As the sun sets on Bill Clinton's presidency, it is easy to give in to
sentimentalizing, to legacy-assessing, to speculating about his future:
Will he
run for Senate or host his own talk show? Will he putter around his rutabaga
garden in fuzzy house slippers? Where will he take his first date?
Excuse me, Matt, but Bill Clinton is a married man.
The only married politican who openly dated was Newt Gingrich.
Everyone who read around Christmas of 1998
knew Gingrich
was taking his girlfriend to hotels and charging it to his AMEX card.
...but the media covered for him and never had to explain why.
As journalists plumb for answers to these important questions,
ha ha
"these important questions" Where will he take his first date?
Your cock-obsession has clouded your small mind, Matt.
...the most distinctive contingent of the Clinton era has been grossly
They come in all shapes and hair colors, some of them without benefit of
bleach or
surgical enhancement. They've started websites and written tell-all books.
They do nude spreads and penance, and one of them even did time.
They've been hookers and housewives and ladies all.
They are the Women Of the Clinton Scandals (WOCS).
Are you going to make a point?
Where are your hands right at this second, Matt?
Are they south of the border and sticky?
In the interest of catching up and making sense of the last eight years,
called some WOCS to take one last lap around infamy's track. Space
considerations necessitate limiting ourselves to a representative sample.
Besides, as of late, no one's seen much of Sally Perdue (the former Miss
who was threatened after disclosing the ugly particulars of her affair
with Clinton
—such as his "wearing my black nightgown, playing the sax badly").
Sally Perdue?
Never heard of her.
Former Miss Arkansas, you say?
Never heard of her.
Who did she say threatened her?
Was it an unknown voice on the phone?
Is that what her no-proof claim was?
And neither were we able to contact Gennifer Flowers, currently traveling
with her husband,
the unfortunately named Finis Shelnutt.
You might check the Malvern, Arkansas Days Inn.
Last I heard, she was doing two shows nightly with her per snake, Sparky.
Since Flowers has abandoned her Gennifer's Girls Interactive Cybersex Service,
ha ha What a no-class slut Flowers is.
...she's stayed busy on her website selling "Presidente" cigars, her tell-too-much
("Willard" and "Precious" were their pet names for each other's privates),
and pictures of herself.
When not engaging in presidential commerce, the cabaret veteran has brought
the gift of song to an
international audience and lectured on "Surviving Sex, Power and Propaganda"
at the Oxford Union.
Matt, why would Flower's claim that she and Bill had nicknames for
each other's privates
be of concern to you, and worthy of mention in your highly-intelligent
Smirk paid for an abortion for a 15-year old girl, which is a felony,
and that's not worth writing about, but "Willard and Precious" is?
You're a sick fuck, Matt.
There are also WOCS who are attempting to rise above the past. These days,
Monica Lewinsky will only talk about the Big Creep to a federal grand jury.
I can't let that go by without reminding people of that which you want
and forgotten.
She called him "Big Creep" because he REFUSED to have sex with her.
I know you can't mention that, Matt, because your column is so fact-free,
but shouldn't you skirt around the truth just a little bit?
Still, there are other WOCS with stories to tell (and with listed phone
In the beginning, there was Connie Hamzy, the infamous rock' n' roll groupie
(who claims a résumé stretching from Vanilla Ice to Richard
Carpenter) and the first
of candidate Clinton's extramarital headaches. In the January 1992 Penthouse,
detailed her 1984 encounter with Governor Clinton,
There you go again - treating wild-ass claims as facts.
Did Penthouse publish pictures of the union?
What makes you think the two even met?
Any woman can make any claim, knowing scum like you will
elevate their claims to "fact" status.
...when he tried to pick her up in her skimpy purple bikini at a Little
Rock hotel pool.
After stealing a quick grope, they were unable to find an available room,
and their session
went unconsummated. As Newsweek reported, Hillary Clinton wanted
to destroy
Hamzy's credibility, such as it was (Hamzy boasted of taking on 24 guys
during a single
Allman Brothers concert). But Hamzy, who passed a polygraph test administered
by the
American Spectator, persuasively declared, "I may be a slut, but I'm no
The American Spectator? They started the whole Paula Jones lie, then
their reporter,
David Brock, admitted Scaiife paid him to fabricate that hit piece.
Since her disclosure, it's been tough going for the woman Grand Funk
Railroad immortalized in song as "Sweet Sweet Connie." In 1995, she was
cited by police in a Little Rock park after her thong bikini failed to
her sufficiently. In 1998, her campaign for mayor of Little Rock
self-destructed when she was arrested for public intoxication. To support
groupie habit, she's worked a string of dead-end jobs from part-time retail
clerk to breeder of Persian cats. So it's understandable she grows agitated
when I ask her for a Clinton assessment. "What's in it for me?" she asks.
"Free publicity," I offer. "I can't eat publicity," she snarls. "I'm not
unless you're talking money. Call me again, and I'll call Bruce Lindsey
at the
White House." I try to explain that Lindsey only intimidates people who've
had sexual contact with Clinton, which, as of this writing, excludes me.
she abruptly hangs up.
It's so hard to believe this passes for journalism in the world's only
Total horseshit fabrication
from the get-go.
This is what we get from the Weekly Standard, (Fred Barnes, Senior
Celebrating the miracle of airbrushing, Paula Jones has, in its latest
joined Sweet Connie in the Penthouse pantheon with a multi-page layout
and an accompanying interview in which she denounces conservatives who
used her harassment charge for political ends. While Jones did not respond
to interview requests, her estranged husband Steve did. A failed actor
airline ticketing agent, Steve had the first inkling their marriage was
south after Paula jeopardized her credibility by lending her name to the
Celebrity Psychic Network.
ha ha
"jeopardized her credibility?"
From where did she get credibility to jeopardize?
The 700 Club?
Less remorseful is Dolly Kyle Browning, the spunky Dallas real estate
attorney with self-described "sea-mist green eyes" who was outed during
impeachment as one of Clinton's paramours.
She was not "outed."
Like all the women in this story, (except for Sally Perdue...) Dolly ran
the spotlight screaming, "Look at me, me, me, me, me, me."
That's hardly being "outed."
Not just any paramour, mind you, like the "12-year one night stand" that
says Clinton conducted with Flowers. Browning has known Clinton since they
were children,
and says that as a pair of sex addicts (she's in recovery),
ha ha
She needs to join a truth recovery program.
...they had a 30-year multi-dimensional relationship
And she documented this 30-year affair by...
...which she has detailed in her self-published Purposes of the Heart.
That means she couldn't even get a fool like you to believe it, Matt.
All books about Clinton'c cock go triple-platinum the first week.
If the red-meat cock-hunters wouldn't buy it, why would you?
Two non-consensual WOCS who are more liberal with their Clinton criticisms
Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick, allegedly pawed and raped, respectively.
Wait, I'm curious - Why would YOU use a word like "allegedly?"
This is Clinton's cock you're obsessing over.
You don't have to use "allegedly" when discussing Clinton's cock.
All Clinton's cock allegations are true, didn't you know?
Willey is now happily remarried after filing bankruptcy as a result of
debts incurred by her
first husband, who committed suicide on the day of her Clinton encounter.
Matt, you missed a spot.
Why haven't you blamed Clinton for her husband's suicide?
You're not real sharp, are you, boy?
No wonder nobody's ever heard of you before.
You leave soooooo much on the table...
After being systematically harassed by anonymous tormentors who, among other things,
"anonymous" tormentors?
There you go again.
Why would you pass up a chance to say "White House goons?"
...stole her cat and threatened her children, after being demonized by
administration soldiers who leaked her private correspondence,
No, they didn't "leak" anything - they released it.
If someone writes me a letter, I don't leak it - I publish it.
Why would you use the word "leak?"
Because is sounds more sinister?
Like "outed?"
...and after developing a nasty case of stress-related shingles, Willey
has dropped her
lawsuit against the administration. "What they did was wrong," says Willey.
"But this will take years in court with the Clintons, and I just don't
have the stomach
to be in the same room with those people anymore."
Tell the truth, Kathleen.
After Larry Klayman used you for his lawsuit photo-op, he dumped
C'mon, Kathleen - can't you tell the truth if you try?
Of all those she resents, Hillary is foremost. "She put a lot of this stuff
in motion. She put
Sid Blumenthal out there," says Willey. The $8 million book deal Hillary
secured is especially
irksome to Willey, who was once accused by Clinton lackeys of trying to
turn a quick literary
buck (which she never attempted).
I printed the transcript of her meeting with the publisher.
I'll try to find that.
"You know what that book's going to be?" asks Willey.
"It's going to be page after page of lies." Willey adds that "she'll write
that like she wrote
the book on entertaining [the first lady's recent offering, An Invitation
to the White House].
Give me a break. I worked in that social office. Hillary Clinton's
expertise you could fit in
the head of a thimble —she doesn't know a dessert spoon from a soup spoon."
ha ha
Two years ago, Juanita Broaddrick claimed that she was raped in
1978 by Clinton, who bit her lip
until it was swollen then told her before leaving, "You better put some
ice on that."
Whoops - you did it again, Matt.
You used the word ""claimed."
You need to get with the program, boy.
Everything bad about Clinton is a fact, didn't you know?
Broaddrick's life has returned to normal: tennis matches, tending to the
animals on her
Van Buren, Ark., spread, gathering her nursing home business's records
for the mysterious
tax audit that seems to come the way of many of the WOCS.
Remember, on Survivor, one of the girls was wanted on bad-check charges
and the cops
couldn't find her. BUT, after she ran into the national spotlight and became
a celebrity
the cops noticed and the wheels of justice started turning.
Using your logic, Survivor turned her in, right?
Maybe if allllllllllll these women would stop running into the national
spotlight with their
no-proof claims screaming. "Look at me, me, me, me, me," their
lives might not have
the ups and downs they've had recently.
Broaddrick, who believed finally coming forward would lead to Clinton's
removal from office,
says she is partly to blame that the controversy blew over (Clinton left
his denial to his lawyer
and hasn't addressed it since). "I should've come forward sooner," she
Two things: I realize it's hard-to-impossible to put yourself in the
mind of a rape victim,
but did you know Juanita never even told her husband about this "rape?"
How can a woman come home, beat to hell with a swollen lip, eyes all puffy
crying hysterically and her husband not ask, "What's wrong?"
Then, months or perhaps even a year after her tearful tell-all
with backdoor Lisa Myers
(slut, slut, slut) Juanita remember the SECOND rape Clinton out her through.
And whores like Rush, Laura and Bill Bennett can't figure out why N.O.W
to support these lying golddiggers in their quest to win the lottery.
On the whole, Broaddrick says her disclosure has been beneficial to her
marriage and mental health. Still, whenever she sees Clinton on television,
"There's just a hatred. I want to go through the TV screen and strangle
man. I just wish he'd be removed from public sight, but I feel like he's
to stay active and try to get Hillary elected president in 2004."
By Matt Labash
Remember the criticism Professor Anita Hill took for "following" Slappy
the Wonder Judge
to a job opportunity? Compare what Professor Hill did to this army
of women who've made
millions dedicating them careers to Clinton's cock. Talk about professional
And the carnival media invites them to make the talk show circuit so they
each can
recount their "terrible ordeals" to Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, Zahn, the
Beltway Boys,
Hume, Snow, Williams, Liason, McLaughlin, Matthews, Will, Liddy, Laura
the Unloved,
Medved, Sam, Cokie, Judas, Schieffer, Russert, Hockenberry, Novak, North,
Wolf, Schneider, Crowley, Stossel, Kurtz, Olsen, Coulter, Regan, Ingraham,
Sullivan, Jacoby, Chavez, Charen and that prick William Safire.
Matt, you're a whore, now get outta here.