Subject: Neil Young
I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, and
here's why: after singing about the outrage at Kent State in "Ohio,"
in the 80s he tacked to the right and defended
Reagan for the reasons you mentioned (I wrote him off then,
particularly when an astute reader of Rolling
Stone referred to Reagan as "Cortez the Killer" making the parallel
between Reagan & Nixon). A few years
after that when Bush the Elder got elected by saying a whole lot of
nothing, Neil wrote "Rocking in the Free
World." Listen to the lyrics and you hear a very forceful slam of the
Bush Who Actually Was Elected.
Here's the third verse in which you can
see him take aim at Bush while
giving Jesse Jackson a pat on the back:
We gotta thousand points of light
for the homeless man
we've got a kinder, gentler, machine
gun hand
We've got department stores and toilet
styrofoam garbage for the ozone layer
got a man of the people, says keep hope
got fuel to burn, roads to drive
If Neil favors an extreme right approach
to home security, it doesn't seem to translate to domestic politics.
Chris, that makes it even more chilling.
Usurperboy and Reagan are both to Poppy's right.
Remember the first thing Bush did after being elected?
He said he wanted America to be "kinder and gentler" than it
was under Red-Ink.
A lot of people forget what a heartless bastard Reagan was -
that's why Bush
wanted to put somne daylight between them.
So if Neil likes Reagan and the Unelected Appointee,
he may be more right-wing than we know.
Subject: The Tape
I believe the tape, but I do need to add something
about this administration
and translations: They can't even translate
Al Gore said, "I
sponsored legislation that led to the creation of the internet as we know
The GOP turned that into "I
invented the internet."
When sane people tried to correct them by citing
the real quote, the GOP said,
"Bullshit, that's not what he said.
He said he invented the internet.
Your quote doesn't mean the same thing."
When Cal Thomas wrote that Clinton comes from
the generation that thinks character doesn't count,
liars like Limbaugh attributed that as a "quote"
to Clinton.
I could cite 40 more examples just as valid as
these. Republicans can't even honestly quote Dems,
why should I believe they are being accurate
when they quote someone they hate even more who
speaks a language that very few Americans are
familiar with.
That said, I do believe the tape, and I've believed
that Osama was a terrorist since Bill Clinton
said so in 1998. I remember Limbaugh, my
local radio knuckledragger, Bobblehead Coulter,
and Barbara Olson all ridiculing Bill Clinton
for demonizing Osama so he could wag the dog.
Subject: If there was ever a question about msn not being liberal
So I hop online and i accidently open
and I see a link to vote
for the biggest political blunder of all the
past year, i was expecting all
GW "I am so stupid I have to have other people
tell me how to lie" Bushisms
but instead i see this hogwash...
1.President Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich and
2.Gary Condit's interview with Connie Chung
3.Members of the House of Representatives fleeing
the Capitol after the anthrax scare
4.Republicans losing Senator Jim Jeffords to
the Democratic Party and losing control of the Senate as a result
5.Continuing controversy over the presidential
election recounts
Microsoft, a company that has only benifited
from the smirks being in power
is now pushing a list of "blunders" that are
not blunders and only bash Dems...
The link to the site is
and notice the quote under the recount section
that says, "Most of the recounts confirmed Bush’s election"
What a lie.
Liberal media my butt.
William Burke
Subject: Approval Rating
Have you jerk offs seen W's approval rating lately?
(over 80%).
The other 20% must still be crying about the
What do you think Al Gore's would have been at
right now?
ignacious ryley
The man some call president has an artificially high
rating because America has just gone through it's darkest hour.
Bush says, "You're with me or with bin Laden,"
and nobody wants to be with bin Laden.
Don't forget, Bush lost the election.
He lost the popular vote, too. America never wanted him, and
seeing him run like a scared bunny on 9/11 they wish Rudy or
anybody else was president but Bush.
Another thing - the Bushes sometimes enjoy high approval ratings
when there's no election. Poppy had a 91 percent approval
until Bill Clinton kicked his bony ass into retirement.
By the way,
sorry Oklahoma tore your Longhorns a new asshole this year.
ha ha
Tribunal order denies the justice America proclaims
I support the idea of trying terrorists in military tribunals. But
not the way President Bush has ordered in his Military Order of Nov. 13.
This order illegally suspends all the protections that were built
into the Uniform Code of Military Justice by Congress and
validated by 50 years of judicial experience.
The president does not have the authority to suspend the law.
Only Congress can amend the UCMJ, to say parts of it are
inapplicable to the trials of suspected terrorists, and forbid appeals.
In Section 1(f), the order alleges, "it is not practicable to apply
in military commissions under this order the principles of law
and the rules of evidence." This is not true. There is no need to
suspend the rules of evidence, which have been developed
through 500 years of English and American legal experience.
Anytime somebody tells you that, he wants to take away your liberty.
In Section 4(c)(3), the order provides for "admission of such
evidence as would have probative value to a reasonable
person." This means that illegal evidence, which could not be
used in the court-martial of a U.S. serviceman, can be used to
convict and execute a suspected terrorist. We Americans pride
ourselves on justice for all. This isn't.
Section 4(c)(8) directs "submission of the record of the trial for
review and final decision by me or by the Secretary of Defense,"
instead of through the review process provided by the law.
Section 7(b)(2) specifies that "the individual shall not seek any
remedy in any court." A normal appeal to the Military Court of
Appeals is forbidden.
This order is not only illegal; it is so designed that the accused
cannot appeal to get it ruled illegal! That's un-American.
by (withheld)
Why are celebrities like Neil Young and Kevin Smith reluctant to criticize
this ridiculous, un-winnable war
that has already seen U.S. bombs nuke 3,500 INNOCENT Afghanistan citizens?
McCarthyism, pure and simple.
Anybody who speaks out is branded unpatriotic and blacklisted as a
terrorist (Lynne Cheney would make sure of it).
If Smith spoke up and said, "Hey, maybe we should re-examine our priorities,"
he would be crucified in the
corporate-owned media for abetting the terrorists, thus destroying
any hopes of getting any of his films made.
Look what they did to Bill Maher when he had the audacity to question
foreign policy.
That is sick. What kind of free "Democracy" is this? People can't speak
their minds because an unelected idiot
wants to dig an oil pipeline through a poor, war-torn area? People
can't complain when the pResident Retard
takes away our right to an open trial, any sense of privacy and fundamental
rights to free speech? Hundreds of
thousands of people lose their jobs, millions see their retirement
funds go dry, and Bush throws billions at the
billionaire oil CEOs and giant defense contractors, and we're supposed
to support that crap?
Surplus to debt, peace and prosperity to war and recession.
This is the ultimate Republican wet dream.
Don't use my name or email address.
I don't wanna be executed for treason.
From: Richie Faber <>
Real name:
Subject: Who You Are!
Glad to see your site! Out in the open where
it can be found.
We need to know who you are.
For we do know that it is folks like you and particularly
you that created the coditions in this country
(USA) for such events as September 11th. Without
the likes of you our culture could not have been
so comprimised to the degree to
which it was taken advantage. I hope it's fun being a fool...
however it may come at an expensive price.
So, ... you think bin Laden reads and
when he read here that
the unelected fraud was Weak & Stupid he decided to attack?
I had no idea I was so widely read in places like Afghanistan.
Thanks for not making sense.
I know that all of the reports on Afghanistan
come with the approval of the illegitimate administration
(you remember the coup last year, don’t you?),
so it is automatically suspect. Remember the trashing
of Air Force One and the West Wing stories? These
people have no credibility, and yet you believe
everything they say about everything else?
Because if you think this video surfaced from the work of
independent journalists then I must give you
more credit for intelligence than is due.
I hold suspect everything the illegal junta tells
us unless independently verified.
I can’t help it, and they leave me no choice.
Derek, you are correct.
I believe everything George Bush says is the truth.
Maybe after another 600 issues, people will get the hint that I'm anti-Bush.