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Quote of the Day "I believe human life is a sacred gift from
our Creator."
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"My challenge to the Bush administration would
be, if Clarke is not believable
and they have reason to show it, then
prosecute him for perjury because he is
under oath. They have a perfect right
to do that."
--John Kerry, calling Bush's bluff
that Clarke committed perjury Attribution
White House allies and Republicans investigating
9-11 attacks pressed Sunday
to hear open testimony from Kinda Sleazy
Rice, with one commissioner calling
her refusal a "political blunder of the
first order."
"I would really like to do that. But there is
an important principle involved here:
It is a long-standing principal that sitting
national security advisers do not testify."
This is sweet, because she's just digging herself and Smirk a
deeper hole.
She's willing to talk to 60 Minutes and The Today Show and anyone
else that will listen,
as long as she's free to lie like crazy. She's afraid to be put
under oath for obvious reasons.
I believe at some point she'll be forced to testify and because
she's fighting the inevitable
so hard, she's only creating more drama. When she finally gives
and raises her right hand,
the whole nation will be watching and we'll all get to see the
liar squirm.
Did you know that the number of votes cast
on touch screen machines in some precincts
in the California primary last month exceeded
the number of voters registered?
Move along, nothing to see here.
This ballot disaster was reported in the
LA Times on March 9, 2004. As always, our
do-nothing media have not bothered to investigate
or report on it since that date.
"In 21 precincts where the problem was most acute, there were more ballots cast than registered voters."
(c) 2004, salamander.eps
Organize to Block U.S. Plan
They want no help from the 'Great Satan'
"We want to make clear the will of the people,"
said Awadi, who heads the Ghadir
Foundation, a religious institute in Baghdad
that, by his count, has distributed as many
as 10,000 of the petitions. "The people
are burning."
Awadi, whose speech veers from Islamic law
to Western freedoms, is one of the leaders
of a vociferous grass-roots campaign unleashed
by the edict published by Sistani's office
March 8 questioning the legitimacy of the
interim constitution.
Iraq doesn't want to eat frozen turkey any more than you would.
Bush is forcing this on them so he can get troops out before
the election.
If men are dying while Bush is on the campaign trail, it's makes
Diebold's job harder.
What would happen if Bush really sent us to Mars.
"We knew that Bush is the enemy of God, the
enemy of Islam and Muslims.
America declared war against God. Sharon
declared war against God and
God declared war against America, Bush
and Sharon. The war of God
continues against them and I can see
the victory coming up from the land
of Palestine by the hand of Hamas."
--Abdel Aziz Rantisi, the man Sharon
put in charge of Hamas, Attribution
D-r-i-v-e b-y N-e-w-s
Minister Escapes Assassination
Baghdad is the new murder capitol of the world
to Double Afghanistan Contingent
Excellent idea - Get bin Laden, let Smirk steal Iraq
on his own
Gas Prices Hit New Record High
We're dying for cheap oil - blame an "unexpected shortage"
Lawmakers Agree on Gay Marriage Ban
"Screw the Mass. Supreme Court - we hate gays"
You know you've sold out when...
...the GOP makes you an action hero.
Marty's Entertainment Page
from bin Laden hunt evoke questions
Why catch him when you can loot Iraq, instead?
In 2002, troops from the 5th Special Forces
Group who specialize in the Middle East were pulled out
of the hunt for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan
to prepare for their next assignment: Iraq. The CIA,
meanwhile, was stretched badly in its capacity
to collect, translate and analyze information coming from
Afghanistan. When the White House raised
a new priority, it took specialists away from the Afghanistan
effort to ensure Iraq was covered.
The question of how much those shifts prevented progress against
al-Qaeda and other terrorists is putting
the Bush administration on the defensive.
Bush intentionally called off the hunt for OBL so he could invade
Thanks to Richard Clarke, people are now beginning to see the
real BFEE.
...I wonder if Clarke reads bartcop.com?
In contrast to tip-toeing around the l-word
for Bush, the major news media stomped all over
the credibility of Al Gore in 2000 and
is starting to do the same to John Kerry. A case in point
was Kerry's off-hand remark on March 8
that he had spoken with "more leaders" who hoped
he would defeat Bush. Initially, a pool
reporter disseminated a misquote of the comment, which
reported Kerry saying "foreign leaders."
But the story didn't switch into high gear
until the right-wing Washington Times, controlled by the
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, blared the results
of its investigation of Kerry's remarks across the front
page of its March 12 issue. Though it's
been well known for more than a year that many foreign
leaders are troubled by Bush's unilateral
foreign policy, the Washington Times acted like Kerry's
claim was so strange that it merited some
major sleuthing."
Get the book that changed Bush's 2004 campaign stratergy
"Why are you saying that to a third-party independent
candidate when you don't say it to anyone else?
Why don't you say to Bush: 'You may
cost Kerry the White House?' Because somehow third-party
candidates are second-class citizens.
And that is not acceptable."
Nader, pretending he doesn't understand that he's helping Bush again,
Hey Ralph, if you put away your "How
does the world work?" stupidity, you'd be forced to admit
that you can't possibly win but you can grab 2-3 percent
of the kid's vote and reward Bush a second time.
Your claim that both parties are the same fools the younger crowd,
and you should be ashamed of
yourself for taking advantage of these kids who don't know any
better. It's very much like child abuse.
Unhappy about the size of your love tool?
Read bartcop.com
It won't make your love tool any bigger,
but you'll learn what the BFEE is doing with your stolen money.
"Every time somebody comes up and says something
that this White House doesn't like,
they don't answer the questions about
it or show you the truth about it. They go into
character assassination mode. It is
entirely inappropriate and almost hysterical of the
White House to engage in this massive
character assassination."
--John Kerry, Attribution
Subject: The rarity of Chinaco Anejo
Hey Bart,
My drug of choice is Stolichnaya, but I
tried to buy some Chinaco Anejo at the ABC store in North
They didn't have it, never heard of it.
The few times out dining I asked for a shot of Chinaco - nada.
Hubby and I went to Cancun a couple of weeks
ago, so I thought this would be a great time to taste Chinaco Anejo.
So of course I thought, here
in Cancun there would be no problem. Wrong. I requested Chinaco
Anejo at the
hotels and niteclubs, they didn't have
it. I had shots of other tequilas that gave me frightful headaches.
Almost as bad
as a Gosling's black rum hangover.
I plan to order some chinaco over the internet to see what you rave about.
If only you lived in Hellhole, Oklahoma - it's $34.95
here - unbelieveable.
Of course, I'd rather pay %60 for it and live in a real
state, but nooooooo.
Yes, it can be hard to find, especially the Anejo.
The Silver and Reposado just don't hunt, but the Anejo
is the heavyweight champion of the world.
The Mexican Restaurant chain Chevy's usually stocks
it, if you have one of those.
They don't sell it in Mexico because they get top dollar for
it in the states.
James Carville sold it at Juliefest - you didn't try some that
Or were you busy working on the South's Finest Chocolate? :)
Delivered to your door - like Sears did in the late 1800's.
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Subject: Condi won't testify?
I find it amazing that Condoleezza Rice
won't testify to the 9-11 commission referencing "constitutional issues
and "separation of powers". Seems I don't
remember these issues being a problem back when the Republicans
were dragging President Clinton and everyone
in his administration before congressional panels. The way the
Bush administration is hiding things make
one wonder if they have something to hide? The more Ms. Rice says
she won't talk - the more interested I
am in hearing what she's not saying.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
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Bush, Face Payback
Why the press is afraid to report Bush crimes
The list is a long one:
Richard Clarke,
Lawrence Lindsey,
Gen. Anthony Zinni,
Gen. Eric Shinseki,
Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson,
Paul O'Neill,
Richard Foster,
John DiIulio,
...and we shouldn't forget James
Hatfield who killed himself (?) after tangling with the BFEE.
or Robert
Perry who was fired from Newsweek and blacklisted for blowing the
whistle on Iran-Contra.,
or Greg
Palast who called the BFEE on the buried alive murders of the Barrick
or Clifford
Baxter, who's death was ruled a suicide before the medical examiner
even saw the body.
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
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Make your deal today before May 1, when convention prices take effect.
"After 9/11, Republicans could have become
the majority party for the next 50 years.
But for whatever reason, Bush kept
up the same polarizing approach. Everyone wanted
to rally behind Bush. This is the biggest
act of political stupidity in my lifetime."
--Alan Wolfe, director of
Religion and American Public Life at Boston College,
pokes fun at missing WMDs
"Those weapons of mass destruction have got
to be somewhere," he said.
ha ha
That's funny as hell, Mr President.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and caused 591
Americans their lives - and counting.
That's funny as hell, Mr President
Abortion-rights supporters are challenging
the first substantial limitation on abortion since
the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade
decision. The law has not been enforced
because judges in New York, Lincoln, Neb.,
and San Francisco agreed to hear evidence
in three separate trials without juries
before deciding whether it violates the Constitution.
You women need to make your opinion heard
and you need to vote for Kerry.
Bush is determined to take away your privacy
rights because he's a Falwell/Robertson tool.
Subject: Why I subscribed to BartCop Radio
I subscribed because you're the only guy
out there who really expresses the way I feel about the scum
who have stolen our country. Your
passion keeps me stoked every day, and I hope it will guide and
motivate me to do something concrete to
fight "the Greatest Criminals the World Has Ever Known."
Thanks Bart
"If I had known then what I know now, I would
have voted against it. I have admitted that my vote was wrong.
The decision got made before there
was a whole bunch of intelligence. I think the intelligence was shaped.
And I think the interpretation of the
intelligence was shaped. You had a president who we now know was
determined to go to war. He was going
to be a war president."
--Sen. Jay Rockefeller,
D-W.Va., Attribution
Talk radio turns to the left
"Over the past 30 years the American people have
been conned into thinking 'liberal' is a dirty word,"
the Saturday Night Live alum says. "Because
of liberal reforms, we enjoy things like desegregation, child
labor laws, environmental protection, seat
belts and birth control. These are liberal reforms that we as a
contemporary culture brag about, take for
granted and enjoy, so how is it that liberalism is a dirty word?"
Starting Wednesday, Garofalo will get three
hours each weeknight to kick around this and other issues when
her new show, The Majority Report, airs
on a new liberal-themed talk radio network, Air America. The network
will initially launch on AM stations in
New York (WLIB 1190), Chicago (WNTD 950), Los Angeles (KBLA 1580)
and San Francisco (to be announced), and
on the Web at www.airamericaradio.com.
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
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"The White House finds itself in the awkward
position of trying to explain why Rice
can talk at length to reporters but
not at the commission's televised hearings
because of the constitutional principle
of separation of powers."
--Terence Hunt,
What are they so afraid of?
Are they worried that Kinda Sleazy might spill the beans?
Are they worried she'll lose control of her temper and let something
What secrets might Kinda Sleazy let slip out?
told her to kill sons
When God comes a knockin' - don't let
him in
In opening statements Monday, a Texas prosecutor
described how a mother
smashed the head of her infant son with
a rock and then led her two older boys
outside and did the same to them, killing
the two oldest boys.
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
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Betty Bowers & more
Eric Alterman
Kevin Phillips Jim Hatfield
Richard Clarke
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It had everything.
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