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"If there was ever a case that demanded a special
counsel, this is it."
-- Chuck Schumer,
talking about "Revenge-gate."
An administration official told The Washington
Post on Saturday that two White House officials
leaked the information to selected journalists
to discredit Wilson. The leak could constitute a federal crime,
and intelligence officials said it might
have endangered confidential sources who had aided the operative
throughout her career. CIA Director
Tenet has asked Justice to investigate how the leak occurred.
Condi Rice said on "Fox News Sunday" that
she knew "nothing of any such White House effort to
reveal any of this, and it certainly would
not be the way that the president would expect his White House to operate."
Trust me - The Monkey has all the deniablity in the universe.
He doesn't know nothing about nothing, and I could
testify to that.
Maybe Bush will show some of that blind loyalty and refuse to
cut Rove loose.
Remember - it's never the crime, it's the coverup that
brings down a president.
“Statistically speaking, U.S. soldiers have
less of a chance of dying from all causes in Iraq
than citizens have of being murdered
in California which is roughly the same geographical size.”
--Brit Hume, telling
the families of the dead to knock it off and bow to the Unelected Bastard
understands that sacrifices must be made ...now watch this
In making the case for war against Iraq,
Cheney has continued to suggest that an Iraqi intelligence
agent met with a Sept. 11, 2001, hijacker
five months before the attacks, even as the story was falling
apart under scrutiny by the FBI, CIA and
the foreign government that first made the allegation.
The alleged meeting in Prague between Atta
and Iraqi Samir al-Ani was the single thread the administration
has pointed to that might tie Iraq to the
attacks. But as the Czech government distanced itself from its initial
assertion and American investigators determined
Atta was probably in the United States at the time of the
meeting, other administration officials
dropped the incident from their public statements about Iraq.
Not Cheney, who was the administration's
most vociferous advocate for going to war with Iraq.
So, Pinhead, Rummy and Condi retract the
Iraqi link, but Cheney says it's still solid.
Just think what the paid-for, American
whore press would to to a Democratic administration
that couldn't decide why they ginned up
a phoney war that killed over 300 brave Americans.
The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003
#1: The Neoconservative Plan for Global
#2: Homeland Security Threatens Civil Liberty
#3: US Illegally Removes Pages from Iraq
U.N. Report
If Clinton had been guilty of one of the 25, they would have impeached
him again.
But dewmocrats don't believe in fighting - not even for self-preservation,
so expect
Bush and his gang to keep on keepin on until the GOP tells
them, "You've had a good run..."
Violence raged in Iraq with mounting casualties
amid growing signs that Washington Bush was
ill-prepared to manage the occupation of
the country in the wake of its military victory over Saddam.
As another US soldier was killed in Fallujah,
an Iraqi official working on the technicalities of drafting
the country's new constitution escaped
an assassination attempt that killed his bodyguard.
The United States and Britain meanwhile
continued to protest that their invasion of Iraq was fully justified,
with more US troops called for duty
there, despite mounting public opposition to their continued presence
amid the security turmoil in the war-ravaged
Great idea!
Let's send hundreds of thousands
of troops into this Bush-created hellhole.
Better yet, let's reinstate the draft and
lose hundreds of thousands more lives over there.
As long as the Unelected Pinhead gets to steal that oil...
"Did you watch the California recall debate?
It was crazy. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Arianna Huffington got into a heated
debate over immigration. It went back and forth
and back and forth – and finally immigration
came in and took them both away."
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Hey Bart did you catch Rush finally letting
out his racist vomit on NFL Countdown?
The topic was on Donovan Mcnabb and the
two game slump he's been in and when
Rush was giving his opinion he said something
to the effect that "He's really not that good.
He's only being hyped because the NFL
is so desperate for a good black quarterback".
This is unacceptable commentary to be coming
from a sports show and
I think it's time we start a campaign to
let ESPN know we won't be watching
as long as they are employing this racist
Mike, they knew Rush was a racist asshole when they hired
Seems like Rush would've been a better hockey commentator,
as there are so few (if any) blacks skating on professional ice.
But the NFL is full of "those people - those Jesse Jackson types..."
Click to Order Michael Moore's new book
"During the California recall debate, Arianna
Huffington accused Arnold of not treating women well.
Huffington may have a point because
Arnold's response was 'Shut up, bitch.'"
--Conan O'Brien
Bill Bennett on CBS's 'Las Vegas'
Did you see what they did to Bill Bennett (R-BetterThanYou) on
last night's "Las Vegas?"
Only Osama and R Kelly could know how Bill Bennett feels today.
"Las Vegas" did a story about a morality-crusading, sniveling, blowhard
punk to whom the casino had
to provide a dozen scanty-clads for him to grope and fondle on
his way to his private luxury suite to gamble.
They portrayed Bill Bennett as a hard-drinking, scheming, conniving,
back-stabbing whore who made passes
at women while watching his TV image rail against
liberals." When a tabloid reporter got a whiff
that Bill Bennett might be in the house, he snuck in a camera
to get some proof so Bennett told casino security
to make him disappear, as in "murder
They really did a job on Bennett, and this is an outrage....or it would be if he didn't deserve it.
That smug bastard, screaming from channel to channel all thru
1998, talking about Bill Clinton being
the "out-of-control, lust-maniac," when Bennett can't copntrol
his smoking, drinking and gambling.
link was a sales job
by Helen Thomas, who uses "sales" for "hand"
Saddam Hussein had nothing to do
with the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the US, according to Bush.
But don't blame Americans for thinking
When reporters asked him last week, Bush said: ``We've had no evidence that Saddam was involved with 9-11.''
In an instant, the president knocked the
stuffing from one of his stated reasons for leading us to war against Iraq.
Earlier casualties in the administration's
sell-the-war campaign were Hussein's WMDs (still missing despite five
months of searching by U.S. troops) and
Iraq's nuclear arsenal (cancelled out earlier this month by Cheney.)
Let's win one for The Chicks
Renewal of Clear Channel's License
Goebbels would be proud of Clear Channel Communications
"Clear Channel and its subsidiaries have violated
the law on 36 separate occasions over
the last three years, demonstrating its
poor character," said Donahue. "Clear Channel is
not qualified to hold a broadcast license
under the FCC's own character rules," he added.
"The FCC has held that licensees which exhibit
a pattern of illegal conduct shall be denied
broadcasting on the public's airwaves because
such licensees cannot be considered truthful
or reliable in complying with the Communications
Act of 1934 or FCC regulations," said Donahue.
Did Clear Channel go after the Dixie Chicks for the money?
Did they do it to make nice with Smirk, which would mean more
Did they do it just to be sons of bitches?
Remember all those "Let's have a BIG-ass
war," rallies Clear Channel hosted?
They would use their almost-monopoly propaganda machines to rally
the duped public,
then lie about the crowd size and then label the smart people,
Saddam appeasers."
They tied themselves to Bush like a tar-baby, and look where Bush is now.
It felt good to read that headline last week,
leave Country music for Rock & roll."
They said they did it because, except for a lone mention from
Merle Haggert,
none of those flag-waving, racist yahoos stood by their
"friends," the Dixie Chicks.
Dixie Chicks?
Don't they need a new name?
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Subject: al Qaeda vs. Musharraf
"Aljazeera has aired an audiotape of Usama
bin Ladin's spokesman
calling on Pakistanis to overthrow President
Pervez Musharraf."
Right, start Muslim activism in Pakistan.
See if the Muslim fundamentalists can overthrow
Musharraf (who is a not
very nice dictator), and replace it with
Muslim fundamentalism.
And have control of Pakistan's nuclear weapons and missles to deliver them.
Thanks *so* very much, Georgie boy,
for working to make the world a safer place.
Voting machines taking heat
...there is a growing contingent who say
the electronic system is ripe for corruption or malfunction.
That fear was seeded in the 2002 primary,
when thousands of Broward and Miami-Dade voters
experienced errors with their voting machines,
or had their votes ignored by a computer.
Broward County Commissioner John Rodstrom
said that when his wife went to the polls in 2002,
she pressed the screen to vote for one
candidate, and the machine showed she was voting for another.
That was a common problem in Broward.
In Dade, computer tallies did not count
votes from several precincts.
A backup check of the computerized system
revealed the mistakes.
"We're learning there are some glitches with the
system. Add that to the fact that someone could
hack into it, and that's a problem," Rodstrom
said. "Politicians are hearing these horror stories and
saying, 'Gee, we need to rethink this.'
Sometimes the rest of the country gets a story a year or two after
we got it.
We knew about Diebold over a year ago, right?
We knew about that Revenge-gate way back in mid-July.
We knew Newt had a hooker over a year before the press stopped
covering for him.
If only America had a press that would tell the truth.
Sticker placement contest
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Next week, we'll send either a Brooke Burke calendar or
Conason's new book
to the person who sent in the picture with the best real sticker
Here for the newest round of stickers
Somebody is going to win.
Subject: Bob Barr
You wrote "... Bob Barr (R-African American) ..."
What do you mean by that? I'm positive
you aren't using African American as a slur, that's not your style,
and Bob Barr is not Black (although he
possibly has some African ancestry by his looks), so I'm kinda lost
as to your intention - could you clarify
the joke that I don't seem to be getting?
Cris, over the years, it has been suggested
by non-comedians that Barr is, indeed, black.
I believe some of his ancestors were African
American, so he tries to pass.
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To: Tim Russert
Subject: Dr. Rice
Good Lord, Tim, how embarrassing and embarrassed
are you?
How can you let Condi just sit there, the
way you let Cheney sit there, and lie that boldly?
Condi says, "That's not the way the President runs his White House"???
This White House?
This White House has used such strong
arm tactics that Jeffords left the GOP because of the bullying?
This White House that tried to strong
arm Europe and when that failed hinted--well, flat out said
--that France and Germany would be punished?
Outing a CIA operative as punishment is
completely in line with the behavior of this White House.
Or haven't you been following the news?
I know you're only the Washington Bureau chief for a
major network, so obviously, you don't
know dick. But come on!!!
Condi has been on your show saying the administration
knows everything about Iraq for a year, and
since May, has been on your show repeatedly
saying the administration didn't know anything about Iraq.
She's been saying no one knew about using
airplanes as weapons, even though she had been briefed on
terrorists using airplanes as weapons;
she said no one ever said Hussein would have nuclear weapons
within a year, even though she and Cheney,
and Bush, and Powell, and Rumsfeld all said Hussein might
have nuclear weapons within a year.
Christ, she makes a different compelling
and credible speech every freaking Sunday morning.
Say it with me, Tim: She's
lied, and lied, and lied.
For the love of all things American, will
you do your job and finally say,
"Condi, you're just lying. Your lying
to my face, aren't you?"
She is, you know.
Call her on it, call any of them on it,
before they cost this country
any more in integrity, reputation, or billions
and billions of dollars.
After all, Tim, you were much harder on
And his penis didn't kill one single U.S.
Richard Z
By the way, has anyone in Houston heard anything more about that
sexual harassment suit the Ford F-150 vacuum hose filed against
Tom Delay?
are hot!"
I forget who said it, but someone recently suggested that Bush
should not be faulted for posing like a whore before this
lying banner...
"I won
this war with my own two hands..."
...because the White House did not put the banner up.
They said the banner was put up by the sailors, and Team Bush had nothing to do with it.
I guess it was a "lucky coincidence" that the camera the Monkey
was staring into
was accidentally alligned with Bush's smirking face and that
lying, coincidental banner?
It's never Pinhead's fault - someone else always get blamed for George's blunders.
Subject: "Siamese brothers"
I have been an avid reader and supporter
of Bartcop for the past 7 years,
dating all the way back to Issue 50 or
so. But using the term "Siamese" was
quite uncalled for, and really pisses me
off. So I am writing to tell you to "fuck-off",
you and your politically incorrect piece
of shit web site.
How could you be so goddamn insensitive
to use the term Siamese in the year 2003?
Where have you been? The term is
"conjoined", not Siamese.
We're not talking about some fucking cats,
for Christ's sake.
Wake the hell up man!
So you just lost another reader, but I'm
sure you don't care as long as you can get
a laugh bashing another group that you
secretly probably hate anyway.
Have a nice day and nice life Mr. Bartcop.
P.S. I'm kidding.
I admit, you had me going. I've been
getting a lot of that lately, mostly from the
a "I was gonna donate, but now I ain't,"
types. Plus, that may've been the best joke in
that bit, because Carville, Begala, Ivins, McAuliffe etc has
no idea what a 'Bartcop' is.
Entertainment Page
Disinfotainment Today' by Michael Dare
Bonus BAGnews
Jennifer Aniston's dress
Las Vegas, Cirque du Soleil & oh, the 'Zumanity!'
Martha Stewart in the Nutley (NJ) hall o'fame
Walking on the Neva River
Hell on Earth
And, a Gypsy wedding
"My plan calls for pulling back the tax cuts
for those Americans that are making $200,000
a year and above, and using that money
in a way that will advance our national interest.
It's creating jobs. It's focused like
a laser beam on job creation."
Wesley Clark, who just might have the most talented speechwriter in the
world Attribution
Subject: McClellan slip up hurts President re: Plame affair Attribution
White House spokesman, Scott McClellan accidentally revealed something damaging to the President today:
"He wasn't involved in the Valerie Plame leak," White House press
secretary Scott McClellan said of Karl Rove.
"The president knows he wasn't involved.… It's simply not
ThePresident KNOWS that Karl Rove wasn't
Either he knows who DID do it, and it wasn't
Rove, or he asked Rove, and Rove denied it directly.
In which case, why is Bush ONLY asking
Karl Rove?
Or ...IS he only asking Karl Rove? And if
he's asked other people, who are they, and what did they tell him?
Of course, if he already knows who did
it, then there's no reason to ask anyone...now is there?
Bush is busted."
Joe Conason's Journal
Which Washington journalists -- in addition
to Robert Novak -- did Bush administration
officials select to receive the revenge
leak about Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife?
And why hasn't a single one of them stepped
forward to report the crime?
Will they steal 2004, too?
Thinking back to the phone calls
tipping the White House that Air Force One was a target on 9/11,
certain code phrases (like the code name
of the day, which is top secret and changes randomly) to prove
they knew what they were talking about,
it's possible that W was supposed to buy the farm that day as well.
Eventually, the WH recanted that story,
claiming (after William Safire challenged them to reveal what
traitorous group in the government had
targeted Bush) that they were mistaken. Mostly, people take this
to mean that the first story was a lie,
to cover up W's apparent cowardice. However, if it had been a lie,
they would have stuck to it. I think the
recantation was the lie, and that they had received such a warning.
most embarrassing picture so far
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Governor
Sharon in Virginia who called the Bart Phone,
I need your e-mail address to make you a member.
Have your ad seen by dozens
"I knew what the Republican Party was like
and I couldn't identify with that party.
They are the party that, when I was
commanding in Kosovo, they were the party led
by Tom Delay against our airman who
were in the skies over Yugoslavia taking fire
from Serb anti-aircraft and this party
voted against them. They claimed they weren't.
They claimed they were voting against
just a policy, but I read what they said.
They wanted the policy to fail. They
didn't have a vision. They didn't understand
what America was about. They put their
interest of the party above the interest of the party.
-- Wesley Clark, on why he joined the
good guys
While defending telemarketers during a
segment on Crossfire last week, Carlson was asked
to give his own home phone number. Carlson
gave out a number for Washington's Fox News bureau.
The bureau was deluged with calls. To get
back at him,
Fox posted Carlson's unlisted home number
on its Web site.
Carlson called Fox News "a mean, sick
group of people."
Welcome to the real world, Tucker.
Subject: Michael Moore's book timing
I'm not all that excited about the new Michael
Moore book, paretically the timing of it,
wouldn't it be better to come out next
summer during the election? Or at least another
month from now when Franken's book has
lost some momentum. Franken's book is
killing on the best sellers chart, don't
take that momentum away from him.
Johnny E
Johnny, it's my guess Franken hit the motherload.
He'll be OK.
I say the more books the better.
backpedalling to cover for Bush
Saw it on talkingpointsmemo.com
Another big problem with Novak's comments on Crossfire today. Today he said ...
> Nobody in the Bush administration called
me to leak this. In July I was interviewing
> a senior administration official on Ambassador
Wilson's report when he told me the
> trip was inspired by his wife, a CIA employee
working on weapons of mass destruction.
But then there's this passage in a July 22nd article in Newsday ...
>"Novak, in an interview, said his sources
had come to him with the information.
>"I didn't dig it out, it was given to me,"
he said. "They thought it was significant,
> they gave me the name and I used it."
I'd say the story's changed.
-- Josh Marshall
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"This is now hand-to-hand combat. We are not
in the trenches. This is war."
-- Musclehead, trying to figure
out what political metophors mean.
Subject: Clark and Dean
The whole 'Clark voted for Nixon, he voted
for Reagan' thing is being *pushed heavily* by Dean
(after, remember, Dean's people tried to
recruit Clark to be his #2 man). This is one of several things
that makes me very, very suspicious of
Howard Dean.
That's another thing the GOP does
better than we do.
Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never
speak ill of another Republican."
In the Democratic party, it's
"Cover your ass and fuck your buddy."
I remember seeing a big smile on Dean's
face, saying he'd love to have Clark on his ticket.
Why don't the Democrats have the brains
to know that the GOP, (unlike our side) is writing down
every ugly accusation the Dems are making
towards each other to use against us next summer?
La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz
Subject: Eldrick Woods Returns this week
Being the best golfer in the world at 27
years old I would bet Eldrick is home with his beautiful blonde girlfriend.
Or maybe running a clinic for underprivaleged
children. How many 27 year olds run clinics for FREE for kids?
Why dont you ever mention that? Look for
Eldrick this Sunday as he is returning to the tour this week.
I'm sure you will find him in the hunt
on Sunday.
Larry, I must confess - I'm unfamiliar with
Eldrick's charitable work.
I look forward to his return to the winner's
circle - it's no fun teasing a loser.
Baseball playoffs
college football
pro football
...and more
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If you paid for ads on bartcop.com, and didn't get your
full run,
send me an e-mail at the usual address and we'll take care of
wonder America has so many enemies
It's what they're saying in Toronto
"President Bill Clinton was impeached by a Republican-controlled
Congress for lying about sex.
President George W. Bush and aides lied
the United States into a stupid, unnecessary colonial war
that has so far killed more than 305 Americans
and seriously wounded more than 1,400. It has also
cost many thousands of Iraqi dead, and
$1 billion US weekly. Lying about sex is an impeachable
offence; lying the nation into war apparently
is not.
I was no Clinton fan, but give me his
iffy morals any day over Bush's Mussolini-like strutting.
Sen. Kennedy is absolutely correct when
he calls Bush's Iraq war a "fraud" concocted to win the next elections."
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 310
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 106
Over 1,400 wounded - with many missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
The sick thing is, this is exactly
what ESPN had in mind when they hired veteran
provocateur Rush Limbaugh for its Sunday
NFL pregame show. You can imagine
the meeting. The ESPN bigwigs must have
needed drool cups to handle the runoff
when they discussed the controversy Limbaugh
would generate.
"I'm a
racist pig - and ESPN loves me!"
Have a good time today - that's just a suggestion...
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throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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