Not such a super power after all
  Poll shows world falling out of love with America

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 Even the ambition is gargantuan. Only an American pollster like Pew would
 ask 38,000 people in 44 countries what they think of America. Only a superpower
 would try to take the world's temperature thus. The trouble is - when you hold
 their thermometer up to the light - the reading that comes back says this power
 isn't so super after all.


"Sometimes, Washington is one of these towns where the person -- people
  who think they've got the sharp elbow is the most effective person."
     --Dubya, New Orleans, proving a sharp elbow beats a sharp mind

 Subject: BartCop mention on Hannazi's show

 I called in at the end of the first hour.  He had asked for libs to call in and say
 what they'd do if robbers broke in.  I got into a shoutfest with him, and when I got
 the feeling he was heading towards dumping me off the line, I said people need to
 go to mediawhoresonline,,, and as he was trying to
 dump me off, I got in a second time, more clearly, I think, and said
 (to his 12 million viewers) that they've got to read BartCop today.
 I taped it, I could make you an MP3 if you'd be interested.

 Yeah, that would be great - send that on

 So, I hope that was a good thing to do.
 Keep up the good work.


 Junglebook, no, that was a great thing to do.
 I look forward to hearing it

 Subject: Let's buy W a blowjob!

 Why don't all Bartcop readers chip in $10 and buy George W a blowjob?

 Otherwise he'll keep trying to prove he's a real man by bombing Iraq
 while ignoring Osama, and by having John Poindexter read all our mail.
 The man needs to get laid.


 Let's take a look at the good news:

 1. It would be a lot cheaper than war.
    The Pentagon estimates $2 trillion on year-long attack and occupation.

 2. Nobody on either side would die, unless Smirk handles oral sex like he handles pretzels.

 3. It would take minutes instead of years.

 4. Cleanup would just take a few seconds, and there wouldn't be thousands of
     uranium-tipped shells laying around for the Iraqi children to play with.

  Let's take a look at the bad news:
 The B.F.E.E. can make more money from war than peace, so war it is!

 But if Pickles would do her wifely duties, she could help take that edge off...

         Pickles Bush (on the right)

 Man's 10,000-year Annual Performance Review
    by Mike Subversive

  Click  Here

 Man: So how do You think it's going?

 God: Don't make Me laugh. It's a horror show. 10,000 freaking years
           and you can't get past jealousy, vanity, greed and revenge. Do you
           know how many people have been killed in all of the wars in the
           entire world during the last 10,000 years?

 Man: No, how many?

 God: Everybody. At least twice.

 Subject: The "personal responsibility" president


 Don't I remember the MORON in Chief telling us all about "personal responsibility" during his
 campaign to position himself for global domination?  His MORONIC policies have brought on the worst
 economy in the last 10 years, and the biggest downturn in my lifetime-so what does he do?-he fires
 two of his "yes" men.  Now he'll install two more "yes" men (and the Democrats will, of course, affirm
 these appointments) to carry out the exact same policies (but possibly an additional tax cut for the
 super rich, and a higher payroll tax for the rest of us).

 Meanwhile, the MORON says that if Saddam says he doesn't have any WMDs, he's lying and we'll go
 to war.  If Saddam says he does have WMDs, he's in violation to the MORON's interpretation of the
 UN order, and we'll go to war.  Well at least we'll have plenty of unemployed young men with nothing
 else to do but go to Iraq and secure more oily profits for MORON, Cheney, and Poppy.
 I'm still wondering if Osama's on the payroll too.

 Well, good thing he's not getting any blowjobs.
 That would cause America to lose the respect of the rest of the world.
 Oh, wait a minute… oh, yeah…

 Jim Higdon

 Jim, try to remember - sex is bad, war is good.

 Subject: Total information awareness


 You recently had an image attributed to Bruce Yurgil of the Total Information Awareness logo.
 Unbelievably, that logo is the real logo of the office:

 Scary shit, huh?


 Yeah, and I'm catching hell for it.  Bruce sent it to me, and he does professional quality art,
 so I assumed it was his latest work and I posted it as his.  It was so damn creepy, I thought
 he was making an exxaggerated statement that this is how bad things have gotten - but it's true!

 You'd think a nightmare like Bush would be comedy gold, but the stuff they do is so outrageous,
 there's no room to exxaggerate anything.  The truth just isn't that funny.

 Subject: Wired magazine's "credibility"

 Wired was instrumental in starting the lie that Gore had said he "invented" the internet,
 and they never fully retracted the lie, just made some mumbling excuses about 18 months later.

 Click  Here

 Al Gore's timing was as unfortunate as his boast. Just as Republicans were beginning to
 eye the 2000 presidential race in earnest, the vice president offered up a whopper of a
 tall tale in which he claimed to have invented the Internet.

 Margaret the Ram's fan.

 So, Wired is another

 Is there not any credibility left in the American electronic or print media these days?
 Good thing we have

 PS. Sorry about your Rams :)

 Is it cold where you are?

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      Click to order

 A "Bush Pretzel" sweatshirt from
BartCop Store No 5  would keep you warm.

 Subject: Maybe I'm Amazed

 First off, the song is called "MAYBE I'm Amazed", not "Baby, I'm Amazed."
 The album it's from, simply called "McCartney" was his first solo record, and he played
 ALL the instruments and did all the vocals, apart from some vocals from Linda.


"Paul's first solo outing is very much a homegrown affair with him singing and playing
 everything (apart from a few harmonies by Linda)..."That Would Be Something,"
 "Man We Was Lonely," "The Lovely Linda," and "Teddy Boy" all make the grade,
 but everything is eclipsed by "Maybe I'm Amazed," which remains one of his most
 enduring songs, up there with anything the Beatles released."

-Great King Rat

...and this, from Lorenda

 Bart, Paul really honestly played all of the instruments on that album.
 The solo is pretty rudimentary and should be manageable by most guitarists.

 Yes, but poor Rude Rich is from Jersey, and has only been playing guitar about 22 years.
 He's still trying to get the hang of that "rudi" stuff.

 Weekend Sports Round-Up

 With its new security, Oklahoma safely made it to the Colorado game and won, 29-7.
 Georgia had roast pork at the Peach Dome Saturday, embarrassing the Razorbacks 30-3.
 #1 Miami had 45 scored on them, but they still beat Va Tech by 6.

 The Chiefs ran right past Margaret's Rams 49-10.
 PittsburgH lost to Idle

 do more

 But the game of the week had to be the 49ers boyhandling Dallas.

 San Fran QB Jeff Garcia teased the Cowboys like a slut in a short skirt, letting them think they
 had a chance all day. Then, while Dallas was busy searching for the Gatorade bucket to dump
 on Coach Fuzzyhead, Garcia struck like a cobra with a bolt of lightning (mixed metaphor, there)
 finding Terrell Owens under the goalpost rolling a fattie with just twelve seconds left in the game!

 Woo Hoo!

 I jumped outta my La-Z-Boy and did my victory dance and didn't spill a drop of Chinaco!

 Dallas lost, so that means it was a fine, fine weekend!

 But that's not all!!!
 Sunday at 4:58 Oklahoma time, Mr Perfect needs a miracle putt to win.
 I jumped up outta my La-Z-Boy and screamed "Hex on Thee! Hex on Thee! Hex on Thee!"
 three times, scaring the cats (and Mrs. Bart, who should be used to it by now).

 ha ha

 He got a bogey, his first of the day, right after my booster hex!

 ha ha

 Tiger Woo   drops his club in a wild, spastic swing as he tries to
 catch winner Padraig Harrington at the Target World Challenge.
"It was awful," Tiger whined. "As I approached 18, I felt a wave
 of dread wash over me, like there was a hex on me of some kind.
 I just lost my cool and blew it. I wish I knew what was wrong.
 I used to be the best - and now I'm just another golfer..."

 Also, The Rio Trial is tonight - it got postponed again (my fault).
 I hope they didn't take it as a sign of weakness, but I'm ready for them.
 I believe I have constructed a box from which they cannot escape.

 ...but even if they do, I'll ask a small claims judge for a second opinion.

 From: JCarpentie

 Subject: pathetic

 Pretty pathetic liberal shit you're spewing.
 Maybe when you grow up you'll see the truth.


 JC, the liberal shit I spew is not pathetic.
 It's the best liberal shit I can dream up.

 Hey, you wouldn't be guy to shut me up in a debate, would you?
 I know my stalkers would like to see that.

 Do you have any free time between now and the end of time?
 I don't think it would take long at all, and you can't get hurt if
 you're safe in your own home, hiding behind your monitor, right?

 I'm off all this week, so I'll make you this special deal:
 I'll do a shot of tequila every five minutes while we debate.
 If you can rope-a-dope for an hour, you'll have me at a disadvantage, right?

 C'mon, do the KKK, Fox News and Rush a favor and kick my rhetorical ass.
 (Geez, I'd pay to see that my own self.)

 ...or do you not have time to waste, straightening out a guy like me?

 Law Cancels Appearance at Weekly Boston Mass
  He's afraid to face his own parishoners - how can he stay?

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 Hundreds of protesters gather outside a Boston Cathedral on December 8, calling for the resignation
 of Cardinal Law. Recently released church documents reveal that he knew priests were sexually
 abusing parishioners and simply reassigned them to other posts.

 You talk about a monster!
 How many dozens or possibly hundreds of rapes occured because of this ugly fraud?
 And all the time, those little boys were being told to perform or they'd burn in hell.

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