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"With 7 days left before this historic recall
vote –now is the time to take back Cali-fornia."
-- Rhetoric
from Musclehead's campaign bosses.
Yes, the Bush White House wants to take Cali-fornia back from
the Democrats.
If you want Cali-fornia to be run by Bush, Cheney, Rummy and
Rove, vote for Musclehead.
"...the accusation itself does political
damage, at a minimum giving new life to last summer's
investigation into whether the White House
cherry-picked evidence about Saddam Hussein's
unconventional weapons and buried dissenting
It could hardly come at a worse time. Just
when President Bush's job approval ratings are slipping,
when his would-be Democratic rivals are
stepping up their criticism of his rationale for war in Iraq
and his handling of the aftermath, and
when Mr. Bush would prefer to focus on winning support
for rebuilding Iraq — and a second term
in office.
He must be a Democrat...
"There's a cancer somewhere in the Bush administration.
Two officials revealed national security
information to embarrass or scare
critics of the administration's mishandling of Iraqi intelligence...
It's illegal for government officials
to reveal the identities of CIA operatives who have worked
overseas within the preceding
five years...The White House has said it doesn't condone leaking
an agent's identity. But
the administration must try to identify, fire and, possibly, prosecute
responsible. Abuse of national
security for political aims is wrong.
Editorial Board,
Karl Rove is my best friend..."
The retired diplomat severely embarrassed
the White House on July 6, when he revealed his findings
in an Op-Ed article for The New York Times.
He believes that the administration officials quoted in
the Novak column sought revenge on him
and his wife as a warning to any other diplomats or intelligence
officers who might dare to dissent from
the official line.
On Sept. 28, press secretary Scott McClellan
told reporters that he and the President "know" Mr. Rove
isn’t guilty. The following day, he declared
that the President holds his appointees to "the highest standards"
of behavior, which wouldn’t include leaking
names of C.I.A. agents. (Condoleezza Rice has also offered
such comforting reassurances.) Yet Mr.
McClellan also said that while administration officials will
cooperate with any official investigation
of this matter, they won’t be conducting an internal probe.
to Bush: Quit While You're Ahead
by Gene Lyons
But the story that has Washington journalists
all worked up is what some see as Tenet's revenge:
the CIA's insistence upon a criminal investigation
to determine which White House operatives
fingered Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife
Valerie Plame as a spy to columnist Robert Novak.
The proverbial "senior administration official"
told the Washington Post it was done "purely and
simply for revenge" over Wilson's role
in exposing the administration's phony claim that Iraq
sought to buy African uranium. At least
six other journalists were also told.
On ESPN's "Sunday NFL Countdown," Limbaugh,
the outspoken conservative radio talk show host,
said he didn't think McNabb was as good
as perceived from the start. The quarterback's career has
included two straight NFC championship
games and MVP runner-up.
"I think what we've had here is a little social
concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous
that a black quarterback do well," Limbaugh
said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he
got a lot of credit for the performance
of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."
McNabb told the Philadelphia Daily News:
"It's sad that you've got to go to skin color.
I thought we were through with that
whole deal."
No, not when ABC/ESPN hires a man known
for telling black people to "pull the bone
out of your nose,"
Rush, like the Unlected Pinhead, has never
been held accountable for anything he says.
White Q-backs are better.
He's made hundreds of millions of dollars by telling rednecks
it's OK to hate black people.
Like Reagan, Rush makes cavemen comfortable with their hatred
of blacks.
ESPN knew exactly what they were doing when they hired this
race baiter.
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"They wanted to make war. They needed an argument.
They found one.
Niger was an ideal choice. We cannot
defend ourselves easily."
Niger Minister of Energy, Rabiou Yari, on Bush's fake documents
that guy, and jail his kids..."
Subject: 'Mission accomplished' my ass
Can't believe the repukes are telling us
that the soldiers themselves
draped the banner when Shrub was playing
dress up...
Simple question, where in the HELL would
they find/make the banner on an Aircraft Carrier?
Do they have a printing shop on board where
they can make giant banners?
I really think not...
That was a completely bullshit spin.
PP, I have the slightest of disagreements
- let's put it in poker terms.
I'd say it's possible that the soldiers
make the banner.
I might bet they did, but I wouldn't go "all in" with that bet.
But I would go "all
in" on the lie that the White House didn't
want that banner there.
Smirky McWarhardon was all-too-ready to
strut the victory walk like a he was George Patton.
For them to suggest this wasn't their doing
is a bigger lie than anything Clinton said in nine years,
and we always have to mention - nobody
died from Clinton's "lies."
Another reader comments:
Of course it was the sailors who
put up the banner. It's their ship!
There are places on her that are off limits
to regular shmucks like you and I
and chimpy's propaganda and decorating
staff. Team Bush handed the banner
to the sailors, said "Here, put this
up there" and, in the course of doing their job
and following orders (regardless of how
they felt about those orders), the sailors put
the banner up where they were told to put
the banner.
That's a technicality that doesn't take
the White House staff off the hook for it's existence or placement.
Go home tonight and try this experiment
on your wife "But honey, I can't be faulted for that lipstick
on my collar. I didn't put it
there. My secretary put it there."
(Sorry Dude, I lost your address)
Click to Order Michael Moore's new book
"Once upon a time in America two presidents
in succession were caught with their fig leaf at half-mast.
One suffered from an overactive libido,
the other from irritating vowel syndrome. The first lied under oath,
and the second broke the pledge he
took at his inauguration. The second covered up a government meltdown
coupled to the 9/11 attacks and deceived
Congress, America, and Iraq. He created the great American farce,
divided our nation into patriots and
those who disagree with George W. Bush, and alienated half the world.
He started a war, broke the bank, and
drove a stake through the heart of the American economy.
Do we need George W. Bush for anything
else after 2004?"
--James Harrington,
Nantucket, Attribution
that guy, too..."
quits CA recall race
must've found out we dropped her link
Arianna dropped out of the California recall
race Tuesday, saying it was her
best hope of preventing the sex-crazed
Musclehead from becoming governor.
"I'm going to concentrate all my time and energy
in the next week working to defeat
the recall because I realize that's
the only way to defeat Arnold Schwarzenegger,"
Huffington said as she made the announcement
on CNN's Larry King Live.
right, she did."
Rove's up to his old tricks again?
"Sources close to former president George H.H.
Bush say Rove was fired from the 1992 Bush campaign
after he planted a negative story with
columnist Robert Novak about dissatisfaction with campaign
fundraising chief and Bush loyalist Robert
Mosbacher Jr. It was smoked out, and he was summarily ousted."
Thanks to Mary Beth F
The Secrets Clark Kept
I can't find
an excerpt for this because I don't understand what the guy is saying.
The way I read it, his big complaint is
that Clark "heard discussion" of a five-year plan and then,
as a retired general, he should have called
a press conference and ratted out the Pentagon?
Is that what this guy's primary bitch with Wesley Clark is?
bartcop@bartcop.com in you have a clue
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Subject: Bart vs Kerry
The dark side of my dual-personality friend Wal in Australia wrote again.
Bart of course did not publish the whole of the note, but published Kerry’s statement out of context.
I wish people would write this down
and tape it to their monitors:
If you send me a very long letter,
I am NOT going to publish it.
My choices are to post the interesting
parts or delete it.
Why can't people understand that?
Most people think they get points for extra
pages - it's not true.
If you can't make a point in 200 words,
then write a book about it.
Chris, can you tell me why bart is publishing a lot of pro-Clark comment, but is slagging Kerry down?
There's no telling who "Chris" is, maybe it's a third personality.
Bart’s article on Kerry belonging to the Skull and Bones was worthy of Murdoch!
That's pure
Kerry has secrets about the "secret society"
he's in with Bush.
I don't like that.
It's my opinion (I can't have an opinion?)
that Kerry needs to decide:
Does he want to be president?
Does he wants to keep the very sacred
and holy Skull & Bones secrets?
If Kerry chooses loyalty to S&B over
the United States, he'll only get my vote if it's Bush vs Kerry
A Kerry-branded president is better than
a Bush-branded president.
How is it that Clark, a noted Republican
who jumped on the anti-Bush wagon only when Bush
was vulnerable is given the red carpet,
while Kerry, who is a Democrat Senator with decades
of good work on the record, is getting
Wal Cooper
The GOP has trained all their guns on Clark
- that means he scares them the most.
I believe we will have another terrorist
attack before the 2004 election, so some people
and going to vote for a military man as
a defense against big attack number three.
I don't want that to be Bush, the can't-think
deserter who always gets a pass.
Plus, Clark seems to have Clinton's backing
- that's good enough for me.
Note to all readers:
We can't all be for the same guy
in the primary - it's just not possible.
Everybody has a favorite, and they get
very, very upset if someone fails to agree.
Wal is very, very passionate for Kerry,
and that's fine.
But I'm still on the right side, even if
I don't share his passion.
Bush to enter eye of British storm
"Bush will face a series of embarrassing snubs
and potentially violent protests when he
makes his first full State visit to Britain,
prompting fresh humiliation for Tony Blair over Iraq.
Downing Street has already begun a damage
limitation exercise ahead of the planned trip in November.
Officials vetoed a Bush address to Parliament,
fearing he would face a mass boycott from Labour MPs."
Plus a lot of booing and throwing of rotten tomatoes.
You see, in England they have a free press.
September ticker placement contest winners!!
We had co-winners!
First winner: Mindpilot won for his hard-to-get picture with Joe Conason.
Not only is it tough to get celeb pics, but Mindpilot has
gotten pics with Jim Jeffords, Arianna Huffington and more.
Like a dumbass, I asked Mindpilot if we wanted the Conason
book or the Brook Burke calendar.
He said, "Dude, what's in my hand?
It's a book autographed by Joe Conason - send me the calendar!"
Special thanks to my good friend Joe Conason for having
the stones to agree to the picture with the sticker.
He could catch hell for that.
Second winner: Walto for indoctrinating an entire class of fourth graders into Bartcopism.
The youth
of tomorrow, learning their foundational Bartcop dogma.
Walto decided to get Joe Conason's book
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
Here for the last round of September stickers
We need a different calendar for October - any suggestions?
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"The people of California simply cannot afford
to have Arnold Schwarzenegger as their governor.
He has spent millions of dollars crafting
and selling a political persona that is completely contradicted by reality.
He got into this race promising to
take no special interest money, then turned around and raised millions
from special interests.
He painted himself as an outsider,
then surrounded himself with Pete Wilson operatives and a Who's Who of
GOP insiders.
He went on Oprah to appeal to women,
but didn't include a single woman on his team of economic advisors."
-- Arianna, who's back to fighting for democracy
That song I asked about, the theme song
for Eliza Dushku's Tru Calling program?
Turns out it's Michelle
Branch, who I've always
heard was good, but I've never heard her work.
It's called All I Wanted,
and there's a whole lot going on with that.
I drove to Best Buy yesterday and
bought her CD.
As I do with a lot of songs, much to Mrs
Bart's horror, is when I fall into a song, I fall deep.
I made an MP3 of that song and played the
endless loop over 50, 75, 100 times in
the last 30 hours.
The song's
"Where do you go when you're gone?" theme
is big with atheists.
"If you want to, I can save
you," is what every atheist wants to hear,
Songs of salvation and redemption are always
emotional (all good music is).
and they work so much better without superstitions about the
Atheists are cursed with the truth. We know
there's no pot of gold at the end of the imaginary rainbow.
No cloudy Heaven where we'll get to see
Uncle Gus or my first dog, Jor-El. Believers know where
they're going - but they're not.
Non-believers are smart enough to realize that there is no life after death.
We carry that burden.
In the "Tru Calling" TV show, (premiers
Oct 30 on FOX ) Eliza Dushku is a funeral parlor worker who,
(it's not supposed to make sense,
it's science fiction/religion) has the power to talk to the dead,
then go back
24 hours and help them avoid the mistake
that killed them, like a Star Trek or Twilight Zone, and that's the
premise of the show, kinda like "Hack,"
but with space monkeys and a much better looking star.
Plus, "All
I wanted" has the chiming, ringing guitar
scales that my good friend The Edge invented.
The song sounds like a second U2 encore
on a good night.
I suspect we'll hear it on the next BCR
What Britain thinks of Bush
For Deception, Fraud, Mass Murder, Crimes against
Humanity, Environmental and International Law.
This Man is Heavily Armed, Unpredictable and Highly
Dangerous, posing a Grave Threat to World Peace.
10,000 people marching, chanting,
"George Bush, Uncle Sam,
Iraq will be your Vietnam."
Subject: Revenge-gate foolishness
This could be over tomorrow.
Bush has the power to release all reporters
from their confidentiality agreements
with regard to Wilson and Plame tomorrow
and let the chips fall where they may.
He won't.
He's dirty.
He knows it.
We need SOMEONE to point this out.
Evanart, that wouldn't change anything for the individual reporters.
Once they rat out a confidential source they'll never get leaked
to again.
Entertainment Page
The Wall Street Poet
Fresh BAGnews
Kevin Bacon, the 2238th star on the Hollywood Walk O'Fame
Howard Dean was on Leno
Is Dave Letterman married?
Maria Shriver plans to return to 'journalism' after the election
Elton John's auction
Louie Anderson is in the hospital
Rosie O'Donnell's going to court (again?)
Tim Sizemore's in rehab
And, an unusual Texan halftime show
“I've always questioned why it is the Democrats
salivate to the Clintons,
and why it is that Democrats just continually
bow down when it's the
Clintons that (he
means who) destroyed the Democratic Party.”
the vulgar Pigboy
Rush, you say the Clintons "destroyed" the
Democratic party.
Is that why we've won every presidential
popular vote since 1992?
Subject: Desperate hours
Hey Bart -
Have you noticed that your monkey mail is
having an increasingly desperate tone of late?
The pathetic 27-year-old Grant Mullins
of is an example.
"We republicans have a rule if you hit me I'm gonna fuck you
and your hole family out of whats
considered a happy life."
Is that a cry for help or what?
It's a request for a boot in his ass.
It actually reveals the gangster mentality
behind bullshit artists like Ann Coulter and other aggressively hostile
The more backed into a corner these people
feel, the more you'll see such lashing out blindly.
Of course, Mullin is a waterhead, or a fool,
because he set himself up for a fall by obviously reading Bartcop at work,
then lashing out with company email. I
wonder what has happened to Mr. Mullin in the last couple of days since
de-pantsed him, Tucker Carlson-style.
Mark, I received a very nice note from Grant's boss, with a CC
from their attorney.
He said those vulgar views do not represent his company and asked
if I would take
his campany's name off that page. He was nice (and innocent)
so I did.
Perhaps this will be a "learning experience" for young Grant.
Joe Conason's Journal
Elevated to the New York Times Op-Ed page
from the dank, Murdochian stable of the Weekly Standard,
David Brooks seems eager to cleanse himself
of old habits and nasty associations, while affecting an air of
wistful, evenhanded semidetachment. (Eventually,
these ostentatiously hygienic columns will annoy some of
his old comrades.) In today's offering,
he laments the increasing meanness of presidential politics, particularly
as reflected in the "hate" expressed toward
George W. Bush by certain liberals.
Brooks is concerned that several left-leaning
books, none of which he seems to have read, are appearing on
bestseller lists. To him, a single confessional
article in the New Republic suggests that everyone on the left
simply despises the president for reasons
that have nothing to do with dishonesty, incompetence and horrific
policy. He frets that "the hatreds have
left the animating ideas far behind and now romp about on their own."
He detects in the haters a "threat to democracy."
His handwringing is hokum
Note: Joe is in Massachusetts signing his copies of his
book Thursday and Friday in Boston, Cambridge and Shrewsbury.
Click to Order
Invisible Sidebar:
We've sold almost 200 "Big Lies" by Joe
Conason from the BartCop Amazon.com portal, below
So now he's a color analyst, too?
Can't we have a
with just white
...if you disagree, if you think McNabb
is a better player than Limbaugh does,
he says it must be because you are somehow
blinded by the color of McNabb's skin.
With that, you can only wonder about what's
sadder: that Rush Limbaugh insists on
living in such a world, or that he insists
on dragging Donovan McNabb into it with him.
TV Notes
Last night's Frasier was better than usual, but that bar isn't set very high.
I also had the misfortune to catch Good
Morning, Miami.
The show is so horrible, all of
the laughter is canned - the laughs are sound files,
(like when the vulgar Pigboy plays the
applause file to open Friday's show).
If it was filmed before a live audience,
their mics were turned off.
How can a show this bad make it into prime
time? Hey, NBC, give me this hour, too.
What I replace it with will suck, certainly,
but it will suck less than GMM and I'll do it for half price.
Hell, give me a full hour (This and Coupling)
instead of two halves and I'll do it for 40 percent.
If nothing else, I'll buy a quart of Jack Daniels and have Quentin Tarantino as a guest.
ha ha
Did you see him on Leno Monday night?
As a twice-gone-broke former club owner, I can
spot a drunk person a mile away.
But Tarantino isn't much on subtlety - whatever he's doing.
He was a classic train-wreck, drunk out
of control. The good news is he's a happy drunk
Leno knew he was hammered, so to relieve
the pressure in the room he asked Tarantino
if he'd had a chance to visit the open
bar backstage, which drew a pretty good laugh.
On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart,
made a great point that I haven't heard before.
Jon suggested to Joe Scarborough (R-Dead
girl) that his charge of "liberal media"
actually made righties pull stronger, thereby
vaporizing the "fair & balanced," myth.
It's like when Pigboy said,
"I am equal time," what he's doing is
promising to load up
extra hard on the right wing in an attempt
to balance the perceived left-wing bias.
Karl, can you handle 5-10 years in prison?
Maybe we could get you a cell near this man...
Then you could borrow his basket.
What is it with camera software?
Back at the car lot, the boss bought a brand-name
digital camera and asked me to
install the softeware on my computer.
I did everything right, apparently, but when
I rebooted, the damn software had changed
all my fonts and reset my preferences
and it permanantly disabled my Outlook
Express and I haven't used it since, the bastards.
So I recently got a little Kodak digital
camera, and the software is taking over again.
My computer keeps locking up, so I alt+control+delete
and call up the task manager.
Once I disable the Kodak software, the
computer runs fine again, but every time I reboot,
which is over a dozen times a day, I have
to alt+control+delete and call up the task manager
and turn off the damn software and I'm
a busy man! I don't have time for that crap.
Why the hell can't somebody produce some
software that's compatible with Windows?
Is Gates punishing me for not buying a
Windows camera?
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Subject: Pagans
I'm not going to rail at you or Phil, but
while his conspiracy theory that W may be the
next "terrorist" target was interesting
and not without merit, I take exception to his statement
that these "establishment types" are part
of Pagan secret societies. As a Pagan, I can assure you
that we, as a whole, do not support Mr.
Bush or his ilk (if only because they don't recognize Wicca
or Paganism as valid religious choices)
and the Freemason Society association with Pagan gods is
a bunch of crap propagated by right wing
Christian freakazoids.
Thanks for listening to yet another side of the debate on who has the better invisible friend :-)
Cris, it's my understanding the Skull and
Bones people put on a mask with horns when they
do the sex thing to make you take the sacred
Skull and Bones oath - maybe that's what he meant.
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From: Ricgand@aol.com
Subject: (no subject)
Your all full of shit
At least he didn't use his company's e-mail address.
American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was 311,
....this issue it's 313
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 107
1,400 wounded - with many missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Rove’s temper has always been his weak
spot. He cannot seem to control his anger.
When Ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote in
the New York Times that there was no truth
to the allegations that Iraq had tried
to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger, Rove is said
to have gone "ballistic." No one who has
known Rove for any period of time doubts that Rove
was the one who orchestrated the leak,
which "outed" Ambassador Wilson’s wife as a CIA agent.
Rove has always made sure that his enemies
knew he will strike back, and swing with deadly power.
The Democrats certainly are scared to cross him.
Have a good time today - that's just a suggestion...
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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