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America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now.
We can't fight alone against this monster
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"Think about what $61 million could buy for
our troops in need
rather than lining the pockets
of Halliburton executives."
--John Kerry,
If the candidates had read bartcop.com they would've known about this a year ago.
Saddam caught - do you feel safer?
Big f-ing deal, Bush caught a man who wasn't
a threat to us.
Meanwhile, the guy who blew up New York
is still free and plotting further attacks,
but Bush said, "He
doesn't concern me," because bin Laden
has no oil Bush can steal.
So now what?
I head that wack Lieberman say that Saddam should be put on trial
at The Hague,
but that won't do because they don't have the death penalty,
so Joe the Republican
says we should try Saddam here, in America, so we can
execute him.
Hey Joe, with what crimes would we charge Saddam?
Under what jurisdiction do we have the authority to try Saddam?
Bin Laden? You bet your ass - he attacked us and killed people,
but Saddam was
nothing more than a murdering dictator, like a dozen other murdering
Sunday we drove all day, and we heard nothing but CNN and FOX
for about 8 hours.
They just kept saying the same things, over and over without
ever changing anything.
One talking head would say, "Do you think
Saddam will do this or that?" as tho anyone
in America knows what's inside Saddam's head. The press was in
a total frazzle except
they had nothing to say except, "Saddam
was caught hiding in a spider whole."
They said it hundreds of times.
One particularly annoying FOX bimbo said the stock market would
go up 1000 points.
I sure wish I could get a piece of that bet.
...and what if Saddam tells what he knows about the B.F.E.E.?
"Today, the unemployment rate dropped, as you
may know, from 6 percent to 5.9 percent."
--America's King, crowing about
his great economy, Attribution
Subject: media cover up?
A colleague of mine has just come back from
nursing in Saudi and Dubai and she told a story of an
American plane fired on while taking off.
It came down killing all 12 on board who were on their way
to R & R in Germany. This was
around August and was I think in Basra, but I don't know for sure.
She said that friends of hers (including
Americans) saw no mention of it in any media at all, as though it
never happened. Do you recall hearing
anything then or since? They were told about it by military nurses
at the time. We all know the bastards
are downplaying the extent of injury out of Iraq but if this story is true
how many more like it are there?
Can your people wait for another fraudulant
election to be played out? Can you all afford the "terror" attack
they will subject you to in order to get
him re-elected and get the draft in? The American people have to
liberate themselves here, There will be
no invading army to effect "regime change" for you all. The election
next year may be the last peaceful opportunity.
Swing it
Paul B
A while back, a friend who goes by Arm Hayseed sent me
a letter about presidents and the economy with colors
and fonts and stuff and asked me if I would print it. My arm
pain was in full bloom at the time, so I told him I just couldn't
afford the time it would take to transcribe his letter,
so he bought a book on html and learned it so he could get this
story printed. He's retired, so learning html probably wasn't
high on his "to do" list, but he wanted us to see this.
That took a lot of guts and determination, so please do him and me a favor and check this out.
Subject: the "Bush Boom"
Here <<< Now with working link
One down, two to go
With the capture of Saddam Hussein a tyrant has finally been brought down.
But there are still two tyrants left that
we need to rid the world of - Osama bin Laden
- and the most menacing tyrant of them
all - George W. Bush.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Subject: Are you afraid?
scared to reply because you know that you are wrong?
ha ha
I'm on the road, using the laptop, and this
is the only
letter from you I can find on this computer.
I'm certain there's no question you could
and no point you could make that I couldn't
Having the truth on my side is a big help.
Re-send and I'll prove it.
Chickenhawk of the Day
Visit www.chickenhawkcards.com for your deck.
Makes a great stocking stuffer!
Entertainment Page
'Songs Inspired By Literature' from Baron Dave Romm
(Dave is the man)
'Boobs For Christmas' or 'Hooters For The Holidays'?
Fresh BAGnews
Bonnie Raitt & David Crosby raising funds for Howard Dean
Lauryn Hill & the Vatican
Dolly Parton's reading program delivered a million books
k.d. lang & the honeymoon cruise
Snoop Dogg sued
Frog smuggler sentenced
And some links
It happened again
No Doubt was on Jimmy Kimmel Thursday
night, so I set the VCR for ABC and went to bed.
The next day, I checked it and instead of No Doubt on Jimmy
Kimmel, I got an old epsiode of Cheers.
Why did that happen?
Because Tulsa is afraid of Jimmy Kimmel.
The caveman, ditto-monkey, please-protect-us Christian ABC affiliate
thinks Tulsans will grow horns
and kill babies and shoot each other if we somehow get a glimpse
of Jimmy Kimmel, the anti-Christ.
Since ABC passed, the local WB affiliate picked him up.
I guess the souls of the folks at the WB are already lost, so
they had nothing to lose.
I don't watch Kimmel, so I forgot he was on some half-ass channel,
and I missed No Doubt.
I want to leave Oklahoma sooooo bad.
I want to move to a city where we're not "protected" from broadcast
Click Here to subscribe to bartcop.com
If enough people do that, I could move into the 20th Century.
Research shows only $40
in on the 15th.
Subscribing today would level some peaks and valleys.
Subject: Question
I thought your site had a discussion board
where people can post topics and other reply, etc.
Do you have such a function??
I do love reading your board and certainly
would like to be involved in such a forum.
If you do not provide such a service, could
you please direct me to "democratic" websites who do??
---it would be greatly appreciated in that
I feel Dems really need to get together and yack to save our sanity.
Golfergirl, there are several places to go.
To the left of the opening "Quote of the
Day," you'll see The Forum, and The Reader and Live CHAT.
Maybe I'll bump into you there sometime...
I finally figured it out
It took me 90 days, but in retro, it's clearar than Lake Concha.
The reason Rummy leaked his own memo that Iraq would be, "a
long, hard slog,"
is because that's when he realized that his Iraq battle plan
was totally F-ed up.
Knowing that thousands of brave American soldiers were going to
die in Iraq for no goddamn reason, Rummy
wanted it on the record, he wanted lying whoires like Rush to
say in the year 2008, that he, Rummy, the primary
architect of Bush's failed "Let's screw
Iraq for political points" strategy had been lost and doom was
Rummy was providing future FOX whores with the "documented" lie
that he was always against this war,
that he warned Bush time and again that Iraq would be, "a
long, hard slog," but Bush,
"the Texas hothead,"
wouldn't listen to Rummy and all the deaths are on Bush.
Was this the moment when the GOP bailed on Bush?
Is Bush the sacrificial lamb?
Was Rummy's "leaked" memo the fulcrum of the Dubya years?
The GOP wants to survive, so if all it costs them is to screw
the Never-elected moron,
so be it because after Nixon and Reagan, a third disaster would
sink them for another decade.
Capturing Saddam might be a temporary plus for Stupid, but we need jobs, not a captured Saddam.
Hey Bart,
You were asking about how to google bomb
Here's how.
Whenever you refer to Rush as the Vulgar
Pigboy, or a drug addict, etc... link those words to his site.
Some examples: drug addict drug addiction vulgar pigboy big fat idiot junkiepillhead
Many of us are linking these words on as
many web sites, guestbooks, blogs, etc. that we can.
When google crawls the web and sees these
words linked to rush's site so many times, it will make the connection.
Thus, after a few weeks, if it is linked
enough times on the web, when one types in "vulgar pigboy" or "drug addict",
in a google search, google will direct
them to the rush limbaugh site.
I hope I explained that right.
Keep up the great work with bartcop.com
and bartcop radio.
Kaye, good work.
We need to get all the humor sites to do that.
Great Christmas Gifts
On-the-payroll liars
Biography is asking
us to guess who will be the biography suibject of the year.
It's a no-brainer because the media is solidly behind the BFEE
and the GOP.
It will be Arnold the disabled-stomping Nazi.
Anybody want to bet?
They'll spend an hour or two wazing and swooning about the "great"
Arnold Schwartzengroper
and how he saved a state he can't pronounced from the evils of
Gray davis and liberalism.
Of course, they won't mention that Bush, Cheney and Enron crated
California's problems,
because that's not what the goofy Callifornia voter wants to
hear. They like movie stars there
so they put a muscleheaded non-thinker in charge of their future
and their children's futures.
Anybody want to bet?
General Clark to Testify at Milosevic Trial
Bush has agreed that Wesley Clark can testify
in the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic.
Bush has demanded the right to edit videotapes
and transcripts of the sessions before they are made public.
What a pack of cowards.
They don't want people reminded that Wesley Clark is a real military
They don't want people reminded that Clark and Clinton was that
war with zero US dead.
They don't want people reminded that things were much better
under Clinton.
Lynch captures Saddam
by Greg Palast
Former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein was
taken into custody yesterday at approximately
8:30pm Baghdad time. Various television
executives, White House spin doctors and propaganda
experts at the Pentagon are at this time
wrestling with the question of whether to claim PFC Jessica
Lynch seized the ex-potentate or that Saddam
surrendered after close hand-to-hand combat with
current Iraqi strongman Paul Bremer III.
ha ha
Christmas Gifts
No Doubt - Singles
Best of Red Hot Chili Peppers
Garbage #2
Dick Van Dyke - Season 1 What
Mrs Bart is getting
Alias Season 1
Outkast, for your thug friends
I forget her name...
Got a snippy ditto-monkey brother in law?
Or that Uber-Nazi you're forced to work with?
Give them the last three (professionally mixed) BartCop
Radio Shows on CD for just $25.
For the best in political books, see the bottom of this page
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
Can't get in the members section? Sam can help.
Click to Enter
"A 78-year-old retired Los Angeles schoolteacher
said she is breaking a lifetime of silence to
announce that she is the illegitimate mixed-race
daughter of Strom Thurmond (R-Still Dead),
once the nation's leading segregationist.
In an interview, the woman said that Thurmond
privately acknowledged her as his daughter
and provided financial support since 1941."
I think it's safe to say Thurmond raped
her mother, the Thurmond family maid.
Being 78 means she was born in 1925.
If a negro claimed she was raped by a rich, white man,
the Carolina legal system back then would
just laugh and tell the raped woman to run along.
This was forty years before African Americans had civil rights.
...but, of course, since Strom was GOP,
his sex scandals were covered up and ignored,
...and did you hear the report that Clinton
was seen talking to a pretty blonde woman last week?
Bush's good puppy press will always report an "important" story like that.
American soldier body count in Iraq
Last issue it was 453
....this issue it's
times 456
Plus, at least 2516.....
wounded for Bush's illegal oil grab.
From: http://www.antiwar.com/ewens/casualties.html
Subject: BartCop radio CDs
Hi Bart;
Received the BCR CDR's and all I can say
is **WOW**!
The A-1 professional quality was a total
suprise. Very impressive.
ha ha
All praise to Tommy Mack.
You really hammered O'Liely and Pigboy (btw..
did you notice El Puerco
slurring at the end of his show Fri.?
wonder if he's back on the drugs...)
One more thing....the insult dog is a SCREAM
Thanks for sending out the CDs, and stickers.
S, I'm glad you liked them.
Readers - you, too, can get three professionally mixed BCR shows
for just $25,
with the semi-professional O'Reilly beatdown as a free bonus!
Give one to that Bush-worshipping smug bastard you work with,
give another to your "Bush is God" brother in law, and send one
to your
Demo senator so he/she can get a clue what fighting back sounds
Snail mail to PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
or PayPal to https://www.paypal.com/affil/pal=bartcop@bartcop.com
Dear Mr Bush
Well, it's going on two weeks now since
your surprise visit to one of the two countries you now run and,
I have to say, I'm still warmed by the
gesture. Man, take me along next time! I understand only 13 members
of the media went with you -- and it turns
out only ONE of them was an actual reporter for a newspaper.
But you did take along FIVE photographers
(hey, I get it, screw the words, it's all about the pictures!),
a couple wire service guys, and a crew
from the Fox News Channel (fair and balanced!).
Then, I read in the paper this weekend that
that big turkey you were holding in Baghdad (you know, the picture that's
supposed to replace the now-embarrassing
footage of you on that aircraft carrier with the sign "Mission Accomplished")
-- well, it turns out that big, beautiful
turkey of yours was never eaten by the troops! It wasn't eaten by anyone!
because it wasn't real! It was a STUNT
turkey, brought in to look like a real edible turkey for all those great
camera angles.
Now I know some people will say you are
into props (like the one in the lower extremities of your flyboy suit),
but hey,
I get it, this is theater! So what if it
was a bogus turkey? The whole trip was bogus, all staged to look like "news."
The fake
honey glaze on that bird wasn't much different
from the fake honey glaze that covers this war. And the fake stuffing in
fake bird was just the right symbol for
our country during these times. America loves fake honey glaze, it loves
to be stuffed,
and, dammit, YOU knew that -- that's what
makes you so in touch with the people you lead!
It was also a good idea that you made the
"press" on that trip to Baghdad pull the shades down on the plane. No one
the media entourage complained. They like
the shades pulled and they like to be kept in the dark. It's more fun that
And, when you made them take the batteries
out of their cell phones so they wouldn't be able to call anyone, and they
complied -- that was genius! I think if
you had told them to put their hands on their heads and touch their noses
with their tongues,
they would have done that, too! That's
how much they like you. You could have played "Simon Says" the whole way
over there.
It wouldn't have been that much different
from "Karl Says," a game they LOVE to play every day with Mr. Rove.
Well, if you're planning any surprises for
Christmas, don't forget to include me. When I heard last week that you
wanted to
send a man back to the moon, I thought,
get the fake goose ready -- that's where ol' George is going for the holidays!
I don't blame you, what with nearly 3 million
jobs disappeared, and a $281 billion surplus disappeared, and the USA stuck
in a war that will never end -- who wouldn't
want to go to the moon! This time, take ALL the media with you! Embed them
on the moon! They'll love it there! It
looks just like Crawford! You can golf on the moon, too. You'll have so
much fun up there,
you might not want to come back. Better
take Cheney with you, too. Pretend it's a medical experiment or something.
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap
for every American who's sick and tired of all this crap."
Michael Moore
December sticker placement contest!
How to win:
To get your stickers, send a self-addressed envelope to:
bartcop.com PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers
within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
. Click Here for the best September stickers
. Click Here for the best October stickers
Click Here for the best November stickers
Winner gets a book from the bottom of this page or a subscription or a calender - your choice
Send sticker pics to bartcop@bartcop.com
BushCo issues latest orders to media lickspittles
Memo to U.S. press corps: Your coverage
of "President Gives American Troops the Bird"
was adequately fawning and obsequious.
But failure to continue to grovel will be severely punished.
Thanks for "playing along" (and pretending
you had a choice) with our Thanksgiving Day
"President Gives American Troops the Bird" photo
op. Thank goodness you "reporters" didn't actually
"report" what was going on till we told
ya to! (NOTE: Prop turkey still missing. Please return, or $3,487
charge from Kellogg, Brown and Root will
be transferred to press pool.)
Congratulations to the special forces who
captured Saddam.
Now, can we catch Ken Lay?
Greg Whitman
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so."
-- Mark Twain
From: travrosty
Subject: got Saddam
WE got Saddam Hussein,
YOU got Saddam?
I didn't know they let monkeys in the Fourth Infantry Division...
...so you fucking liberals can just shut the fuck up now.
We can?
You're a potty-mouthed little monkey, aren't you?
You anti-american assholes have no gripe now.
We don't?
So bin Laden and the economy and Clinton's missing surplus and
getting caught and Diebold's crimes and Bush's rape of the environment
are non-issues?
Maybe that kind of thinking is why you guys lost the last three
popular votes.
You keep asking where fucking saddam hussein is, well, we got that fucker, no thanks to you assholes!
We don't care about Saddam.
He was never a threat to anyone but Bush's plans to steal Iraq's
Bush's old friend Osama is who he swore he would bring to justice.
Saddam was nothing more than a sideshow distraction for the can't
think monkeys.
fuck you!
trav r.
Trav, what does your mother say when you use language like that
at the dinner table?
Do you kiss her with that potty mouth?
Something on your mind?
Call the
Then listen for your voice on...
You have two minutes to speak your piece.
With our Holiday Special, you can subscribe for $10
and bring along a friend for only $5.
You only pay about 25 cents a day, which won't even buy a paper
of Bush lies these days.
Subscribe for a year by mail ($100 - PO Box 54466 Tulsa,
OK 74155) or send a one-time PayPal for that amount,
and get a phone call from Bart. Remember:
The B.F.E.E. owns the networks, the newspapers and talk radio.
The internet is all we've got. And consider how the bastard will
govern when he never has to face the voters again.
From: Ryley Hayes
Subject: Hey
Ryley Hayes
Ryley, what are you and The Chimp so happy
They caught a feeble, old man who wasn't
threatening us.
Do you feel safer?
Did you think Saddam was going to invade
America with RPGs and no planes or boats?
It cost us a few hundred billion dollars and 456 brave men, ...and you're celebrating?
Remember, when Clark and Clinton got Milosovich, we didn't lose one soldier - not one.
Where is Bart?
You can never trust the Weather Dudes.
We wanted to leave Friday night when Mrs Bart got off work, but
they said
a giant snowstorm was about to hit Knuckledrag. This storm was
to start as rain,
then turn to sleet, then turn to "up to eight inches" of snow.
The temperature was dropping so taking off on a 15 hour drive
didn't seem too smart.
We also figured the roads would be icy until the sun rose, so
we didn't even set an alarm.
Saturday we woke up and it was raining, nothing more.
So we left at 1 PM and drove 700 miles.
We woke up Sunday morning at a cheap hotel in Santa Rosa, New
The wind was blowing hard enough to close the doors on cars.
We made it to Colorado Springs in time for Mrs. Bart to see the
final Survivor.
As long as Johnny Fairplay didn't win, I'd be OK for the rest
of the week.
Monday, we'll finally make it to our destination - Estes Park.
The plan is to send Mrs. Bart shopping
for useless nicknacks while I get some page work done and lay
down some tracks for whatever the
next radio show is. At the end of the last show. I said
24 was next, but it's actually 23, probably.
I've got the portable studio and Tommy now has a working studio
inside his home
so we expect show turnarounds to get faster and faster.
The forecast for tomorrow, (you can't trust them) calls for 75
MPH winds, so we
want to get to Estes and get inside a motel before things get
too wild. I'll try to do
a radio show from inside Rocky Mountain Park. Maybe I'll
interview a moose.
Hold your head up.
One day, when a Democrat fights back,
if we can ever get the GOP into a fair
we will kick their lying asses back to
Holiday Shopping online?
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- they'll send bartcop.com $10,000.
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.. .
Wesley Clark
Krugman Wellstone
Bart uses ctyme.com hosting because it's the best!
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright '© 2003, bartcop.com
Show 22 is up.
If your GOP workplace doesn't want you to
see the truth, use these mirrors.
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at The Joint
your next American tour.
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