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Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "This is Dick Clarke's American Grandstand."
What else can they say?
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"Ten years ago, the thought that a National
Guardsman or woman would be leaving their home state
every few years for long-term deployments
was inconceivable. Today it's a reality. This is a long-term
effort, [in] both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The National Guard will be called upon again and again."
--Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I.,
on how the National Guard has changed, Attribution
The White House's former top anti-terrorism
adviser says Bush ignored warnings
about al-Qaeda and ordered him to find
a link between 9-11 and Iraq.
Clarke says that within a week of Bush's
inauguration, he sought a meeting with
senior Cabinet officials to discuss the
threat from al-Qaeda. He says he met with
Cabinet deputies months later.
Stephen Hadley, No. 2 on the National Security
Council, denied that warnings were ignored. .
Horse hockey!
Bush went on repeated, month long vacations and then this
Of course warnings were ignored, but funny... John
Ashcroft knew
to stop flying commercial planes, but they never let us in on
the reason.
Truth is, 9-11 was the best thing that could happen to Bush.
It united the country behind him, gave him an excuse to rewrite
the Constitution,
gave him an excuse to have a shadow government with a black budget,
gave him an excuse to invade any country he wants on the slimmest
of whims
and anyone who objects to anything is branded a traitor by the
news networks.
"If the Poles can figure out Bush lied about
Saddam and the WMDs,
why can't America figure it out?"
-- Bill Maher on his HBO show
Pakistani forces discovered a mile-long
tunnel leading from a besieged mud fortress to a dry stream bed,
and said Monday the secret passage may
have allowed top al-Qaida suspects to escape toward the Afghan frontier.
The tunnel, which undoubtedly took months
to construct, was an indication an important fugitive was in the area
at some point. Waziristan is considered
the most likely hideout for al-Zawahri and his boss, Osama bin Laden .
So, the BFEE lets another boogeyman slip thru their fingers.
The networks will say that the never-elected Bush team
is the best team to better fight the war against the organization
that has beaten the Bush Team time after time.
For four days, thousands of Pakistan troops totally surrounded
the evil Al Qaeda, but nobody thought
to look a mere mile away for an escape tunnel for the
world's most wanted terrorists of all time?
"I began saying, 'We have to deal with bin
Laden; we have to deal with al Qaeda.'
Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary
of Defense, said, 'No, no, no. We don't have to
deal with al Qaeda. Why are we talking
about that little guy? We have to talk about
Iraqi terrorism against the United
States.' And I said, 'Paul, there hasn't been any
Iraqi terrorism against the United
States in eight years!' And I turned to the deputy
director of the CIA and said, 'Isn't
that right?' And he said, 'Yeah, that's right.
There is no Iraqi terrorism against
the United States."
--Richard Clarke, Bush's
senior terrorism expert, on 60 Minutes Sunday Attribution
Says Medicare to Go Broke by 2019
Remember, we had a surplus until Bush looted the Treasury
Medicare will have to begin dipping into
its trust fund this year to keep up with
expenditures and will go broke by 2019
without changes in a program that is
swelling because of rising health costs,
trustees reported Tuesday.
The deteriorating financial picture for
the health care program for older and disabled
Americans is a result, in part, of the
new Medicare prescription drug law that will swell
costs by more than $500 billion over 10
years, according to the annual report by government trustees.
Will Kerry have the courage to use this against the biggest spender
in all of history?
Or will he allow Bush's "tax and spend" lies to stick to him
like a Mondale?
"I think it's unfair to blame the president
for the spread of terror and the diffuseness of it.
Even if he had followed the advice
of me and many other people, I still think the same thing would have happened."
-- Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., helping Bush at Kerry's expense Attribution
...that's what Democrats do.
Rantisi Named Leader of Hamas in Gaza
Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a hard-liner who rejects
all compromise with Israel, was chosen
Tuesday as the new Hamas leader, one day
after the group's founder was assassinated by Israel.
Rantisi told The Associated Press that
Hamas would press for more attacks against Israel.
"We will be unified in the trenches of resistance,"
the 54-year-old pediatrician said.
"We will not surrender, we will never surrender
to Israeli terror."
As you know - I know nothing about this mess and that will continue.
But the AP described the guy Sharon killed as a "moderate" and
now he's
been replaced by a hard-liner who sounds like he's really into
blowing shit up.
What great news for the BFEE.
You see, the BFEE is in the business of war.
They can't make any money in peacetime, so they start wars when
wars aren't needed
so they can make those multi-billion dollar deals between your
tax money and Halliburton.
America - are ya happy?
Marty's Entertainment Page
In the wake of Richard Clarke's well-supported
assertions that the Bush Administration neglected
counterterrorism in the face of repeated
terror warnings before 9/11, the Bush Administration has
launched a frantic misinformation campaign
- often contradicting itself in the process.
Well done article explaining what the BFEE did.
...the planet's f-ing wealth is up for grabs.
You think the BFEE doesn't want that prize?
"Nothing America could have done would have
provided al-Qaida and its new generation
of cloned groups a better recruitment
device than our unprovoked invasion of an oil-rich
Arab country. One shudders to think
what additional errors (Bush) will make in the next
four years to strengthen the al-Qaida
follow-ons: attacking Syria or Iran, undermining
the Saudi regime without a plan for
a successor state?"
Clarke, former top anti-terrorism aide Attribution
Why was US Rep. Christopher Shays (D-CT) on FOX News Sunday
praising the fraudulent Bush boy while stabbing John Kerry in the back?
Answer: Because he's a Democrat ...that's what Democrats do.
Note added later: Turns out
Shays is a Rethug, not a Democrat. I don't know the man,
so I Googled him and thought I saw "D" after his name.
bartcop.com regrets the error.
Click to hear non-Nazi radio
Dueling Quotes
"Let's keep it civil so we don't get so nasty
that we discourage people from coming out and voting
in a very important election.
Kerry must "make sure that we carry on this debate in a way that
doesn't send a mixed message to the
Iraqis or our troops there, or to our enemies there...
...so let's not divide ourselves right
--Sen. Joe
Lieberman, blaming Kerry for the Bush attack machine on FOX News, where
they love him Attribution
what Democrats do.
"If I see nothing else accomplished before
I die, I hope I at least live long enough to watch that
stinking whore Lieberman run out of
the Senate, and, if possible, out of the Democratic Party."
"Well it took over a year, but finally Cheney
suggested if it were up to Sen. John Kerry, ``
... Saddam would still be in power
in Iraq.'' Yes, and more than 570 American military
personnel might still be alive. And
hundreds more of the 3,000 soldiers wounded in Bush's
vanity war would not need to be fitted
with a prosthetic limb. And countless other U.S. families
would not have had their lives imploded
simply because the president took a "Get Smart"
intelligence approach to going to war.
--Daniel Ruth, Tampa Tribune Attribution
Two-Year-Old Enron Grand Jury Still on the Job
The special grand jury appointed two years
ago to probe the Enron collapse has issued more
than two dozen indictments but will not
be disbanded until prosecutors finish investigating the
remaining suspects, lawyers said on Monday.
The Enron grand jury was impaneled in Houston
on March 27, 2002, a little more than three
months after Enron's nosedive into a record-breaking
bankruptcy after a massive accounting fraud
and billions in hidden debt were revealed.
Martha is already convicted while Bush has Kenny Boy's prosecutors
slow-playing his crimes.
Is anyone surprised?
The new Texas flag
As seen on thespeciousreport.com/
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Subject: radio show feedback
Thanks so much, got my radio show cd's and
they do ROCK!
I think I'll treasure the newspaper wrapping
for as long as the cd's.
(The CDs are packed with newspaper with some stories circled and comments written in the margins.)
I was also glad to get the stickers.
Each CD order comes personally autographed
and with a few stickers.
(What could be more precious than a BartCop
I am doing my best to spread the bartcop
word amongst my dozens of friends in podunkville here.
keep hammerin'!!
Subject: radio show 30
The first segment cuts off abruptly. Tommy
does so much good work with the show that it seems
strange that he doesn't end each segment
with a bumper. I haven't had a chance to listen to the
rest of it yet, but may tomorrow. I'll
write you then if there's anything else you should know about.
Keep up the good work
It's frustrating getting mail like this.
I went in the Members section and clicked Show 30 Part 1and
it played fine - all the way to the end.
Perhaps you're using Real Player? It's my opinion
that Real Player blows.
I use Winamp or Windows Media Player and they play fine for me.
Click to Enter
Fun with Jon Stewart
Click Here to see the video of Cheney telling America how great things are in Iraq
while in the split-screen, it shows Baghdad in flames after the most recent car bombing.
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
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Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and caused 583
586 Americans their lives - and counting.
Or is the real figure over 1200?
Subject: Moving Israelis to Oklahoma?
Dear Bartcop,
As an Israeli citizen, I will take my chances
on being killed by suicide bombers in Haifa
rather than moving to Tulsa and risk being
subjected to Merle Haggard music.
Zvi - well done.
In these times of Bush, humor gets us thru another day.
Industry Web Site Downed
Whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves
The Web site for the recording industry's
anti-piracy lobby has been inaccessible for
several days, possibly the victim of a
computer virus specifically targeting the site.
The RIAA site has been attacked several
times since July 2002. As the trade organization
for the major recording label, the RIAA
has been at the forefront of efforts to stop file-sharing programs.
Maybe the RIAA needs fewer lawyers attacking kids and more techies.
Subject: Why I subscribed to BartCop Radio
I've done it twice.
The reason is I go to this darn page every
day and like the radio shows when I get a chance to listen to them.
I know there are those who choose to vote
with their dollars whenever they'd split a hair differently than you do.
I'm not so sure that makes any sense at
all--I don't believe we have to agree one hundred percent in order for
service to be of value to me. I remember
once, a few years ago, I hadn't subscribed (don't even know if you were
doing subs then) and got rubbed the wrong
way by something you wrote, and I made this big stand in my own mind
that I wasn't going back there to that
page 'cause I just couldn't believe bart said that.
Then I realized, months later, that I was
itchin' to go back and look. Then you started taking subscriptions and
I knew
I had to subscribe. I think something people
should keep in mind is that this is entertainment that also informs. It's
buying a political candidate so you can
control his positions--it's buying access to a funny and informative site
and radio show.
If someone subscribes to an arts series
or a lecture series, one doesn't unsubscribe forever because one play or
is not agreeable, though of quality. It's
the same thing with your page. I read your page and listen to your radio
because I can't find the same thing elsewhere
and can't do without what I've come to appreciate in terms of your content.
I don't think of it as buying a piece of
your mind--I have my own opinions and outlets for them. I think of it as
building the
hammer higher and keeping something I've
come to really enjoy available to me. Basically, if liberals can't agree
to disagree
on the finer points of our ideology, we're
doomed to work at cross purposes toward the same ends--being a subscriber
your page has taught me some valuable lessons,
basically, about how easy it is to be an armchair quarterback and
conveniently rationalize not subscribing,
like people who hear one report they disagree with on NPR and continue
to listen
everyday but justify not supporting the
programming financially. It's irresponsible and, if anything, disqualifies
one from
being critical. Screw the snootypants who
are leftier than thou.
You rock, Bart!
Kelly D
In defense of marriage...
*Ronald Reagan - divorced the mother of
two of his children to marry
Nancy Reagan who bore him a daughter
only 7 months after the marriage.
*Bob Dole - divorced the mother of his child,
who had nursed him through
the long recovery from his war wounds.
*Newt Gingrich - divorced his wife who was dying of cancer.
*Dick Armey - House Majority Leader - divorced
*Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas - divorced
*Gov. John Engler of Michigan - divorced
*Gov. Pete Wilson of California - divorced
*George Will - divorced
*Sen. Lauch Faircloth - divorced
*Rush Limbaugh - Rush and his current
wife Marta have six marriages and
four divorces between them.
*Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia - Barr, not yet
50 years old, has been married three times.
Barr had the audacity to author
and push the "Defense of Marriage Act." The current joke
making the rounds on Capitol
Hill is "Bob Barr...WHICH marriage are you defending?!?
*Sen. Alfonse D'Amato of New York - divorced
*Sen. John Warner of Virginia - divorced (once married to Liz Taylor.)
*Gov. George Allen of Virginia - divorced
*Henry Kissinger - divorced
*Rep. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho - divorced
*Sen. John McCain of Arizonia - divorced
*Rep. John Kasich of Ohio - divorced
*Rep. Susan Molinari of New York - Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker - divorced
So ... homosexuals are going to destroy
the institution of marriage?
Wait a minute, it seems the Christian
Republicans are doing a fine job without anyone's help!
Author unknown
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to spit your bit.
the Osama
by Margie Burns
Another typical phrasing has Bin Laden
under increasing pressure, and it's only a matter of time till we "get"
What is not said is that we'll capture him;
media reports sometimes say that, but US officials don't. Nor do
they say
that OBL's people are being pressured to
hand him over, or that we want him for questioning because we want to
find out much, much more about the plotting
behind those attacks. Indeed, since September, 2001, no administration
official has said, "We desperately want
to pull in Bin Laden. We want to know everything he could tell us."
Instead, Bush started making little "dead
or alive" noises; a good slogan for a t-shirt, but not exactly Intel.
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
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