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Show 36 is up and the Cinco
de Mayo Special is in the oven
Bruce Yurgil http://home.earthlink.net/~ifness/index.html
Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "The attacks against Kerry - they are exactly
"People often wonder why the opposition continues
to claim that Bush "lied"
the nation into war in Iraq. The explanation
is not so difficult.
Congress authorized the president to
liberate Iraq...
--Opinion, Jacksonville.com,
That's flat-out not true.
Congress authorized Bush to save the East Coast from Saddam's
"imminent threat" of incoming missles.
Bush has had to change the reason we went to war three or four
times, so why is this Jacksonville
newspaper changing the facts to make Bush appear less blood-thirsty?
to Go on Arab TV Over Prisoner Abuse
"We only meant to kill you, we had no intention of humiliating
As Bush planned interviews with Arab television
to underscore his revulsion by photographs
of U.S. soldiers gloating over naked Iraqi
prisoners, a top Pentagon official said Wednesday
he expected investigations of abuse to
The Army disclosed that it is conducting
criminal investigations of 10 prisoner deaths in U.S.
custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus another
10 abuse cases.
In addition, the deaths of two Iraqi prisoners
already have been ruled homicides. In one case,
a soldier was court-martialed, reduced
in rank and discharged from the Army. In the other homicide,
a CIA contract interrogator's conduct has
been referred to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution.
"We had a project to create a free media in
They are trying to control us. We are
being suffocated."
--editor-in-chief Ismail Zayer,
the head of a U.S.-funded Iraqi newspaper
who quit Monday
because of American interference in the publication, Attribution
Hey Ismail, the BFEE doesn't believe in a free press.
Just take a look at America if you want proof.
Voting Hearings Set to Start
Hey - no hurry - the election is a full six months away
Concerned about the reliability of electronic
voting, a federal panel is examining ways
to safeguard polling from hackers and bad
software to avoid another disputed election this November.
Critics say the touchscreen machines can't
be trusted because they don't leave a paper trail.
"My primary concerns ... are there is no way for
voters to verify that their votes were recorded correctly,
there is no way to publicly count the votes,
(and) in the case of a controversial election, meaningful recounts
are impossible," said Aviel D. Rubin, a
computer science professor at Johns Hopkins University, who was
scheduled to testify before the commission.
"I do not know of a single computer security expert
who would testify that these machines are secure," he said.
Geez, I wish the Democrats had time to concern
themselves with this.
I mean, why bother to raise the multi-millions
for a campaign of all the
other guy has to do is give Diebold a bribe
to see things his way?
When you buy a loaf of bread at 7-11, you
get a printed receipt.
Why can't we get one when we choose the
leader of Planet Earth?
Click for more info
More GIs Tapped for Year in Iraq
But don't call it a quagmire because then the terorists win
U.S. military commanders in Iraq have decided
they need to keep an expanded force in Iraq
beyond June and will send 10,000 active-duty
Army and Marine Corps troops for one-year tours,
Rumsfeld announced Tuesday.
In addition, the Army planned to announce
that about 37,000 National Guard and Reserve troops
are getting called to active duty to support
three National Guard combat brigades that will be sent
to Iraq late this year or early in 2005,
defense officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity..
...but don't call it a quagmire!
Censors Koppel, Decency
by Smoking Joe Conason
"Our decision was based on a desire to stop the
misuse of their sacrifice to support an anti-war
position with which most, if not all,
of these soldiers would not have agreed," as Mr. Smith explained.
"In simply reading the names of our fallen
heroes, this program has adopted a strategy employed
by numerous anti-war demonstrators who
wish to focus attention solely on the cost of war."
Perhaps Mr. Smith believes that Memorial
Day is a left-wing plot, too.
The Sinclair suits should tell it to the
gentleman who called Nightline's offices the day before the broadcast
to make sure that Mr. Koppel would include
the name of his 23-year-old son-in-law, who had just been
killed in Falluja. As he explained how
to pronounce the dead soldier's name, and how important this was
to his family, the man began to weep, and
so did the ABC staffer who was diligently taking notes.
"Either he's not in control of his staff or
he's not serious, or his senior staff
is simply insubordinate and is stonewalling
and covering up."
--Ambassador Joseph Wilson,
ratted out by Cheney's staff, about Dubya Attribution
If America had a free press, they'd insist on getting to
the bottom of this.
Since the press works for the BFEE, they sweep the bad news under
the rug.
Subject: Coffins coming home
When I flew home from VietNam, there were
111 names on the passenger manifest list,
however, only 13 of us were breathing:
the rest were occupying their own steel staterooms.
No one seemed to care that much when we
taxied to a stop and our comrades were offloaded
onto trucks and hauled away, nor were there
any flags draping the coffins.
We had all been firmly convinced we were doing the right thing to 'free' the country we ravished...
A decorated, disappointed X-Marine
Get Your War On, (c) 2004 by David Rees. Used with permission
Developers to Break Ground July 4
Building another target to taunt the religio-crazies
Demand Release of Abu Ghraib Prisoners
"You have given a bad impression of America and Christians,"
Top Ten Worst Album Covers of All Time
Careful - some of these might make you hurl
wants subscription to BCR for Mother's Day
She loves you, and you won't give her this little gift in
Perkel offers free hosting to MWO
Somebody has to know how to contact them - right?
Click for more
Don't Think . . . You're in America
You may think you live in a democracy,
but you don't. In a democracy, the winner of the most
votes takes office. But in America, within
five minutes, the winner of an election can be changed
electronically without anyone knowing.
You may think you have the right to protest
the President of the United States, but you don't.
That's only true in a democracy. And our
beloved President has insisted the Secret Service arrest
as a threat to his security any unarmed
person who would dare protest him within his view in a public place.
Thinking is clearly dangerous. Don't think.
The Government will think for you. FOX news channel will
think for you. Rush Limbaugh will tell
you what to think. Just say ditto. It's easier not to think.
"I'm kind of embarrassed by my support for
the war. I believed all the stuff about WMD."
--William Saletan, Slate magazine's
chief political correspondent, Attribution
Yeah, I'll bet Saletan is almost angry enough to write about this deception.
For more of Wolf's work visit http://eddytoons.com/
Marty's Entertainment Page
''It's an ugly and hideous thing to see the
death and destruction we cause, but if it has
to be done, it may as well be done
right, and we're the best. I believe our cause is just."
--Lieutenant Matthew
Peterson, in Iraq speeding past dead bodies and blown-up tanks, Attribution
The military's block on bartcop.com serves
them well.
can be a bad thing..."
Reminder: If you need to reach us, contact sam@bartcop.com
Sam's the best, and if I don't answer, she'll call me with a reminder.
"I've been derisively mentioned in a new pro-Bush
polemic entitled
Bush Country: How Dubya Became a
Great President by John Podhoretz.
It is indeed a distinct honor to be
name-checked as a political enemy by the
son of the man (Norman Podhoretz) best
known for being wrong on every
cultural, political and literary idea
of his time."
-- Alan Bisbort
"My greatness
can hardly be measured..."
Soldiers and We are Coming
William Rivers Pitt at Kent State on the 34th Anniversary
This is sacred ground. It was in this place,
one of many, that ordinary Americans stepped forward to say
no to a government that was sprinting towards
disaster. That action was met in this place with deadly force,
force that took the lives of those who
marched, along with the lives of those who happened to be passing
innocently by when the bullets began to
A day when ordinary Americans must stand forth and say no to a government sprinting towards disaster has come again..
Order your CDs today!
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Currently shipping shows 34
(Double) 35
(Bush Beatdown) 36
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Subject: I am a monkey
I used to like you, but you make me puke
now. You lie all the time. You make stuff up.
You back an idiot like Kerry who can't
make up his mind from day to day. You yell at
Democrats that are trying to do something.
You know Kerry has to go and the only one with
a chance to win is Hillary Clinton.
And, she's not running because she thinks she would lose this year.
By the way, whose side are you on?
The USA or al-Qaeda?
Blondeboy - the Stalker with an erection
I'm on the side of the guy who still
has Viet Cong shrapnel in him.
You like the never-elected idiot who deserted
to get drunk and do cocaine instead of his sworn duty.
Today's Banana Fact: Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium.
Click to Enter
"They wanted us to feel as though we were women,
the way
women feel, and this is the worst insult,
to feel like a woman."
--A male al Sadr supporter
commenting on torture of Iraqis,
Subject: Show 36
Only about 10 minutes in to the show, and
it's fan-tastic.
You're the perfect voice for American Outrage!!!
You've got to get on Air America.
Recent subscriber - we're spending too much
money around here, but you are worth it.
By the way, I wouldn't have found you if
I hadn't been sucked into all these web sites via Howard Dean.
I have to give my boy a plug - he's going
to be hammering away today in DC for Women's Rights.
You guys give me hope. Thanks!
Jen, thanks for that.
We hope to have Show
37 up Wednesday night.
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
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...because it's the net's best advertising bargain!
It pays to advertise on bartcop.com
Joe Conason interviews Joe Wilson
JC: As your new book comes out, the Justice
Department investigation of what I no
longer hesitate
to call the conspiracy against your wife seems to be in a hiatus. Can
you talk
about what's going on with the investigation? Do you know?
JW: First of all, I think you're absolutely
right that it's appropriate to call this a conspiracy, by
people very
close to the center of power in the United States, who decided that their
agenda was more important than the national security of the country.
Subject: Democrats sac situation
I love ya Bart but it's an election year.
The more you promote the idea that the Democrats
have no sac, the Democrats have no spine,
etc., the more I think you are convincing people
NOT to vote for Kerry or any Democrats
running for office.
Fact is the Dems DO speak out but as you
know the Republicans own the media.
They speak out in Congress but they are
not covered. If they are covered at all, they are ridiculed.
Randi Rhodes has explained this situation
very well the past few days on her show.
Even Tom Dashle speaks firmly and eloquently
about how Bush is unfit to serve as President,
how he's surrounded by people that are
unfit to be advising him. It's not that the Dems have
no sac or spine. It's that we don't have
a majority in Congress anymore and we don't own the media.
<much snippage>
Mystic 23
Mystic, we must live in different worlds.
Every Sunday, and probably every day of the week, we see Democrats
on TV laughing and joking
about things. They are NOT angry. They are NOT upset with Bush.
They are NOT pissed off about
being lied to and the hundreds of deaths in Iraq. They are happy
about being losers and I hate that.
True, the GOP has their wall-to-wall echo chamber, which is all
the more reason for a Democrat
to f-ing say something when they have 15 minutes with
that silly ass, Tim the Whore.
Democrats always use the most spineless language - "Perhaps
the president wasn't
as candid as he could have been when
he said Saddam had WMDs" and crap like that.
Have you ever heard an elected Democrat on TV say that nobody
died when Clinton lied,
and he was impeached and Bush should therefore be impeached about
lying 800 men to their deaths?
No, you haven't heard that because they are all too afraid
to say the obvious.
The GOP owning the media ia "a" problem, but Democrat lack of
sac is "the" problem.
New in the BartStore
BartCop Radio Security caps and shirts
in Iraq
by Gene Lyons
Having decided that imperialism was "an
evil thing," Orwell described himself
"stuck between my hatred of the empire I served
and my rage against the evil-spirited
little beasts who tried to make my job
impossible. With one part of my mind I thought
of the British Raj as an unbreakable tyranny,
as something clamped down... upon the
will of prostrate peoples; with another
part I thought that the greatest joy in the world
would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist
priest's guts."
Subject: Iraqi prisoner abuse
I think the most damaging story (to the
Arab world) is that, out of 13 Americans so far accused of
"abusing" Iraqi prisoners (with 25 prisoners
dead), 12 Americans get reprimands (no jail time and they
can leave the Armed Services with a standard
discharge), while one American accused of photographing
an American woman in the Abu Ghraib shower
is facing a court-martial. Why is a nude photo of an
American woman so much worse than beating,
threatening rape, possible murder of Iraqis?
Probably for the same reason that America hates Janet Jackson and loves the blood-thirsty moron.
The Danger of Willful Blindness
Nobody should be surprised at the prisoner
torture scanda l- we all knew it from the first shocking pictures
of the shackled hog tied hooded Afghan
prisoners in Guantanamo. This was sensory deprivation torture,
along with denying sleep - the easiest
way to break someone. Do we do that?, I thought.
When you say prisoners have no rights: no
right to be judged, no advocate, no appeal, no hope, no future-
torture is the inevitable result. After
all, these aren't hum ans- these are creatures with no rights - whom are
they going to complain to? Now they say
24 prisoners have died in our custody.
VCR Alert - World Poker Tour Ladies Night (Repeat) on Travel Channel
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
761 dead American soldiers.
...because of Bush's insatiable greed
Will Roy Moore (R-Crazy Judge) crack the Bush base?
.The possibility that Roy Moore could challenge
Bush in November may not be costing Karl Rove any sleep -- yet.
But the chance that the popular conservative
judge could do to Bush what Ralph Nader did to Al Gore in 2000 --
split his ideological base, and cost him
the presidency -- has analysts crunching numbers and weighing Moore's chances.
Maybe we could find
Read about the video on BuzzFlash.
The video is EXTREMELY disturbing.
Afgan POWs Killed - 55mb Quicktime Format
Be sure to SPREAD THE WORD on this one.
Punks has posted the video
to help cut down on the load on this server.
The link is in This
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to spit your bit.
Disney Blocking Michael Moore Film
The networks will do anything to get Bush elected
Michael Moore's documentary linking Bush
with powerful Saudi families,
including that of bin Laden, is stirring
up controversy even before its release.
That's if it even gets released.
Hollywood trade paper Daily Variety said
in its Wednesday edition that Disney
has moved to prevent its Miramax Films
unit from distributing "Fahrenheit 911."
Moore's film will premier at cannes, so if they raise enough hell
I have a feeling Michael will get his movie distributed by somebody.
Maybe he could ask Mel Gibson for a loan.
Subject: Bush fondles French flag on his bus
My other half saw this picture on Drudge
and sent it to Atrios,
noting the French flag.
Atrios posted it, pointing out the French
flag to the world.
Shortly thereafter, it was no longer posted
on Drudge. Coincidence?
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Tina W.
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
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Betty Bowers & more
Eric Alterman
Jim Hatfield
Richard Clarke
John Dean
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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