All These Problems
 by Paul Krugman

A man from Mars - or from Europe - might expect Mississippi
voters to favor progressive taxation and generous social programs.
After all, the state benefits immensely from the legacy of Franklin
Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson: it doesn't pay a lot of federal taxes
because it has the lowest per-capita income in the nation, and it does
receive a lot of aid. Unlike, say, New Jersey, which pays far more
into the U.S. Treasury than it gets in return, Mississippi is a major
net recipient of federal funds.

But Mississippi is, in fact, the home of Trent Lott - a leader of a party
determined to roll back as much as it can of the Great Society, perhaps
even the New Deal. Why do Mississippi and its neighbors support
politicians whose economic policies seemingly run counter to their interests?

Do I really need to answer that?

Fifty years ago the politics of race in America weren't at all disguised.
Jim Crow laws both impoverished and disenfranchised Southern blacks;
Southern whites voted for politicians who promised to keep things that way.
The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act ended overt discrimination.
Yet race remains a major factor in our politics.

Indeed, this year efforts to suppress nonwhite votes were remarkably blatant.
There were those leaflets distributed in black areas of Maryland, telling people
they couldn't vote unless they paid back rent; there was the fuss over alleged
ballot fraud in South Dakota, clearly aimed at suppressing Native American votes.
Topping it off was last Saturday's election in Louisiana, in which the Republican
Party hired black youths to hold signs urging their neighbors not to vote for
Mary Landrieu.

Still, nobody now misses the days of overt racial discrimination. Or do they?

Last week, at Strom Thurmond's 100th-birthday party, Mr. Lott recalled
Mr. Thurmond's 1948 race for the presidency. "I want to say this about
my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him.
We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead,
we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

What, exactly, did Mr. Lott mean by "all these problems"? Mr. Thurmond
ran a one-issue campaign: "We stand for the segregation of the races and
the racial integrity of each race," declared his platform.

Is it possible that a major modern political figure has sympathy for such views?
After all, the Bush administration includes figures like Colin Powell and
Condoleezza Rice; some of Mr. Lott's best friends . . . Yet during the 1990's
he was extensively involved with the Council of Conservative Citizens - a
descendant of the White Citizens Council - telling them at one point that they
"stand for the right principles and the right philosophy." When this came to
light in 1998, Mr. Lott declared himself ignorant of the group's aims. Was he
also ignorant of the aims of the 1948 Thurmond campaign? Or was he just,
in the excitement of the moment, blurting out his real views?

At first the "liberal media," which went into a frenzy over political statements
at Paul Wellstone's funeral, largely ignored this story. To take the most
spectacular demonstration of priorities, last week CNN's "Inside Politics"
found time to cover Matt Drudge's unconfirmed (and untrue) allegations
about the price of John Kerry's haircuts. "Just two days after moving closer
to a presidential race, John Kerry already is in denial mode," intoned the host.
But when the program interviewed Mr. Lott the day after the Thurmond event,
his apparent nostalgia for segregation never came up.

Now Mr. Lott has apologized for a "poor choice of words." But choice of
words had nothing to do with it. What he did, quite clearly, was offer a
retroactive endorsement of a frankly racist campaign.

And yes, there are political implications. In the midterm elections, Democratic
candidates carefully avoided doing anything to mobilize the black vote, fearing
that this would just encourage turnout by rural whites. But the rural whites
turned out anyway, while blacks didn't. In Louisiana, black turnout - the result
of a determined get-out-the-vote operation, perhaps helped by Mr. Lott's
remarks - was the key to Ms. Landrieu's unexpected victory.
Might I suggest that this tells us something?

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