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"My attitude is that when we put a youngster
in harm's way, somebody who wears
our nation's uniform in harm's way,
he or she deserves the absolute best."
--Dubya, in the FOX
interview with Softball Hume
This, from the man who sent them into battle
with so few weapons our military had to use AK-47s
that they took off dead enemy soldiers.
They are restricted to two liters of water a day and they
wonder each time the sun sets if they'll
ever see their families again.
...and then Bush tried to cut their paychecks - while they were under fire.
CBS News has learned that barely five hours
after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed
into the Pentagon, Rumsfeld was telling
his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq
— even though there was no evidence linking
Saddam Hussein to the attacks.
That's according to notes taken by aides
who were with Rumsfeld in the National Military Command
Center on Sept. 11, 2001 – notes that show
exactly where the road toward war with Iraq began,
But last week, September 17th, 2003 he said
there was no connection.
Rumsfeld Says No Link Between Iraq, 9/11
WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday he had no reason to believe
that Saddam had a hand in the Sept.
11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. Attribution
So why do we have 300 dead and a thousand
with missing arms and legs?
Will the press EVER ask them to explain?
Will they continue to cover for Bush?
Will the Democrats hammer the BFEE for their murderous lies?
"I am for Prop. 53. I think it's a good beginning.
But we need a lot of infrastructures in Cali-fornia.
Infrastructure with highways and with
the transportation, railroads. Infrastructure with our water supply,
infrastructure with our ports. We need
that. We should model ourselves after Texas."
--Arnold Schwarzenegger,
(R-Coward) in the only debate he came to
the whole country will be like Texas, then the world."
Guerrillas struck a glancing but bold blow
at the heart of the U.S. occupation on Saturday,
firing three rockets or grenades at a Baghdad
hotel filled with American soldiers and civilians.
To the west, in the flashpoint city of
Fallujah, U.S. troops killed at least two Iraqi civilians.
As long as the Unelected One holds power, these headlines will
be with us - every day.
Every time a soldier dies, Bush will say, "Our
resolve is stronger," and congress will give him
more money that Bush will pass on to Halliburton and the BFEE
and the Carlyle Group.
They're making their billions off of our dead soldiers.
Doesn't that make anybody angry?
Saw it at ClipArt Comics
Schwarzenegger afraid to debate Davis
"Gray Davis is taking a page from the desperate
candidates' handbook. He knows he's behind,"
said Todd Harris, a spokesman for the Schwarzenegger
campaign. "He knows he needs to
do something to shake up the dynamics of
this campaign."
This is so easy - and cheap - to counter, but Democrats just can't think.
Find a decent Arnold impersonator and buy some LA talk radio ads
that have "Arnold" saying,
"I'm afraid to debate Gray Davis, because
he's smart and I'm just a muscle-headed girly-man."
How would he-man Arnold take that?
I'll bet he wouldn't take it very well.
If he refuses to bite, you up the ante.
The next ad has Davis asking, "Arnold,
how does a bill become law?"
and "Arnold"
"I don't know - I'm a stupid girly-man."
The next ad has Davis asking, "Arnold,
what programs will you be cutting?"
and "Arnold"
"I don't know - I'm a stupid girly-man. Hasta la vista."
Arnold's Nazi dad used to make fun of him
and abuse him, which is why Arnold pumped iron.
He because a big bad-ass to avoid being
picked on - and he'll fold if somebody barks at him.
Of course, the obligatory man in the chicken
suit would follow Arnie everywhere.
I think Arnie would lose his cool and agree
to a debate - then this race is over.
Arnold can win if he uses Rove's Smirk strategy.
Lots of empty, soulless cliches and idiotic
(and patriotic) slices of horseshit
with no substance.
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"And finally, Mayor Al is with us, the Mayor
of Monroe.
Al Cappuccilli is here. Thank you,
Mayor, for being with us.
You must be filling the potholes. Picking
up the garbage. That's the way to go."
-- God, why did
you do this to us? Pinhead in Michigan, Sep. 15, 2003,
It's why they call him "The Wolf."
"I do think it would be helpful ...to get the
United Nations in
to help write a constitution.
I mean, ...they're good at that."
--Dubya on Fox
I think he's saying the people at the UN
are smart enough to string consecutive, coherent words
together which, taken as a whole, have
meaning - a brilliance level this president hasn't reached.
Mysterious Case of the Negative Votes
saw it on thoughtcrimes.org
As I mentioned in an earlier post, during
the 2000 general election, funny business was going on at Precinct 216,
in Volusia County, Florida. For some reason
the system had logged Al Gore in with -16,022 votes, something
which is supposed to be impossible.
This problem did not go unreported, as it was reported by Philip Myer in the Nov 29, 2000 USA Today.
Deanie Lowe, Volusia County elections supervisor,
spotted the problem. In her county, an Accu-Vote system
uses a scanner to read a voter's mark -
made with a pen, not a punch - and advances a counter in an electronic
storage device. Results are sent to county
headquarters by modem.
Precinct 216 had modem trouble, so workers
fed its memory card into the headquarters' central computer.
"Gore just went backward," an election
watcher said.
"You're tired," Lowe replied. "You must be seeing
Then another observer chimed in: Gore's
count had gone backward.
Click to Order Michael Moore's new book
Joe Conason's Journal
Anticipating the debate debut of Gen. Wesley
Clark, Rush Limbaugh tested a few of the Republican spin points
against him in the Wall Street Journal
today. The eminent historian and military buff strained to dress up his
with a far-fetched historical analogy to
the Civil War era -- while airily dismissing Clark's achievements in the
and glossing over his battlefield bravery.
Limbaugh never hesitates to denigrate Democrats like Clark who served in
although his own chief martial qualification
is the 1-Y Vietnam deferment he got due to a persistent boil on his backside.
Without reviewing the catalog of exaggerated
complaints against Clark, here's the short answer to his analogy:
If you want to compare Clark with Gen.
George McClellan, then you have to think of George W. Bush as Abraham Lincoln.
TBTM is pleased and proud to announce that
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we will be the official news service
of IEAmerica Radio. TBTM will assume the
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Network News at the top of the
hour effective 12 noon, and the newscasts
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Be sure to tune in and catch the news on Monday!
American Stranger
This has to rock.
I'm not sure if this is real news, or Jon Stewart-type news,
but Don and Mike at TBTM
do fantastic quality work, so let's listen in and make their
Monday debut a big one.
More Bartcop Radio coming, too.
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TAE: Do you dislike Senator Clinton’s
political ideology, too?
MILLER: I have an across-the-board
disapproval of her. In 1998, when Bill was first accused
of having an affair with Monica, Hillary
went on NBC’s “Today” show and attributed the allegations
to a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” That
seemed extremely stupid to me. Name the people.
Dennis, how incredibly ignorant can you be?
Like a lot of loud-mouthed whores, you have no clue about
the facts of which you're so certain.
You want to know a little about the vast, right-wing conspiracy?
You want names, Dennis?
I got names, and a few pictures, too.
Christ, there are so many - where to start?
Gennifer Flowers was paid $30-50K to call a press
conference and claim she had an affair with Clinton.
Last I heard, Flowers said under oath that overall, she had made
$2-3 million claiming to be Clinton's girlfriend.
In the old days, when you paid someone for a story it was considered
tainted, but when the Clinton are involved,
there are no rules, you just go for blood and make as much money
as the scandal-hungry press is willing to pay.
They used to have rules, like
"Get two sources or we don't print it," but
for the Clinton's, the rule was changed to
"Fuck it - if someone makes a claim, it's
the top story on the evening news."
Robert Fisk was hired to check into the phoney Whitewater
allegations, which had already been investigated
by the Bush administration which found nothing.
But the "Clinton loving" New York Whore Times kept banging
the Whitewater drum and the Republicans piled on to create a
scandal when they knew nothing was there.
Years went by and Fisk found nothing. He declared
Vince Foster's death a suicide, but this was after Rush gave
Nancy Grace guarantee that Hillary murdered Foster, so
three crooked GOP senators, Lauch Faircloth, David
Sentelle and Jesse Helms had lunch
one day. As the senoir senators in the Fourth Judicial District, they decided
they needed a meaner dog chasing the Clintons, someone who would
dig all the way to China if he smelled even the
slightest whiff of perceived impropriety, so they hired
sex-fiend Ken Starr.
If Starr's not a pervert, why was semen
found on his copy of the impeachment referral?
Starr started allllllllllllllllll over, retracing Fisk's
every step but he, too, came up 100
percent empty.
Meanwhile, Bob Barr (R-African American) drew up
impeachment papers, and he'd never heard the name "Monica."
On another front...
Richard Mellon Scaife paid David Brock
$80,000 to go to Little Rock and interview the
Arkansas state troopers who were also paid $80,000
by Scaife. Scaife didn't pay the troopers
to tell the truth - he was purchasing a scandal that he hoped
would harm the very popular president.
When Brock's article came out in the American Spectator
(financed by Scaife) Paula Jones got word
there was "a Paula" in the book, so she immediately ran into
the national media spotlight screaming,
"Me, me, I'm the Paula in the book!
Me, me, I'm 'blow job Paula.' Everybody look at me!"
...and then, blamed Clinton for exposing her.
Vultures like Susan Carpenter McMillan descended and convinced
Paula to file a lawsuit,
and the last last thing she could ever do was to settle this
abortion of justice out of court..
Did Paula sue David Brock who wrote the story she was suing about?
No, this
wasn't about Paula getting justice - it was about getting the Clintons.
Did Paula sue the state troopers who told the lies she was suing
No, this
wasn't about Paula getting justice - it was about getting the Clintons.
Did Paula sue the magazine who printed the lies she was suing
No, this
wasn't about Paula getting justice - it was about getting the Clintons..
She sued Clinton, who had never said a word about her.
None of these people were there to
help Paula Jones. They were there to screw the president,
and poor Paula got passed around
like a pack of no-filter Camel's in Cell Block D. Few people
know or remember, but Ken Starr
helped Paula file her early papers, but they said he was "impartial"
in this matter.
Meanwhile a crooked judge named David Hale was arrested
in Little Rock, and Ken Starr
told this crooked judge that he'd go free if he could give them
some usefull dirt on Clinton.
Hale had a mountain of claims, but nothing he could prove, so
Ken Starr had Ted Olson
fly to Arkansas to represent Hale in an effort to make Hale more
credible and once again
try to overrule the wishes of the majority of voters who elected
Clinton twise.
That's a Republican sacrament: The majority does NOT win.
On another front...
Clinton was stupidly messing around with (but no intercourse)
Monica stupidly told her friend, who unfortunately for her was
a Clinton-hater named Linda Tripp,
a good friend to have."
Linda Tripp betrayed her friend in an effort to
bring down the Clintons.
Tripp had a friend who was a literary agent named Lucianne
Goldberg AKA Lucy the Bat.
a light, soldier?"
Lucy the Bat kept gossipping with Matt Drudge, (who
owes his entire career to The Bat) and in
a third example of the anything-goes new rules to smear
the Clintons, major papers and TV networks
began using rumors Drudge printed to lead off their
nightly newscasts.
On another front...
Newt Gingrich was directing multi-layered investigation
teams led by Henry Hyde, Bob Barr and Dan
On another front...
Pious bastards like Orrin Hatch were running multi-layered
investigations in the Senate.
On another front...
Larry Klayman (R-Penisless) was filing one idiotic
lawsuit after another, and still is to this day..
On another front...
The Arkansas Project, which is just a gaggle of
black-hating klansmen, was feeding gossip and rumors
directly to Henry Hyde and Bob Barr,
but it was all horseshit - none of it was true, but that didn't prevent
the major media outlets for running every "Clinton
fathered baby with crack whore" story Drudge fed
On another front...
The print press. The NYWTimes created/fabricated this whole Whitewater
mess to start with. Then you have the
Wall Street Journal printing the most vicious lies every day.
Then you have the Moonie Times trying to outlie the
WSJournal, then under these new rules, most papers in America
went with money-over-dignity.
On another front...
Tim the Whore was relentless at demanding answers on the Constitutionally
important matter of Clinton's sex life.
Tim had no problem calling Florida for Bush in 2000.
His boss/owner, Jack Welch, wanted something from this
tight election night.
Would evil men call an election early for $5,000,000,000?
On another front...
The vulgar Pigboy lead the 24/7 talk radio assault, which made
hundreds of hack writers into stars
if they were willing to get behind a microphone and SCREAM lies
to people who were listening for updates.
On another front...
George Stephanopolous also known as Judas Maximux,
was the very first person in DC
to mention impeachment on the air. Hey, that's what friend are
for, right George?
In a fourth example of this "Get the Clintons" feeding
frenzy, entire networks appeared like mushrooms
so more babbling, racist, tobacco whores could prattle on and
on about how evil the Clintons were.
FOX News, CNBC and MSNBC couldn't get enough. They
poured on all the gas they could afford.
It was all-Clintons-all-the-time, and the fire just kept getting
hotter and hotter.
When the babbling racists weren't distorting the truth, they
flat-out made shit up.
Looking back, wasn't Herendo Revolver the ONLY person in the
entire electronic media
who tried to balance out the other 99 percent that was screaming
for Clinton's head?
If you say Alan Colmes, I'll be at your
house in 15 minutes.
Don't we need to do something about Alan
Alan Colmes is the enemy.
Alan Colmes is not an affable doofus for Hannity to kick around.
He knows he's selling out and lying
through his lying teeth.
How dare he look the camera in the
eye and say, "FOX is fair and balanced."
Only a whore on the payroll could say FOX
is fair & balanced.
On another front...
The we-didn't-know-then partisan and crooked Supreme Court
was green-lighting one no-foundation lawsuit
after another. Paula Jones was never more
than one woman making a no-proof claim, but the Whore Court
decided it was OK for individuals to file no-proof lawsuits as
a way to attack a president politically.
Those bastards.
It's in the back issues, but do you remember when the Supreme
Court ruled that Clinton had no attorney-client privileges?
Can you believe they took that power away from Bill Clinton?
All you need for a "conspiracy" is two people.
"Vast" is imprecise, but how many dozens/hundreds of people do we need
for "vast?"
And "right-wing" pretty much speaks for itself.
We should include the B.F.E.E. collective in this, too.
They didn't hire Ted Olson just because he's a powerful lawyer.
They paid him back for his efforts to overturn Clinton's election
They went after Clinton for three reasons:
He was a Democrat
He was very, very, very successful
at whipping GOP war heroes in presidential elections.
He's a friend to African Americans,
and that they cannot stand.
...and Dennis Miller (R-Punk) wants some names?
That was probably the worse recap of the
VRWC you'll ever see. Anyone could've done better.
"The Hunting of ther President" by Joe
Conason and Gene Lyons is The Bible of the giant
spider web of the right-wing, vast conspiracy
to takedown a beloved, legally-elected president.
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GOP eyeing Dennis Miller for state politics
Democrats and other political experts say
celebrities are attractive candidates because of the weakness
of California Republicans. Not a single
Republican holds statewide office, and the party lacks obvious
candidates when high-profile seats come
open. Republican consultants also want for well-funded clients,
adding to the attractiveness of celebrity
It is that vacuum, political experts say, that made Republicans rally so quickly behind Schwarzenegger.
"We don't have much of a bench in the Republican
Party," said Assemblyman Tony Strickland (R-Moorpark),
who is himself running for Boxer's seat.
Strickland said a Miller candidacy wouldn't be a surprise; he has
noticed the comedian raising his political
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I hate watching a game on TV when the announcers are rooting for the other team.
Arkansas was playing Alabama, and the announcers wanted Alabama
so badly.
When Alabama scored, they'd scream "Touchdown
Crimson Tide!"
But when the Razorbacks got a touchdown, they'd dryly groan,
"Arkansas gets in for a score."
In the third quarter, ninth-ranked Arkansas was down 31-10.
Mrs. Bart was throwing things at the TV.
But Arkansas came back with 24 unanswered points to remain undefeated.
Sticker placement contest
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Next week, we'll send either a Brooke Burke calendar or
Joe Conason's new book
to the person who sent in the picture with the best real sticker
Here for the newest round of stickers
Somebody is going to win.
Subject: Bush and Blair in a gay bar?
Entertainment Page
New season of 'Alias' starts tonight
Simon & Garfunkel's tour to open in Wilkes-Barre
Hurricane Marty has halted filming of 'Troy'
Best year yet for Oktoberfest
A double proxy wedding in Montana
And a smiling crab
VERBATIM with Lloyd Grove
You've written quite a bit about the Bush girls. What makes them fair game?
These are the daughters of the President. They're out there doing illegal
things in public. I wrote they were
spotted by numerous people having a great
time at a local Washington bar sucking down Budweisers, smoking
cigarettes, and getting down on the floor
to help some guy who was doing party tricks, or whatever. In D.C.,
unlike Texas, they would [normally] be
hauled off to jail. They would put the cuffs on them and drag them out.
Then they'd have to send Karl Rove to bail
them out. I got a lot of reaction from it, and then I was invited on
Crossfire where both Paul Begala and Tucker
Carlson whaled the tar out of me. I was unprepared.
These are the daughters of the President.
I'm all for 19- and 20- year-olds drinking as much as they want,
if they want to, but don't do it in public
if you're the President's daughters.
Often, Paul
Begala will join with Carlson or Novak and beat up a liberal guest.
Wouldn't it be better if Begala always
fought for the side he's being paid to fight for?
"I just came back from Iraq, it's a disaster,
people don't have electricity, water, garbage collection,
sewage collection, jobs. They're angry,
they're bitter. They say the United States money is not getting
down to the people, it's going to
Halliburton, it's going to Bechtel. Halliburton is making $2 billion,
Bechtel is making $1 billion.
And they haven't been able to turn on the electricity or turn back the
water supply. They can't do the job,
plus they're wasting massive amounts of money. Even the governing
council that was hand-appointed by
the U.S. is saying that the money being spent is being wasted because
it's U.S. companies in charge instead
of Iraqis."
--Medea Benjamin, of Global Exchange, Attribution
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Chicks still fighting
Natalie writes a letter
G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh, and Don
Imus all called again to ask about the plane crash.
Listen guys this is really getting old.
I'm sorry, but no we did not die in a plane crash.
But look on the bright side…we fly all
the time.
Dear Bart:
Hello! I am very happy to announce that
the Harvest of Hope Foundation has received its largest
donation to-date: $30,000. The donation
was part of a settlement made with several wire transfer
companies accused of overcharging Mexican
immigrants sending money home to Mexico from the U.S.
This donation comes on top of a recent $10,000
anonymous gift. These donations will be equitably
distributed among the Foundation's emergency
fund, scholarship fund, and issuance of grants to migrant-related
programs. Since 1997, the Harvest
of Hope Foundation has distributed more than $174,000 for these activities
to assist migrant farmworkers and families
around the country.
Phil Kellerman, President
Harvest of Hope Foundation
Does anyone know the song and artist that does the
theme song for Tru Calling,
a new show starring Eliza Dushku on the dreaded FOX Network?
E-mail me bartcop@bartcop.com if you know, would you?
Subject: You are a fucking idiot!
My name is Grant Mullin I am 27 years of
age and as I live life going to work
making shitty pay to come home and watch
and listen to the news and or
fucking faggy sitcoms I can't help but
notice liberal bias.
With such a positive attitude, I can't imagine
why you get "shitty pay."
If dateline aired a show dogging President
George W. Bush I would either watch so I
could write down who's next not to watch
again or just change the fucking channel,
I don't give a fuck who thinks the President
is a liar or bad man, you liberals were
always saying that Clinton was just another
human being,
Clinton gave us peace, prosperity and hope.
The Unelected moron gave us war, death
and recession.
GREAT!, would you leave him alone in a room with your wife?
Sure, but I'd
never let him near my wallet or bank account.
That son of a bitch would rob me blind,
just like he's done with our Social Security money.
If you don't like so many pundits taking one side then watch the ones that take your side,
Gee, can you
recommend one?
The media these days is wall-to-wall Michael
Savage, FOX News, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity,
Paul Harvey, Rush the vulgar Pigboy, Bill
O'Reilly, Chris the Screamer and Laura the Unloved.
Where on the TV or radio dial would I find
a liberal (majority) point of view?
and on the subject of your side, why is it you try to make America look like a bunch of pussies?
You mean instead of murdering bullies, attacking
countries that have nothing to do with 9-11?
The only reson you liberals are doing this is because pure and simple you hate President George W. Bush
That could
be a true statement. If so, it would be your first.
-- who would Bin Laden rather have as president
a republican
who is going to hunt the hunter and then
prison rape them
or a democrat who will give them a strict
talking to.
I think you have that backwards.
Two old buddies, doing
a little drillin'
We republicans have a rule if you hit me
I'm gonna fuck you
and your hole family out of whats considered
a happy life.
ha ha
I have a few rules of my own, Dude.
I think it'd be more fun to show
you than to tell you.
You've come to the wrong place, saying
the wrong things, to the wrong guy.
By the way, does your boss allow you to
get personal calls at work?
Thank You, impatient pussies!
grant mullin
Call Grant for all your
xxxxxxxxx needs.
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Grant, I'll call your boss Monday and ask him to give you a raise.
After all, you've spread goodwill to dozens of people.
A couple of days later...
The General Manager of Grant's company sent me an e-mail and
called the Bart Phone.
He was very nice and polite, and he said the following:
The company email and other email sites
have received numerous responses to an unauthorized message
that was attributed to one of our employees.
We have begun an investigation to determine the source of
this message and wish to apologize to all
that have received this offensive and disturbing message.
[Our company] does not support, condone
or otherwise approve of the content of this email.
It is with my sincerest regret that this
message was sent to the Bartcop website. Through this event,
we have discovered a need for stricter
control and access to use of company computers.
We are making the necessary changes to
our computer system to ensure the integrity of our network.
We apologize for the offensive nature of
the message and would ask that anyone reading it
disassociate [our company] with the views
of the individual or individuals responsible.
I thought they handled this situation well.
"I thought they were going to give Arnold the
questions in advance.
What happened?"
-- Stephen M.
Barry Crimmins
Wesley Clark looked like a general at yesterday's
He clung dearly to the back-lines while
the others slugged it out at the front.
I actually heard Limbaugh imply that Clark's
candidacy was that of a nut general
intent on overthrowing our democratic government.
Uh, Rush, General Clark is
entering the race to democratically unseat
the Nam-era deserter that currently
occupies the White House despite the fact
he lost the election.
"Here's a scandal for you: Millionaire, Harvard-educated
of Manhattan media elite bilks ordinary
folks out of $24.95."
-- People magazine reviewing the
latest book from Bill O'reilly (R-Spinner)
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"The most alarming feature of Fox News's special
hour-long interview with the president was not
the Great Man’s typically lackluster
handling of big questions...No, what proved most disconcerting
was the tension that continuously mounted
as Fox News anchor Brit Hume threatened to disclose the
true magnitude of his schoolboy crush
on Boy George...we were certain that the dough-faced Mr. Hume’s
trademark sneer would part into a sunny,
star-struck grin, and he would ask the president outright,
"What's is like to be so . . .so great
all the time?"
--holly martins,
Greatest Love of All
Subject: Goldberg on Jon Stewart
Hey Bart,
Did you happen to watch Jonah Goldberg on
the Daily show the other evening. I wish I had a transcript.
He practically accused General Clark of
being a military fraud not worthy to wear the uniform....sure and
the chimp deserves to wear a flight suit.
He then implied that General Clark was not the brightest star in the universe....
I guess graduating first in your class at
West Point is like getting your college degree from the back of a pack
of matches.
He continue to praise Bush for the "war"
on terrorism and his ability to lead this country in the "right" direction,
doing all this with honesty and integrity
unlike previous presidents!!!!
I wanted to blow up my TV.
Keep up the GREAT work......
Maria, yes, they are very, very, very, very scared of Wesley Clark
A Clark/Pinhead debate would be pay-per-view fun to watch,
unless Clark loses it when they set up the debate rules.
This kind of talk always brings out the loons, but men being men,
all Clark has to do is say,
"We're two military men, George - let's
debate like men," and he's got it won.
But all this hooey about "You have sixty
seconds, then I have thirty" is horseshit.
Plus, Clark should insist on NO MODERATOR, because the moderator
will jump in
every time Bush goes blank to save his still-not-presidential
Democrats will ALWAYS win every debate, unless they lose it up-front.
La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz
Baseball playoffs
college football
pro football
...and more
Click to Enter
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 308
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 106
Perhaps 1,200 wounded - missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
The vulgar Pigboy
Friday, Rush said the reason the other Democrats didn't attack
Wesley Clark
in the debate is because Clark is Clinton's boy, and they realize
that if they attack Clark,
"Bill and Hillary Clinton might have them
murdered, and they know that."
Swear to Koresh, I heard it myself.
"Stop talking about me!"
Homecoming Trumpets for the Fallen?
Saw it on buzzflash.com
"Where is all the media attention for the more
than 300 fallen military servicemen who have been killed
in Iraq and shipped back home? I ask again
-- has anyone heard the trumpets blaring or seen cameras
clicking in patriotic fever as the body
bags arrive and unload from military cargo planes?
While I'm on the subject -- has anyone seen
any televised funerals or heard any interviews with relatives
of the deceased who are not happy campers?
Hardly anything? Hmmmm, go figure.
I apologize for asking such disturbing questions,
but duty calls in the wake of duplicity, and simply waving the
flag is not enough, in fact it's not even
close. If we want to call ourselves true American patriots, it's our duty
to "ask questions," and lots of them. When
considering all the brave souls who have given their lives for country
and cartel, perhaps asking questions and
demanding honest answers will be the true battle cry of our times.
Our soldiers are our nation's bravest treasure
-- unlike the cheap flyboy who stole his way to power .
As previously mentioned on bartcop.com, the planes landing
at Andrews Air Force base carrying
our dead soldiers are only allowed to land after midnight
where the remains are secretly unloaded.
I guess it's smart politics, but these 310 brave men and women
gave their lives for their country.
They should not be treated like the Crazy Aunt we keep
in the basement.
Have a good time today - that's just a suggestion...
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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