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Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "We stand for a culture of responsibility in
Dueling Quotes
"George Tenet met with the president every
morning before 9/11."
-- Kinda Sleazy, 3/28/04,
"CIA records show that despite increased threat
warnings, Tenet briefed
the president only twice in August
- once in Crawford, Tex., on Aug. 17,
and once in Washington, on Aug. 31.
Tenet added that "I don't have a
recollection of being called" by the
White House to do any more briefings, either."
--Washington Whore Post,
4/14/04, Attribution
If one of them is lying, about something as material to the crux
as this,
perjury charges should be filed against one or both of these
"We will
find WMDs - I guarantee it!"
An Iraqi source close to the Basra Governor's
Office told the MNA that new information shows
that a large part of the WMD, which was
secretly brought to southern and western Iraq over the
past month, are in containers falsely labeled
as containers of the Maeresk shipping company and
some consignments bearing the labels of
organizations such as the Red Cross or the USAID in
order to disguise them as relief shipments.
Granted, this is just a rumor, but I want
it on the record if WMDs are someday found in Maeresk
containers or Red Cross containers
or the USAID containers. If that happens, it'll be harder
the BFEE to discredit his accusers since
they called it ahead of time.
"I have never been afraid of Bush the way I
was the other night. Is there a single sliver of doubt left
that the man couldn't craft a coherent
thought if you spotted him the subject, the verb, and the unlimited
use of Peggy Noonan? He marches
blithely on, armed with his own invincible ignorance. I no longer
whether or not he's dumber than a bag
of hammers, or whether he's uneducated or uncurious, or whether
he's simple and plain or arrogant and
foolish. What is plain is that he's not up to this job."
--Charles Pierce,
by Chris Floyd
And what a sickening spectacle these "leaders"
presented last weekend: George W. Bush and Tony Blair
piously kneeling in prayer on Easter Sunday,
pledging their fealty to Jesus Christ and His teachings of mercy
and lovingkindness -- while ordering missile
strikes on crowded cities, while filling hospitals with the mutilated
bodies of young children, while shoveling
fat war profits to their cronies and contributors. Only the most craven,
bootlicking sycophant could fail to be
revolted at the hypocrisy of these murderous cynics. They're a perfect
match in moral idiocy for their crack-brained
brother-in-arms, Osama bin Laden.
Yes, Hitlerite ambitions: dreams of global
dominance, fetishes of militarism, fantasies of superiority, and the
willingness to impose your self-serving
vision of "universal truth" -- in this case, the rapacious crony capitalism
that Bush has officially named "the single
sustainable model of national success" -- at the barrel of a gun.
That's what lies behind this madness.
I believe Chris Floyd reads bartcop.com
Get your 'Stop the War' accessories
"Uma Thurman - wow - I'd like to bang her until
her head fell off."
-- Howard Stern on his E! TV show,
being funny, crude ...and illegal?
the tape in my VCR
In Bush's Amerikkka, can we allow such filth?
It's possible in the very, very near future you may be
forced to make that distinction.
You may be asked to stand up for people like Howard Stern, Buzzflash
and Larry Flynt.
You may be asked to stand up for Janet Jackson, Fear Factor (shudder)
and bartcop.com
You may be asked to stand up for that mentally-unbalanced handjob
with the crucixion in urine.
If you remain seated in the next six months, John Ashcroft could
America's Central Scrutinizer.
They could turn the TV networks over to Bill Bennett - for our
"protection from terrorism."
They could turn the NY Whore Times over to Roger Ailes (Or have
they already done that?)
If Bush wins in November, he's going to go f-ing crazy.
He lost the election in 2000 and he still grabbed power like he
was FDR on LBJ's birthday.
If he somehow, on paper, wins this next election, he will go
"all in" with the religious insanity.
Knowing the Democrats, they'll lie down this fall and give the
GOP a filibuster-proof majority across
the entire political spectrum, ...and then the Bill of Rights
will be lynched on the White House lawn.
Subject: Arianna back in the treehouse?
This picture help you decide.
Dude, thanks for getting that.
Subject: Arianna back in the treehouse?
Dear Bart,
Arianna Huffington IS California's Nader.
I live here; I know.
In fact, you printed a letter I wrote about
her during the recall.
God, I still recall working the phones at
the union hall and walking the
streets to campaign against the gropinator,
and we could get nowhere.
The media was in the bag for the groper
, and they could use Ms. Huffington's
comments the way that FAUX news uses their
fake liberal quotes for propaganda.
She LET herself be used, just like Nader
did. It's quite generous of you to excuse
her for being a former Republican , but
to forgive her AGAIN...well, maybe it's
easier if you live in Oklahoma. But
you better be careful, if the groper goes for
the White House , Arianna's actions could
affect this whole country.
I, for one, won't buy her book
Subject: Arianna back in the treehouse?
Hmmmm. You'll do as you wish
of course. It's your treehouse and even though
I read her columns with amazement that
she could evolve so quickly and so well,
I'm in Calif. and .... we are so screwed
you cannot believe.
I'm still bitter.
Rosa, I understand, and nobody can tell you you have to feel otherwise,
but I think she'll be fighting the BFEE harder than most "always
and I'd hate for that bloody Bush Monster to "win" by just a
few votes.
Hell, I'd let Judas Maximus help if he could make a difference this year.
Is that Judas?
He looks more like Tom Delay...
looks nothing like me...
am a monkey
President George W. Bush pauses during
his nationally televised news conference at
the White House April 13, 2004. While
struggling unsuccessfully to think of a single
mistake he has made since the 9-11 attacks,
Bush committed three factual errors about
weapons finds in Libya, the White House
said on April 14. Photo by Jason Reed
The CIA warned as early as 1995 that Islamic
extremists were likely to attack U.S. aviation,
Washington landmarks or Wall Street and
by 1997 had identified Osama bin Laden as an
emerging threat on U.S. soil, a senior
intelligence official said Thursday.
The report specifically warned that civil
aviation, Washington landmarks such as the White House
and Capitol and buildings on Wall Street
were at the greatest risk of a domestic terror attack
by Muslim extremists, the official said.
Subject: Spain did the Right Thing
The Bush administration complains that Spain
is giving into terrorism because Spain is pulling out of Iraq.
But this is not the case. When Spain was
attacked by Bin Laden they realized that they were making an
error supporting Bush's phony war in Iraq.
That they could no longer waste their resources on Iraq and
that they should go after the real terrorists
instead. I just hope that someday we in America figure out that
it's more effective to go after the real
enemy - Bin Laden - rather than fake enemies like Iraq.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA
Smoky Mountains 'Beginning to Die'
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belongs on radio just as much as Rush
by Roger Ebert
"Like millions of Americans, I listen to Howard
Stern on the radio in the mornings. I think he is smart,
quick and funny. Sometimes he is ''offensive,''
but to be quite frank, I am not ''offended,'' because what
he says falls within the realm of words
and subjects that, as an adult, I have long been familiar with even
without the tutelage of Stern.
Unlike millions of Americans, I do not listen
to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. One reason for that is that I
am usually at the movies when he's on the
air -- an alternative I urge on his listeners. Limbaugh does offend
me when I monitor him, because he has cheapened
political discourse in this country with his canned slogans
and cheap shots. Once you call a feminist
a ''feminazi,'' what else is there to say about feminism?
Of course you may disagree with me and prefer
Limbaugh. I may disagree with you and prefer Stern.
That is our right as Americans.
What offends me is that the right wing, secure in its own right to offend,
now wants to punish Stern to the point
where he may be forced off the air."
Subject: Yesterday's mugger analogy
Russ was on the right track but left a few things out.
What if
the bodyguard and the mugger had a history of doing business together,
as the Bush and Bin
Laden families did?
What if
the bodyguard helped the muggers get away---like Bin Laden family members
were allowed to fly
out of the states on 9/12 when no other planes were allowed in the air?
What if
your mugging sent your bodyguard's approval ratings skyrocketing?
What if your bodyguard
personally benefitted from your mugging?
Isn't there a Bart's law about people benefitting from mistakes, and those mistakes being repeated?
Drew in CT.
Drew, you bet - it's Bart's Law #2
< Any time a person
or entity makes a "mistake" that puts extra money in their pocket,
< expect them to make that "mistake" again
and again and again.>
The BFEE made tons of blood money in Gulf War 1991
on Poppy Bush's intentional "mistake,"
but they hit the Powerball Jackpot with Bumble-Monkey's intentional
Gulf War II "mistake."
U.S. deaths in Iraq higher than expected
I'll bet the BFEE's profit margin was higher than expected,
At least 88 U.S. soldiers, several more
civilians and hundreds of Iraqis have died this month,
as insurgent fighters battled the American-led
occupation. Most causalities have come since April 4.
"I certainly would not have estimated that we
would have had the number of individuals lost
that we have had lost in the last week,"
Rumsfeld said in answer to questions at the Pentagon on Thursday.
Rumsfeld said 20,000 troops will stay in
Iraq longer than they had been told to help quell the violence.
Mr. Rumsfeld, I have a question:
You said Sadr has between between 1,000 and 6,000 followers,
"in a country of 25 million people."
Why do you need 20,000 well-trained, well-armed, satellite-coordinated
U.S. troops to handle them?
The BFEE has only just begun to make money from this unnecessary,
bloody war. When the shooting stops,
(it will stop someday, right?) our military is going to need
of new super-expensive tanks and Bradley
fighting vehicles. Good thing Poppy Bush owns a big chunk of
the corporation that builds those tanks, eh?
Also, with our weapons depleted and our ammunitions in need of
replacement, why not get the best
and buy some newer weapons that are made by other companies owned
by BFEE tentacles?
Plus, to cut costs, Adnon Khashoggi can sell some of these newer
weapons to Israel, Britain and Poland
and kick back 20 percent to Poppy Bush for being the middleman.
Next, Neil Bush can unveil the newest/best super military software
ever encoded and make $20M,
but he'll hire someone who can make the presentation because
Neil doesn't have any idea how it works.
Oh, and have a hooker at his hotel by 10 PM if you want the deal
to go thru.
And think of the valuable experience Halliburton and KBR have
gained from this war.
When it's time for Jeb's illegal Gulf
War III, only Halliburton will have the tools,
skills and experience
to feed, clothe, launder, cell-phone and house our fighting men
in the 2009 version of Bush's war.
Remember what James Cagney said, "Never steal anything small."
Subject: BCR Show 35
Enjoyed the beatdown of the Bush bastard.
Makes me proud to be a subscriber.
Keep Hammerin'
"This goofy child president we have on our
hands now. He is demonstrably a fool and a failure,
and this is only the summer of '03."
. . . The American nation is in the worst condition I can
remember in my lifetime, and our prospects
for the immediate future are even worse. I am
surprised and embarrassed to be a part
of the first American generation to leave the country
in far worse shape than it was when
we first came into it. The Bush family must be very proud
of themselves today, but I am not.
Big Darkness, soon come. Take my word for it."
-- Hunter S. Thompson, ("Big Darkness," ESPN.com, July 22, 2003)
says he can't think of any mistakes
by Helen Thomas
President Bush told his news conference
that he couldn't think of any mistakes he has made since he was inaugurated.
Well, let me try to help. Let's start with
his invasion of Iraq.
The mistake was the false premise underlying
the U.S. invasion, a trumped-up claim that Bush insisted on repeating
Tuesday night when he claimed that Saddam
Hussein was "a threat to the region, he was a threat to the United States."
And he had weapons of mass destruction
that posed an imminent danger to us.
Asked about any parallel with Vietnam, Bush
dismissed such a comparison, saying it would send the wrong message
to the troops and the wrong message to
the enemy. That sure reminds me of LBJ and Nixon. Even more
was Bush's constant refrain: "We are
going to stay the course." It was 1967 and 1970 all over again..
Subject: subscription
Hey Bart!
How do I update my $10 to $25 to make up
for some of the whiny-ass wimps who can't take a freakin' joke?
And I'm pretty sure that whoever thinks
John Wayne could act also thinks
Jerry Lewis is the greatest comedian ever
and that Laura Bush is a hottie!
ha ha
Probably the best way to fix that is to log in to PayPal,
do your login and password then go to "Profile"
and kill the first subscription, then go to http://www.bartcop.com/subscribe6.htm
and, while scrolling down,
close your eyes and trust the gods of fate to point your mouse
towards a not-that-big number.
Thanks, it's cool to have backup :)
Marty's Entertainment Page
"OK, you ask me a question and I'll pretend
I'm Bush: You: Mr. President, can you ever
admit to making any mistakes?- Saddam
Hussein was a bad man. A real evildoer. And we're
about freedom. Terrorists don't like
freedom. Freedom makes terrorists feel all sick inside,
like they got the flu and the mumps
combined. That's why we need the Patriot Act. For the
freedom of all Americans and the world.
We don't want to feel like we got the mumps and
flu, either. Nobody wants that. Especially
the people that Saddam Hussein gassed--his own people.
When I wake up in the morning the first
thing I think about is freedom. And then I think about
Fruit Loops. But freedom, first. Freedom
always comes first. Even before Fruit Loops."
--Dr. Menlo, Can
That Asshole Answer One Question?
No, he can't - and the press just rolled over and let him get away with it.
Bush secretly ordered a war plan drawn
up against Iraq less than two months after U.S.
forces attacked Afghanistan and was so
worried the decision would cause a furor he did
not tell everyone on his national security
team, says a new book on his Iraq policy.
Bush feared that if news got out about the
Iraq plan as U.S. forces were fighting another conflict,
people would think he was too eager for
war, journalist Bob Woodward (R-GOP tool,
liar and Whore)
writes in "Plan of Attack," a behind-the-scenes
account of the 16 months leading to the Iraq invasion.
Woodward says Bush told Rumsfeld to keep
quiet about it and when Rummy asked to bring
George Tenet into the planning at some
point, the president said not to do so yet.
Gee, what a startling revelation
- the stumbling, bumble-monkey was hot to go to war?
Readers of bartcop.com
knew that thirty months ago.
"I have never seen a head so far up a Presidential
ass (pardon my Falluja) than the one
I saw last night at the "news conference"
given by George W. Bush. He's still talking
about finding "weapons of mass destruction"
-- this time on Saddam's "turkey farm."
Turkey indeed. Clearly the White House
believes there are enough idiots in the 17
swing states who will buy this. I think
they are in for a rude awakening."
--Michael Moore,
The uprising - from the street-to-street
fighting in the Sunni city of Fallujah to the running battles
with Moktada al-Sadr's militia forces in
Shiite strongholds in the south - means that the political side
of the Iraq War is lost and that means
the war itself is effectively lost. The only big questions left are
how many more soldiers and civilians will
die - and how many more angry young Islamic radicals
will be driven into the arms of al-Qaeda.
But the immediate question in Washington
is whether the Bush administration and its legions of defenders
will come to grips with this unpleasant
reality on the ground. As in Vietnam, the temptation is to deny the
reality and to continue the carnage rather
than to make the hard decisions that would reverse course,
save lives and minimize the strategic damage
to the United States.
Does anyone see a way out of the quagmire?
Does Bush expect the Sunnis and Shittes to stop fighting and
join up with the Great Satan?
Bush still plans to serve this turkey on June 30, even if it's
still frozen rock hard.
If we turn over the reins to someone else - then what?
Does that person or entity have to power to ask us to leave?
If not, what's the purpose of the charade of handing over power?
From: Ann in Philly
Subject: Rebuttal to yesterday's 'Gotta go'
Bart, Wayne wrote,
< "I read or heard someone say 30 years ago
'If voting really made any difference
< it would be banned.' I never forgot the
comment so it must have made an impression on me."
My response: Yo, Wayne, voting does
make a difference - that's why the BFEE stole Florida
and is trying to rig the Diebold machines.
If there was really no difference between Bush and Kerry
(or Bush and Gore), why would these bastards
be going to all that trouble?
Sorry, Wayne, your logic is as fallacious as the rest of your arguments.
BTW, I read both Counterpunch and
From the Wilderness; Alexander Cockburn and Mike Rupert
have some interesting material, but both
fell hook, line, and sinker for the fable about Clinton running
drugs from the Mena Airport in Arkansas,
a myth that Gene Lyons and Joe Conason exploded
thoroughly in "The Hunting of the President."
Bart, if you take investment advice from
this guy, you can kiss what's left of your retirement funds goodbye.
Ann in Philly
An excerpt from Show 35
for a quick taste
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"We just happened to watch the "press conference"
on CBS, so Dan Rather
comes on after with his assessment:
"The President was steady and confident."
Nice blowjob, Dan.
--Dr. Menlo, Attribution
Subject: Kerry is no good
Kerry is already in bed with the Jewz, the
CFR and he's a bones-men.
A little home work would eliminate your
inexplicable mule-headed wrong-headedness...
Tom, those are fighting words, but I'm in
currently a caffeine coma so I'll let you slide.
I'm voting for Kerry because, as of today,
he's the only man on the planet who has
a chance to unseat the gone-crazy, never-elected
Murderer in Chief.
To suggest that choice is a naive one tells
me one of us is crazy.
Maybe your inexplicable mule-headed wrong-headedness
prevented you from offering an alternative?
Are you voting for Nader/Bush?
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
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Make your deal today before May 1, when convention prices take effect.
"Remember when Clinton was President? Remember
what it was like when our nation was led
by someone who could talk extemperaneously
about the middle east, segue into nuclear proliferation,
and then go off on central Asian politics
and current events? Thank you Jesus for anointing such an
empty vessel as George W Bush, a man
who can almost string a non-coherent sentence together based
on half-retained talking points stuffed
into his coke-addled cerebellum by Karl Rove. That 'news conference'
was f-ing embarrassing. I swear I could
feel my brain cells dying just watching it."
--Posted by Michael,
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
April 1,
2004 - 600dead
American soldiers.
April 16, 2004
- 689dead
American soldiers.
That's too many.
That's 89 dead so far in April.
Things aren't getting better - they're getting worse.
and hundreds and hundreds of coffins
What about those 'lucky' enough to make it home?
A Soldier's Sacrifice
"Sergeant Hall's mother, Kim, who is 40, sat
beside him during the interview. From time to time she rubbed
salve on the burns that have disfigured
both of her son's hands. The sergeant also has a burn across the bridge
of his nose. The lower half of his face,
which had to be reconstructed because both of his jaws were broken
and 10 of his teeth were blown out and
part of his palate was destroyed, looks surprisingly normal. The surgeons
at Walter Reed Army hospital seem to have
done a good job.
Sergeant Hall also sustained a brain injury,
but you can't tell that from talking to him. He's not just lucid - he's
bright and funny. (He compared the negotiating
process for his enlistment bonus to plea-bargaining.) But he tires
easily. And he gets headaches.
He also had three bones in his back broken,
and his arm was broken, and he lost his left leg below the knee.
This, of course, is what war does to people.
It takes the human body and grinds it up like sausage meat.
Thousands of men and women are in this condition - some
are worse off.
Thousands of families destroyed by the insatiable greed
of the BFEE.
foolish consistency
by Molly Ivins
"Who are those dreadful critics? They're in the
famous category of "some." Just like the RNC ad
that says, "Some are attacking the president
for attacking the terrorists." Oh, those awful "some."
There are always moments of cognitive dissonance
in listening to President Bush, when you realize
that what he is saying simply does not
accord with any known version of reality. By way of good news,
he proudly bragged that "we" created the
Department of Homeland Security -- that would be the
department whose creation he opposed all
those months. Also, he is looking forward to the report of the
9-11 Commission -- that would be the same
commission he so vigorously opposed for all those months."
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
I know that sounds crazy, but I'll be damned
if we let free airline tickets expire.
We've never been to Florida, so we're going
to fly in and spend a few days there,
so the exact date is flexible, so let's
shoot for Palm Beach that Monday evening.
Here if you're in for cheap poker and please put 'poker'
in the title, OK?
They say there are three important factors in real estate: Location,
location and location.
Looks like that's true for poker, too.
After trying for weeks to drum up a game in the northeast
- and coming up dry, we received
enough replies for two
or more poker games in central Florida - in
less than 24 hours.
We'll do some planning.
It might make more sense to have a game one night in Palm Beach
and another game Wednesday
in Key West or Tampa Bay. No sense in driving three hours to
be told, "we're full."
I need a local coordinator - any volunteers?
Contact Bart - if
you're a poker playing manager-type
Subject: Why I subscribed
I've finally jumped from daily free-reader
to subscriber.
Lots of reasons, here are a few:
I NEED to hear something other than the
nazi propaganda that's polluting our airwaves now.
I am a lifelong beleiver that the rights
we have in the pre-Bush USA are sacred.
I am a police officer and share an office
with three neo-cons (aka neo-nazis) that insist in blaring
Oxy-pigboy retoric. I've recently taken
to counter-nazi tactics such as leaving my computer on
with Air America blaring so the TRUTH can
be heard.
My sons turn draft-age right after the election.
Before this ugliness, I was telling them to consider
the military (reserve, national guard or
regular duty) not now. If this idiot obtains reappointment,
they'll be cannon fodder for a personal
vendetta. How many enlistments do you think this has cost the country?
Please keep up the fight. We need you and
so do my sons and the sons that Americans have lost
and will lose in the future if this lie
keeps marching on.
Protecting and serving,
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
I guess Garry's on vacation.
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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