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"I would call the French scumbags but that
would be a disservice to bags filled
with scum..."
-- scumbag Dennis Miller at Andre Agassi's
Grand Slam charity event for Children Attribution
Can you believe this sick bastard?
At a children's charity event, he goes
for a cheap, tacky and unfunny political swipe?
Elton John, the star of the event got him back.
"When people say, `Why do they hate us so much?
Why do they hate us so much?' Dennis
ha ha
Dennis Miller alligned himself with a sick-minded
who just got caught faking a war that killed
over 300 brave Americans.
Isn't it funny when someone backs the wrong horse and gets what they deserve?
The dollar sank to its lowest level since
Nov. 2000 before firming slightly to 109.93 yen per dollar,
down from 111 on Monday. Meanwhile, the
euro hit a three-month high against the dollar, trading as
high as $1.1813, not far off its record
level of $1.1933 in late May. And Canada's dollar, the loonie,
hit a seven-year high against the greenback.
Even surging U.S. economic growth and, now,
hints of a jobs recovery haven't been able to stem
the tide against the dollar.
We need to impeach the Illegal Fraud while we still have a country left to defend.
"Asked by a reporter how confident he was that
the F.B.I. would determine who disclosed the identity of the officer,
the president responded by asking the reporter
how many times he had exposed a source or had seen a source exposed.
"Probably none," Mr. Bush said in answer to his
own question. "I mean, this is a town full of people who like to leak information.
And I don't know if we're going to find
out the senior administration official."
the bouncing White House ball
by Molly Ivins
Two weeks ago, President Bush said, "There's
no question that Saddam had al Qaeda ties."
But he also said two weeks ago, "We've
had no evidence that Saddam was involved with 9-11."
That helpful clarification came after Cheney
was asked on Meet the Press why he thought
70 percent of Americans believe that Saddam
was behind Sept. 11.
"It's not surprising that people make that connection," said the veep.
Back in 2001, Cheney had said it was "pretty
well confirmed" that Iraq and the Sept. 11 hijackers
had coordinated. But most recently he said
he didn't know if Saddam was connected to Sept. 11.
>Now with working link<
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Robert Pappas
Robert Pappas' documentary has been
accepted at the East Hampton Film Festival.
It is slated to screen on October 23rd
at 3 pm.
The documentary deals with media reform,
the 2000 election and the future of the internet.
I hope you got a chance to see it.
The people in the film are:
Charles Lewis; Center for Public Integrity,
Robert McChesney; Professor of Media Studies,
Mark Crispin Miller; NYU Professor and
friend of bartcop.com
Bernie Sanders; Independent Congressman,
Michael Moore, Janine Jackson; FAIR, Dennis
Jeff Cohen, Kucinich's campaign manager,
Jeff Chester and many more.
We would love if you would spread the word.
The website is
Thanks for your help.
Terri N
Last night, CNN thought it would be keen to send Candy Crowley
(R-Butterqueen) to cover
the Gray
Davis victory party. Crowley hates Democrats with
every pound she carries.
Why did they send a known Demo-hater to give us "fair & balanced"
coverage of this event?
Why couldn't CNN find somebody who only hates Democrats 80 percent,
instead of 100%
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I can't believe what I'm reading. A day
after Ahnuld gets into office in what has to be California's
biggest practical joke to the United States,
I find out that Senator Hatch and the Republican party
wants to change the rules once again, and
allow non-native Americans to run for President! This is incredible!
Basically, this is the Republicans saying
"We don't have anybody with a career record that can match General Clark's,
so we're going to pitch for the popular
movie star who plays heroes on the big screen so that we can steal elections
guys like Clark who actually WERE heroes
in real life."
Like in the past several major elections, the Republicans are changing the rules of the game to get their guy in office.
Why don't liberals FIGHT? Why aren't hordes
of people storming the White House and demanding change?
Why has there been no new Boston Tea Party?
No uprising? Nothing!
Wilder, the Democrats are scared to death
Mr Rove might not approve of a fight.
The Democrats won't even fight to keep
their seats they hold in Washington.
Gray Davis refused to fight in California
- why didn't he blame Enron for the huge deficits?
Why didn't he demand a one-on-one debate
with Musclehead, and call him chicken if he refused?
The GOP and the B.F.E.E. will continue
to roll over them until they say "Stop."
Until our side decides that we want to win, we're going to keep
"When a Mexican runner won the New York City
marathon, Rush said it was because quote,
'an immigration agent chased him for
the last ten miles. Edgy, controversial, brilliant.
What a way to shake up intelligent
sports commentary. Hitler would have killed in talk radio.
He was edgy, too. Disney, who owns
ESPN, should take a bow."
--Nancy Giles, Limbaugh
as Hitlerian Racist
"Mrs. Wilson is one of those rare women who
was a superspy. She risked her own life by going overseas
without official protection, no diplomatic
immunity. If she got arrested, she would be shot as a spy. And she
had a cover company, a secret cover
the CIA set up. It looks like a normal business, and, from that business,
is able to travel the world and recruit
brave people around the world that were willing to help us hunt for WMDs.
And a columnist exposed not only her
name, but even after knowing that CIA didn’t want her name disclosed,
even after being told that she was
an operative, even after knowing she is the rarest operative, a NOC, Robert
Novak then publishes the name of her
cover business. Every intelligence agency in the world is tracing all the
mail they’ve ever had with her, all
the company connections. I hope that none of her agents are in countries
North Korea or Iran, because those
people are going to be tortured to find out, were you ever an agent for
Mrs. Wilson? What was your connection
with this company she had? Now, when Novak released both of those
items, he may have unwittingly exposed
himself to federal criminal prosecution.
-- John Loftus http://www.msnbc.com/news/977054.asp
See Rush for all your Hilbilly Heroin needs.
I'm not very good at writing this stuff,
and I'm still swooning a little too much to give his appearance justice,
but he simply OOZES charm and charisma,
much as I'd imagine Clinton does in person. My friend and I
were discussing how hard it must be to
put that much energy out to hundreds and thousands of people daily.
but he definitely puts it out there.
he didn't say a thing wrong. not one. he
talked a lot about education, job creation, use of force only as a last
his business and political experience,
why he joined the race, the essence of democracy which he calls the new
the right to disagree/dissent, foreign
policy, the economy, civil rights, human rights, everything. he even threw
in some
comments about oklahoma v. arkansas football
for the hardcore OU fans. :) he took questions and answered them all
very articulately and is thinking on his
i was particularly glad to hear his answer
to the question "how will we know our votes are counted correctly?"
he mentioned charlie rangel heading up
the voter-verifiable paper trail issue on electronic voting machines.
this to me was a sign that he is sincere
about his passion for politics, as many of the candidates out there don't
even have this very complicated issue on
their radar screen, much less in tune with those who have the answer
for how to solve it.
I made sure I reminded a few people in the
campaign to make sure that oklahoma volunteers aren't forgotten as
we tend to never get calls back.
(i don't know if that's been your experience, but i find it nearly impossible
to get
any campaign to make use of my offer to
do door-to-door, man phone banks, etc. which is clearly just insane).
he's got it people. and he's couching it
all in "big tent" terminology trying to bring america together.
the only thing he said i disagreed with
is that country is more important than party. :)
in a nutshell, I'm in LUV and Clark's my new boyfriend.
Click to see a fun flash movie
“When I do the Today show out here I get up
at 2am because out here you have to be up and ready
to go at 4 because it’s 7 in the east.
So I was getting a little tired, but I feel actually good because
I flew out here and Rush Limbaugh sat
next to me on the plane. He gave me some vitamins.”
Couric, making
fun of the snotty Pigboy
is a national treasure..."
The Whore Street Journal Seduced by Sleazy Schwarzenegger
"What can The Wall Street Journal be thinking?
On Friday, Oct. 3, The Journal’s editorial page applauded Arnold
for his "candor" in admitting some truth
to the accusations by several women that he had touched them sexually
without their consent. The paper minimized
the allegations by saying that all that was proven was that the actor
"can be a boor" and that his statements
were "a welcome contrast to the usual political stonewalling or denials."
Sounding like a bunch of 1950’s-era martini-guzzlers,
the editors of The Journal gave Mr. Schwarzenegger a
figurative big slap on the back and rewarded
him because he did not "deny, dissemble or wag his finger into a
camera. The owners and editors of The
Wall Street Journal should be ashamed of themselves."
-Editorial - New York Observer
That last sentence seemed to be written by a fourth grade school
That pack of wolves at the WSJ wouldn't know shame if it sat
on their faces.
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Rush crush, but too late
Tom Jackson, who told two ESPN executives
he would quit "Countdown" if Limbaugh remained on the show,
does not agree with the radio talk show
host who, on his Friday program, referred to Jackson as a "friend."
"Rush Limbaugh is known for the divisive nature of his rhetoric. He creates controversy," Jackson said.
"And what he said Sunday is the same type of thing
he has said on radio for years. A player in this league,
who has a young son, called me this week.
His son now wants to know if it's all right for a black to play quarterback.
That's why he's called the "vulgar Pigboy."
Entertainment Page
Hillary on Jon Stewart
Carlin on Leno
Harper's Weekly Review
Fresh BAGnews
FCC lets Bono skate
Beyonce launching 2 clothing lines
Maryland's 'first lady' on Britney Spears
'Nick & Jessica' renewed for another year
Jesse Ventura's debut show had only 194,000 viewers
Edith Piaf can still draw a crowd
Oliver Stone in Marrakech
And, prime time ratings - the top 20 shows
is my Governor?
by Kelly D
Oddly, it’s fitting, too, that this happens
in here. Murkuh, you’re not special. We have defined
what happens for you forever: be afraid.
It couldn’t happen here was what I thought through
the whole stolen election. And the California
Dems might prove the national Dems wrong as
regards the resistance factor—but why should
we have had to, national Dems?
I’ll tell ya: it’s because we have had something
of a coup here too. It’s complete.
They’ve taken over even California. Stand
up now for the principles, fight the money power,
and fuck those who think the path of least
political anxiety is the best path.
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welcomes Arnold: The fresh face of baby-killing
gun-control groupsex Republicanism
saw it on whitehouse.org
"I guess Callefournyuh loves sex, because now
they are going to get the fucking of
their lives!"
Dean in WPB
taken at Pokerfest 2003-Vegas
"What must it be like to live in Rush Limbaugh's
world? A world where when anyone other than
conservative, white men attempts to
do anything or enter any profession, be it business, politics,
art or sports, the only reason they're
allowed entry or incredibly attain excellence is because the
standard was lowered. Be they liberals,
people of color, women, the poor or anyone with an accent."
--Nancy Giles, Limbaugh
as Hitlerian Racist
Subject: Governor Predator
Well, shit.
A serial predator is my new governor, and the 'results' of the election were announced (literally) 1 minute after the polls closed.
Guess we know which dog & pony show
will be deflecting grief from chimpy for the next year or so
(not that ahnold has any corporate masters
to pay off)...and then there's always the chance that Maria
will melt down, too...yeah - it'll be the
media's fault! Damn liberal media.
Don't think it's gonna be pretty - it sure as hell ain't gonna be cheap (this recall has cost over $75 million - so far).
Although we do get the added value of expanding
kid's vocabularies with words like 'grope' and 'penetrate'
while defining the nuances of 'consentual'
vs. 'predatory.'
REST OF THE WORLD: Hey, don’t get
me wrong, Miller and I used to be pretty tight. I watched his show
on Fox all the time. And he was the only
reason I used to watch Saturday Night Live. He was a riot back then.
ME: So, what happened between you two?
REST OF THE WORLD: Well, he stopped
being funny and became flat out mean-spirited. For some reason,
when Bill got that hummer from Lewinksi,
well Miller blamed every problem on the planet on him, and just couldn’t
get over it.
Radio feedback
I thought BCR Show 14B was the best so far.
The timing, delivery and message...all
perfect. You were ON!
What do we need more of? I say add some
slams against Hannity, Laura, Wiener and Miller.
Use that Pigboy format! That's a winner!
Keep hammering the bastards!
Bill Neufeld
Miller's on Leno tonight.
Maybe he'll say something stupid :)
Siegfried on Larry King tonight
"...taking your calls!"
Subject: weird deal
I was in Sacramento this week for a wedding
and sat at a table full of strangers.
During the conversation one of the folks
from Wisconsin mentioned Bartcop and that he was a member.
After that we had a very lively discussion
and many drinks.
What another fine example for a Bartcopper.
October sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
Here for the best October stickers
Smirk didn't misjudge anything.
He's a monkey dancing to Cheney's organ.
"If you can trample your own campaign promises,
avoid talking about fixes for the state's problems,
drive a Hummer in smog city, get accused
of pawing 15 women, and still captivate an electorate in which
Democrats hold a huge advantage, you
deserve to be governor. And the people deserve to have you."
--Steve Lopez,
Tulare county gave 'obscure' candidates
very high percents of their state wide totals:
Palmieri - 995 out of 3,717
Platform was 'don't vote for me or the
recall'. Gay Rights activist who lives in LA.
Kunzman - 694 out of 2,133
Lives north of Oakland and favored increased
social programs. Said he would fire all
school custodians tosave money and have
the kids empty the trash and clean the carpets.
Sprague - 546 out of 1,576
Zero tolerance for discrimination. Lives
From: Bob
Subject: You have proven
yourself and idiot
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"I've learned my lesson. Never underestimate
the stupidity of the American voter.
Just when you think they can't be bigger
fucking idiots, they prove you wrong.
Stupid sells. Hence the miraculous relative
popularity of Dubyah, despite all of his
adminstration's screw ups and deliberate
screw jobs. By rights Bush should have
favorability and approval ratings that
make Gray Davis look like Mr, Popularity.
"I want him to be governor,because he is really
cool and he’s got lots of money for us, too. "
--Andrea Lazano, Schwarzenegger supporter,
quoted on Olbermann
Radio show feedback
1) The clip-your response-clip-your response
format works really well.
Most of us have short
attention spans, so it's best to deconstruct Rush (or whoever) sentence
by sentence.
2) Your voice sounds great--not that it was bad before, but whatever you did equipment-wise really worked.
3) As for the "more shows" question, I'd rather have fewer, higher-quality shows than something quantity-driven.
4) I guess just keep in mind that we're paying to hear what you think, and we're doing that because we get a kick out of you.
5) I think it would be a nice idea for you to get COMPLETELY shit-faced and do a show.
1. Those are fun to do.
2. Credit Tommy Mack, and my finding the
front of the microphone
3. Me, too.
4. Thanks,
5. That could happen.
Study proves FOX News audience is stupid
PIPA found that 48 percent of the public
believe US troops found evidence of close pre-war links
between Iraq and al-Qaeda; 22 percent thought
troops found WMD in Iraq; and 25 percent believed
that world public opinion favored Washington's
going to war with Iraq. All three are misperceptions.
I blame:
FOX for
lying about everything
The rest of the media for not
calling them on it.
Democrats for hiding in the
corner begging, "Please don't hurt me."
VCR alert
Hillary on Jon Stewart, attempt #2.
Attempt #1 resulted in the Eastern Seaboard being blacked out.
Plus West Wing and the best in poker from The
World Poker Tour,
from the site of Pokerfest
2004 -The Bicycle Casino in Los Angeles
La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz
Subject: Christian Eye for the Queer Guy
Bart, you wrote, in invisble ink:
> (I would've loved to have put "Faggot, please!"
there, but this crowd would howl.)
BART - You rock! If I wasn't so fucking
broke and in debt I would send some $$$.
keep on bringing it to them!
It's cool when someone reads the invisible ink.
In a news conference Tuesday, Dr. Derek
Duke confirmed that since Sunday afternoon,
Horn has been "communicating with us and
is responding nicely."
The neurosurgeon said the prognosis was
not good when Horn arrived at the hospital late on his 59th birthday.
"Mr. Horn's injury was extremely severe, and
it is all but miraculous that he is alive at this time," Duke said Tuesday.
"While we are quite pleased with his progress,
Mr. Horn is in critical condition, and it will be quite some time
before the extent of his recovery is known,"
Duke said.
On Tuesday, S&R manager Bernie Yuman reiterated that there are no plans to destroy Montecore.
"His future is bright," Yuman said. "A tiger is a tiger. We understand."
I read some posts at the alt.vacation.las-vegas
news group.
I saw comments like, "Who cares? They're
just a couple of fags."
You just know the asshole who wrote that was a Bush fan.
Baseball, pro and college football, and Eldrick Woods!
...and more
Click to Enter
American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was 318,
....this issue it's 323
They got
of our boys since yesterday.
Damn, I hate to hear that.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 113
118 son of a bitch
1,400 wounded - with many missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
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Click Here to reach Sam at her new address.
Why was today's issue short?
That's the sound of a jack-hammer going thru Mrs. Bart's brand
new kitchen floor.
We busted another pipe in the kitchen, this time under the floor.
Three hours of that is enough to put one in a bad mood.
Have a good time today - that's just a suggestion...
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throw bartcop.com four cents.
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It had everything.
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