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"I'm disgusted by the large number of congressional
Republicans who support this
massive new government-run entitlement,
the prescription drug bill, and I've said so
in the past. The whole thing
makes me mad."
-- the vulgar hillbilly heroin junkie,
10/09/03, Attribution
The world's Islamic nations opened their
biggest meeting in three years Saturday with a call
for the eviction of U.S. troops from Iraq
and the rapid restoration of its sovereignty.
The gathering of the 57 countries of the
Organization of the Islamic Conference, the world's biggest
Muslim political group, was split until
recently over whether the Iraqi Governing Council should assume
the seat held by Saddam Hussein's ousted
government. But delegates said Saturday a resolution would
be adopted welcoming the council.
Divisions over Iraq threatened to prevent
Islamic leaders from finding a unified voice to address a
widespread feeling that the war against
terrorism has turned into a war against Muslims.
There are almost 2 billion Muslims.
If just one percent of them are willing to die for their faith,
that's 20 million suicide bombers.
Way to go, Pinhead.
bombs are the answer..."
“He’s another dead drug addict.”
- vulgar junkie on Jerry
Garcia, 8/11/95
"I know every expert in the world will disagree
with me, but I don’t buy into the disease part of it.
The first time you reach for a substance
you are making a choice. Every time you go back,
you are making a personal choice. I feel
very strongly about that.’...
- vulgar junkie, 9/23/93
Year after year after year, he was abusing illegal narcotics.
He likes to call it "pain medication," because that sounds more
than "I'm a helpless junkie who got
my nasty-ass hooked on hillbilly heroin."
US newspapers getting identical (phony) letters from soldiers
Letters from hometown soldiers describing
their successes rebuilding Iraq have been appearing in newspapers
across the country as U.S. public opinion
on the mission sours. And all the letters are the same.
More B.F.E.E. trickery to make the stupid think the war is going well.
"I first started taking prescription painkillers
five, six years ago when my doctor prescribed them
to treat post-surgical pain following
spinal surgery. Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful,
and I continued to have severe pain
in my lower back and also in my neck now, due to two herniated
disks, pain which I'm still experiencing
because of that."
-- the vulgar junkie,
10/10/03, Attribution
Pigboy, you blame everything on your
infected ass or Bill Clinton.
Why don't you take responsibility for becoming
a hillbilly heroin junkie?
U.S. Catholic Sex Scandal Was Overstated
You victims need to "knock it off," Vatican says
The media has exaggerated a sex scandal
that has shaken the Catholic Church and unfairly
tainted thousands of priests with overzealous
coverage, the Pope's top aide said Friday.
"The scandals in the United States received disproportionate
attention from the media,"
Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano
told Reuters in an interview.
Sodano, who is second only to the pope in the Vatican hierarchy, said there were more than 48,000 U.S. priests.
"The vast majority are generous pastors," said
Sodano, 75.
"Why should there be so much aggressiveness toward
them, and so many unjust generalizations?" .
Wow - how long has it been since somebody has been this wrong?
Excuse me, Cardinal, but this story has been under-reported
for decades or centuries.
Each time YOU
found out one of your priests was raping children, YOU
drove the getaway car
and YOU
re-locate the rapist bastard to a different, unsuspecting parish so he
could rape again and again.
You seem to find solace in the fact that a majority of priests
aren't rapists.
If the Catholic Church had handled this severe problem like men
of God, there would be no problem.
You were so afraid that you might lose a few priests, so you
let these monsters attack again and again.
That's a sickness that I can't even fathom.
Jesus, even if you were hell-bent on having as many raped children
as possible, it would have been
a thousand times cheaper to cut lose the perverted priests than
pay these hundred-million dollar settlements.
You're not even smart enough to protect the Church pocketbook.
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Subject: the drug addict
I heard Rush Limbaugh announce that he IS
addicted to pain medication.
Rush said he wanted to be honest with his
Rush Limbaugh could have been honest years
ago and told people about his drug addiction.
What happened between the time he was trying
to buy thousands of pills and now?
The ONLY reason Rush Limbaugh came out
was because he was named in a drug investigation.
There is no guts involved in this one,
no courage at all. It's simply Rush trying to tell you before
he was led away in handcuffs and it hit
the public like a ton of bricks. Rush is now using his celebrity
to avoid jail and get sympathy. Rush is
not a role model for courage and integrity. Rush is doing this to
save his ass and nothing more.
If there was no investigation, Rush Limbaugh
would be popping pills and lambasting drug addicts and
liberals as usual. Rush Limbaugh shows
that he is the ultimate when it comes to lies, hypocrisy and
the politics of personal destruction. He
built his career on being a character assassin and now his
character is being assassinated and rightly
so. Turn about is fair play I guess.
"Here’s the problem with this big talk-show
host who turns out to be a prescription- drug junkie.
You have a guy who finally stops spinning
and fesses up for his actions. Fine. He says he won’t
play the victim. Good. He’s off to
rehab. God bless. But what he and his apologists want you to
forget is that he broke the law—yes,
the L-A-W. Some of us around here still have respect for it.
Folks, this guy didn’t just use drugs,
he put another person in harm’s way to feed his own habit.
He repeatedly sent his maid out into
parking lot to score thousands of pills. Talk about cowardly.
Alter, Attribution
a Fine Fall Irony Fest
by Molly Ivins
Rush Limbaugh is apparently facing drug
John Ashcroft demanded that federal prosecutors
seek the maximum penalty in every case
They'll bend the rules for the vulgar junkie, or Bush will pardon him.
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America's favorite bully admits his tragic weakness
He said nothing about his innocence or
guilt, stressing only that the stories in the press have contained
"inaccuracies and distortions." He said
nothing about Cline and her allegations, such as that the drug
he was addicted to was OxyContin, hydrocodone
and Lorcet. He also said nothing about speculation
that his recent, highly publicized hearing
loss may have been caused by his addiction. He said he had to
wait until the investigation was over to
correct the record once and for all.
When the vulgar junkie gets back, he'll
still be a lying, Nazi whore,
attacking blacks, the poor, Liberals, gays,
teachers, intellectuals and 13 year-old girls.
Fuck him.
I refuse to feel sorry for the son of a
by William Rivers Pitt
I am writing this essay from an internet
cafe in Berlin, Germany. I have been, in the last week, to Amsterdam, Antwerp
and The Hague. I will go from here to London,
Oxford and Paris. I have been giving talks to ex-pat American groups and
large crowds of confused Europeans. The
Europeans are not confused because they are ill-informed; they are, in
fact, far more
aware of what is happening in America than
most Americans are back home. These Europeans know all about the Project
The New American Century, they know all
about the Office of Special Plans, they know all about the lies that have
spoon-fed to America and the world. They
know all of this, simply, because the news media in Europe is not owned
operated as an advertising wing for
General Electric, AOL/TimeWarner, Viacom, Disney or Ruppert Murdoch.
What these Europeans don't understand, and
what they keep asking me, is why. "America had everything going for it,"
said noted Dutch author Karel von Wolfen
to me the other day. "America had the respect of just about the whole world.
No one here can possibly fathom why they
would so quickly and so brazenly throw that all away."
Click to see a fun flash movie
"With Condi Rice in her new position, will
feminists grant her a round of applause? Probably not, since
she has received from them no honorable
recognition as National Security Adviser. In fact, it is as if
this female leader doesn’t exist.
She’s invisible. She’s simply NOT. How prejudicial
is NOW and
like feminist organizations! They pride
themselves on being a part of the intelligentsia, state of the
art in-the-know, but they are woefully
biased. They, if truly supportive of women in leadership, would
give acclaim to one of their own gender
who plays such a significant role in today’s political world.
However, they are silent. Quiet
does it. Not a peep."
--J. Grant Swank, Jr
Rice: Will Feminists Take Note?
What has she done that deserves our respect?
Getting her name painted on an oil tanker?
She's doing a terrible job at an appointed position.
Her purpose in life is so Bush can point to her when they rightly
call him a racist.
If they gave out awards for a black person
selling out to a crooked white man,
Condi would have to build another room
at her mansion to hold all of them.
My good
friend (and business manager) Zendaba is in France this week.
He's wearing his "apology" t-shirt, that says
Go to americanapologyshirt.com to get yours.
Entertainment Page
Salma Hayek on US citizenship
Anastacia, 'Women Rock!' & Lifetime network
Billboard's top 10 & history
Bono's artwork
4 new Crayola colors
And a bunch of links
Rush belongs in prison, not rehab
Florida Statute 893.13(6)(a)
(6)(a) It is unlawful for any person
to be in actual or constructive possession of a controlled substance
unless such controlled substance was
lawfully obtained from a practitioner or pursuant to a valid prescription
or order of a practitioner while acting
in the course of his or her professional practice or to be in actual or
constructive possession of a controlled
substance except as otherwise authorized by this chapter.
Any person who violates this provision
commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided
in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or
s. 775.084.
As you take full responsibilty for your
third degree felony, I dare say the Palm Beach Police
will be happy to accept your full confession
so you can start paying your debt to society.
Senators Denounce Bush's War Performance
"The president has to be the president, over
the vice president and over these secretaries,"
the chairman, Sen. Dick Lugar,
R-Ind., said on "Meet the
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Pinktutu): "There's no
clear articulation within this administration of what
the goals, what the message is, what the
plan is. You have this significant division within the
administration between the Powells and
the Rumsfelds."
Rove must've given Biden permission to say that.
"The leak risked the security of all operatives
who had used Brewster-Jennings as cover, as well as of all assets
ever seen with Mrs. Wilson. Unwitting
sources will now realize that they were supplying the C.I.A. with information,
and even real agents may fear exposure
and vanish. C.I.A. veterans are seething, and rightly so, at the betrayal
their own government. Larry Johnson,
who entered the agency at the same time as Mrs. Wilson, is a Republican
who voted for President Bush — and he's
so enraged that he compares the administration leaker to the spies
Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen. "Here's
a woman who put her life on the line," Mr. Johnson said. "But unlike
a Navy seal or a marine, she didn't
have a gun to fight back. All she had to protect her was her cover."
--Nicholas Kristof, Secrets
of the Scandal
The Democrats should be giving Bush a serial pounding over this
treason, but they're too afraid.
Jesus, when Clinton fired the travel office workers for stealing,
the GOP nearly beat him to death.
When Bush/Rove commit outright treason, risking lives,
the idiot Democrats go to sleep - again.
Sam Dent now has a blog
Is Bush having an affair with Condi Rice?
The reason I ask - recently, when Pickles got back from France,
she found a poem
Pinhead had written for her, where he called her "a
lump in my bed."
He also mentioned that what Pickles really meant to him rhymes
with "lump."
I chose not to spend time figuring out what that lump-sounding
noun might be.
Meanwhile, he gave Condi Rice the country of Iraq.
How much money is $87 billion?
Subject: Screw Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh has probably never lifted
a hammer, drove a nail, nor scrubbed a floor in his miserable life.
Now, we all know there are two sets rules
in America.
If you are a fat headed, republican, moralist,
in a slick suit who never worked a day in his life and you have a "drug
then you get "rehab", "prayers", and "sympathy".
Rush won't ever see the inside of a jail cell.
If you are a piece of white trash, nigger,
chink, spic, junkie or anything other than a slick republican - then you
get the jail.
Lock `em up and throw away the key, right
Rush? Are you in pain? Good. Let `em suffer.
What a two faced, sonofabitch. And yes,
his fans will stick by him.
I wouldn't expect anything else, after
all, they've already proven they just can't think for themselves,
and they need a little man like Rush to
tell them what to think.
So go on Rush, you have helped create some
of the most divisive and hate-filled rhetoric in the history of our country.
Go on and paint yourself the pain-filled
martyr. Breaking your back from behind a microphone.
Perhaps it's the burden of all that hate
and guilt that's breaking your back.
That's a moral opinion, BTW, not a medical one.
The Grand Wazoo
I hope to find time to listen to this this weekend.
This is a link to the Bill O'Reilly interview with Terry Gross.
If I remember what Joe Conason said, O'Reilly walked out in a
What could lil' Ol' Terry Gross ask Bill O'Reilly that would
make him walk out?
Maybe she asked him a question about his integrity.
October sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
(Please don't vandalize anything with these stickers)
Here for the best October stickers
“From a moral standpoint, there’s a difference
between people who go out and seek a high
and get addicted and the millions of
Americans dealing with pain who inadvertently get addicted.”
--Gary Bauer, saying rich,
white addicts should be coddled and forgiven
Subject: Reaching out to Rush
It's an interesting situation for Rush Limbaugh
to admit that he is in fact - a drug addict. Normally one should feel
compassion for him because of his situation,
but Rush has made a career out of putting down the less fortunate and
engaging in his daily moral masturbation
ritual with his holier than thou listeners that one wonders if Rush deserves
the same compassion due to someone who
was less of a hypocrite. Should the liberals and the "femi-Nazis" feel
compassion for Rush Limbaugh's sins?
The answer is - yes. I think this is a blessing
and - if Rush is willing to come down off his high horse I would like to
him to the real world. Rush has made hundreds
of millions of dollars spreading his message of hate and bigotry and now
career is over. I don't see how he can
continue to be the voice of the morally superior having been addicted to
I therefore want to be the first to extend
my hand to Rush and ask him to come clean - tell the truth - and denounce
your past.
If you want the world to forgive you -
you must first ask for forgiveness and turn away from the sins of your
life and get real.
There is a place for you in this world
Rush - but it's a different place than where you have been. To receive
compassion you
must be willing to accept it.
So - on behalf of bleeding heart liberals
- we wish you a full recovery and hope that you can turn your life around
become a normal and fully functional member
of society. This can be an opportunity for growth and can result in you
becoming a far better person. So - we stand
with your conservative listeners to wish you the best in your recovery.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Brandon - future tech for bartcop.com
"One way to measure the greatness of Siegfried
and Roy is to realize
that they have no imitators - nobody
else even tries to do what they do."
Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller
Student Sued Over Paper on CD Copying
SunnComm Technologies Inc. said it would
sue Alex Halderman over the paper, which said
SunnComm's MediaMax CD-3 software could
be blocked by holding down the "Shift" key on
a computer keyboard as a CD using the software
was inserted into a disc drive.
"SunnComm believes that by making erroneous
assumptions in putting together his critical review
of the MediaMax CD-3 technology, Halderman
came to false conclusions concerning the robustness
and efficacy of SunnComm's MediaMax technology,"
it said.
But if his
information is false, why are you suing him?
Why create headlines that broadcast how
to defeat your software?
Who would've ever known if you hadn't sued
the guy?
Who told you suing this guy was a smart
move? FOX News?
Department protests Pat Robertson's nuclear threat
"Man of God" wants State Department
destroyed by nukes
I read your book," Robertson said, according
to a transcript of the interview.
"When you get through, you say, 'If I could just
get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer',"
he said.
"I mean, you get through this, and you say, 'We've
got to blow that thing up.' I mean, is it as bad as you say?" Robertson
Mowbray responded: "It is."
La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz
Steve Wynn clarifies tiger "attack"
"As Roy was leading Montecore out to stage front
on a lease, the cat became fascinated and distracted
by a woman with a big hairdo in the front
row." Wynn says instead of Montecore following Roy through
his usual routine, the cat became fascinated
with a woman in the audience that had a big hairdo.
"For whatever reason, Montecore was fascinated
and distracted by the guest sitting ringside."
"Montecore got down on all fours and put his 26-inch
head four inches away from of the woman.
She thinks this is adorable and part of
the show and she reaches out to try and rub him under his chin.
Roy is talking and sees this move. That's
way wrong all the way around. As usual, the heroic
fellow that he is, Roy jumps between the
woman and the tiger."
Jesus Christ, lady, I didn't think anybody was that stupid.
Even Bush would know not to pet a man-eating tiger.
Expert: Tiger Meant to Kill Roy
Suddenly, this 'expert' knows more
about Montecore than Siegfried or Roy
"Animal experts on Thursday disputed a theory
that a tiger accidentally mauled Roy Horn
saying the 600-pound animal was going for
the jugular.
"The cat wasn't trying to protect him," said Jonathan
Kraft, who runs the Arizona-based
nonprofit group Keepers of the Wild. "That
was a typical killing bite."
Then explain
why Roy is still alive.
In my opinion, if Montecore wanted Roy
dead - Roy would be dead.
I wonder...
...if anybody has told Roy that he's suffered
a stroke.
About ten years ago, I was in the position
of knowing a stroke victim very well.
After the stroke, everybody said everything
you had a stroke."
So I was in this position, ...so I finally
said, "Dude, you had a stroke."
He was so goddamned relieved. Somebody
was finally leveling with him.
He couldn't think right, and he knew
he couldn't think right, but everyone was giving him that
sing-song "How
are we today?" horseshit
with no sincerity behind it. Can you imagine that feeling?
His brain wasn't working, he was in a panic
wondering why, and everyone around him was acting
like a Stepford wife. So -
I hope somebody remembered to tell the guy what was going on.
They say Roy is sitting up, and this is
hard to believe, but Bernie Yuman, their manager, said he
brought Roy's favorite dog to visit
him in the hospital and that Roy had responded by petting the dog.
Fort what it's worth, the crawl on CNN said
"a review of the videotape of that night
clearly shows Montecore picking Roy
up" - not attacking him in any way.
That's typical, nonsense, no-facts reporting that has become the norm in the business of whores.
Subject: Print my shit man!
What thefuck are yuo doing?
Your web site is so boring as shit and
I give you some intersting materil and you ignore
That makes you either an ashole or stupid
I don't think my readers would like your "Booger blog."
You have a pot problem, too, I can tell and heavier stuff. Heroin maybe?
You must be thinking of the vulgar junkie, Rush the Pigboy Limbaugh.
In fact I have analized your last 30 issues and found that you are factaully wrong 45.7% of the time.
No you didn't, and no I'm not.
You don't have the brains to "analize" anything.
In fact I read some study done by colleges last year and yours is the most respected web site on politics.
I doubt that's true, but thanks.
People do like to read it okay, but it's
for the ridiculous stuff you do.
Your pal.
Bob Booger
Thanks for making my hit counter spin, Mr. Booger.
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American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was
....this issue it's
times 326
They got
of our boys since last issue.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Frog-blaster said, "Bring
'em On": 121
From: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Plus, 1,781 wounded - many of them missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
From: http://www.antiwar.com/ewens/casualties.html
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