"Cheney earned forty-four million dollars during
his tenure at Halliburton. Although he has said
that he "severed all my ties with the
company," he continues to collect deferred compensation
worth approximately a hundred and fifty thousand
dollars a year, and he retains stock options
worth more than eighteen million dollars."
--Jane Mayer, Attribution
Hey lady, don't worry about a few measily 18 million dollars.
The BFEE has stolen 11 trillion dollars - the Treasury is empty -
so screw the crumbs that fall on the ground.
'wanted war in 2002'
Click Here
Rumsfeld's War is by Rowan Scarborough,
the Pentagon correspondent for the conservative
Washington Times newspaper, which is known for
its contacts in the defence department's civilian leadership.
"On February 16 2002, Bush signed a secret national
security council directive establishing the goals and objectives
for going to war with Iraq, according to classified
documents I obtained," Mr Scarborough wrote, in an account of
the "global war on terrorism" as seen from the
office of Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary."
Rumsfeld's War reproduces excerpts
from a briefing document in July 1999 about future threats to the US.
It portrays Saddam Hussein's Iraq as a threat only
if sanctions were lifted.
Bush swore, again and again, that they hadn't decided to go to war until
the last minute.
Considering the hundreds of American dead, why is that
lie not an impeachable offense?
Because we only impeach Democrats for having sex?
For all we know, there's a secret Skull & Bones commandment
never to turn on another Skuller.
If Kerry wins, will he do all he can to protect and defend his blood-brother
Bush Plays
Bait-and-Switch With 9/11 Panel
Click Here
"Let us finally put to rest a widely circulated and
grossly inaccurate story that's been making the rounds:
Rumors of President George W. Bush's cooperation
with the panel probing the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
are unsubstantiated. Unlike those Internet rumors
that pop to electronic life and die quickly without fingerprints,
this one is traceable directly to the con artist-in-chief.
The world thinks Bush is cooperating with the 9/11
commission because he says he is. "We have given
extraordinary cooperation" the president told NBC's
Tim Russert in his Sunday Meet the Press chat. "I
want the truth to be known."...
Does the president understand the dimension of
failure that 9/11 represents?
It shook his presidency and changed its course.
He has led the nation to two wars to avenge the
attacks and, he says, prevent another."
"I've experienced two political bait-and-switches since
I've been on the commission," said Bob Kerrey,
the former Nebraska senator and current president
of the New School University in New York.
And that's only about a month. "The bait-and-switch
in politics is a technique that is intentionally
designed to lead the public (to believe) that you're
going to do something that you're not going to do.""
They crucified Bill Clinton for a little
hanky panky, and Bush gets away with - murder?
If they didn't know the attack was coming, why did Ashcroft stop flying
commercial planes?
If our fighter jets weren't ordered to 'stand down,' where were they when
we needed them the most?
Why did Bush insist that he saw the first plane hit the tower?
Why can't they say what they know?
What secrets must remain untold?
What happened to the missing eleven trillion dollars?
Why was a war with Iraq their top priority?
Why can't Bush testify under oath and on TV like Clinton was forced
Why don't the Democrats EVER insist
on some answers?
"If Bush is re-elected, the health, safety, consumer,
environmental, and open government
provisions Ralph Nader has fought for will
be undermined. George Bush's right-wing
appointees will still be serving as judges
fifty years from now, and our Constitution will be
shredded. A vote for Ralph Nader is,
plain and simple, a vote to re-elect George W. Bush."
Dean, Attribution
Kerry ahead
of Edwards by 32 in Cali
by Beth Fouhy, Associated Press Writer
Click Here
Political earthquakes abound in California, from
the recall election that put Republican action figure
Arnold Schwarzenegger in the governor's office
to San Francisco's gay marriages. It's uncertain
ground for even the most sure-footed presidential
That's some of the worst political writing I've ever read, and I'm really
Why does the AP employ such a total retard? Who else could write this poorly?
Why can't this monkeyette stop trying to be cute and just give us the damn
An LA Times poll shows Kerry leading over Edwards
56 percent to 24 percent.
The important info, that last blue sentence, was buried in the sixth
Hey Lady, didn't they teach you to put the meat up front, and the stupid-ass
jokes last?
If you're auditioning for a job writing children's books like The
Hungry Catterpiller,
the book Bush read while bin Laden was busy rearranging New York's skylineg,
I'll write a recommendation for you, but get out of politics, please.
TX: Republican
Staffer's Leaked Email Gets Attention From DNC
Click Here
The Democratic National Committee's website
has posted what they say is a verbatim copy of an email
celebrating the Republicans victory in the Texas
redistricting fight. The email was written by Joby Fortson,
who is a staffer in the office of Rep. Joe Barton
(R-TX), and was sent to a number of other Republican
staffers in the House of Representatives. Fortson
goes over each congressional district, with editorial
commentary provided. The email is notable for the
blunt way in which it address the way in which minorities
were shunted from district to district, squeezing
them out of districts to favor republicans where the vote was
close, or else putting them into overwhelmingly
republican districts where their voting power would be diluted.
But the Democrats, not wanting to cause trouble,
take this laying down and with a smile.
You see, Mr Rove wouldn't like it if they raised their voices...
Visit www.deckofbush.com for
your deck today!
"If the president's not going to fight for jobs,
governors will, Democratic governors will.
We're on the front line of that fight every
day, and we see the consequences of having lost 3 million jobs."
Gov. Tom Vilsack, (or is that Hassack?) confronting Dubya
on his predictions of
creating 2.6 million new jobs this year, Attribution
I have $100 that
says Bush can't break even on jobs between now and election day,
but no Republican is stupid enough to bet on Bush. They know he's
lying, too.
Subject: No to Borrow and Spend
I don't care if Democrats and Republicans have
come together - I'm not going to vote
to add 15 billion dollars to the California debt.
Its just plain wrong to borrow and spend.
California has all the taxes. We
have taxes that other states have never heard of.
We have highly paid wage earners here and the state
takes in an unreal amount of taxes.
So - I say - you have enough money - deal with
California has a spending problem and we aren't
going to solve it by giving them more money to spend.
We need to fix the problem and its going to take
a crisis to make that happen. And its not going to get
done if we put it off with borrowed money. Its
time we face fiscal responsibility and cut up the credit card
and start fixing the problem.
If Mr. Schwarzenegger wants to advocate something
that would actually turn the California economy around
- he should advocate that we need a new president.
That's a real solution what will actually work.
I'm not willing to vote to go into debt for politics.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw Bush
show up in ANG
Click for reward
Unka Dick,
what if they find out?
Marty's Entertainment
For Sale - the $200 Million Purchase
saw it on takebackthemedia.com, who helped get BartCop radio
on the air
Click Here
Get ready America. Get ready to be knocked in
the head with the so called wickedness of homosexuality,
infidelity, and of course that nasty word liberal.
Since nobody has ever brought this point up let me be the first.
Why is it that Republikkkons use the word liberal
as if they were calling you a nigger? Think about it, they use
the word liberal just like they used nigger back
when they thought it was cute to be ignorant. Be honest, doesn't
it have the same tone? I swear bigots use liberal
as the new code word to call you a nigger out in public.
When I hear them say something like, how many
liberals does it take to vote in Florida, I know that I am either
watching or in the presence of a bigot. These bigots
are the morons who will eat up the homosexuality, infidelity,
and of course the liberal card played by the Republikkkon
party. But what else do you expect? It's not like they
can run on the economy, keeping America safe, or
the endless fun of watching American soldiers return in body
bags because of a war for profit. By the way, you
know how many funerals the un-elected fraud has attended
since they started these wars for profit?
When outlaws ruled the west
And fear filled the land
A cry went up for a man with guts
To take the West in hand
They needed a man who was brave and true
With justice for all as his aim
Then out of the sun rode a man with a gun
And Bart was his name
Yes, Bart was his name
-- Theme from Blazing Saddles, thanks
to Tina
"The NEA is a terrorist organization."
--Bush's Education Secretary Rod
Paige calling the nation's largest teachers union a "terrorist organization" Attribution
ha ha
He got caught speaking his mind.
Is Rod Paige related to Frank Keating (R- Foot in Mouth)?
Swear to Koresh, when Keating was governor of Oklahoma, he called teachers, "slugs,"
and when asked what was the best way to handle them, answered "Homicide."
The GOP hates teachers because they hate education.
...and you don't think these cave people use the "N-word" behind closed
Subject: Bush girlfriend story
in New Yorker
The New Yorker magazine has an interview with
a girl who claims she was Bush's girlfriend
during the summer and fall of 1972. She claims
that Bush had to reschedule meetings "lots of times"
to fit into his Guard schedule. Sounds good for
the Resident...until you get to this paragraph:
Bush, she recalls, loved what she thinks of as "real
Texas." Together, they rode horses and went
to dances in V.F.W. halls. "We listened
to Bob Wills, and danced with these little German-immigrant
ladies in their starched dresses."
When Putin visited Bush at his ranch in 2001,
we found out that Bush can't ride a horse!
Did he forget how?
Thanks to the payroll media that controls America,
they have sold Bush
as a "real cowboy and rancher," never bothering
to mention that he only
bought that ranch when he started his run to steal
the White House.
Bush is a real rancher about like he's a real president - just because
his daddy bought him a cowboy costume doesn't mean he's the real thing.
If you ever need proof Bush is swear-to-Koresh crazy, just remind people
one of his favorite things to do is to clear the brush from his ranch in
when it's 114 degerees in the shade.
Click for a great short movie
"Lucky" Max
Click Here
The sense of revulsion and disgust and outrage
was pretty close to universal, and Republicans as well
as Democrats were attacking Coulter for her vile
words. I looked at various editorials, all saying pretty
much the same things I wanted to say, and realized
that I wasn't going to say anything that wasn't obvious
and redundant. She's a vicious, nasty bitch
who brought shame and disgrace down upon her head and the
heads of those who support her. How could anyone
say a man was "lucky" for losing three limbs while in
the service of his country?
Subject: Can you help?
I have looked all over the internet for a copy
of Bush's Honorable Discharge or his DD-214.
I can't find a copy of Bush's Discharge papers
or his DD214?
Every veteran knows what a "DD214" is. Statement
of Service Listing all schools and promotions...
It's a complete history of you military service.
Also I have not heard anyone ask what Bush's Rank
was when he came out of the Guard.
We know he went in as a Lieutenant, but did he
get any promotions while in?
Just showing up will get you promoted over a period
of 5 years.
Dick, try awolbush.com
Click Here
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Sports Illustrated
Bill Maher mentioned the hypocrisy of the uproar about Janet Jackson,
when a month later, America's premier sports magazine publishes their 'swimsuit
If you have the detective skills of Ken Starr, you might be able
to locate the 'swimsuit' they are
allegedly promoting in this picture. She's not even touching the
swimsuit she's 'wearing."
This isn't a swimsuit picture, it's a picture designed to make men drool
like a 15 year-old boy.
"American sexual morality" is nothing but a joke.
We wink at SI when they do porn, but we condemn others when they do it.
American rejects sexual honesty and embraces the big lie
- for what reason?
I've said it before - I'll say it again.
The reason 90 percent of all homes have VCRs is because men want their
The reason 75 percent of all homes have internet is because men want more
porn faster.
But we can't call a spade a spade like other countries do ...because
that would anger God,
the being who wrote the code for our sexuality that attacts men to women
in the first place.
As long as we lie to ouselves and our children, it's OK.
Religious insanity is America's biggest problem.
Dave ran
this video last night
Candidate Bush wiped his glasses on the sweater of Barbara Gaines, Dave's
The nerve of that SOB thinking her clothing is his something
he can wipe himself with.
Dave played the video because the BIG media has finally decided to go
after Bush.
I'd sure like to get a copy of that memo...but isn't Bush a presumptive SOB?
9-11 families
question Bush's role in 9-11
What is Bush hiding? What truths must remain hidden?
Click Here
"Citing press reports and congressional testimony,
Waxman asked whether the Justice Department and FBI
conducted meaningful interrogations of bin Laden
family members before they were permitted to leave the
country and why they were apparently allowed to
fly in a private plane after Sept. 11 when the FAA had
banned all private flights.
"Relatives of Osama bin Laden may have had information
relevant to the attacks of al Qaeda in general,"
Waxman wrote. "Family members potentially could
be sources of information concerning his whereabouts,
the identity and activities of his associates,
or the structure and financing of al Qaeda. It is difficult to understand
why the United States government would have voluntarily
shut the door on this type of investigative opportunity."
The Family Steering Committee included the same
question in their list of queries for President Bush."
Because the bin Ladens are oil partners with the
BFEE and have been for a long time.
The Bush's put money and loyalty and the Saudis
before the United States and Bush
should be impeached for making America his fourth
priority. Bush may be hiding the
real reasons we were attacked. It could have been
the Taliban/pipline deal gone bad.
TV Notes
Tonight's 24 is
the last episode for five weeks.
Can Kim go that long without being kidnapped by a cougar?
We're approaching March, which is usually rerun city, but these are
not normal times.
In March, we start a new season of The Shield - that's
In March, we start a new season of The World Poker Tour -
that's better.
In March, we start a new season of The Sopranos - that's
Subject: Does Andy Rooney read bartcop.com?
More specifically, does Andy Rooney read James
Higdon on Bartcop?
He wrote his months ago.
to Enter
Anger Toward Bush Intensifying
Click Here
"I've never seen a Democratic Party more unified
and more focused, and the anger helps do just that," said GOP pollster Frank
"The intensity level is just so high. They're using four-letter
words to describe him."
In a recent focus group that Luntz conducted for
MSNBC, technicians had to adjust the volume levels because the Bush-haters
"so gosh-darn loud" they were drowning out the president's
supporters, who were more numerous, Luntz said. "It was a real problem."
Bush was asked about the anger in a recent interview
on NBC and said he found it perplexing and disappointing. "When you ask
hard things of people, it can create tensions.
And heck, I don't know why people do it," he said.
Maybe it's the 550 brave soldiers you got killed for no reason.
Maybe it's the missing 11 trillion dollars.
Maybe it's the fact that even our allies hate us now.
Maybe it's the fact that you were never elected.
Maybe we don't like rich boys who never worked a day in their snotty lives.
"According to a new poll, if the election were held
today both Kerry and Edwards would
beat George Bush by double digit margins. In
fact, the White House are so worried
they're thinking about moving the capture
of Osama bin Laden up to next month."
--Jay Leno, Attribution
Somehow, I gotta get a copy of that memo that grants Americas richest
comics permission
to go after the never-elected fraud who should've been a target for the
last 50 damn months.
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
It pays to advertise on bartcop.com
Make your deal today before
March 1, when campaign prices take effect.
National Defense
Requires Limbs
Bush and I Have Four Of Them, Each by Saxby Shameless
Click Here
There has been much talk over the past few weeks
about who did what and when.
In particular, people have been asking what people
were doing 30 years ago in America,
home of freedom and Americans, or in Asia, home
of communism and Chinamen.
Some of us, like President Bush and myself were
in America. Others, like Senator Kerry
and former Senator Max Cleland, were for some reason
in Asia.
American soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and caused 547 American
lives lost - and counting.
If you need a good cry Click Here
I went there and started shaking so I got out.
From: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Gays' civil
disobedience is lesson worth copying
Click Here
Try to find a conservative these days who will
admit believing way back when that separate-but-equal
along racial lines was the proper thing and that
Vietnam was a just war. When we tackled those topics
nationally, the conservatives, talking about states
rights and the rule of law, were among those working
hardest to impede progress.
Then as now, many conservatives knew better. And
just like then, others more vocal are sweeping them
along anyway. Equal rights for gays has somehow
been twisted into just another partisan dispute. At some point,
conservatives are going to have to remember that
they're supposed to be the folks against unwarranted
government intrusions. It's supposed to be a core
San Francisco, with its civil disobedience, is
showing us the way.
Other cities and the whole country should be just
as intrepid.
Something on your mind?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to speak your piece.
"Biblical origins are irrelevant to me. Marriage
has been time-tested
and proven throughout decades, centuries, millennia
of human civilization
as the fundamental way of raising children."
--Rush, the vulgar Pigboy
But Pigboy, I have no children.
Does that mean I'm not married, you illogical
heroin junkie?
By the way, you have no children, are you married?
ha ha
The Pigboy is so easy to discredit.
our way to Better Radio
As we step up the pace of ,
we have another expense:
We put $3687 on the credit card for a new Mac G5 and monitor so
Tommy can edit radio shows,
(Hey - I finally bought a Mac! :)
$3678 - total cost of new package.
$2467 - amount raised - with 7 interest-free days to go.
If you'd care to donate, you could contribute via PayPal by Clicking Here
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Extra thank the subscribers and Mac donators.
Your contributions allow us to continue beating up the Bush monkey and
his Nazi gangsters.
Who turned
Ann Coulter is a great guess, ha
ha ...but I was looking for bartcop.com
Yes, it's our birthday.
On February 24, 1996 the first Rush Limba-Lying,
Nazi Whore newsletter was e-mailed to a dozen people.
Marc Perkel saw RL-LNW and liked it enough to put it on the new world wide
web thing.
Before long, we got into html and graphics - thank you Serdar!
Today, bartcop.com begins it's ninth
year of punishing fascist Nazi scum by printing the truth that
exposes their inept, clumsy lies and exposing the
for-sale press who constantly cover for those lies.
We will continue to punish and expose - with an always-growing, harder-hitting
Thanks to Bruce
Yurgil (D-Da Vinci) for the hammer.
I'd like to talk about it more, but I have to work on the next issue.
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Wesley Clark Betty
Bowers & more John Kerry Michael
Moore Eric Alterman Kevin
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Perkel, who first put Bartcop
on the Internet back in 1996 and keeps
Bartcop online today. Marc hosts several
other political sites including American
Politics Journal, Political
Strikes, Faux
News Channel, and interesting
sites like the Church
of Reality - a religion based
on believing in everything that is
Our motto for this year is - "No
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