."
Subject: Ann Coulter and treason
Ann Coulter, the right wing's dial-900 girl,
a rail-thin, chain-smoking, hard-drinking, big-eyed
leggy blonde who winkingly serves up X-rated
ideological smut on liberals, is at it again.
"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within
or without, liberals side with the enemy,"
Coulter writes, or sneers, in Treason,
her follow-up effort to the best-selling Slander.
Like its predecessor, Treason
sits atop the best-seller charts, riding higher than one of
Coulter's signature miniskirts.
But this time around, it isn't the liberals who are up in arms; it's the conservatives.
Coulter's slurring of Democrats from Harry
Truman (soft on communism) to Tom Daschle (soft on Iraq)
has set off a howling chorus on the right.
David Horowitz, Andrew Sullivan, and Dorothy Rabinowitz,
among others, have been sternly giving
Coulter history lessons, dredging up (once more) the old
anti-Communist credentials of Cold War
liberals like Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson,
and Hubert Humphrey. She may have
nailed it for new liberal Democrats, but she can't hang
pro-communist tags on those old guys.
Ann Coulter may have committed "treason"
against conservative good taste.
But she's done the rest of us a favor.
She has exposed the often empty semantic
difference between the "responsible" right
and its supposed "fringe."
Besides, she's a bitch.
Tom Wright
Tom, of course it was the right who attacked
The Democrats are too afraid to speak.
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"...you know I'm a man of peace...I've got
job to do, and I'm going to be judged
upon whether or not the world is more
peaceful and whether or not America is more
prosperous and more compassionate."
-- The most joyfully murderous
president in history, as he too deliberate steps to destroy
and mock the idea of compassion Attribution
<-- Fox News
Subject: Democrat/Fascists?
Liberals are hypocrites.
They accuse others of what they themselves do. For example, liberals
go on and on
about tolerance, but a group of liberals
almost tarred and feathered a guy for pointing out a Democrat
years ago who was the murderer
of a civil rights leader. They were furious that he
was acting morally and
righteously and pointed out their Democrat
I know a group
of current, high-ranking, senior White House staffers who kidnapped an
eight year-old boy
and took him to a remote cabin in Virginia
when he was sexually attacked and tortured, and then finally
dismembered in a sick ritual involving
teased-to-the-limit rottweillers and two Skull and Bones members.
Not really, I just wanted to show you what
can happen when people are free to make up wild-ass,
sensational charges without ever mentioning
a source for those wild-ass, sensational charges.
Dueling Quotes
"If I'm a bad governor for taking California's
surplus to a deficit, then Bush is
a bad president for taking America's
biggest surplus to the biggest deficit in history."
-- Gray Davis clip on
Jon Stewart
"That's the proiblem with Gray davis.
He's right, but he's a dick."
-- Jon Stewart
The NYWTimes liked the West Wing premier
John Goodman plays a hawk and an unrefined
bully. As a commander in chief, he is also decisive,
strong-willed and surprisingly good at
news conferences. When asked by a reporter if he regrets his
predecessor's secret order to assassinate
a Qumari terrorist leader, Goodman's character retorts,
"My regret is that we only got to kill
the bastard once."
Bartlet's staff members watch in awe and
dismay, a few fretting over how the UN will react.
"I'm sorry, he looks, ...I dunno...," says Donna
to Josh Lyman, at a loss for the right word.
"Presidential," Josh supplies gloomily.
As part of my duty to you, ...the reader, ...we did not watch
the West Wing premier.
We watched that awful, dry Cali debate to fulfill my obligation
to you, the reader.
Subject: Bush interview = low ratings
On Monday night, the American public was
apparently far more interested in new comedies
and a blowout football game than their
president's take on the state of the international effort to rebuild Iraq.
Data from Nielsen Media Research released
Tuesday showed that a one-hour interview with Bush on Fox
came dead last in the hour among the six
major broadcast television networks in both total viewers and audiences
aged 18 to 49.
Prepares For New Combat
by Joe Conason
In media across the spectrum, Mr. Clark
was simultaneously portrayed as a sap for the nefarious Clintons
and a schemer of overweening ambition.
He was painted as both a patsy for war criminals and a hothead
who almost started a war with the Russians.
He has been bushwhacked with exaggeration in every publication
from The Nation to the American
Spectator to The New York Times.
Texas One More Time
by Gene Lyons
Clark's campaign could well hinge upon
how well he understands the Washington press. So far,
he's played shrewdly upon his media image
as a Democrat whose credentials in the post-9/11 era
might have been dreamed up by Central Casting:
first in his West Point class, Rhodes Scholar,
decorated Vietnam Vet, four-star general,
NATO Supreme Commander, handsome, articulate,
self-confident, straight as an arrow, etc.
If Clark wins the nomination, we won't be seeing any TV ads
showing President Junior prancing across
the USS Abraham Lincoln in his tailored flyboy costume.
Excerpt One: The
BIG lie about Sudan:
First, Mr. Miniter recycles old, false
Sudanese claims that the Clinton White House declined access
to Sudan's intelligence files on al Qaeda
and that an unnamed CIA official declined an offer from Sudan
in 1996 to turn Osama bin Laden over to
the United States.
No one should believe these
allegations by Mr. Miniter's source, Fateh Erwa — a Sudanese intelligence
officer known for his penchant to deceive
— that there was an offer to hand bin Laden over to the United
States. Certainly, no offer was ever conveyed
to any senior official in Washington. Had the Sudanese been
serious about offering bin Laden to the
United States, they could have communicated such an offer to any
number of senior Clinton administration
officials. It did not happen.
Excerpt Two:
Does the Moonie Times read bartcop.com?
Clinton wanted conclusions from his chief
intelligence and law enforcement agencies before launching
broad retaliatory strikes on al Qaeda and
Taliban targets in Afghanistan. Definitive conclusions from the
CIA and FBI on who was behind the Cole
were not provided to Mr. Clinton for the remainder of his term.
Even without conclusions from the FBI and
CIA on the Cole, bin Laden and his lieutenants were still hunted
to the last day of Mr. Clinton's presidency
for al Qaeda's 1998 attacks on our two embassies in Africa.
And if the Clinton administration dropped
the ball in responding to the Cole bombing,
why didn't the incoming Bush administration
pick it up in January, 2001?
That's always your first and best short answer to the lie, "Clinton loves bin Laden"
When debating a Clinton-hater, always remember they are
lying or they are ignorant of the facts.
There's no telling why the Moonie Times would suddenly decide
to tell the truth, but I'm keeping this linked
for easy retrieval next time the vulgar Pigboy repeats the same
false accusations on his hate radio show.
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This is making the rounds
Taxes Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on
the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax
on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years
ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world,
had absolutely no national debt, had the
largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?
Isn't it fun when they try to think?
And it's so cute when they think they've scored a point!!
I'll go out on a limb and guess that every one of those taxes
(if they're even real) were there under Clinton,
and he gave us the best and longest run of economic prospertity
in our history - with those taxes.
The Unelected Moron said the government had so much money, we
should give some back to the people.
You can that pretend this chart means nothing, but America was
under Clinton,
if you don't include their never-ending scandal machines and
phony impeachment. *
When Clinton was president, we were all on Easy Street, so what happened?
The media stole the election
for Bush
Bush told Wall Street we were
going back to Reaganomic "voodoo" and they stopped betting on America
Bush gave away a trillion dollars
we didn't have to his campaign contributors and BIG media.
Sept 11 occured - but we don't
know what Bush knew because "knowing the truth only helps the terrorists"
Bush invaded helpless Iraq because
the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and now we're screwed
for newer viewers:
Bob Barr checked into drawing up impeachment papers long before
anyone ever heard of Monica.
They were always going to impeach him, they just needed to find
a "crime."
That was Ken Starr's only job for many years, find something,
threaten everybody with death in prison
unless they give you something to hang the Clinton's, and when
they couldn't find anything, they made shit up.
It's all in the back issues, but trust me - America would rather
go back to the hate-filled nineties
than be pawns in Bush's never-ending nightmare of death, war,
recession and loss of hope.
Sticker placement contest
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
We'll give away a prize each month for Best Sticker Placement.
A Brooke Burke calendar or
Conason's new book.
More sticker pictures coming Monday.
Subject: Kobe
Usually I agree with you but not with this
whole Kobe Bryant thing.
Do you believe that every woman who is
raped/sexually assaulted and reports it is LYING???
No, and what an unusual question to ask.
Was Desiree Washington (Mike Tyson's victim) "lying" too?
I didn't see the trial, but Tyson was found
guilty in that case, and went to prison.
Kobe Bryant is about as much a victim of "racism" as OJ Simpson was.
There's no racism in all-white Eagle county?
You seem very sure...
And I think it's disgusting that the victim
is being portrayed as a criminal by these jock-sniffers
who seem to think pro athletes should be
allowed to do whatever they damn well please.
If Kobe is found guilty, I think he should
be put behind bars.
Or do you think a trial is a waste of time?
And how can you defend Scott Peterson?????
Hmmm, your name isn't Nancy, is it?
I think Peterson should get a trial before they put him
to death.
Are we on different sides of that last sentence?
Entertainment Page
TTCM offers an uncut, no-commercials 'Blazing Saddles' tonight (10pm
edt/7pm pdt)
Wanda Sykes starts her 2nd season on Faux tonight
On HBO, Bill Maher has Aaron MacGruder & Michael Moore tonight
Fresh BAGnews
'Rock Against Bush'
Anthony Hopkins' star on the Hollywood Walk O'Fame
A 'Concert For George'
'Green Eggs & Ham' in Latin
The World Series will be televised in Russia this year
Composer John Williams will be the grand mashall of the Rose Parade
And, the top 15 basic cable programs
Bush inside the bubble
Bush said he insulates himself from the
"opinions" that seep into news coverage
by getting his news from his own aides.
He said he scans headlines, but rarely reads news stories...
"... the best way to get the news is from
objective sources, and the most objective sources
I have are people on my staff who tell
me what's happening in the world."
Is my new suit not lovely?
Courtier: Yes,
my Lord, and the people think so, too!
Ox Sys
Dean for America!
Dennis Miller page
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Delgado blasts four home runs last night
Subject: Chiropractors
The phony practice of chiropractic is based
on the false theory that vertebral subluxations
pressing on nerves is the cause of all
disease, and they therefore have no business advising
any giving any other treatment in most
I have written a book exposing their quackery
which you might find interesting, titled
"Chiropractic the Greatest Hoax of the
Century? The Whole Truth".
You may check it out at www.DrChot.com
L.A.Chotkowski MD FACP
Mostly what I'm getting from Chiro is common sense, like Grandma
might have told me.
He told me to fit the brace tightly when doing sustained lifting,
put cold on for ten minutes at a time,
doing certain stretching protocols that seem to help, digital
massage and those fabulous anti-inflammation drugs
- nothing too weird or spooky. I will take
a glance at your site, thanks for the note.
Subject: Tequila
I sort got the notion from reading your page that you like tequila a little bit...
Now I'm wondering, where do you stand on the whole lime/salt thing?
I'm usually a mixed drink person (yes I'm
female!) but when I do a shot,
I want a SHOT dammit...no watering down,
no chasers, no lime and salt....
Am I missing something by not doing that
with tequila!
PS. I'm advertising for you on my AOL (yes
I'm embarrassed too) chat page,
I know I've been able to send a few hits
your way =) If you're ever on AOL
you should check out the ridiculous right
wing idiots in the chatroom...good for a laugh.
Here's the link to my AOL profile...I'm
gunning for you! http://hometown.aol.com/misryluvzcmpny/
Laura, pure agave tequila (the only real tequila) is expensive,
so I think it's foolish to dilute it.
It's the old ketchup-on-Prime Rib thing.
On the other hand, if your boss hands you a shot of Cuervo Gold,
and you really need the job,
go for all the taste deadeners and distractors you can muster
up - to save your nose and stomach.
Wednesday, watching my good friend Jeffery Toobin on Paula
Zahn NOW, Wednesday,
I was a little shocked and more than a little distressed to see
CNN's director cut to a below-the-table
shot of Zahn's very short skirt and long, kicking legs.
Don't get me wrong, she didn't pull an Ann Coulter, it just wasn't
There was no need to take the camera from above the table and
move it below.
Why isn't there a desk or something to shield us from this unnecessity?
Is CNN trying to lure old viewers away from CBS?
I'm sure this is another sexist remark, but once a woman hits
60 or so,
maybe it's time to leave the "Wanna
screw me?" short skirts to the Britneys.
Shame on Paula Zahn (R-Naziette) and CNN for cheapening broadcast
(Did I really say that?)
Flying squirrel
Subject: Kosovo Deaths
I appreciate and read your website often,
and I took information from your site and used it in an argument.
The information was incorrect. On your
website, you claim that no american troops were killed under
Clinton's watch in Kosovo. However, if
you see the US Department of Defense's website at
you will read the article, Crash
Claims First U.S. Deaths; Clinton Meets troops
This article begins..."Two soldiers killed
May $ in the crash of their Apache helicopter in Albania
are the first U.S. troops to die in
the NATO air offensive against Yugoslavia"
Therefore, your statment claiming that no
US Soldiers were killed in Kosovo is incorrect.
I don't mind being wrong, and if I misinterpreted
your statements, please feel free to correct me.
Kory, IF
I said that, I misspoke.
My sometimes-misquoted statement is,
"Clinton never sent a man into battle who didn't come home."
In my mind, that gets him off the hook for Somalia, too, because
Bush sent them there, not Clinton.
I don't think you can blame Clinton if a chopper crashed any more
than you could blame him if a Marine died
from a ruptured appendix. Anticipating your next move,
we have no idea how many of Bush's over-300 dead
were from battle, "vehicle accidents" suicides, or "go-home"
shots to the foot.
This is the most secretive president/pentagon/war in history.
Subject: Bush should cancel DynCorp's Iraq contract
If Bush wants to stop human trafficking, he should cancel DynCorp's Iraq contract
GW Bush dedicated nearly a fifth of his
speech to the UN to sex slavees and the evils of
human trafficking. Please don't let GW
Bush use these victims as rhetorical human shields
for his aggression in Iraq. Among all of
his hypocrisies, this may be the most egregious.
BushCo awarded a $150 million Iraq contract
to DynCorp, a company with known
involvement to the sex slave trade in Bosnia.
DynCorp has fired and harassed whistleblowers
and blocked prosecution. US Servicemen
were also involved. DynCorp is charged with the
training of Iraqi police. At a time when
the rape and kidnapping of Iraqi women and girls is
pandemic, how can a company involved in
the trading of sex slaves be considered qualified
to train Iraqis to uphold the highest standards
of law and order?
The Bush administration has also blocked
the progress of a world court on human rights,
refusing to sign on (essentially granting
immunity for American traffickers in human beings)
and pressuring other nations from signing
on with threads of blocked aid, loans and trade.
A world court on human rights is the only
body that could track and prosecute human traffickers.
Some links ...
Disinfopedia entry on DynCorp
U.S. Struggles in Quicksand of Iraq (05/05/03)
EP Verdi
"President Bush is sinking! Last month the
President's job approval rating was at 60 percent.
Now it's dropped to 50, his lowest
rating ever. The President has lost the most support among men,
down 17 points since August. The gender
gap has simply disappeared. Men are no longer more
favorable to Bush than women. Men are
more sensitive than women are to the jobs issue. Nearly
three million jobs have been lost since
2000, and so far those tax cuts do not seem to generate
any new jobs. President Bush is paying
a price for that with men.”
-- Bill Schneider, the second-stupidest
man at CNN (next to Wolf) Attribution
Cali-fornia Recall Debate Notes
Where was Gray Davis?
How unfair for them to attack Davis's record and him not being there to defend it.
Arianna: I've
seen how you treat women.
Arnold: I have the perfect
part for you in Terminator 4.
Surprisingly, the biggest asshole
in the house was the moderator, Stan Stattic.
Smarmy, Bill-Murray-kidding lounge singer, awful, rat-bastard
He thought he was slicker than sliced rice.
When they talked about illegal immigrants
getting driver's licenses, the prick butted in with,
remember these people are here ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gee, Stan, the smart people caught that
from the "illegal" half of "illegal immigrant."
When this is all over, one of these people
might be governor, but you, Stan Stattic,
will be a smarmy rat-bastard Republican
until the mountains fall into the sea.
Plus, whenever Arianna compared California's
troubles to Bush, Stan interrupted
her to help Bush.
All night, Stan and Arnold said, "This
isn't about Bush, this is about California,"
to prevent the linkage.
The Illegal
Fraud must be protected at all costs.
Arnold accepted this debate invite for
two reasons:
He saw all the questions in advance,
and the moderator was a Bush cabanaboy.
How did this loser get this gig?
What, one-trick Timmy was busy?
showed the most cleavage.
Old Business
Recently, one of my female combatants said
she has, to a point, been willing to tolerate
my "piggish attitudes" (my words) about
women, but the poker/liquor thing was just too much.
I think when you make a charge like that,
you should provide examples.
That Arianna-cleavage joke was an example.
She was the only woman on the stage.
Since I don't have a live audience, I don't
hear the laughs (if any) or the groans.
Next time, could you detractors at least
let the maybe-it's-a-joke thought cross your mind?
Arianna scored with the Prop
49 thing, whatever that is.
She backed Arnie into a corner with a "Answer
my question - yes or no!" and he couldn't answer.
Because of the idiotic debate format, Arnold
was able to debate in soundbite cliches.
Just one time, let's have a debate when
you put 2,3 or 4 candidates in a room and put
ten topics on a blackboard and let them
negotiate subjects at their own pace.
We could quickly see who was a hater and
who was a consensus builder.
We could immediately spot who was the bully
and who was the spineless democrat.
We could see who craves the spotlight and
the fame, and who sat back, listened to the others,
and then made their strategic move at the
right moment, like a good poker player would.
Who won?
I thought McClintock looked like a politician,
and I mean that in a good way.
It sounds funny saying, "He looks gubernatorial."
Arianna obviously has the brains and the
debating skills.
Had she not rejected Democracy and called
for Davis's recall, she would've be my candidate.
Arnold? Who knows.
He's a Bush clone, and I mean that in the
As long as he's never tested - he can't
"I'm a liberal. I wouldn't think of being anything
I believe we are our brother's keeper."
--Helen Thomas, disavowing
the "Fuck 'em, I got mine" GOP mentality
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"Limbaugh's full of shit."
General Wesley Clark, September 23 in New York
Does anyone have that source?
I got it from a person I trust, but verification is always best.
Subject: O'Reilly's 6-month Anniversary: Spinning and staking
We have just passed a milestone of momentous
On 03-18-03, Bill O'REILLY said this:
"If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam
Hussein and it's clear he had nothing,
I will apologize to the nation, and
I will not trust the Bush administration again."
—Bill O'Reilly,
(R-Spinner) Fox News March 18, 2003 Attribution
About Clark in Paranoid Style
The vulgar Pigboy's litany of outrageous untruths - saw
it on apj.us
The following were touched upon by Rush
Limbaugh in just the first ten minutes of his radio show yesterday:
1) He's an unstable hothead who "almost started
World War III."
2) He was involved in the Waco disaster. (See
3) He's just a front for Hillary and Bill Clinton;
Limbaugh referred to Clark as "Hillary's sock puppet."
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 305
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600? Or 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 104
Perhaps 1,200 wounded - missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Worth a second mention
"President Mubarak and I, had a good discussion
about...the fact that the sanctions exist
.... for the purpose of keeping in check
Saddam's ambitions toward developing WMDs.
They have worked. He has not
developed any significant capability with respect to WMDs.
He is unable to project conventional power
against his neighbors."
-- Colin Powell, February 24, 2001 State
Dept Attribution
But then 9-11 happened and the BFEE saw their chance to get rich.
...but now they've been caught!
They forgot to destroy all the evidence.
Will the networks keep up the facade or will they expose the
Murdering Fraud?
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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