SAINT PAUL, MN (AmpolNS) -- This just in:
MSNBC reports that the same paid GOP thugs who re-enacted the Munich
Beer Hall Putsch in Miami-Dade are even now on buses heading back to
Their intent: to stop, by any means necessary, the hand recounts ordered
by Florida's
Supreme Court -- recounts that will certainly topple Bush's microscopic
150-vote lead.
Floridians, get ready to defend yourselves and your precincts. The Republi-thugs
will be
targeting the heavily-Democratic counties of Miami-Dade and Pinellas,
of course.
You know what to do.
Now, you may rightly ask, "Why is Tom DeLay sending down his Sturmabteilung
Florida again? Gauleiter Jeb's got the Republican snake-handlers running
the Florida
State Legislature to hold a special session to pick their own slate
of electors. And won't
the Bushies just run back to Don Vito Scalia and ask to have the FSC
Sit down and grab a cuppa, boys and girls. This will take some 'splaining.
First off, the SCOTUS's earlier ruling to remand the FSC's initial
decision allowing recounts has been grossly misinterpreted by the
media (a discussion of just how badly the US press handled that news
event in particular, and the 2000 elections in general, was the
topic for one hour of Minnesota Public Radio's 'Mid-Morning'
program yesterday). This was NOT an 'overturning' of the FSC's
earlier Gore-friendly ruling. It was, instead, a request by the US
Supremes to clean up the earlier ruling and make it as airtight as
possible. Once that was done, the USSC would accept the ruling. The
Florida Supremes have done this, and the Bushies know it: No sane
lawyer thinks that the USSC, having once already punted this
hot-potato back down to the lower court, will be eager to reopen it
once again, even to put a Republican in the White House, simply
because of all the unsavory precedents it would set. And when the
results from the Florida Supreme Court's mandated hand recounts come
back, there's no way even Don Vito Scalia will dare to go against
both the will of the people of Florida and the will of the Florida
Supreme Court.
Same goes for the Florida State Legislature. Even The Honorable Mr.
Feeney, the GOP House Speaker who has been called 'Florida's David
Duke' for his all-too-obvious race-baiting and fascistic bent, had
best think twice before voting to send off a slate of FSL-picked
electors when the recounts give Gore the lead and the state. It
would just be too obvious that Feeney is trying to thwart the
expressed will of the people of Florida.
The GOP's only hope is to stop the hand counts.
To that end, they are even now working on having their attorneys tie
up Judge Terry Lewis -- who gained jurisdiction in the Miami-Dade
County recount, since the infamous Judge Stalls (er, I meant 'Sauls'
-- no, I didn't) finally did the honorable thing and recused himself.
Their intention appears to be to buy enough time to delay the start
of the
recounts to allow for the re-arrival of Tom DeLay's Beer Hall Putschers.
This is why it's time for you, my Floridian readers, to get out
there and guard your county courthouses. Now. Don't let the
Sturmabteiliung spook your elected officials.
NOTE from Voltai: To see the original GOP Thug Squad: