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"The problem with painkillers is they also
work on existential pain,
the kind that originates in the mind
—such as might be experienced by a
right-wing radio host who doesn’t have
Bill Clinton to torture anymore.
-- Jerry Adler in Newsweek
ha ha
The vulgar junkie went into Clinton withdrawal.
Wesley Clark used to run wars. Now, with
the same persistence that propelled him to the rank
of four-star general and supreme commander
of NATO, he is prospecting for support, one vote
at a time, in the nooks and crannies of
early presidential primary states.
There's no denying the appeal of Clark's
star-spangled résumé. After just one month as a politician,
the investment banker and CNN commentator
from Little Rock has emerged as a strong competitor.
Not only has he jumped ahead of his rivals
in some polls and raised an impressive amount of money,
he is also proving a capable campaigner.
But Clark's campaign, unlike those of his well-established
rivals, is still very much a start-up.
“Nearly one-quarter of the 130,000 U.S. troops
in Iraq still have not been issued
a new type of ceramic body armor strong
enough to stop bullets fired from assault rifles.
Delays in funding, production and shipping
mean it will be December before all troops
in Iraq will have the vests, which were
introduced four years ago, military officials say.
Just like his Daddy in Somalia, he sent
troops into harm's way without enough armor.
"There was no time to wait, we had to invade right away!"
Five Questions for Rush to Face
How did he get the drugs?
In his flurry of revelations on the radio Friday, Rush was notably vague on this point.
"Part of what you have heard and read in the past
week is correct," he said, then added:
"The stories you've read - the stories you've
heard - contain inaccuracies and distortions,
and I'm going to clear those up when I
am finally free to speak about them."
He did not address the allegations, laid
out in numerous media reports, that he had bought
thousands and thousands of illegal pills
through his maid. That allegation is now being
investigated by authorities in Palm Beach
County, Fla., leaving Rush exposed to serious
penalties, including the possibility of
long prison time.
Will his own experience soften his staunch support of harsh drug laws?
"They claimed that we were smart enough to
build WMDs capable of threatening the world,
but now they treat us like Red Indians
on a reservation at the end of the 19th century.''
--An Iraqi businessman,
French sleaze inquiry targets Halliburton subsidiary
The public prosecutor's office in Paris
said yesterday it was opening a formal judicial inquiry
into alleged corruption by a French engineering
firm and Dick Cheney's Halliburton.
The financial crimes squad in Paris believes
a French oil and gas engineering firm, Technip, and
particularly the Halliburton subsidiary
KBR were jointly involved during the 1990s in the payment
of up to $200m of under-the-counter "commissions"
in relation to a huge gas contract in Nigeria.
"Get out! Under the table money is illegal?"
Subject: Rush's lying
We can now add two more lies to the mountain Rush produces.
He said he was addicted to prescription
pain pills. But he doesn't have a prescription.
This lie is obvious on the face of it and
is why the police are investigating him now.
A second lie is that it is pain medication.
You don't use thousands of Oxycontin pills for "pain medication."
You use that number for euphoria - Rush
was just getting high. If he needed those numbers, he could not
play golf as he does all the time.
Hell, you couldn't even walk.
I fail to see why we should not apply the
Rush Rule of Proof in this case. The RRoP is simply that if anyone
accuses someone they don't like of anything
then they have to be guilty. Rush used this rule against Clinton,
Gore and McCain and to a lesser extent
Buchanan. Under the Goose/Gander rule we can apply the RRoP to Rush.
Therefore, he is an illegal drug addicted
Hillbilly Heroin user.
The difference between Rush and those he
accuses is that Rush is <i>really</i> guilty of what he is accused
The Rush apologists are all calling for
compassion now. Screw that. Rush never gave any compassion
to those he
disagrees with. And any liberal that
is calling for compassion now is a weak kneed Uncle Tom that causes us
to lose elections.
I say to them, "Grow a backbone you jellyfish!"
If you don't help remove the problem then you are the problem.
Subject: dangerous animals
This thing about people trying to touch
tigers and bears and setting their kids on top of wild buffalo is what
one of
my favorite writers, Peter Hathaway Capstick,
calls the Disneyfication of America. Mr. Capstick is not unbiased,
and his creds in the world of conservationists
are probably suspect, but he was a safari guide and wildlife office in
Africa for 30 or so years and had a pretty
thorough knowledge of the many ways people fail to appreciate the
dangers of wild animals. He blamed much
of it on Disney and the wildlife programs and movies like Born Free.
Though today, you could also assign some
of the blame to the proliferation of warm-fuzzy or romanticized animal
documentaries and the tendency among some
people to say that humans aren't the natural prey of carnivores.
We don't like to see ourselves as meat,
but anything that will eat a monkey will eat a human, too.
If that Tiger wanted to kill Roy, Roy would
be dead. But on the other hand, sometimes a tiger will simply grab someone
and carry him off, to kill and eat at its
leisure, especially if there are a lot of people around screaming and yelling
trying to stop the tiger. Trying to second
guess a tiger's motivations when it grabs someone by the throat is an exercise
in futility. I don't think the tiger should
be killed, but I also wouldn't wait until he bites someone else to decide
if he is
dangerous. If the tiger were a pit bull,
we wouldn't be having this discussion.
If it is true about the woman with the big
hair, then I'd say that Roy recognized what was about to happen.
That "fascination" was more than likely
the beginning of a stalk, and the tiger was probably about to jump on that
If you get between a tiger and it's prey,
you are probably going to get bitten. If anything, Roy probably saved both
woman and the tiger. He should get a medal.
Not many people would do what he did, knowing what he knew.
Jeff Crook
"September the 11, 2001, moved our country
to grief -- and moved our country to action.
We made a pledge that day, and we have
kept it:
-- President Dumbass,
in N.H., 10/09/03, Attribution
Wait, you captured bin Laden,
al Qaeda and Saddam?
I wonder why FOX News and the vulgar junkie haven't mentioned
"bin Laden's not important.
He's just one man.
He doesn't concern me!"
Dozens will see it.
Kentucky Catholics Settle 27 Sex-abuse Cases
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington
has agreed to pay nearly $5.2 million to 27 people
who said priests sexually abused them in
their youth. The men and women had accused at least
six priests of abuse in the 1960s and 1970s
at parishes in Lexington and northern Kentucky.
This will continue until the parishoners
demand the priests go zero tolerance on child rape.
So far, the priests are fighting zero tolerance
tooth and crucifix.
rebuild Iraq: What about organized GOP crimes?
by Bruce Ticker - saw it on
To the tune of $290 million, "More than
165 firehouses were destroyed by the war and by looting,
and there are no radios or firefighter
Talking about firehouses, New York City - site of the 9-11 attacks - is closing down firehouses to save money.
While homeless folks have slept on the lawn
across from the White House, El Presidente wants to spend
$100 million on 3,528 new houses in seven
areas of Iraq.
He hopes to give local governments $90 million
to "help 266 cities build public information centers to disseminate
information about municipal services."
Is the next step to create municipal services? Philadelphia could use $90
Border enforcement in Iraq would cost $150
million at a time when border patrols at the Candadian and Mexican
borders are stretched thin. As post office
hours in Maine towns and Philadelphia's Suburban Station (near my office)
are being reduced, Iraq would receive $9
million to upgrade its postal system.
charged with teaching dog Hitler salute
So incredibly stupid, it has to come from
A German man is to appear in court charged
with teaching his dog to give the Hitler salute.
The black sheepdog, Adolf, has been taught
to lift his right front paw up straight in the salute on command.
Cops were called - when they arrived, he
allegedly showed them the trick he had taught his dog,
gave the salute along with Adolf, and shouted:
"Sieg Heil."
Question about Al Sharpton
Is Rev Al guilty of "Tawana Brawley" for certain?
Could he be guilty of believing a girl who ultimately was found to be lying?
thy name is politics
by a whore named Gloria Borger
Hillary argued against the appointment
of an independent counsel in the Whitewater case.
It would "set a terrible precedent," she
writes in Living History. She loses the fight--and goes on
to say that the decision to request an
independent counsel was a bad idea that "sapped the
administration's energy . . . unfairly
invaded the lives of innocent people, and diverted America's
attention from the challenges we faced
at home and abroad."
But that was then. Today, Clinton is blessed
by new revelations about the usefulness of special counsels.
The controversy over the leaking of the
name of a CIA agent has "reached a level where there needs to be
a thorough, nonpartisan, professional investigation,"
she says. "The best way to assure the general public,
as well as interested parties, that this
is going to be conducted in a totally aboveboard way with no conflict
of interest entering into it is to appoint
a special counsel."
O, Irony!
That's not
irony, that's a paid-for whore making shit up.
In 1998, the GOP was desperate to impeach
Clinton - but they couldn't find evidence of any crimes.
In 2003, Bush himself says there's a traitor
in the White House, but he's in no hurry to find him.
What a stupid and clumsy attack that was.
Is Hillary doing such a perfect job that
is your best shot at attacking her?
I've got some news for you, Sunshine!
Betraying America and getting a blow job
aren't equal "crimes."
There was never a reason to launch an investigation
inside Clinton's zipper,
and there's every reason to find out who
the loose-lipped traitor is.
Clinton's lies hurt Hillary and Chelsea - emotionally.
Bush's lies have sucked the lives and futures out of 332
brave men and women.
It ain't the same.
Entertainment Page
Disinfotainment Today' by Michael Dare
Harvey Pekar's newspaper column
Jack Black wants to play Ozzy
Dan Aykroyd & video on demand
Apple's iTunes for Windows
It's 'Time Warner' again - no AOL
And a show winning cat
Up in Heaven, Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great and Napoleon are looking down on events in Iraq.
Alexander says, "Wow, if I had just one of Bush's armored divisions, I would definitely have conquered India."
Frederick the Great states, "Surely if I
only had a few squadrons of Bush's air force I would have won the
Seven Years War decisively in a matter
of weeks."
There is a long pause as three continue
to watch events. Then Napoleon speaks,
"And if I only had that Fox News, no one would
have ever known that I lost the Russia campaign."
Saw it on
Do you have an online business?
How are sales - a little slow do to Bush's ongoing recession?
Have you considered advertising on
Here's what an advertiser wrote today:
Just wanted to let you know the Stats up to this point:
1st day ad ran I had 753 hits.
My average with zero advertising has been
around 40 hits a day.
As of 10/12/03 I've had 4400 hits!!!
Best $40 I've ever spent.
$40 gets you two days worth of ads.
Could your website or business use 4400 hits?
"We were disgusted that the defense team referred
to the victim by name -- that's a violation of a
court order -- and then proceeded to smear
her in a public forum," said Cynthia Stone, of the
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
"Trying to shift the blame is a standard tactic for
rape defendants, but this was a new low
in attacking the victim."
In the public hearing Thursday, Mackey repeatedly
mentioned the name of the 19-year-old
woman who has charged Bryant with a violent
rape -- despite an order barring the use of the name.
And Mackey suggested, without offering
evidence, that the woman had been promiscuous with other men.
The Colorado Rape Shield law prohibits
mention of an alleged victim's sexual history except in rare circumstances."
I have a question:
Why is the physical condition of the accuser
considered evidence,
but it's illegal to try to determine her
physical condition before she met Kobe?
she had rough sex with three men in 48 hours, and the state is using her
phyical condition as evidence, why is it illegal for Kobe's team
to defend him?
I very much agree that saying her name six times (according to
Nancy Grace) is wrong but it's also stupid
and self-defeating. As the Kobe-is-guilty crowd point out, this
woman's name and face and address are all
over the internet, so what did Mackey have to gain by angering
the judge?
"If California's middle classes have any cause
to feel raped and pillaged in recent years, clearly the culprits
are Arnold's eminence grise,
Pete Wilson, who deregulated the utilities to begin with, and the Bushite
cartels like Enron which looted California's
consumers during the phony energy crisis of 2000-01. And it is the
Bush administration that has told bankrupt
state and municipal governments everywhere to "drop dead" while it
shovels billions into the black hole
it has created in Iraq. Fiscal crisis should be an issue owned by the Democrats."
--Mike Davis,
who clearly reads
Day of the Locust
Enron and the B.F.E.E. stole more from Cali-fornia than the
current decifit.
They had a net plus, a surplus if you don't count Bush's energy
Why didn't Davis mentiuon that every time he opened his mouth?
Was he looking to retire, and maybe get in a chorus line of
pink tutus?
don't want to win - and we love Dubya the war hero."
Everybody needs to pay attention.
Baseball playoffs
As of Monday night, the Sox are 2-2 and the Cubbies
are 3-2.
There's a chance it'll be the Red Sox vs the Cubs in the World
This is scary damn stuff.
This is like Britney winning the Grammy.
Or winning "most
intelligent website."
You non-baseball fans might need help putting this is perspective.
But just in case, ... your great-grandfather was too young
to remember the last Cubs Series.
This is like some goddamn non-Sol comet.
It only swings around every 178 years - the Red Sox vs the Cubs
in the World Series.
If you have a diety, pray to it.
I want to see this comet streak across the sky.
Seriously, I grew up Catholic and baseball.
This weird convergence could mean something.
Subject: Jonah Goldberg
Bart, you wrote:
> Luci, have you told Jonah who his real Daddy is?
Oh, that is truly cold.
I have to say that if I hadn't had the
unfortunate pleasure of knowing Jonah in college,
AND if he wasn't such a little pinhead
weasel today, that I would be extremely offended
by you pulling Lucianne's children into
the spotlight and commenting on them.
But because I knew him AND he's in the public domain already, it's fucking hilarious!!!!
Keep at it!!
Greg B
Greg, I wanted to make it colder but I was in a hurry.
"Bill Clinton has admitted an addiction to prescription
"It's interesting to see the way the liberal media
are playing this. I'm looking at a copy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
the Saturday, October 11th, edition - the
day after the big announcement. Well, the story is on Page 2, and right
to his photograph, in large boldface print,
is the following quote: 'I take full responsibility for this problem.'
"That's interesting, folks, because if you look
at his actual statement - not what the liberal media say he said, but
what he really said - you get a different
take on it. First, he says he's got back problems. So he's blaming
it on that.
Then he says he had surgery, but
the surgery wasn't successful. So he's blaming it on the doctors. Then
he says the
pain medication was addictive. So he's
blaming it on the pharmaceutical companies.
Folks, he blames it on everybody but himself!
But as long as he puts in that obligatory line about taking responsibility,
that's what the liberal media are going
to grab: Clinton takes full responsibility!"
I wonder if the vulgar junkie is in one of those bootcamp deals,
where they start the healing by "breaking him,'
calling him a "worthless maggot" and breaking down his extreme
arrogance and over-inflated self-importance.
Maybe a bootleg video will show up on eBay.
I watched some former junkie on CNN Monday - he said kicking Mr.
Hydrocone is damn hard.
He said he just kept throwing up, from the very bottom of his
stomach - again and again.
He said it went on and on for weeks and he was sure he was very
near death.
Lick some heels, Rush.
Rummy surprised by resistance in Iraq
"Rumsfeld said he was surprised by the effectiveness
of Saddam loyalists to sustain the Iraq conflict
long after the end of major combat operations.
He called the continuing fighting serious but described it as low intensity....
"I suppose on reflection the thing that probably
surprised me the most is the ability of the so-called Fedayeen Saddam
to terrorise and frighten the Iraqi people
and cause them to not come over to the other side," Rumsfeld said.
I can barely spell "Pentagon," but I'll bet one of the first rules
of war is "Don't underestimate the enemy,"
especially when you're invading his home country and bombing
his home town and his wife and kids.
October sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
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Subject: Picky, picky
I wonder if I was the only one who got your
pun when Booger didn't like his name,
and you replied, "Picky, picky."
this sort of humor (well, plus the Shirley and Burke pics...and the news)
that keeps me coming back to your site.
Web design and HTML authoring,
Web site maintenance, Internet Consulting
Back home, some don't support the vulgar junkie
Willis Segraves, who used to cut hair while
Rush shined shoes, said he favors Democrats,
"and I think Rush wouldn't care for
Jesus if Jesus was a Democrat, so we don't agree on a lot."
"But he should kick this habit and get his life together, and I hope he does," Segraves said.
Subject: Pigboy & prison
Love your site. I feel the need to respond to your call to put the Pigboy in prison, though.
Think about where the investigation is happening:
Who is governor of Florida? Dubya's brother.
Who is Dubya's cheerleader? Pigboy!
Do you think Pigboy will really get what
he deserves?
No, he'll never be formally charged and
go free to spout his version of hate and venom to his legions of dittoheads.
Just felt the need to point that out. Keep up the great work
Michael Huff
Desperate Drug Rush
"A desperate, drug-addicted Limbaugh begged his
dealer to score him a final, explosive dope cocktail
just two weeks before he attempted to detox
last year, a new report says. The call was one of dozens
he made to his housekeeper, Wilma Cline,
42, who doubled as his supplier.
"Just two weeks [to detox] . . . I kind of want
to go out with a bang, if you get my drift," Limbaugh wrote
in an e-mail to Cline. In another
he wrote: "An additional 100 or 200 would do."
Cline also said he was so desperate to get
his hands on painkillers that he pressured one man into
handing over pills prescribed for his wife
after she'd had a miscarriage.
Cline said he had also scored pills from
a stenographer with a broken leg.
"He was shameless. If he knew anyone who was suffering
pain, he would try to persuade them to share their pills."
I get up around seven
Get outta bed around nine
And I don't worry about nothin' no
Cause worryin's a waste of my...time
The show usually starts around noon
As I go live I'm snorting a line
Get on the mic slurring my words
Popping a pill and feelin' fine
I've been dancin' with
Mr. Hydrocodone
He's been knockin'
He won't leave me alone
I used ta do a little
but a little wouldn't do
So the little got more and more
I just keep tryin'
ta get a little better
a little better than before
I used ta do a little
but a little wouldn't do
So the little got more and more
I just keep tryin'
ta get a little better
a little better than before
I've been dancin' with
Mr. Hydrocodone
He's been knockin'
He won't leave me alone
Now I get up around whenever
I used ta get up on time
But that old man Hydro
is a real mother-effer
Hope to kick it on down the line
Get well soon, Pigboy!
Subject: War and suicide
War is a devastating nightmare for both
the people whose country it's waged in
and the military who are sent there to
fight. My brother Bill told me that more men
committed suicide during and after Nam
than died in actual combat there.
I assume that doesn't apply to those who
kept the Texas sky safe from the Vietcong.
built an army of admirers with his hard-right rants.
But off-air, he was a lonely man who
may have broken the law to feed his addiction.
But Limbaugh’s story owes more to the “Wizard
of Oz” than “The Scarlet Letter.”
The man behind the curtain is not the God
of Family Values but a childless, twice-divorced,
thrice-married schlub whose idea of a good
time is to lie on his couch and watch football endlessly.
When Rush Limbaugh declared to his radio
audience that he was “your epitome of morality of virtue,
a man you could totally trust with your
wife, your daughter, and even your son in a Motel 6 overnight,”
he was acting.
He regards himself as an entertainer who
is very pleased that people pay attention to his political views,”
says Whore Street Journal editorial writer
John Fund.
"I beat
women - got any?"
John, I believe we've caught you in another lie.
Rush considers himself the most important man in America.
Rush considers himself a prophet bringing messages from God.
...or are you saying he's just taking God's name in vain to make more millions?
Subject: Tiger talk
Dave the Lawyer wrote:
"Cats like this carry their cubs around in their
mouths all the time,
they know how to do it without breaking
skin. "
Sure they do, but cats have a big patch
of extra, flexible skin on the backs of their necks
that make this possible. (I've seen people
pick cats up this way, as well.)
Obviously, Roy did not have this skin, but
there's no way his kitty knew this.
I agree that the tiger may have been trying
to help him...
John, I'm surprised it isn't obvious to more people.
For example, everyone has held a hamburger patty in their hands,
Now imagine a hamburger patty that weighs 150 pounds.
If you tried to lift it, it would just break apart in your hands.
Another example:
You can drop an ant ten feet onto concrete and it'll just walk
But if you drop an elephant two inches onto concrete and he'll
have four broken legs.
Montecore set to rejoin other cats today
A veterinarian has thoroughly examined
the tiger, and found no problems, said a Mirage spokesman.
The now infamous tiger will rejoin its
relatives today at the Secret Garden. The tiger had been in isolation at
the garden.
"Montecore is acting normal," Feldman said, stressing
that the tiger, in keeping with Horn's wishes, will not be harmed
or put to death. "He's been under observation
since this happened. I can imagine no reason whatsoever that anything
will happen to him other than the fact
that he'll be protected and kept at home at the Secret Garden."
"He's making the turn as we speak from survival
to recovery," said Dave Kirvin, a spokesman for Siegfried & Roy.
Thousands of people worldwide continue
to reach out to Horn to wish him well, though he may never perform again.
Siegfried said Roy's bond with his animals
is so powerful that the 63 tigers and lions under Horn's command consider
him to be one of them. If the tiger wanted
to kill Horn, Fischbacher said, the illusionist would be dead.
Some noted tiger experts, however, say
the tiger did try to maul its trainer.
"Noted tiger experts?"
Who would they be?
Can anybody name a "noted" tiger expert?
The last guy I saw handling tigers before Roy had a chair and
a whip in his hands.
Baseball, pro and college football, and Eldrick Woods!
...and more
Click to Enter
American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was
times 329,
....this issue it's
times 332
They got
of our boys since last issue.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
How long before we hit 1000?
Total deaths since President Giggles said, "Bring
'em On": 124
Plus, 1781
1815 wounded - WOW!
34 more wounded since the weekend,
and many of them are missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
Something on your mind?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
Subject: Laura the Unloved...
I was reading the story on Rush Limbaugh
(10/13), and saw a reference to pics of "Laura the Unloved,"
"spread-legged" and so forth. I wasn't
quite sure where to go with that, visualization-wise, or just in terms
of disseminating information. Can you steer
me to the referenced images?
Ralph, I sure can.
Be forewarned, these are tacky (and true) pictures of a dirty-legged
There's one picture that I had to censor because it's just sooooooooooooo
incredibly vulgar.
When this crazy bitch found out she could make big bucks by screaming
obscenities at people who
did such awful things as go to a strip club, she pretended to
turn all holier-than-thou, but her lying ass
continues to spew the hatred to this very day.
In the back pages, you can find the full story. I even have
audio clips oif this slut saying,
"I have no memory of being in those positions," which is another lie
by this dirty-legged whore.
If she doesn't remember posing with her knees three feet apart
- what does she remember?
When these pictures hit the web in October 1998 (when she got
caught) this lying tramp
at first denied the pictures were of her, which was another
lie. Then she claimed she owned
the pictures, which makes you wonder why laura the Slut would
own such horrifically graphic
vagina pictures of some other woman, then she finally settled
on this whopper:
"I took those pictures when I was 29, and you don't really know yourself
until you're thirty."
This crazy bitch can't tell the truth - she's one, big continuing
Keep in mind, these are not "titty" pictures - these are lying-slut hypocrite pictures.
Laura, if you don't want people reminded of what a dirty-legged
slut you are
feel free to sue me.
So if you have something important, something, that can't
wait, send it to Sam at
She has my phone numbers and can reach me right away.
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