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Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "Why don't Bush and bin Laden just get a room?
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"I was personally uplifted talking to him.
You know, he remains an inspiration to me.
This is me talking: he truly remains
an inspiration to me. He has been throughout -
I mean, way before this happened, and
he continues to be, because he's like no other
person I've ever met. He's confronting
this challenge head on, and is determined
to overcoming it and staying on top
of it."
-- David Limbaugh (N-Coattails)
on how great the addict is doing .Attribution
Heckled inside and outside Australia's
parliament, President Murder Thursday defended the
invasion of Iraq during a symbolic visit
to thank Australia for its staunch support in the war on terror.
"America, Australia and other nations acted
in Iraq to remove a grave and gathering danger,
instead of wishing and waiting while tragedy
drew closer," Bush lied.
Instead of going after Al Qaeda, the spoiled
little boy wanted to settled old scores and steal some oil.
After months of screaming
"Saddam's going to nuke us any minute,"they
finally had to admit
that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11,
why the hell do we have 340 dead soldiers over there?
"Things in Iraq are getting better by
the day.
And that's true even if there
is a car bomb this afternoon."
--Richard Perle, Attribution
"Given the critical need, the administration
strongly opposes the Senate provision that would convert a portion
of this assistance to a loan mechanism.
If this provision is not removed, the president's senior advisers would
recommend that he veto the bill," Joshua
Bolten, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said in a
letter addressed to several lawmakers.
The Senate and the House last week approved
85 billion dollars for Iraq in two different bills which must now
be reconciled into one before being sent
to Bush. The Senate watered down Bush's request with an amendment
requiring that Baghdad pay back half of
the 20.3 billion dollars earmarked for Iraqi reconstruction.
Before the war, Bush said Iraq could rebuild itself because they
were an oil rich nation.
Remember, the VERY first thing they did was have Halliburton
get that oil pumping.
After the oil was flowing into the B.F.E.E.'s pipeline,
then they started protecting the people,
getting power to hospitals and began guarding the museums filled
with irreplaceable artifacts.
Subject: Question?
Dear Bartcop,
If you are right and the right is wrong, why do they keep winning elections?
Thanks, sucker.
Aaron, the last presidential election we lost was in 1988.
We won in 1992, 1996 and 2000, but in that case, the Supreme
Court chose to intervene
and go over the wishes of the voters to install the idiot who
has screwed up everything.
You should learn more about your history.
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Entertainment Page
Special bonus 'Disinfotainment Today' about the Bush-Nazi connection
The Hollywood Hustle by the Artful Dodger
Wanda Sykes on Jimmy Kimmel tonight
Peter Fonda - the newest star on the Hollywood Walk O' Fame
The World Awards
Bill Clinton in Madrid
Liza Minnelli losing 150 ugly pounds
No more Ghettopoly
Whiskey is flowing at Mt. Vernon, again
And, Porno Karaoke
"Stories reminding the public that the grandfather
of George W. Bush and his United Trust Bank
were cited by the US government in
1942 for helping Hitler under the Trading With the Enemies Act,
have now spread widely through the
major meda. What's going on here? Are these stories linking
Team Bush to the Nazis irrelevant?
Mere partisan politics? Or do they indicate a growing public
concern with what is actually happening
in Washington? Bush supporters deny his Nazi family ties
have anything to do with Republican
policies. Visiting the "sins of the father" (or grandfather) on an
offspring has not been considered fair
game in US politics. But after eight years of total assault on
Bill Clinton and his family, one can
only imagine the media frenzy had Clinton's grandparents been
linked to the Soviet Union. Would Rush
Limbaugh or Karl Rove have found such ties 'irrelevant'"?
-- Harvey Wasserman & Bob Fitrakis,
Subject: 4 Anti-Bush stories on Yahoo News!
Did you by any chance look at the Yahoo
News Iraq page?
The first 4 stories I see could have been
written by you -- in fact their content was covered by you days/weeks/months
o Commander: Iraq Attacks on Troops
o Curtains Ordered for Media Coverage of
Returning Coffins (W. Post(!!))
o Case study: Iraqi civilian deaths (BBC)
o Baffled Occupiers, or the Missed Understandings
(NY Times)
It's nice to see that in a small way the
mainstream press is catching up.
I only hope that the general public puts
2 and 2 together and holds Bush accountable.
What's that? They're clueless?
Well, I can dream, can't I?
Takes Over
Pigboy loses crown forever?
Lost in all the news of Rush Limbaugh's
prescription drug problem is the incontrovertible fact
Sean Hannity has now ascended to the prestigious
position of the top national talk radio host on the air.
Sean had been trailing Rush - 18M to 10M
- in weekly listeners before Rush's drug rehab.
But Sean Hannity is now the unquestioned
star of the crucial talk radio universe.
Rush's biggest problem when he returns is
going to be the inevitable label of hypocrite.
While he preached a "send them up the river"
attitude toward drug users, he was using illegally obtained drugs.
Limbaugh can do much to help address the
epidemic of prescription drug abuse if he 'comes clean' about his
years of abuse. But he will never completely
resume his previous position as the top Nazi on the air.
"The guy didn't even know how to start the thing,"
Evans reportedly said. "That was a bad omen.
Finally we get it started and roll down
the runway, and he tries to take it straight up like a jet!
We go into a stall, buzzcrs are going off.
I say, 'Give it some gas!' We finally get it airborne,
and he decides he better turn around and
go back. I can tell he's nervous, but he says,
'Okay, Evvie, got it under control.' We
come down and he lands half on the runway and
half on the grass. And then he pats my
leg and says don't worry, and he takes it up again.
This time he's so scared he says, 'Hey,
let's fly around Midland.' He had to get his confidence up.
Somehow we got back safely. He's never
flown again."
Bizarro World
by Gene Lyons
Spare me the crocodile tears about poor
Rush Limbaugh, OK? Here's a guy who's become a
multi-millionaire celebrity by masquerading
as Mr. Personal Responsibility and mocking the
weaknesses of others. No sooner had Limbaugh
been forced to admit he was addicted to
prescription pain-killers--Schedule II
narcotics, incidentally, like heroin and cocaine--than his
own words got thrown in his face.
Discussing an NBA
player's drug problems on TV, Limbaugh once said that experts be
damned, "I don't buy into the disease part
of drug abuse. The first time you reach for a
substance you are making a choice."
after lie after lie
WMDs: the deception that won't go away
But there is one deception that will not
go away. What happened to the weapons of mass destruction?
"The intolerable reality is that they blatantly
twisted intelligence information to fit preconceived policies,"
said Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. "They
lied to promote public relations, from the Jessica Lynch ordeal
to the president's campaign landing on
the USS Abraham Lincoln --- and about what war would cost our country."
"Before the war, week after week after week, we were told lie after lie after lie," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.
"The point is not that the president and his senior
aides were consciously lying. What was taking place was
much more systematic -- and potentially
just as troublesome," writes Seymour Hersh in the current issue of
The New Yorker, in a long, detailed account
about our intelligence failures and the politically motivated
"stovepiping" -- shooting unconfirmed intelligence
reports, without analysis -- up to decision-makers.
Among the horrific results, reports Hersh:
"By March 2002, a former White House official told me, it was
understood by many in the White House that
the president had decided, in his own mind, to go to war.
The undeclared decision had a devastating
impact on the continuing war against terrorism. Bush took
many intelligence operations that had been
aimed at Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups around the
world and redirected them to the Persian
Gulf. Linguists and special operatives were reassigned,
and several ongoing antiterrorism intelligence
programs were curtailed."
'Nazi' Smear Unworthy of Critics
by Joe Conason
Those complicating facts don't absolve
Thyssen or his American associates. The involvement of Prescott Sr.
and other members of the American business
aristocracy with Nazi-era industry was shameful, and in some
instances illegal - and they knew it. Like
so many Americans who made deals with fascist interests or lent
political support to them during the 30's,
those businessmen got off rather easily after the war. Most of them,
including Bush, were permitted to keep
the money they had made with the Germans.
In America, the sins of the fathers are
not held against the children, nor should they be. Although the Bushes
have too often lowered themselves into
the gutter for political gain, that doesn't give license to libels against
San Fran Info for transportation details, etc
San Francisco Mass March & Rally
Gather 11 am Civic Center
Wash DC Info for transportation details, etc
DC Mass March & Rally
Gather at 11 am at the Washington Monument in DC
Take digital pictures, send your best ones to bartcop@bartcop.com.
Subject: Your support of Clark and Dean
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/102003_beyond_bush_2.html Half way down...
On Oct. 7, Wesley Clark's campaign manager,
Donny Fowler, resigned suddenly -- according to a CNN
story the following day -- because his
authority had been usurped by two insiders from Clinton's 1992 campaign.
That Bill Clinton would turn up all over
the Clark campaign is no surprise. The day before announcing his candidacy,
Clark received an endorsement from Harlem
Congressman Charlie Rangel. Rangel, a black Democrat, is closely tied
to the Clinton machine. Clinton maintains
an office in Harlem. That being said, what has Wesley Clark ever done to
endear himself to black voters? What was
Rangel thinking?
Bill Clinton is a member of the Bilderberg
Group, The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Clark is a member of the CFR.
Wesley Clark is also... (lots of compalins about Clark)
Tom, let's try this:
Take everything you said, assume it was true, then multiply it
all by a factor of five.
Now, compare that to four more years of Pinhead's death, destruction,
war and recession.
I say it's no contest.
I want Bush gone.
"BROOKS and RUSSELL each face a statutory maximum
sentence of 60 years imprisonment,
and a fine of up to $6,000,000. They
are scheduled to be sentenced on November 25, 2003."
"BARTON faces a statutory mandatory minimum
penalty of 80 years in prison and fines of $3 million
when he is sentenced November 10. ALALUSI
faces a statutory maximum penalty of up to 20 years in
prison and fines of up to $1 million
when she is sentenced November 3."
"He also was sentenced to 21 years and 10 months
in prison for illegal acquisition and distribution
of OxyContin."
"A federal jury Thursday convicted Lockwood
resident Jack Glendale Standley on two charges that
he distributed OxyContin, a strong prescription
painkiller, but acquitted him of two other drug counts.
Standley, 72, faces up to 30 years in
prison and a $2 million fine on the distribution convictions."
-- what the non-rich, non-connected
dudes got for what Rush did saw
it on Buzzflash Attribution
was twenty years ago today...
Israel deliberately allow our Marines to die?
(Melic - note there's a question mark behind that sentence)
A former Israeli secret agent says the
Israelis had advance notice of the suicide attack that killed
241 Marines in Beirut in October 1983 but
withheld the information from the United States in the
hope that the attack would poison American
Arab relations.
The Israeli government is desperately trying
to block publication of the book,
By Way of Deception: A Devastating
Insider's Portrait of the Mossad, by Victor Ostrovsky which
also says the Israelis are "actively spying,
recruiting, organizing and carrying out covert activities mainly
in New York and Washington, which they
refer to as their playground."
to Take Back Our Country
bu John and Elaine Mellencamp
Before a single bomb was ever dropped,
some of us, formerly called the "anti-American and unpatriotic,"
have questioned or opposed this war.
Now, each day, as the dust settles and the truth slowly surfaces,
more and more people come to the inevitable
conclusion of what a debacle this whole war was.
39,000 bombs later, no weapons of mass destruction
uncovered, no dangerous dictators captured,
no connection to Sept 11. What have we
gained but relentless media coverage of a fallen statue and
some stolen oil fields -- the spoils of
this misadventure. Not to mention lucrative corporate payoffs
and an enormous price tag of over 80 Billion
dollars . . . some tax cut.
But what have we lost? We have lost the
lives of over 300 Americans.
In total, an estimated 20,000 people have
died, thus far, in this conflict.
oil's mine! Unka Dick said so.
...and the Democrats are afraid of me,
just like Unka Karl predicted..."
October sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
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within 48 hours.
stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
Here for the best October stickers
"To the Dittoheads, Limbaugh was the messenger
of life's ultimate value. To be rich is everything.
To not be rich is to be a loser. It's
the Limbaugh attitude. Have you seen a picture of Limbaugh within
the last five years in which he doesn't
have a big, fat, obnoxious cigar in his mouth, arrogantly polluting
the environs with cancerous smoke?
He single-handedly brought back the tone of the Reagan years
and made it OK to show intolerance
for the poor, the weak, the infirm. He harvests all the heartless
thoughts of a nation. He liberated
intolerance in Middle America and put a fine point on it for the rich.
He made it OK to kick the underdog."
--Emil Guillermo,
Where's My Country?
Excerpt from Michael Moore's latest book
"I did not have sexual relations with
that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
Or ...
"He has weapons of mass destruction -- the
world's deadliest weapons -- which pose
a direct threat to the United States,
our citizens and our friends and allies."
One of those lies got a president impeached.
The other lie not only got the liar who told it
the war he wanted, but also resulted in
huge business deals for his friends and virtually
assures him a landslide victory in the
next election.
Sure, we've been lied to before. Lots of
lies: big lies, little lies, lies that brought us down in
the eyes of the world. "I am not a crook"
was a lie, and it sent Richard Nixon packing.
"Read my lips: No new taxes" wasn't so
much a lie as a broken promise, but it nonetheless
cost the first Bush his presidency. "Ketchup
is a vegetable" was technically not a lie, but it was
a good example of the Reagan administration's
whacked view of the world.
As the lies that led us into the Iraq War
started to unravel and be exposed, the Bush administration
went into survival mode with their only
defensive maneuver: Keep repeating the lie over and over and
over again until the American people are
so worn down they'll scream "uncle!" and start believing it.
But nothing can hide this indisputable fact:
There is no worse lie than one told to scare mothers and
fathers enough to send their children off
to fight a war that did not need to be fought because there
never was any real threat at all.
To falsely tell a nation's citizens that their lives are in jeopardy just
you can settle your own personal score
("He tried to kill my daddy!") or to make your rich friends even richer,
well, in a more just world, there would
be a special prison cell in Joliet reserved for that type of liar.
Letter to Rush's sponsors
Subject: Tough Love for Rush
I am a health care professonal with significant
experience working with substance abusers.
I understand how people become addicted
to oxycontin and then resort to desperate measures to feed thier habit.
Oxycontin can produce the same euphoric
effect as heroin butthe street vallue of oxycontin soon becomes far too
expensive for those of limited means to
afford. Hence the transition from oxycontin at about $40 per pill to heroin,
which goes for as little as $5 a bag in
some communities.
In my opinion, the only difference between
Rush Limbaugh and the average, unfortunate addict, is the matter
of Rush's wealth. If
you, his sponsor, did not pour millions into this man's pocket, there
is little doubt that Rush
would be scoring heroin on the street,
cooking it, and shooting up.
I strongly urge you to support Rush's recovery
process by ending your role as enabler. Please stop supporting
Rush's habit through your sponsorship.
Consider it tough love. I will do my part. I vow to boycott your
until you sever your relationship with
this drug addict.
Rush's sponsors
Since the addict's employees are screening out all non-ditto mail,
you can write directly to his advertisers thru this
list from TBTM.com
Subject: Blaming God?
Bart, you wrote,
>Men lie for sex! God made us that way.
Just exactly how does a non-existent entity,
a figment of your imagination, make you do anything?
If you suggest that God is a non-existent
"invisible cloud being", you can't use Him as an excuse
with Mrs. BartCop when it comes to lying
about sex.
Dennis C.
It's my good friend DC from DC!
Two points:
We have to blame someone/something for
our genetic makeup.
Men didn't ask to be crazy with sex.
Men don't want to spend $50K on a red Corvette when we turn 50.
Either God made men horny or Mother Nature
did, it's a six-of-one type deal...
Secondly, married men who don't cheat have
no reason to lie.
I haven't lied to get sex since I was eighteen.
Good to hear from you, Dude.
"I was very tough on Bill Clinton. Much tougher
than George Bush was in the words I used.
I think I could justify it. I've
criticized Republicans before, and I've criticized Democrats.
But let's not compare lying under oath,
lying to a grand jury, the things that went on that
were by the chief constitutional executive
officer with the notion now we're getting, which is
that relying on intelligence given
to him by others constitutes a lie. This is a denial of the
meaning -- the natural and obvious
meaning of words."
--Bill Bennett, (R-Whore)
pretending he criticizes both parties equally Attribution
Questions on Cheney's Halliburton
"Although it initially appeared that Halliburton
was gouging only American taxpayers," the lawmakers said
in the letter to Lt. Gen. Robert B. Flowers,
head of the Corps of Engineers, "it now seems that the company
is overcharging the humanitarian Oil for
Food program and the Iraqi people as well. This significantly
compounds the implications of Halliburton's
Halliburton, which is paid a fee of 2 percent
of the cost of the fuel it delivers, has strongly denied the accusation
overcharging, if not the pricing cited
by the lawmakers. It contends that it buys fuel by soliciting competitive
bids and
that the high cost stems from the price
of transporting and distributing fuel in a volatile country. The Army Corps
Engineers and the Coalition Provisional
Authority, the American-led civil administration in Iraq, have so far stood
by Halliburton.
But Iraq's State Oil Marketing Organization
is now importing fuel, too, and from the same countries nearby as Halliburton.
An Oct. 16 fax from the agency to the House
Committee on Government Reform, where Mr. Waxman is the ranking
Democrat, indicates that the Iraqis are
bringing in gasoline at a much lower price than is Halliburton
The B.F.E.E., gouging on a global scale.
Subject: Ann Thrax action figure
Yes, but inquiring minds want to know if
the action figures are anatomically correct.
If they're not, what makes 'em an action
American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was
....this issue it's
times 344
They gotonekill
since last issue.
I want that oil - no matter how many lives it costs!
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600?
...and then 1000?
Total deaths since President Giggles said, "Bring
'em On": 136
From: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Plus, at least 1934
1938 we're about to break 2,000
for Bush's nasty-ass oil hunt and many of them are missing
arms, legs and eyes.
From: http://www.antiwar.com/ewens/casualties.html
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
Is it anti-Semitic to demand efficiency
and credibility in Israel?
I think not -- especially when US taxpayers
are footing a 9-million-dollar-a-day bill
for a policy that is obviously not working.
Yet when taxpayers and various members of
Congress accuse George Bush of having
a brutal and ineffective policy in Israel,
Sharon lobbyists accuse these Americans of being anti-Semitic.
However, when these same Americans accuse
Bush of having a brutal and ineffective policy in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Columbia, Africa and the United
States of America, they are not accused of being anti-Semitic.
What is the difference? There is no
difference. A brutal and ineffective policy is a brutal and
ineffective policy -- and we have the right
to protest because we are the ones who are paying for it.
Is it anti-Semitic to demand efficiency
(and credibility) from our government?
I think not.
Jane in Stillwater
Jane, careful when you ask a question like that..
Melic will call you names, and she'll probably do it behind your
If you have something important, something that can't wait,
send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
She has my phone numbers and can reach me right away.
(We're still getting mail to boxes like remindbart@yahoo.com that are no longer attended.)
Can't get in the members section?
Click Here to reach Sam at her new address.
Have a good time today.
"Americans hold a deep respect for the Islamic
faith. We know that Islam is fully compatible
with liberty and tolerance and
progress because we see the proof in your country. Terrorists
who claim Islam as their inspiration
defile one of the great faiths. Murder has no place in any
religious tradition. It must find no
home in Indonesia."
--Dubya, Attribution
The Islamic faith is tolerant, and progressive?
The GOP isn't even tolerant or progressive.
With Troops in the Mideast,
Firms Must Guard Military Bases at Home
of George Bush Jr.'s campaign promises was to "rebuild the military power
of the United States,"
which Dick Cheney claimed had lapsed because
of "multiplying missions and unclear goals."
However, Bush's multiple deployments in
Iraq and Afghanistan have overtaxed the military even more
and now have led to hiring more civilian
contractors for such basic duties as guarding U.S. military bases.
Private security firms have taken over what
traditionally was a sole province of the military.
In a typical contract, Akal Security has
been awarded $70 million to guard eight stateside Army bases.
In Iraq, almost a third of the $4 billion
monthly costs are going to private contractors. One foreign policy
expert estimates the current Bush Administration
has five times as many civilian contractors in Iraq as his
father's administration did during the
first Gulf War in 1991.
Both Gulf Wars were started, intentionally, by the
not the President, stupid
by Jonah Johnson Goldberg
Presidents like to claim they "create jobs."
Well they do - a few thousand of them, mostly around Washington, D.C.
But they don't create millions of jobs
in the private sector, at least not with any precision or in a way that
can be
replicated by flipping some job-creation
switch. Even the New Deal was largely ineffective until the onset of WWII.
What creates economic growth are billions
of decisions all over the world, made according to a timeline that only
vaguely coincides with the political calendar.
Is LJB's boy right?
If presidents don't create jobs, does
that mean the Bush twins are just "unlucky?"
If presidents don't create jobs, what's
the real reason Bush gave our Treasury away to the super-rich?
Only a Clinton-hating handjob could look at that chart and say "President don't create jobs."
Something on your mind?
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Conason's Journal
If Karl Rove's 2004 media strategy is anything like the Pentagon's
earlier this year, you may want to get used to the term "President
For a preview of Karl Rove's media strategy
at the 2004 GOP Convention in New York -- and a
renewed appreciation for his "national
security" campaign plan -- see today's New York Observer
story by Ben Smith. Rove's choice as director of communications
for the convention is none
other than Jim Wilkinson, the flack who
left so many reporters furious last spring when he handled
Pentagon press relations at the Iraq War
headquarters, U.S. Central Command in Doha, Qatar.
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