WASHINGTON — So will the president focus more on Wall Street's lipstick index or Teddy Roosevelt's big-stick index?
The lipstick index is a way to judge a recession. When the economy goes
down, lipstick sales go up. Women
indulge in smaller luxuries and skip bigger ones. The big-stick index
is a way conservatives judge the president.
Will W. whack Saddam with the stick, or will he fold, the way his dad
Mr. Bush spent his first year using his father's failures as a reverse
playbook. Trying to dodge 41's mistakes, 43
catered to Congressional right- wingers and muscled through a mammoth
tax cut. When the economy slumped,
he took great pains to tell Americans he understood their pain — so
he would not seem oblivious and wrapped up
in foreign affairs like his father. Then Sept. 11 hit and he
had to get wrapped up in foreign affairs.
If the president uses the reverse playbook now, and continues to coddle
the conservatives his father neglected,
he has to go topple the wacky Iraqi, completing Poppy's unfinished
business. But if he does that, he turns his
attention away from the recession, repeating Poppy's mistake after
his war, when he never used his celestial
approval ratings to fix the economy.
It's a surreal Oedipal loop de loop, made all the loopier by the spectacle
of history repeating itself and putting
the son at the same juncture where his father made two of the most
critical and criticized decisions of his presidency.
Because 41 detached from Baghdad and detached from economic angst at
home, 43 is under extra pressure to
attack Iraq while attacking the recession.
The man who started out as the most disengaged president in modern history
is now being pestered by his aides
and his conservative base to engage, engage, engage. His political
and military advisers are competing for his attention,
as he decides how hotly to pursue the war at a time when the economy
is foundering and deficits are back.
It is a measure of how nervous the White House is, given Republican
losses in the recent gubernatorial elections,
that it dumped Gov. James Gilmore of Virginia as party chief last week.
Should the president rout Osama and the Taliban and then "focus like
a laser beam on this economy," as Bill
Clinton said when he beat Bush senior? Or should he go on to Phase
Two, as the Get Saddam crowd calls it,
now that the U.S. is "on a roll," as State Department official Richard
Armitage puts it?
At the moment, Mr. Bush is juggling furiously.
In his Saturday radio address, the president concentrated on the recession
and expressed concern about soaring unemployment. "It's a time to reach
out to Americans who are hurting," he said, "to help them put food on the
and to keep a roof over their heads." And, if Mr. Bush has not
yet decided whether to crack Saddam with the big stick,
he has been talking more loudly anyway. He said if Iraq did not allow
U.N. inspectors into the country to check for
weapons of mass destruction, it would "find out" the consequences.
It's hard to say if the swagger was meant to co-opt the string of Perles
— Richard Perle and others who are in
full cry to crush Saddam — or to lay a real groundwork for at least
bombing Iraq. It is curious that the president
tolerates such open provocation from people in his administration and
connected to it, given that the clamor sets him up
to look soft on Saddam if he doesn't go after Iraq.
Paul Wolfowitz, the No. 2 Pentagon official, has been the spark plug
of the Get Saddam club. Other
drum-beaters are Mr. Perle, on a Pentagon advisory board, and fellow
board member James Woolsey, who
went on a government plane with a team from Justice and Defense to
investigate whether Iraq was involved in
the 9-11 attacks.
"If we cannot drive this tyrant from office," Mr. Perle said on CNN,
"then we can't do anything."
In an interview with Bob Novak and Al Hunt on CNN Saturday, Donald
Rumsfeld was asked about Mr. Perle's agitations.
"Look, Richard Perle is Richard Perle," he replied, praising Mr. Perle
but adding: "He does not speak for the
president. He does not speak for me."
So many voices, so little time. It's enough to send a president burrowing
back into his feather pillow.