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"I bet no president has stuck more pencils
in the ceiling of the Oval Office than me..."
-- The Disaster Monkey
said smugly to himself as he sharpened more pencils Attribution
Can you believe the mind on this seven year-old madman?
This is how he spends his day, I guarantee it.
Condi and Unka Dick do the work, while the Monkey plays with
The worst part - America knew
he was unable to do a man's job and almost elected him.
Each time Texas was about to execute a black man with a sleep/drunk
lawyer, the pardon and
parole board sent over a fact report that about the case, but
Governor Iidot refused to read them.
According to published reports, Bush would accept the report,
put it on his desk and ask,
"Did the guy do it?"
...and each time, the answer was "Yes,"
so Bush didn't bother reading it.
The son of a bitch can't even take a few minutes away from sticking
pencils in the ceiling to do
his job as governor before executing a man he never met - and
he's that same kind of president.
House Retreats From Weapons Claims
dead and now they say, "Our bad"
White House retreated Monday from its once-confident claims that Iraq (news
- web sites)
had weapons of mass destruction, and Democrats
swiftly sought to turn the about-face into an
election-year issue against President Bush
(news - web sites).
The administration's switch came after retired
chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay said
he had concluded, after nine months of
searching, that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)
did not have stockpiles of forbidden weapons.
Asked about Kay's remarks, White House
spokesman Scott McClellan refused to repeat
oft-stated assertions that prohibited weapons
eventually would be found.
Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle called
for an investigation - either by the Senate Intelligence
Committee or an independent commission
- into the "administration's role in the intelligence failures
leading up to the war with Iraq."
I know - let's get Kissinger and Lee Hamilton to chair the investigation!
"It depends on how the Democrats play it," said
James Thurber, director of the Center for
Congressional and Presidential Studies
at American University. "Basically they're dominating
the news as much as the president is these
days, and if they continue to criticize the president
on this, then it begins to hurt a little
"But basically he is doing so well in the polls
at this point, on the economy but
also even on the war, that I don't
see it as a major hit," Thurber said.
Bush got 500 soldiers killed
but it's OK?
...because he's popular?
It's OK that he ...murdered a helpless country?
...because he's popular?
Holy Koresh - Clinton sorta lied about sex and he got impeached!
Bush gets caught pulling this deadly
global crime... will the Democrats roll over a-fucking-gain?
I can't stand losing to the Disaster
Monkey again and again.
should be put on trial for war crimes!
If the Democrats can't figure out a way
to beat Bush now,
I demand to be made head of the
DNC the morning after we blow this election.
If the Democrats find a way to screw
this one up, too, ...the way I feel right now,
I'm going to feel like pulling a Martin
Luther come November.
Just point me towards the door...
Kerry wins New Hampshire big
"There are some serious doubts about whether
Dean can beat President Bush,"
said Republican pollster-for- sale, John
Zogby Attribution
I forget which Nazi said this, but the easy
GOP play here is to produce a TV spot with Dean's
wild Iowa rant, then freeze the video when
he finally gets to this position
...and then the very, very calm
announcer will gently ask,
"Can we allow this man's finger on the nuclear
Since this next election is all about fear and Osama, the Democrats
could lose 80 states.
I heard Chris the Screamer saying he felt bad about playing Dean's
rant 100 times
because Dean is a good, solid guy who caught a few bad breaks
in a row.
Hey Chris - stay on their side - we don't want you.
You're a whore who'll switch sides
depending on where the most money is, so keep on keeping on being
for sale, you tramp.
When the GOP hate machine focuses on the Democrats, it's damn
hard to get any traction because
Dave, Leno, Conan and Craigers will smell a cheap-ass laugh -
and their work for the week is done.
That's how "Gore invented the internet"
got started. The lazy press refused to check the wild
rumors they heard. It was a right-wing lie that got tossed
into the GOP echo chamber of talk radio,
cable TV channels, the networks and the big papers.
To make it in politics these days you have to either be perfect or a Republican.
Kerry won New Hampshire, a neighboring state, with the
help of Jean Shaheen and Ted Kennedy.
Those two can only help you in the Northeast, Senator.
Iowa was impressive, New Hampshire not so much.
Dean came in second in his neighboring state - but how many neighboring states can Vermont have?
Clark came in third, a southern military man in the Northeast
- not too shabby.
And the next primaries are almost all in the south - his base.
Puzzler - Clark is back in OKC this week, for a free pancake breakfast.
General, why aren't you doing fundraisers?
Edwards came in fourth, not too shabby for a southerner,
but that's two places down
from his miracle second-place finish in Iowa.
Jomentum came in a lousy fifth, but he refuses to read the writing on the wall.
Poor Dennis Kucinich got just one percent, and this is a state
where 45 percent of the voters
describe themselves as "liberals." Dennis, as a friend,
I gotta tell you - it ain't working.
Dennis got less than 3,000 votes. On the upside,
Kucinich got more votes than Al Sharpton.
A week from tonight we could have a new front runner.
G'day Mate
You constantly hold your self up to be
a ballsy guy, a "fear nothing American" guy,
a guy ready to rip a new one for anybody
who challenges you, but you wouldn't publish
this photo because "your readers would
give you a hard time".
Then you say your Democatic reps have no
Note: If you'd like to say who you're voting for and explain why, send it to bartcop@bartcop.com
A couple of rules:
Send plain
text only - no html or crazy fonts or colors.
Make it short, 2-3 paragraphs,
write it yourself - don't copy and paste.
''This nation is full of people who take medication
every day and will do so for the rest of their lives...
the quantity of medicine Limbaugh is
accused of ingesting -- 1,800 pills in 210 days -- works out to
roughly 8.5 pills a day,' "certainly
not an outrageous amount. The only conclusion that I can draw
is that Mr. Limbaugh ... is being singled
out more than anyone else for actions that no one else in
this community would be subjected to"
--Roy Black, Rush's
professional bullshitter Attribution
Actually, the exact opposite is true.
If Rush wasn't a rich celebrity friend of the governors of Texas
and Florida,
if he was a poor black man from the inner city caught possessing
bags of synthetic heroin,
he'd already be serving time and it's sad that Roy Black would
tell such a blatant lie.
If the DNC had any brains or the will to win this election,
(should I even bother to finish this crazy idea?)
would produce an ad showing the Disaster Monkey in his dress up flight
suit on the Lincoln saying,
"Mission Accomplished," and then cut to a widow receiving
the folded flag from the Marine at Arlington.
But no, they won't do that, because some Republican might complain
and then the Democrat would fold
faster than Jerry Buss and apologize for trying to make America
understand that we're not
better off
than we were four years ago - not by a long goddamn shot.
of Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutional
"Impermissibly vague, in violation of the First and Fifth
A federal judge has declared unconstitutional
a portion of the USA Patriot Act that bars
giving expert advice or assistance to groups
designated foreign terrorist organizations.
The Humanitarian Law Project, which brought
the lawsuit, said the plaintiffs were
threatened with 15 years in prison if they
advised groups on seeking a peaceful
resolution of the Kurds' campaign for self-determination
in Turkey.
Can you believe that?
Under Bush, you can get 15 years in prison ...for promoting
Look, if you're trying to take over thge world, you scare the
shit out of everybody (9-11)
then you scare the pink-ass gelding Democrats into signing all
their powers over to Bush,
who is supported by a law so broadly written that they can do
anything they want - legally.
As complicated as it is, it's very simple.
Your local gang lords do this stuff every day - without the "legally."
You've heard Joe Walsh's Rocky Mountain Way?
Click Here to listen to "Rush" sing Oxycotin Way
A question for you to ponder, oh wise one with the terrible luck at poker:
"Which is worse - Republicans breaking into the
Democrats computers
for a year to steal their documents OR
Republicans breaking into the
Democrats hotel for one night to steal
their documents?"
The term Computergate seems more apposite
than almost any other "-gate"
that has been coined since the night of
the plumbers.
Here's a link for readers too young to know
who the plumbers were or that
the Republicans have been crooks for at
least the last 32 years.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"How out of touch is this man when he keeps
painting us a pretty picture while doing nothing to make
meaningful improvements in the lives
of ordinary Americans?...When the president goes on in speeches
about the bright economic picture,
he just looks more and more out of touch. We know the truth, and
many Americans unfortunately are feeling
the truth in the own lives as they struggle to provide the
day-to-day necessities for their families.
It's time to go back to responsible economic policies that
are fair for all Americans, not just
corporate interests."
--Barbra Streisand, one of the few fighters for
the majority Attribution
Lou H - thanks for the tape, but I need your e-mail address.
Could you send that to sam@bartcop.com?
Thanks for that.
Isn't it amazing that after the BFEE said,
"Saddam has WMDs, we guarantee
we know where they are,
and we're willing
to put our reputations
on the line and that's a fact..."
and when it turns out that they've were lying thru
their Nazi teeth,
the media and the gelding democrats refuse
to call them on the fact
that 512 soldiers have been killed by the lies
they have told.
...and worse, doesn't it mean those brave soldiers died for no reason - other than Bush's greed for oil?
Click for details
We haven't forgotten about the State
of the Union Contest.
We did the judging on Radio
Show 25 and that's up now.
Of course, we'll do a print thing, too.
Order your CDs today!
Got no speakers in your computer?
That's OK - these play in your car.
BartCop Radio Shows on CD for just
Currently shipping shows 23, 24 and 25, professionally mixed by Tommy Mack.
Remember, if you PayPal, mention your address.
Ashcroft: War Justified Even Without WMD
Even if WMDs are never found in Iraq, the
war was justified because it eliminated the threat
that Saddam might again resort to "evil
chemistry and evil biology," Ashcroft said Monday.
Just like with impeachment, they were always going to go
to war - no matter what.
Bush had his eyes on tthat oil and by sacrificing hundreds of
young lives - he could steal it
The facts didn't matter and the evidence didn't matter - the
crazy Bush boy wanted a war.
It also reminds me that Kerry and Edwards KNEW Ashcroft
was religiously insane when they
confirmed him to be a blood-thirsty "Angel of Death" for the
never-elected deserter. Each time Kerry
says he'll get rid of Ashcroft, I remember he failed to block
that abortion of common sense.
And I haven't forgotten about the "secret society" that Kerry
and the Disaster Monkey are in.
Don't get me wrong, Kerry would be a much better president than
the Monkey, but he and Bush
share some "secrets" that we, as voters, don't need to know and
I don't like that one damn bit.
If Kerry wants to earn my vote, he should put the interests of
the nation BEFORE his little "secret society."
If Kerry has secrets that mean more to him than the Constitution,
shouldn't we know that before we vote?
I had a wild conversation with a stock expert today.
He's a tight-assed Republican who's not too keen on Bush.
He says the market is going up too high, too fast, and that the
BIG money boys,
are preparing to do exactly what we've been predicting
for a long, long time.
The BIG money boys haven't bought anything with their billions
in Bush (Social Security) windfalls,
because they're waiting for the BIG crash that's coming right
after the rigged 2004 election. I mean,
why pay 20 cents on the dollar for a dying company when you can
pay a nickel, say, a year from now?
Bush is legally doing what his Justice Departmenty is
Martha Stewart of doing.
Did you know Bush recently bought a LOT of oil at too-high a price
to sink into the Strategic Petroleum Preserve,
which raised a lot of eyebrows, but he's the president and it's
his job to protect us from "terra." What he's really
doing, with the swipe of a pen, is raising and lowering the price
of commodities. Bush can cough and make
commodities go up and down like a yo-yo, and the BFEE is making
money going up and coming down each time.
And unlike Martha Stewart, there's nobody on the planet who can
arrest the BFEE for manipulating the markets.
I asked "Stock boy" which commodities were primed to skyrocket and he said, "Gold and oil."
Hmmm, ...gold and oil.
The BFEE controls what, 75 percent of the oil on this planet right
That estimate could be low.
Any oil that moves over the high seas moves only
with the BFEE's permission.
Why, they could suddenly have an "Al
Qaeda uprising" in the United Arab Emirates
that would "disrupt shipping lanes"
which could cause a barrel of gas to go to, say $60.
Why, it could get "so dangerous" that all ships would have to have an escort by the US Navy ...or Halliburton.
You know what that would do?
It could put the big freeze on Japan and ...France.
Get it?
All Bush has to do is scream "Red Level
Terror Alert" and prices will shoot thru the roof.
I asked Stock boy if he knew about the BFEE indirectly owning
51 percent of Barrick Mining.
He called it Barrick Gold, but he said he was unaware
of the BFEE connection, like most people.
So, as Tommy Mack would say, "Here's
what's up."
Bush has given all the important people, his friends, the super-rich
and the Skull & Boners trillion dollar gifts subsidized
by you and me, what we used to have in savings and the stock
market, and by whatever your children can afford to pay.
The super-rich are waiting for the right time to buy in, which
is right after the BIG crash.
Once the world economy crashes, the BFEE has trillions
in cash reserves, so they can buy whatever can't be bombed,
invaded, hijacked and stolen. On top of that, they control
oil and gold. (not to mention the US military)
So this rapid rise in the stock market is just Cheney laying a
giant poker trap. That's why the media keep saying it's
a GREAT time to invest your life savings in the about-to-crash
stock market. They want us suckers to go "All in"
on the market so we'll be penniless pawns when the BIG crash
takes place. They can hold off the crash for another year,
by moving this and covering up that - just until when YOU are
confident enough to put ALL your money in.
I asked him what a defense for this would be, he said, "Buy a shitload of metal stocks and energy stocks."
It's entirely possible I don't know
what the hell I'm talking about.
PLEASE don't buy or sell anything because
of what you read here.
When you see something here, don't
take action on my say so - investigate or maybe
Don't follow my advice, just
check out the odds about what I'm saying.
All I want out of this is a "Bart
was right," when it happens.
If you're watching Bush's "meteoric" economy and Bush's stock
market's "rocket," be sure to check your P/E ratio thing
and only buy stocks with a low P/E - and be sure you're not buying
something because everyone else is buying it.
The BFEE is playing the biggest 3-card monte game in history, and they're very good at it.
HOT! Visit www.deckofbush.com for your deck today!
By the way, the big debate last night w/Spiderboy?
He didn't even show up.
Maybe he's smarter than I give him credit for.
Click to Enter
"It is becoming rather undignified for the
Prime Minister to continue to insist that he was right all along
when everybody can now see he was wrong.
We have got to drop this very dangerous doctrine under which
we went to war on the basis of a pre-emptive
strike. If there was no threat from Iraq we obviously had no
right to carry out a pre-emptive strike
to remove that threat."
--Former Cabinet Minister
Robin Cook, challenging Tony Blair, who was still insisting as recently
as last month
there is "massive evidence" of secret Iraqi laboratories and plans for
missiles, concede his reasons for going
war were wrong following the David Kay disclosure that WMDs never existed,
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
If you work for Dean or Clark and want help punching up a speech, use that address.
did the oil companies know
when did they know it?
by Margie Burns
"At least in January, but much more likely
in November or December of 2002. Just lining up the extra tankers
that would be required for doubling their
imports must have been a time-consuming job for the oil companies,
particularly if they had to
hire some of those tankers and consider what jobs were already scheduled
for them.
No doubt they had to pay a premium in
order to have them at an Iraqi port on the date they would be required
(maybe that's why our gas prices shot
The reader speculates that perhaps the administration
"tipped off the oil companies" to increase their import stockpiles.
As she asks, "How did the oil companies
know they had to move that much oil in half a month?"
This response brings to mind some related
questions: did the Vice President's office have continuing contacts
with the
"Energy Policy Task Force," even after
our energy policy was formulated? Did any contacts involve Iraq?
Click Here to save the USA
Pokerfest Feedback
I believe the best time was had by the most responsible person in the whole gang.
Dueling Quotes
"I quote from the Kay report: "Iraq's WMD programs
spanned more than two decades,
involved thousands of people, billions
of dollars, and was elaborately shielded by security
and deception operations that continued
even beyond the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom."
That is what the report said."
--the Disaster Monkey,
10/03/03, Attribution
"I don't think they exist. The fact that we
found so far the weapons do not exist - we've got
to deal with that difference and understand
why. It's an issue of the capabilities of one's
intelligence service to collect valid,
truthful information."
--David Kay, this week, calling Bush a liar
A gift for the Democrats
Today's Democrats are so pitifully inept when it comes to a debate.
We're right, the GOP is wrong, and calling them on it every
time is very simple.
Their latest "gotcha" question goes like this:
They say, "Answer yes or no - are we safer with Saddam behind bars?"
The truth is, it depends on the meaning of "safer."
Is America safer with Billy the Pickpocket behind bars?
Sure, but we wouldn't sacrifice 512 men to get Billy the Pickpocket,
So, I propose the boomarang question to them:
Is America safer with a stronger Saddam or with a weaker
They have no choice but to answer, "Weaker," so then you ask them,
"So why did Cheney spend the ninties selling
Saddam over $20,000,000 worth
of oil field equipment that made the
petty tyrant and dictator ever stronger?
It's so damn easy, anybody can beat up a Republican because we're right.
Click for more
My good friend Migs has become a grandfather.
Woo Hoo!
American soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and 512
have died.
From: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Subject: Jack Paar
Jack Parr just died.
We're between editions, so I went to our
20-something news editor and told him
we'd like to run the obit and put a mug
of him in the a1 rail.
"Who's Jack Paar?" he asked.
Shocked, I replied: "He was Johnny Carson before Johnny Carson was Johnny Carson."
To which the young'un said ... "Who's Johnny Carson?"
Kate N
Crimmins will be performing this Saturday
night, January 31 in Hartford, Ct
at the Real Art Ways Speak Out Extravaganza, hosted by Citizen
Reno with special guests The Yes Men .
This political variety show kicks off a year-long series of programming
promoting political awareness.
Co-sponsored by WHUS FM, Hartford Public Access TV and The Hartford
Check out www.speakoutct.org with Reno and The Yes Men. For details: http://www.realartways.org/livearts_f.htm
I just got a letter from Dubya thanking
me for my $1 contribution
-- so apparently I've drained his coffers
by $3 or more... LOL
I just thought you'd like to know that it works!
Greg Palast,
Weapon of Mass Instruction
Live, Spoken-Word, CD from Alternative Tentacles
Buy Tickets to Greg's CD Release Party
Party w/ Greg Palast,
Janeane Garofalo,
Tom Tomorrow,and
CD release party and launch of the GregPalast non-profit Investigative
Open to the public. More info. to come.
February 27, 2004 - $30 tax-deductible donation
Price Glory?
by Norma Sherry
Are you better off now than you were four
years ago? Do you feel safer? Is your job more secure
or are you among the more than three million
workers without a job and without any hope of a job?
Have you lost your pension or 401K due
to corporate malfeasance? Author, Norma Sherry poses
these questions and many more before she
calls this administration on the carpet for lying to us,
putting our loved ones in harm's way and
she doesn't stop there. "Regrettably", she writes,
"we are not the great emancipators; we are not
the envy of the world, nor is it our way of life
and our love of freedom that our enemies
detest. Our history is quite to the contrary."
Something on your mind?
Call the
Then listen for your voice on...
You have two minutes to speak your piece.
Subject: Who I'm voting for and why...
I'll bet your letter is in this pile.
I think it was Daoud at the Pokerfest who kiddingly asked me
if I was printing all these
because it was easy to do, making a long job a little shorter
and I admitted yes, it was,
but it's also a damn good way to read what real people
are thinking without any filters.
These are real - not manufactured by the good puppy media owned by the B.F.E.E.
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
Please send all advertising
e-mails to ads@bartcop.com
and please,
with every e-mail, send your name and URL and banner unless it's
already been run..
Monkey Mail
Hey, what better than elect a man to handle
the Iraq quagmire
than one who's already orchestrated a highly
unprovoked pre-emptive strike himself!
Remember Kosovo, 98/99?
Clark, NATO?
Anti-war, sentiment?
How quickly we forget ...
Excuse me, Mr. Monkey person, but you have the "facts" wrong.
Nobody here has forgotten a damn thing.
With whom was stopping genocide highly questionable?
I mean, besides the Republicans who hated Clinton?
And you say Kosovo was "unprovoked?"
Are you a fan of mass murder?
Clark was ordered by his president to handle that situation,
and he did - without losing one, single soldier, which
is the
real reason you hate Clinton and Clark - because they
your Monkey leader look incompetent by losing 512 heroes.
What medal did George W. Bush get for his Vietnam service?
The IRA. "I Ran Away."
Yesterday I received a spin-mail that was
forwarded from the Republican department of mythmaking.
They were trying to hide Bush minor's absence
from Vietnam service as an urban legend. I decided to
go to the original documents to check this
out for myself since Michael Moore has been using the very
strong term 'Deserter' for Bush. What did
I find?
It turns out that the debate should be on
the correct word for Bush:
he a deserter or a coward?
Decide for yourself, here are some fair and balanced starting points. The raw documents are at:
Summary of the facts:
Dude, you're the best!
Tech Issues
As we step up the pace of ,
we have another expense:
Tommy Mack says Show 24 took over 8 hours to assemble.
Our conversation alone had 400 edits
(We have to edit that much because I'm a small-brained person.)
He says one reason it takes so long is because his Mac is a 1998
Think how much better and faster 2004 computers are than 1998
He can cut that time in half if he gets a new Mac which is in
the $2500-3000 neighborhood.
I'm putting that on my Southwest Airlines VISA card today, and
sure, I'll have thirty days
before they start charging interest - in case you wanted to help
us out with a donation.
If you'd care to donate, you could contribute via PayPal
If you prefer paper checks or the US mail, please send to bartcop.com
PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Shopping online?
Use this portal
and they'll throw bartcop.com four cents.
If you spend $250,000-
they'll send bartcop.com $10,000.
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Wesley Clark
Howard Dean
John Kerry
Dennis Kucinich
Bart uses ctyme.com hosting because it's the best!
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2004, bartcop.com
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