From: Geneva Clark

I just had to send you this.  I first read this letter, from Mr.
Herbert in our local newspaper, the Hi-Desert Star,  on December 5, 2001.  Since
then I'd read a few related articles on your site, and heard much the same from Mike Malloy and decided to
send Mr. Herbert a reply.  First is his letter exactly as it was published in the 12/5 issue:

From the December 5, 2001 issue of the Hi-Desert Star, Yucca Valley California


Lest we not forget. Day 9/11 and 3 months. What the Clinton administration did to
combat terrorism. George Bush Sr. allowed world influence to let Sadam get away
and continue his reign of terror. Clinton allowed the inspectors to be run out of Irag.

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which killed six and injured 1,000,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After
the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military, the same promise.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudia Arabia, which killed 19 and
insured 200 U.S. military, again the same promise.

After the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured
5,000, still promising. After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and
injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton still promising.

Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 5,000 people would be alive
today. Our people have the stomach, well most of us, to do what is necessary. Do
our elected officials? Clinton sure didn't. Well, I suppose in a sense he did, he paved
the way for a real leader, George W. to become president.

No ducking it, Clinton bears much responsibility, he refused to recognize that we
were at war; he didn't alert the nation; he didn't call us to arms; and he didn't
mobilize the U.S. security forces to prepare the nation for a defense. Instead of
crushing Arafat and Hamas and their comrade Osama bin Laden, Clinton forced
Israelis into the Oslo peace process which legitimized the terrorists, provided them
with billions of US aid dollars and gave them an army with tens of thousands of

Is it any wonder that terrorists throughout the world kill Americans with impunity?
God save us from liberal love!

Chuck Herbert

Yucca Valley

And this is my reply.  I was really surprised The Star printed it since they are such a nest of
Conservative Republicanism. It appeared in their Saturday, December 15, 2001 issue. I don't usually
respond to this kind of thing, but I couldn't pass this up.  My reply:

December 12, 2001

After reading the letter from Chuck Herbert in the 12/5 issue of the Star, I felt
compelled to write and set the record straight. In his vitriolic attack on former
President Clinton he may not care about the truth, but I feel readers deserve to know
what really happened. In his letter Mr. Herbert attacks the former president for not
taking action and having terrorists arrested following various attacks on American
soil, and on American, and foreign, lives. Mr. Herbert implies that President Clinton
did nothing to these criminals, repeatedly emphasizing that Clinton had broken many
promises. This is simply not true.

Mr. Herbert claims that after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center where six
people were killed and nearly one thousand injured, Clinton promised punishments
for those responsible. For his information this is exactly what happened. All the
perpetrators of this horrible act have indeed been brought to trial and are now in
prison. Following the bombing, the FBI quickly arrested four radical Muslims, who
were convicted in 1994. The driver of the truck loaded with explosives, Palestinian
born Ismoil Eyad, was captured after he fled to Jordan where he was arrested in
1995. Eyad was sentenced to 240 years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of 250
thousand dollars and another 10 million dollars in restitution to the victims.
Additionally, the mastermind of the bombing, Ramzi Yousef, also received 240 years
in prison; in solitary confinement. Four other participants of the attack are in prison
for the rest of their lives. Promises made, promises kept.

Next Mr. Herbert laments over the loss of lives in the 1995 bombings in Saudi Arabia
and the 1996 attack on the Khomar Towers. Again his facts are skewed. Immediately
following the bombing, over 70 FBI agents; the largest contingent ever sent abroad on
any one investigation, among those bomb and forensic experts, were sent to help
examine the rubble for clues. Despite two trips to Saudia Arabia by FBI director
Louis Freeh, to appeal to King Fahd, investigating agents were denied full access to
the Saudi's information and were not allowed to interrogate any suspects. The Saudi
government then obtained confessions from four Saudis in that bombing and
beheaded the men before FBI agents could question them.

Mr. Herbert needs to remember that FBI jurisdiction is limited to the invitation of the
host country; they have no power overseas. I would also like to remind him that as
long as Big Oil Company friends of the Bush Family Empire continue to lust for oil,
and therefore power, in the Middle-East region, Saudi Arabia will never be held
accountable for any murders committed by her citizens. Former Presidents Reagan
and Bush Senior didn't punish the murdering Saudi's either, so putting the blame
totally on Clinton's doorstep is rather disingenuous.

As for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, a 2 million
dollar reward was offered, by US officials, for information that would enable them
locate key suspect Abdalah Mohammed Fazul, who was a focus of an intense FBI
manhunt before fleeing to The United Arab Emirates. Besides the search for Fazul,
two suspected bombers were flown to New York from Kenya and charged with
murdering 12 U.S. nationals in the bomb attack in Nairobi. Far from shrugging off
any promises, the instigators of all of these attacks have been brought to justice, and
without plunging our now fragile economy into a questionable war with a decrepit
Third-World Country.

Mr. Herbert glorifys George W. Bush, calling him a "real leader". If a real leader is
someone who steals an election, lies about his military experiences by going AWOL,
is arrested while intoxicated; and has a wife who does the same then,'re
right, George W. Bush is indeed a real leader! Mr. Herbert blames Clinton for failing
to "recognize that we were at war". No we weren't, and we aren't now. War can only
be declared by Congress, according to that pesky document, The United States
Consititution, that Bush chooses to conveniently circumvent. These are not
technicalities but protocol that has kept this country the great and the shining example
of Democracy in the world. But no more.

As for President Clinton, He left office with higher approval ratings than Reagan ever
saw, and he would have been elected again if not prevented by the 22nd
Amendment. During his tenure this country had a soaring economy and people
weren't worried about their jobs or the future, like they are now. When Bill Clinton
walks the streets of New York, he's mobbed by fans, whereas Bush must have
people bussed in so the camera will think he's admired by somebody. Mr. Herbert
would do well to investigate the facts and stop taking the questionable word of the
likes of Rush Limbaugh and his "ditto heads."

Geneva Clark

Geneva, well done.
If other liberals would fight back, maybe the press would be so gung-ho
on praising the unelected fraud and his band of oil-drilling thieves.

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