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"The Bush operation reminds me of North Korea.
You have a group of insanely loyal, fiercely
committed lunatics, devoting their
lives to slavish devotion of a moron whose only claim to power
is that his father used to run the
country. George W. Bush is Kim Jong II with better hair."
-- Paul Begala
From top advisers to junior staff, nearly
2,000 White House employees were ordered to
come forward by Tuesday with any documents
that might help the criminal investigation
into the leak of an undercover CIA officer's
Friday's document brought home the gravity
of the investigation to all of Bush's staff and touched
every corner of the White House, from the
Oil Man and Vice Oil man to the East Wing offices of
the first lady, as well as the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building and beyond.
Employees are required to sign a memo certifying
either that they have produced relevant documents
or have no such documents. The deadline
is 5 p.m. Tuesday. The order covers materials such as
electronic records, telephone logs, correspondence,
computer records, notes and calendar entries. .
So what happens Tuesday when nothing shows up?
I'll bet they declare it "over and done with, time to move on."
"I think that if you are the leader of planet
Earth, you should be smarter than me.
You just get the feeling, don't you,
in the Oval Office that Cheney is working behind the big desk.
And then off to the right there is
a little collapsible card table where George has like airplanes and stuff.
Then every once in a while he looks
up and says, 'I've discovered that if I shut my eyes, I can disappear."
- Darrel Hammond
really can disappear, ...want to see me?"
WPTV, a TV station in West Palm Beach,
Fla., reported that Limbaugh has hired Roy Black.
Black's high-profile clients have included
William Kennedy Smith, who was acquitted of raping
a woman at the Kennedy family's compound
in 1991. Black declined to confirm the report.
Don't I remember back in 1991, Rush said something like,
"The Kennedy's know he's guilty, why else would they hire Roy Black?
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Illusionist 'Roy' Condition Grim After Tiger Attack in Las Vegas
Illusionist Roy Horn, who with partner
Siegfried Fischbacher parlayed big-production magic and disappearing
white tigers into one of the most successful
and longest-running shows on the Las Vegas Strip, remained in
critical condition Saturday after being
attacked on stage by one of the show's veteran animals.
Friday's attack occurred about 45 minutes
into the pair's 7:30 p.m. performance, when Horn stood alone
on the huge stage and introduced Montecore,
a 7-year-old Royal White Siberian tiger.
Horn instructed the tiger to lay down but,
this time, the animal balked. Horn tapped the animal on its nose
with his microphone, a training technique
to get the cat's attention, and Montecore grabbed the illusionist's arm.
As Horn stumbled, the 550-pound animal
lunged at his neck, knocked him to the ground and pulled him off the stage.
Horn, who turned 59 on Friday, suffered
a major loss of blood that paramedics struggled to staunch with
direct pressure on his neck -- first aid
that also exacerbated problems Horn had with breathing.
Horn's condition showed no improvement
Saturday after surgery to repair a severe bite to his neck.
Roy's been handling animals since the late
fifties - and he's never had a problem like this.
The reason their show is/was so great is
because you just can't train a cat.
I have no ties to Siegfried & Roy, never
even saw their show, but whenever we were close to the Mirage,
Mrs Bart always liked to go see the white
tigers. They've meant a lot to Las Vegas - since 1970.
It would be
really nice to win this one. Losing Roy would forever mark The Mirage,
and it could change
the whole town. Don't want that.
It could also change the way we see animal acts. Don't want that,
Roy beat the odds for 44 years, let's hope
he can beat them for 45.
Roy Stable Two Days After
Horn spokesman David Kirvin said Horn's
condition had not changed from this time on Saturday.
"I think time is a good thing," Kirvin said,
saying his survival after more than 36 hours was a "positive" sign.
"The last place Roy would place blame would be
with the animal," said Bernie Yuman, manager for "Siegfried and Roy."
While Bustamante's kicking Enron butt in
court, the Davis Administration is simultaneously
demanding that George Bush's energy regulators
order the $9 billion refund.
Don't hold your breath: Bush's Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
is headed by a guy proposed by … Ken Lay.
I don't know muich about CA's budget problems,
but logic says if they had back
the $36B Enron and the White House stole
from them, they'd have a siurplus.
How do we know this wasn't all manages by
the White House?
Remember, Enron was buying Ca's fresh water
They always had it in for Cali-fornia -
for voting for Gore.
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Subject: Rush not sure what he didn't do
Friday, Rush said on his radio show:
"The story in Florida is - it really is - an
emerging situation. I watched what's being reported on television,
and it changes from morning to morning,
hour to hour, day to day. I don't yet know what I'm dealing with there,
Apparently, he has been gobbling so many
pills, he won't know what he did until the television tells him.
Then, he'll try to figure out some way
to explain it. Until then, he doesn't know what he's dealing with.
In other words, he can't start lying to
save his ass, until he knows what part of his ass needs saving.
Hey, Rush, it's the whole ass. Start
now, and spread it thick.
Ricky Z
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No need for an excerpt:
One side hit first, then the other side retaliated, causing
another volley of retaliation
from the first side, which was met with a repeat volley of retaliation
from the other side.
It just keeps on, like a bad Star Trek episode.
Subject: Rush's drug crimes
I know your birthday was several weeks
ago, but happy belated birthday present.
ha ha
Please don't be like the other progressives.
I mean, I'm reading people saying
that Rush is a human being and we should pray for him to
get well..
Fuck that. I say PILE ON!!
Sometimes I think progressives will never
get one up on on the repugnantcans.
Could you imagine what the flying monkey
right would be doing if Malloy was caught doing a 100 oxycontin pills a
ALL liberals would be tarred with the same
When the Rush-drug bust broke, the first
thing I thought was "I can't wait to hear what Bart has to
say about this."
BartCop Radio Show 14B is done, it just
needs some tweaking.
I'm going to either lose a lot of
readers/subscribers or gain a lot,
because Rush takes a beating in 14B that
no human being should ever have to take.
It's certainly farther than I've ever gone
"Piling on" is much too nice a description
for the beating he takes from Ol' Bart.
He is not a human being - but you
may feel sorry for him after you hear 14B.
It'll be up no matter what Sunday.
Thanks for stickin'
See Rush for all your Hilbilly Heroin needs.
Sunday morning, the Republicans are moaning that it's so awful
for the Democrats
to manufacture these last-minute groping attacks against Governor
Gang Bang.
Hey, it's not like this has been a nine-month campaign, and now
at the last minute, they spring
this last-minut, October Surprise eon the voters. It seems to
me that one reason Arnie played
cat-and-mouse with his short candidacy was to minimize the number
of women coming forward.
Will maria be sporting a new, 4 carat diamind on her hand next
Is that her reward for sticking with The Austrian Mauler for
the suration of the campaign?
They say he's going to win, no matter what.
Like with the Illegal Fraud, it's great for comedians but bad
for the country.
Cali-fornia is about to install an ignorant Bush puppet who doesn't
know what he's doing.
An ignorant Bush puppet caused all their trouble, and they're
asking for more?
4 More Women Go Public Against Schwarzenegger
Four more women have come forward to say
that Arnold Schwarzenegger fondled, spanked
or touched them in incidents they said
took place as recently as 2000 and as long ago as 1979.
In all, 15 women have now accused the Republican
candidate for governor of grabbing or groping them.
Schwarzenegger denounced as a "puke campaign"
news reports that he has behaved abusively toward women.
Gee, that sounds a lot like, "I can't
comment until I fully understand the scope of these accusations."
I assume Arnie won't "understand the
scope" until after Tuesday's election...
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Sen. Edward Kennedy to Receive Bush Award
Ted Kennedy will receive the 2003 George
Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service.
That would be George Herbert Herbert Bush,
the current Resident's father.
The award will be presented to ted at a
dinner ceremony Nov. 7
following a speech by Kennedy at Texas
A&M University.
Former President Bush will present the
Kennedy has been one of George W. Bush's
harshest critics over the Iraq war.
Former President Bush has sole discretion
on who receives the award,
said Penrod Thornton of the George Bush
Presidential Library Foundation.
"It was more about ... contributions of the individuals
and it didn't have anything to do
with the fact that we need Teddy to shut
the fuck up for the next 13 months,"
Thornton told the Bryan-College Station
Eagle for its Saturday editions.
This sounds like it's an already-done deal,
but if Ted Kennedy accepts this award,
to me it means all that he said about
Iraq being "a fake war dreamed up in Texas,"
was just some kind of sick handjob for
the Democrats to use a s salve.
Don't do it, Ted.
Tell the B.F.E.E. to take a long
f-ing hike.
What's next, Ted?
You're invited to the B.F.E.E. Bar-B-Q
where they offer you a chair at the Carlyle Group?
And all you have to do is sign off on Patriot
Act II and III?
I was proud of you last week when you stood
up like a man and told the truth about Bush.
But now Poppy's gonna give you a gold-plated
nickname and you're going to accept it?
They're offering you $24 for the Island of Manhattan, Ted.
Don't do it.
Click to see a fun flash movie
"Arnold said he was never a fan of Hitler.
And today,
Pat Buchanan said, "Well that’s it,
he’s lost my vote.”
-- Leno, with a lame joke
wrong with admiring Grandad's partner?"
Hi! Tom and I caught Lewis Black and
Dave Attell in Ann Arbor, Mi in 10/4.
The show was sold out and these guys were
fuckin hilarious! We were fortunate
enough to meet them after the show, they
signed autographs until about 2 am.
I've attatched 2 pics of Tom G. from MI
with each of them.
They both seemed interested in the website
and kept their stickers.
Hopefully we have Octobers' winners right
here!!! <wink, wink>.
Hope all is well with you and keep on rockin'
the truth!
Allyson from Ohio (roulette queen)
(Allyson won the big roulette spin at Bartfest Vegas 2002)
Allyon, thanks to you and Tom! Those are great pictures.
I'm more familiar with Lewis Black (The Daily Show) and he's
one of my favorites.
personal foul
The vulgar Pigboy was a stupid move on their part
Click Here for USA Today's superior version.
Click Here for the copy I kept for when Karl Rove makes USA Today take it down.
Of course, accusing Rush Limbaugh of acting
like Rush Limbaugh makes little sense. His comments Sunday
were a somewhat sanitized version of the
same offensive shtick he has peddled on radio for 15 years.
Perhaps ESPN was blinded by the big ratings
promised by Limbaugh's undeniable fan base.
Last Sunday's audience of 2.1 million households
was the show's biggest in seven years.
That would explain why ESPN waited until
late Wednesday to condemn the remarks.
By then, the network had received thousands
of calls and e-mails, most negative.
"But the
vulgar Pigboy is a national treasure..."
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"It’s Friday, it’s a big day for President
Wesley Clark is doing well in the polls
and Halle Barry is now single.
-- Dave
Entertainment Page
Special Bonus Disinfotainment today - 'Arnold Unplugged'
Reader review of 'Bend It Like Beckham'
'Jesse Ventura's America' debuted on MSGOP
Hong Kong's own 'Walk O'Fame'
'Lump in the Bed' hosts a weekend book festival
Mice to be used to test food
And a bunch of links
"I am God
to the little people."
The purported pill-popping pundit Pigboy
returned to the air with a message for his loyal listeners: "Just trust
me on this."
Limbaugh did not deny that Florida police
were investigating whether he bought thousands of black-market painkillers.
The bastard - who regularly ripped into
Clinton for parsing his words - took a
Clintonesque approach
to reports that he illegally bought massive
amounts of "hillbilly heroin" tablets and other illegal narcotics.
"I'm not even going to characterize this on
how you should look at this in the press," said Limbaugh, who claimed
he got more than 35,000 supportive E-mails.
"I'm going to come clean when I get all the facts and details."
.Wilma Cline wore a wire for Florida prosecutors
and told of meeting him at Denny's parking lots to pass him cigar boxes
filled with pills. In return, he gave her
cigar boxes stuffed with money with the coded comment, "Here's the cabbage,"
he'd say.
New reports say Rush paid his housekeeper Wilma the 80,000 that
he owed her,
then paid her another $120,000 on top of that with the understanding
that she'd remain silent.
Isn't that conspiracy to obstruct justice?
From what I know about the law - I think it is.
Any Florida (or others) attorney's who could straighten this out?
We can leave your name out of it.
about Arnold, Nazi's, the GOP and the BFEE
Arnold's famous "Nazi salute" picture
"I admire Hitler for being
such a good
public speaker
and for what he did with it.""
Schwarzenegger has never repudiated
his support for Waldheim. Much of the program examines the networking
of Bush family ally and investment adviser
Allen Dulles and personalities (including Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon,
George H.W. Bush and William Casey)
that were to become luminaries in the Republican hierarchy. All of these
were involved with the Crusade for Freedom,
an illegal CIA/State Department operation in which Nazi and fascist war
criminals were brought into the US for
political purposes. Many eventually coalesced into the Republic ethnic
organization. The key words and concepts
to understand in the context of this broadcast are networking, oligarchy,
hierarchy. Is Schwarzenegger associated
with the Underground Reich? Was his ascension realized through the
networking of elements of the American
power elite with the Underground Reich?
Do They Pick a Pope?
Surpringly, it's a lot like CBS's Survivor Pearl Islands
Fifteen to 20 days after the pope's death,
the cardinals will convene in the Sistine Chapel, in a secret
meeting known as the conclave. There, they'll
be handed strips of paper emblazoned with the Latin words
"Eligo in summum pontificem" -
'I elect as supreme pontiff.' Each cardinal will write down
the name
of the fellow cardinal he'd most like to
see elevated to pope and folds the ballot and places it in a chalice.
Then Jeff Probst reads the winner and God appears and give thew new Pope his Holy Staff.
Doomsday in the Offing
by David Broder, less whore than some
Maybe all the others are wrong. Maybe those
in the Bush administration who claim we can grow our way
out of these big budget deficits if we
just keep cutting taxes to stimulate the economy know something no
one else grasps. But if I had to bet my
grandchildren's future prosperity on anyone, I would not bet that way.
[The] numbers are incomprehensible. But
a better sense of their meaning comes when the groups say that if
current policies remain, balancing the
budget by 2013 will require raising individual and corporate income
taxes by 27 percent, cutting Social Security
by 60 percent, cutting defense by 73 percent or cutting all
programs -- except defense, homeland security,
Social Security and Medicare -- by 40 percent.
It's unpatriotic to say Der Fuhrer's math doesn't add up.
Putting Rush TV and expecting him
to do no damage was like letting a grizzly bear into your pantry
and expecting the doughnuts to survive.
He has called Hillary Clinton a murderer, Tom Daschle the devil,
and idly wondered why all post-office mug
shots look like Jesse Jackson, with no regulation or retribution.
The reason that mudslinging works on the
radio is simple: On the radio, Limbaugh is speaking to the dittoheads,
the disciples who swallow everything. On
TV, Limbaugh has to address the population as a whole.
Rush Limbaugh crawled out of his bunker
and put himself before TV lights,
and everybody got a good look. For a month
Subject: Botulism in the refrigerator?
So let's see, after millions of american tax dollars, we've found one vial of live botuli bacteria in Iraq.
It was stored in a scientist's family refrigerator
since the early 90's.
That's it?
That's why we went to war?
Koresh, they were probably going to turn
it into botox for Hussein's makeover.
We went to war to prevent Hussein from
getting a makeover?
That makes sense, doesn't it?
Mick according to the networks, the cable channels, talk radio
and the newspapers - it does.
Hey, could somebody explain again how much the military hated
serving under President Clinton
because they all came home to their wives and raised families
and lived happily ever after?
October sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
Here for the best September stickers
We need a different calendar for October - any suggestions?
"Courtney Love overdosed on drugs and was arrested
the other night.
The police knew Courtney was high because
she said she’d vote for Gray Davis.
-- Kilborn
July 30, 2001 International Adhesions
Society mailing list: Re: OxyContin:
Rush Limbaugh talked about OxyContin (hillbilly
heroin) at length today--maybe an hour of
his 3-hour show.
The talk was mostly about the abusers of
the drug, and that it was a shame that the abuse
affected people who really need it.
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"Arnold said that this is a last-minute attack
by Democrats,
but how did Arnold know to grope
only Democrats?
Subject: About the Marc Rich pardon
Bill Clinton pardoned financier Marc
Rich. The question to ask is "How many people did Marc Rich
Answer: "Zero."
Next question: "How many people died
because of Iran/Contra (some pardoned by Poppy Bush)?"
Answer: "Plenty!"
That includes an archbishop, nuns, and
priests, if memory serves me right.
Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Plus, how many died when the Unqualified Idiot started a war for
no damn reason?
205 brave Americans, with 1400 maimed, and perhaps 10,000 Iraqi
...but Clinton had a "scandal-plagued" administration - just ask a member of the press.
Sally left us without knowing
how famous she'd become.
Joe Conason's Journal
This morning I was talking with a friend
about the latest misfortunes to befall the White House political team,
their pal Rush Limbaugh, and their pawn
Arnold Schwarzenegger. "When bad things happen to bad people,"
he cracked -- and I must admit I laughed.
The grotesquely boorish Arnold, the dirty-trickster Karl, the demagogic
and apparently drug-dependent Rush (a name
that now sounds grimly appropriate) have all brought their new
troubles on themselves. Ignore all the
whining about how they're being picked on by the media, and remember
that these conservatives, particularly
Rush, have always mocked the "culture of victimization" that shifts blame
personal failings. Like Bill "Snake Eyes"
Bennett, the moralizing, compassion-free Limbaugh is hoisted on his own
Capped Crusader
The Guardian talks to Michael Moore
For Moore, this is not just a personal
achievement, but a political triumph. "Only that British woman, JK Rowling,
has sold more books than me this year,"
he says gleefully. "Think about that. It's Harry Potter and it's Michael
In fiction it's her and in non-fiction
it's me. So the American public, during a time when everyone was supposedly
rallying behind George Bush, was buying
something called Stupid White Men, which essentially trashes George Bush."
His detractors have branded his work "Chomsky
for children", but my guess is that he would consider that a compliment.
Chomsky reaches thousands, maybe tens of
thousands. Moore reaches millions, maybe tens of millions.
Religio-Bastard Mocks Matthew Shepperd
"God Hates Fags" asshole wants monument to slain gay man's
entrance into Hell
Rev. Fred Phelps said the monument would
be made of marble or granite, with a heavy bronze plaque bearing
the face of Matthew Shepard and an inscription
reading "MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998."
Is having a reverand bitch-slapped into unconsciousness for money
a crime in Wyoming?
If it is, I was just kidding. If it's not, let's start the collection.
Where are the "good and decent" men of the cloth?
Why aren't they condemning this son of a bitch in the strongest
Bush, Ashcroft are typically silent on this outrage because "They're
just fags."
La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz
One for the Groper
Dragon Lady sees a chance to attack Hillary
Feminism died in 1998 when Hillary allowed
henchlings and Democrats to demonize Monica as an
unbalanced stalker, and when Gloria Steinem
defended Mr. Clinton against Kathleen Willey and Paula
Jones by saying he had merely made clumsy
passes, then accepted rejection, so there was no sexual
harassment involved. As to his dallying
with an emotionally immature 21-year-old, Steinem noted,
"Welcome sexual behavior is about as relevant
to sexual harassment as borrowing a car is to stealing one."
Monica was
an unbalanced stalker.
She threatened the president because he
to screw her.
None of these Arnold complaintants are
saying he refused to have sex with them.
Maureen, you're still on Bush's
payroll, aren't you?.
Baseball, pro and college football, and Eldrick Woods!
...and more
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American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was 318,
....this issue it's 320
They got TWO MORE of our boys, just since yesterday.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 113
1,400 wounded - with many missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
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