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Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "Look, nobody likes to see dead people
Got a business or a web site that needs clicks?
"When you tell people that you are writing
a book about fanatics in the Bush administration,
many, perhaps most, assume that it
will consist of 350 pages about John Ashcroft interspersed
with a few gibes at Karl Rove and Richard
--Arianna Huffington,
Ashcroft: It's all Clinton's Fault
John Ashcroft laid the blame for the 9-11
on Clinton as the panel highlighted flaws in the FBI.
"The simple fact of September 11 is this, we
did not know an attack was coming because for nearly a
decade, our government had blinded itself
to its enemies," Ashcroft told the commission.
"The old national intelligence system in place
on September 11 was destined to fail," he said.
That must be why Ashcroft and Bush fixed everything between Jan 20, 2001 to Sept 10, 2001, right?
Monkey Stakes Re-Election
on Iraq
That's a bet I'd like to get a piece of...
President Bush said he would stake
his re-election on a successful outcome in Iraq
at a rare prime-time news conference on
Tuesday night where he said more U.S.
troops might be needed to stop the violence
and transfer power to Iraqis.
"We have set a deadline of June 30. It is important
that we meet that deadline.
As a proud and independent people, Iraqis
do not support an indefinite occupation
and neither does America," he said.
So here's the scenario Bush has created: He wants this Sadr
guy dead or in jail.
When he first broke that news, Fallujah erupted, 50 Marines died
and his Iraqi
Governing Council threatened to resign, so ...Bush asked for
a cease fire.
How the hell do you invade a backwards nation - and then ask for a cease fire?
And think, over the years, how many times have you heard the right
wing nuts say we can't
be in the UN or NATO because that might mean, in some cases,
our troops might be commanded
by some Frenchie or some EYE-talian, but in the present circumstances,
our troops are working
with (under?) some wacked-out, Iraqi Shiite religio-crazies.
Basically, the clerics said, "Stop fighting
or we resign," and Bush quickly called for a cease fire,
so they're
giving the orders to our fighting boys now?
...and on top of all that, he's getting ready to kill this Sadr dude, who is the Council's (and stability's) glue.
...and on top of all that, if he's successful at killing Sadr, all of Iraq will go Fallujah on us.
...and on top of all that, he's betting his election (not re-election) on Iraq's success?
If there weren't so many dead and maimed people - this would be funny.
"We had to disarm the madman..."
The unidentified bodies of four people
who may be among the seven U.S. civilian contractors
missing in Iraq since their convoy was
attacked last week were found on Tuesday, a senior U.S. official said.
A U.S. official who asked not to be named
said the four bodies were found in the vicinity of an attack
on a fuel convoy in Abu Ghraib, west of
Baghdad, where the seven KBR contractors disappeared on Friday.
Two U.S. soldiers also vanished in the incident
and a Reuters photographer who visited the scene saw
at least nine dead bodies, many badly burned.
Remind me - why are these people in Iraq being set on fire?.
Click to Vote Bush Out
"If they're trying to find a peaceful way out
of this, great. But at this point, there seem to be
few options other than to get innocents
out and level it, wipe it clear off the map."
--1st Lt. Frank Dillbeck, just outside
Fajullah Attribution
That's possibly related to this next story...
tactics condemned by British officers
"American violence is over-responsive to the threat"
Senior British commanders have condemned
American military tactics in Iraq as
heavy-handed and disproportionate.
One senior Army officer told The Telegraph
that America's aggressive methods were
causing friction among allied commanders
and that there was a growing sense of
"unease and frustration" among the British high
The officer, who agreed to the interview
on the condition of anonymity, said that part
of the problem was that American troops
viewed Iraqis as untermenschen - the Nazi
expression for "sub-humans".
I believe our men are frustrated, tired, in near shock, probably
under-fed and covered with
sand flea bites. When you're in that situation, and don't forget
bullets whizzing by and mortar
shells exploding around you, I can understand them shooting first
and then asking questions later.
Get your giant Chinaco mug
"I really don't care; they're all gonna die."
--Lance Cpl. Ryan Christiansen, 25, who
says he's unfazed by
concerns that the gunmen
may be using the cease-fire to regroup, Attribution
D-r-i-v-e b-y N-e-w-s
apologizes for seizure of reporters' tapes
Appointed-for-life Nazi thug says it
wasn't his fault
Probe New Michael Jackson Molestation Case
Are police going to investigate him to death?
Warns of 'Critical' Flaws in Windows
1, It crashes constantly 2, It's very,
very slow 3, It fixes what's working
McGregor Plans Round-The-World Trip
I don't know why anyone would think this fluff is news
faces questions over Purple Heart
The GOP hate machine is working overtime
A U.S. military offensive in Falluja last
week in which 600 Iraqis may have died has
raised concerns about excessive use of
force and needs immediate investigation.
Civilians who fled the fighting described
the streets of Falluja as being littered with bodies,
including women and children, and Iraqi
politicians have accused U.S. forces of meting out
collective punishment on the city's residents.
Before we went into Fallujah, I
asked the question
> What are they going to do? Murder the
whole town?
> Odds are, the cameras didn't record the attack
on the SUV last week that killed the four contractors,
> so they're not going to identify the killers,
so that means they're going to kill the people in the crowd
> who were disrespectful to the corpses?
What is their objective? Are they going to kill people who
> kicked the charred remains? Besides "showing
resolve," what is their goal?
As you know, sometimes I hate being right.
Up on Renewed Economic Optimism
"Up" as in higher than yesterday? Let me guess: a three-year
The dollar posted sharp gains against major
currencies on Tuesday after robust
U.S. economic numbers signaled the U.S.
recovery is on a firmer footing.
"Sharp gains?" in relation to last year at this time? Or five years ago? Where's the chart?
"Robust" numbers? Compared to when? Two years ago? The thirties? Where's the chart?
"Today's retail sales report completes a bracing
one-two punch, following the non-farm
payrolls report two weeks ago, which
is likely to rally both the U.S. stock market and the dollar,"
said Michael Woolfolk, senior currency
strategist at Bank of New York ...and no doubt a Republican.
Horse hockey!
The Dow lost
141 points that day - Tuesday.
All these glowing economic "news" stories are written to praise
the Monkey.
Why can't the economic news bare some semblence to the damn truth?
Instead of giving us the facts, they heap praise and make rosy
(and false) predictions
that make people think the economy is coming back - and I say
it's not.
Subject: Count me out
Sorry buddy, I'm pulling back my massive
$10.00 a month.
I hate the Bush administration as much
as any reader of your page.
But the NWA photo using Condi Rice was
more than I as a black person can subscribe to.
No hard feeling, keep swinging your hammer.
Yeah, I lost a lot of subscribers over the Condi pictures.
It's hard to please all the people all the time.
Did you think my intention was to insult all African
Maybe there's a black thing associated with NWA that I don't get.
(Yes, I know what it stands for)
I know... maybe I could assemble a Blue Ribbon Committee of current
subscribers and then each time I see
a toon or think of a joke to publish, I could send it to the
senior members of the committee and they could call
the full committee into session and review the joke/too, then
hold a vote on what humor is acceptable, then get
back to me with the panel's decision so I know what might be
offensive to somebody reading bartcop.com
Or, ...people could understand that it's a joke and move on.
Webster: "Joke" noun, something said or done to provoke laughter
I seems odd to me that people are this quick to bail if they think they see a woodchuck.
That innocent "women's poker" comment cost me a bundle, too
I lost subscribers for having an opinion about Kobe and Scott
I lost a pillar for saying "John Wayne
couldn't act," as tho my opinions change the world.
If you know anyone doing semi-edgy material who gets it right
percent of the time,
please send me his/her address so I can subscribe to their members
"Rush Limbaugh, in describing last night's
presidential press conference, said today that
'It was a slam dunk, grand slam home
run.' That's hilarious. Bush wasn't just bad
-- he was terrible.
-- Al Franken, from Ofrankenfactor.com
Today to Eldrick Woods: Time to Retire
To regain winning ways, Tiger needs
to be like Michael Jordan
Jordan's first retirement gave him just
such an inferior reputation when he returned to the NBA as a failed
baseball player: No burdensome performance
expectations ("I'm out of shape; expect nothing of me") plus
the ability to gain psychological highs
once again. The "good stress" derived from stimulating challenges is
called "eustress." Jordan gained it by
being a rusty player trying again to succeed in the NBA.
This is exactly what will happen to you after a hiatus from golf: You'll no longer be expected to win.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"I don't plan on losing my job. I plan on telling
the American people that
I've got a plan to win the war on terror.
And I believe they'll stay with me."
-- the stumbling Bumble Monkey last
night, ,
"This is a REALLY GOOD SIGN!! The redeployment
process (though it may be long)
is finally beginning! There is finally
a light at the end of the tunnel!"
--Michelle Witmer, killed
last Friday in Iraq Attribution
family destroyed by Bush's greed.
Tom Delay shows his ass to 400
Tom DeLay's appearance at the Rosenberg
Civic Center last weekend to explain teacher retirement was
everything I could have wished for - Tom
was arrogant, rude, patronizing, and I have 400 witnesses to prove
And then, as if determined to make this
the best day of my entire life, Tom threatened to have people "removed"
and would not allow the news media into
the room.
Thank you, Tom! I owe you a big one,
Bub. For years, everybody thought I was exaggerating about your
rotten attitude until you came to Rosenberg
and made me look like Miss Understatement Festival Queen.
Thanks to Regan
Subject: Thanks for Radio show 34!
Triple Whammy: Rush, snot-boy Tucker,
caught dead being lying hypocrites!
Hey Bart... what an amazing service you
are providing to America.
IF George Soros wants his millions-dollars
(donations to Dem/liberal/progressive causes)
to go far, he should at LEAST sent enough
to cover basic operating costs to you
(Bartcop Radio), Democrats.com, and Buzzflash.com.
(Of course I read the other sites as well: DU,
the Onion, Matt Miller; JoshMM, Salon and
the more out-there sites like WhiteHouse.org
and AllHatNoCattle ) - but NOBODY keeps
after the lying republican attack-and smear
dogs as much as you three..
This past week's radio show (34) caught
Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh and
Condi Rice being liars and hypocrites
several times each.
...and this is important, because it is
important for "liberals" and dems to repeat the
same talking points again and again.
LJBK, thanks. You might like Show 35, too. It's all about
a beatdown of the stumbling
Bungle Monkey's hysterical performance at Tuesday's press conference.
The picture on the left was taken on Sunday.
The one on the right is two days later.
Did Reagan leave some Grecian Formula in the Oval Office?
I guess my hair would turn gray too if I
sent 686 kids off to die for no reason...
Thanks to Mario M
An excerpt from Show 34
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Changes Course, Endorses Israel Plan
Last night: "The world knows when I
say something, I mean it."
Breaking with long-standing U.S. policy,
endorsed Israel's retention of part of the West Bank in any
final peace settlement with the Palestinians.
In a show of support for Israel's leader that brought immediate
condemnation from the Palestinians, Bush
also ruled out Palestinian refugees ever returning to Israel.
Bush's endorsement of Sharon's plan came
with no Palestinian leaders present - in what was sure to be
seen by the Arab world as a strong favoring
of Sharon and a slight to the Palestinians. Palestinian leaders
had previously said they had been assured
by the Bush administration that they would be consulted before
any Bush endorsement of Sharon's plan.
Not satisfied with one hot shooting war, the stumbling, bumbling Monkey tries for a second war.
more mail to bc_biz@yahoo.com
Yahoo is flooding me with hundreds of spam messages every
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
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The vulgar Pigboy's lawyer, Kennedy rape attorney Roy
seems to have blundered into a schoolboy gaffe.
BartCop reader (and pillar) Dean E wrote Rush a letter.
Read it and Roy Black's reply:
you get the memo?
by Molly Ivins
I had the surreal experience of watching
the release of the Aug. 6 "historical memo" on Fox News.
I sat there listening to a bunch of juvenile
clowns react like paid political operatives, as though this had
nothing to do with anything but Bush's
Ho, ho, this is so nothing, they chortled.
They were so busy pooh-poohing it, you could barely figure out
what it said. My favorite moment was when
Geraldo Rivera, who apparently passes for a deep thinker
at Fox, solemnly announced: 'I have a dream.
A dream that someday George Bush and John Kerry will
stand together holding hands and say that
the most important thing is to fight terrorism.'"
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and cost 679
686 soldiers their lives - and counting.
The homecomings
Bush is hiding from the voters
"Bush is going to call for a tax cut to honor
the soldiers."
-- Crazymike, watching
the Monkey on TV, in last night's live chat Attribution
Open Letter to Condoleezza Rice: 'You are a liar'
by Catherine Austin Fitts, Former Assistant Secretary
of Housing
You had numerous warnings of the risks
of 9-11 - sufficient to let the American people know and use
their best judgment as to how to protect
themselves from a possible attack. It was your job as National
Security Advisor to make sure that the
people in the South Tower of the World Trade Center had the
knowledge they needed to evacuate their
building upon seeing the North Tower hit by a plane.
You knew. You kept silent. They died.
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
I know that sounds crazy, but I'll be damned
if we let free airline tickets expire.
We've never been to Florida, so we're going
to fly in and spend a few days there,
so the exact date is flexible, so let's
shoot for Palm Beach that Monday evening.
If we get a poker game together - fine.
If nobody wants to play - that's fine,
too, but either way, we're doing Florida.
Might do the Florida Keys, might do Miami's
art deco scene, maybe drive thru Palm Beach at night.
Click Here if you're in for cheap poker and please put 'poker' in the title, OK?
George 'I'm Never Wrong' Bush Takes Questions
Bush stumbled and fumbled through several
tries at an answer. Then the room came to a screeching halt..
Bush had no answer ... and finally said
... 'You put me on the spot here, and I can't come up with anything'.
If that wasn't enough, in a case of stunning
irony, on the next question.. during Bush's long rambling answer,
at one point he stated 'its important to
learn lessons from mistakes'.
Well, if you can't admit to any mistakes
then how are you ever going to learn anything?
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
I guess Garry's on vacation.
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Betty Bowers & more
Eric Alterman
Jim Hatfield
Richard Clarke
John Dean
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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