"It can be stated without much doubt that Bush
supports whatever plan the CIA and the Pentagon
come up with to defeat the Iraqi resistance
-- including torture. For a man who mocked the anguished
plea of a death row inmate in Texas and killed
more than 10,000 innocent Iraqis under false pretenses,
the humiliation and beating death of a few
Iraqis cannot be of much concern."
Nimmo, Attribution
Bad News May Be on the Way for Bush
is all those ragheads understand..."
In one of the darkest weeks of his administration,
Bush saw America's reputation sullied,
the U.S. effort in Iraq damaged and his own campaign
for re-election clouded.
And more bad news may be on the way.
While the world already has been horrified
by pictures of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners,
the Pentagon warns there are many more photos and
videos that have not been disclosed.
Analysts describe the pictures as great
recruiting tools for al-Qaida and other extremist groups
and said they undermine America's claims to a moral
high ground. Rumsfeld said the impact was "radioactive.".
Bush has had two months from Hell - then
this Iraqi torture story broke, and Kerry is breaking even?
Kerry is tied with the stupidest president in history?
The man who lied to get us into a never-ending
The man who gave America's future to the super-rich
and bankrupted all 50 states?
And Kerry the war hero is tied with
this failure of a clown?
Are we seeing 2000 all over again?
Care to comment?
"I think it's still in question whether Secretary
of Defense Rumsfeld and, quite frankly,
General Myers can command the respect and the
trust and the confidence of the military
and the American people to lead this country. Aside
from the fact we're losing the Iraqi people,
we're losing the Muslim, Arab world, and we're
losing the support of our allies."
--Sen. Chuck Hagel, (R-Diebold)
being tougher on Bush than any Democrat Attribution
How did I get stuck in a party of spineless wimps?
by Nat Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
The year-long occupation of Iraq - like
the war in Vietnam - has led some U.S. troops
to engage in behavior that much of the world views
as madness or war crimes.
The U.S. assault on Fallujah in April transformed
a soccer field into a fresh mass grave for
hundreds of Iraqis - many of them civilians - killed
when U.S. forces bombarded the rebellious
city with 500-pound bombs and raked its streets
with cannon and machine-gun fire. There were
so many dead that the soccer field became the only
place to bury the bodies. Supposedly avenging
Saddam Hussein's old mass graves of the 1980s
and 1990s, Bush's policies have opened up new ones.
What will Bush do when a clear majority want an end to this madness?
Will he "stay the course" and watch his poll numbers dive?
Or will America refuse to hold him accountable once again?
Care to comment?
Subject: treasonous Bart
Inclusions such as this should be condemned
and commented on:
You wrote:
>"The situation has not changed in Iraq;
> only the prison warden is different."
> --a report on al-Arabiya,
Bart, to put forth quotes like this despite
your obvious hate of the President and his policies, is nothing short
of treason.
Quoting the reaction in the Arab world
is treason?
It seems I have three choices:
I can
report the truth about what some Arabs are saying...
I can fabricate a quote to pretend
they enjoy being invaded...
>"The situation is different now - we love Bush.
> The fact that a few soldiers got carried
away does not alarm us.
> We enjoy being conquered by the pork eating
> --a report on al-Arabiya,
I could refuse to report the
news or comment on it - which means there's no more page.
Which of those three choices would you have me make?
In truth, this quote equates Bush with Saddam.
To include this on your website represents the length and breathe of
First Amendment but shows you as quite frankly,
stinking up the place in terms of 'who's side are you on' pal.
If you want, I could start fabricating quotes - would that be
Don't give me your sh*t about anything other
than your response about this issue. Spare me of the diatribe.
ha ha
You sure bark a lot of demands for someone
introducing yourself.
Do you make a lot of new friends this way?
Put about 30 abuses with a few deaths up
against a country with somewhere in the vicinity of 150,000-200,000
under the hand of the "other prison warden". Yep
30 or so isn't pretty but, to equate this with the alternative is just plain
head-up-your-ass mentality. Have the balls to respond
otherwise, you expose yourself with your head where the sun don't shine.
Cliff in Florida
Cliff, I so enjoyed making your acquaintance.
By the way, which of those three choices would you have me make?
Do you have the courage to answer that?
to comment?
Card Condi, Uncurious George and the Ghost of Payne Stewart
by R B Ham
Click Here
On Thursday April 8, Ms. Rice finally testified
before the 9-11 commission after months of refusal.
Rice's toughest moments were when she defended
the Administration's response to a Presidential
Daily Briefing on August 6th, which discussed terrorists
hijacking planes and using explosives to disrupt
the nation. I was hoping that this would have come
up in the context of why the nation's defenses had failed that day.
Good luck. Even the Democrats on the panel
seemed uninterested in the complete lack of response from the
Air Force on 9-11. In fact, the complete farce
that the 9-11 commission is was revealed by their complete lack
of interest in many of the unanswered questions
surrounding the events of that day. Fir example, nobody asked
Dr. Rice why she, along with President George W
Bush and members of his cabinet, took anthrax vaccine just
days before 9-11. Now, her response to that question
would have been interesting.
Subject: 911 hijackers
are SAUDI, not Afgani
So if you were the president, why bomb
Afganistan if the hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia?
If you remember, bin Laden was a guest of the Taliban. They admitted
they were "holding" him,
or he was their guest, however you want to label that, and they refused
to give him up.
Bush's options were to say, "OK, that's fine with
me," or declare war and go in after OBL.
Once we invaded, Bush smelled Iraq's oil and declared bin Laden "of
no concern to me."
The lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was trained
to fly down in Florida on a special U.S. State Department program.
I know some people have alleged that, but so far it has
not been proven.
If it could be proven that Atta worked for the BFEE, Kerry would be ahead
by 70 points.
You appear to not have put together the
dots yet...are you sitting down?
Wait, you're about to shock me with some stunning news?
911 was an inside job done with the planning
and foreknowledge of some very shady parts of
"the military-industrial-intelligence-agencies".
I know some people have alleged that, but so far it has
not been proven.
If it could be proven that 9-11 was an inside job, Kerry would be ahead
by 70 points.
For you NOT to understand this, makes me
question your ability to understand and disseminate easily available
Yeah, the problem here is I refuse to accept that Bush could be
guilty - right.
Funny how John kerry has no access to these "easily
available reportings."
I also notice that you failed to provide a link
to these "easily available reportings."
Don't you consider that a hueueueuege error
on your part?
This isn't "Conspiracy Theory"....it's now
Conspiracy Fact!
I don't know what wacky web site told you this was a "fact," but
here at bartcop.com
we try to stick with the science and the logic. Since Bush is/was/is CIA,
they can do almost anything,
and you could be right. But being able to prove it makes all the difference
in the world. It matters not
that you met the aliens, you have to break off a piece of their
ship that our best scientists cannot identify,
then you would earn the attention of every voter in the United States.
Maybe your drinking has impaired your ability
to reason...
Still a Fan
Sure, I have the occasional after-dinner cocktail, but when I
make a wild-ass charge,
I provide the link so people can see the facts with their own eyes.
Hopefully you're not related to Pierre Salinger, because he's
now known worldwide
as a crackpot because he
believed everything he saw on the internet.
If you locate that link that proves Atta was on State's payroll,
I'll publish it.
If it's real, I'll hand deliver a bottle of Chinaco to your
"This is not just a few guards in some kind
of an aberrant conduct. This is a much more
systemic problem here. And the military intelligence,
including I believe the CIA have
got to be held accountable, right up the chain."
Carl Levin, Democrat, with a wimpy, half-assed pretend attack on Bush Attribution
Subject: Catholic bigotry
Birth control is a sin? But, child molestation
is OK by the Pope?
Otherwise f-ing young boys is OK as a way to practice
birth control, but, not anything dealing with heterosexually?
Little Owl
Yes, the Catholics need to spend less time chasing after John
Kerry and more time policing their serial rapists,
but that's just my opinion. I love the Madonna quote where she said
she left the Church when they told her
tongue kissing and murder were equal as "mortal sins."
That's just downright insane, but then again, to quote Archie
"Faith is when you believe in something that's crazy."
The Catholic Church is crumbling because it's built on a foundation
of illogic and nonsense.
For the record:
After publishing Volume
1308 - Pat Tillman - Hero or Sap? I did get some
pro-Tillman mail, disproving the theory that all Democrats hate our men
in uniform.
One fella wrote to complain: How dare you spend a whole issue
on this subject!
If we lose in November, it'll be over Kerry not trying and this
terrorism/military issue,
so yeah, I thought it was important to get into it.
Get Your War On, (c) 2004 by David
Rees. Used with permission
Reagan Calls for Stem Cell Research
But Bush denies Nancy to please the Invisible Cloud Being
Click Here
in the world is Barbara Olson?
The Bush regime is lying and covering up, so I can't answer that
Click Here
Actor Alan King Dies at Age 76
If you watched Ed Sullivan, you knew Alan King
Click Here
Bulldozers Demolish Palestinian Homes
This headline could be from 1975 or 2025 - it never ends...
Click Here
Rooms: A Chronology
Click Here
The allegations of (American) abuse were
substantiated by detailed witness statements (ANNEX 26)
and the discovery of extremely graphic photographic
evidence. · I find that the intentional abuse of
detainees by military police personnel included
the following acts:
c. Forcibly arranging detainees in various
sexually explicit positions for photographing;
e. Forcing naked male detainees to wear women's
f. Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate
themselves while being photographed and videotaped;
I wanted to make this point one more time:
Since America can expect "tit for tat," what are we going to do when
video surfaces of hooded Iraqi men
forcing our captured soldiers to masturbate themselves or each other at
gunpoint for the camera and that
video goes around the world? Suddenly, it's not so funny anymore. Will
Rush call that a "fraternity prank?"
What will the reaction be at the Pentagon?
What will the reaction be at the White House when the families of
the soldiers call?
We've talked a lot about the fog of war, how normal men might
do something extremely horrible
and out-of-character - that's one thing. But if our boys are mistreated
the way we mistreated the Iraqis,
an entirely new Pandora's Box could open and we might see things that we
thought we'd never see.
This stupid American brutality could easily turn into splitting
Subject: mistreating the
Iraqi POWs
These pictures, being published in Arab
newspapers and on Arab media, will result in additional loss of life
to US service people. Why would any Arab
surrender now? Why not just fight to the death? I am not talking
about the suicide bombers, they don't need
a reason to die, but the average Arab, maybe on the fence about the US.
This could send people over the edge.
Good point - why bother to surrender if you're going to be stripped,
humiliated, maybe raped
or put in a cell with military dogs - all for the amusement of the enemy
and his camcorders?
"Back in 2000 a Republican friend warned me
that if I voted for Al Gore and he won,
the stock market would tank, we'd lose millions
of jobs, and our military would be
totally overstretched. You know what? I did vote
for Gore, he did win, and I'll be
damned if all those things didn't come true!"
--James Carville,
Michael, Muzzling me
by Greg Palast, in LA to receive the ACLU's Freedom
of Expression award
Click Here
When the fattened cats at Disney put the
kibosh on Michael Moore's new film, "Fahrenheit 9-11,"
they did more than censor an artist. Gagging
Moore is only the latest maneuver in suppressing some
most uncomfortable facts: the Bush Administration's
killing off investigations of Saudi Arabian funding
of terror including evidence involving a few members
of the bin Laden family in the USA.
I know, because, with my investigative team
at BBC television and The Guardian of Britain, I wrote
and filmed the original reports on which Moore's
new documentary are based.
On November 11, 2001, just two months after
the attack, BBC Television's Newsnight displayed
documents indicating that FBI agents were held
back from investigating two members of the bin Laden
family who were fronting for a "suspected terrorist
organization" out of Falls Church, Virginia - that is,
until September 13, 2001. By that time, these
birds had flown.
they stop blocking Michael Moore's "Farenheit 911"
Click Here
Subject: Need an attribution,
Love the site, love the show. I need
your help.
I used your statement that "Clinton never sent
a soldier into battle who didn't come home alive."
and have a monkey bringing up Hackworth to counter
Could you tell me where you got the information
for that statement?
Jeff in Bloomington, IN
Jeff, don't let them make you do the work.
Just make the statement and dare them to come up with a soldier who didn't come
The closest they can get is Mogadishu, and they were sent there (without
enough armor) by Bush.
Sure, when 80,000 troops are deployed you'll have the occasional
accidental death
or suicide, but those aren't men who were "sent into battle and didn't
come home."
Meanwhile, both Bushes had hundreds die needlessly so you're on
solid ground.
Entertainment Page
Subject: US military interrogations
Despicable, despicable, despicable! We just
need to give up on all those air-heads that support Bush.
After this, supporting Bush can only be seen as
being morally bankrupt. I mean, we are talking about
egregious, barbaric behavior here.
And it's not just in Iraq. Same thing goes
on at Gitmo, just a bit more restrained. And the stories
starting to come out now about the innocents we
snatched and then brutalized before releasing without apologies.
When you dance with the Bushies, you get a police
state. They are just training now for when they get to do it to everyone.
Jim P
Jim, I think you're dead wrong about Gitmo.
I think the Iraq abuse is just a little slap-and-tickle compared
to Gitmo.
In Gitmo, nobody can hear you scream except Castro - and he's in no position
to butt in.
You just know Bush told them, "Get intel
from these sand niggers - whatever it takes."
If I believed in God, I would pray for those poor bastards.
"If you're sick and tired of the politics of
and polls and principles, come and join
this campaign."
-- George
W Bush, Hilton Head, S.C., Feb. 16, 2000
true - I have no principles..."
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"I have studied foreign relations nearly my
entire life,
and I have never seen a situation as terrible
as this one."
-- Madeleine Albright, showing more
balls than any elected Democrat Attribution
From: Kai
of dragging victim desecrated
James Byrd's grave marker broken, defaced by Republicans
Click Here
JASPER, Texas - The tombstone of a black
man who was dragged to his death
was found broken with a racial epithet carved
into the granite, police said.
Why does this shit always seem to come out
of Texas and why do our politicians seem
to always come out of Texas? I'll tell you
why. It's because the BFEE encourages it.
Just like they encouraged the abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
Folks, we might as well just give up. Our
democracy has been lost.
It was lost when the Supreme Court appointed
George W. Bush to the Presidency.
Disgusted and demoralized,
America is becoming more tolerant of black
people, but it's taking forever because
conservative politicians and bastards like Rush
Limbaugh can make money with the
fear that the uneducated whites have about African
Americans. Rush makes a half-million
dollars a day slurring blacks, so he's not going
to stop anytime soon.
Falwell and Robertson, along with Lott,
Delay, Bush and the other Republicans get
and keep political power by giving our tax dollars
to super-rich white men.
Clinton was impeached because he tried to reverse
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"He is not with God, he is dead. He
is f-ing dead."
-- Rich Tillman,
onstage at his brother Pat's funeral, erupting in pain and frustration Attribution
Subject: just heard you
mentioned on Air America
About 10 minutes ago (3:10 am Saturday morning)
I heard you mentioned on AA Radio.
The caller was talking about video of a
rape in Afghanistan surfacing, mentioned you as a source
for the information, and Randi Rhodes, said "Oh
yeah, Bartcop, he's a good guy (or something similar)"
and the caller said, "Yeah, he's in love with
you!" and gave a little chuckle. R.R. seemed pleased!!
I like the way this whole movement against
Bush is shaping up - hang in and keep hammering!!
Carolyn in Memphis
Carolyn, thanks
I heard that call Saturday afternoon.
I'll tell you - that Randi Rhodes is the best (male or female)
I've ever heard.
She's more agressive and confrontational and combative than I am, and I
didn't know
anyone more combative that myself until I heard her for the first
time a few weeks ago.
When she goes sarcastic on somebody she draws blood. I'm not worthy to
carry her microphone cord.
She's better than Begala, she's better than Carville and she's
free to be better than either Clinton.
She has such a chip on her shoulder and she constantly dares anybody to
knock it off.
She has such a command of the facts - she calls up names and dates and
lists like Mr. Spock.
Plus, she has the truth on her side.
I assume she's never on the TV talk shows because they're smart
enough to not invite her.
As far as I'm concerned, they should change their name to the Randi
Rhodes Network.
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tale one of lofty expectations
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Anyone who knows a 4-iron from a tennis
racket knows Tiger Woods
hasn't won a major golf championship in almost
two years.
He's only won once in seven PGA Tour starts
this year.
Last year, he almost didn't win his fifth straight
Player of the Year honor. (Gag me)
There is something wrong with Tiger's golf game.
Poor Tiger, he's been so long without a win...
Subject: Communion
If you're gonna pick on pro-choice politicians,
make sure you include all of those good
Catholics who support the death penalty.
A & TL
Great point.
These crazy bishops want to select certain sins because they are
They are playing politics like the cheapest pol in Washington. They
know certain
statements will get the press whores drooling - no matter how inconsistent
they are.
I suppose they are making these self-serving and selective goofy-ass
things to impress
the voting panel that will replace JPII when he dies, which can't be far
I do not wish harm to the Pope, I just point out his inevitable
are making their Machiavellian moves on St Peter's throne right now.
in the BartStore
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Will Not Shut Up
Click Here
Dick and George, don't look for me to shut
up any time soon. I've got battalions of dogs in this fight,
and I take the loss of even one of them personally.
There is nothing - nothing - more red-white-and-blue
than American servicemen and women. In spite of
what you two seem to think, American military are not
trained to die, but to live. Like you, they have
lives, families, plans for the future. But, unlike one of you who
smirked as he abandoned his post in time of war,
and the other who snarled that he had more important things
to do than fight for his country, they don't flinch
at the prospect of being wounded or even killed if that's what
it takes to protect the rest of us.
Dead or alive, every single man or woman
who wears the United States military uniform deserves nothing less
than honor, support and - from the top of Echo
Mountain - recognition. These are my soldiers - not yours.
So don't toss me a yellow ribbon to tie around
a tree. Don't hand me a sign to stick in my yard.
And don't tell me to shut up.
Care to comment?
American soldier body count in Iraq
768 770 dead
American soldiers.
of Bush greed
Subject: Kerry and Catholics
Why does John Kerry bother remaining a Catholic? So
many have left that church.
He could become a Unitarian or Lutheran.
Enough ex-Catholics have switched that Kerry would be in good company.
The fundamentalist Catholic vote is going to Bush
anyway. So why does he give a shit?
Greg, probably for political reasons.
Catholics are the largest voting block in America, outside of women,
I assume.
If he left the Church, the other Catholics who are lying to themselves
would take
that as a slight and vote for Bush to get even with him for being honest.
Recently, I talked to a devout Catholic who told me she had a "smorgasbord" approach
being a Catholic - she takes a little here and a little there, but
she doesn't swallow the whole thing.
The problem with doing that is it's expressly forbidden.
Every mass, when you say the Catholic Creed, you swear to uphold
and follow ALL Catholic dogma, not some of it.
The Catholic Creed is the Church's constitution - they don't do the
smorgasborg thing, and that was another reason
I got out over forty years ago - I refused to lie to myself. I mean,
what's the point in lying to yourself?
The Catholic have apparently amended their
Doing a quick Google, I can't find the version
they drilled into our brains in the sixties.
If it's so sacred, so written in stone and the
founding bedrock of the faith, why does it keep changing?
And if they're going to change it, why not change
it to something that can be believed?
The virgin birth? Rising from the dead? The
Holy Ghost?
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to spit your bit.
Subject: Why
not hero and sap?
Hey, BC,
Isn't it possible to be a heroic sap? I
think Paul Wellstone was a heroic sap.
According to William Cowper, "The only true
happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose."
I also think that the BFEE was complicit
in the 9/11 attacks.
The BFEE should be removed from power, given a
fair trial, and then
any who are convicted of murder or treason should
be executed.
-- Brad
"Saddam allowed UN inspectors in Iraq, and
he was more cooperative with
them than Bush was with the 9/11 commission
...but we invaded Iraq anyway."
-- bartcop.com reader Michael D
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