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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "In years to come, historians will wonder why
Bush went "all in" on the idea that he was going
"We're not in the Middle East to bring sweetness
and light to the world.
We're there to get something we and
our friends in Europe depend on. Namely, oil."
Decter, Midge Decter, drunk on truth serum, Attribution
al-Qaida Ranks Swelling Worldwide
Bush's insatiable greed screws every American five times
Far from being crippled by the U.S. war,
al-Qaida has more than 18,000 potential terrorists
scattered around the world and the war
in Iraq is swelling its ranks, a report said Tuesday.
Al-Qaida is probably working on plans for
major attacks on the United States and Europe,
and it may be seeking weapons of mass destruction
in its desire to inflict as many casualties
as possible, the International Institute
of Strategic Studies said in its annual survey of world affairs.
bin Laden's network appears to be operating
in more than 60 nations, often in concert with local allies,
the study by the independent think tank
Instead of voting your wallet this election
- vote your life.
The Greed Monkey passed up a chance to
get bin Laden so he could steal Saddam's oil.
Don't let Bush's insanity cause World War
III and the death of
"Basically the core content of the speech was
that the U.S. needs the U.N. back.
But it doesn't solve the problem ...
it is the gesture that is required, but it is
something that should have already
happened ... it is almost like 12 months too late."
--James Cusick, the
Scotland Sunday Herald, Attribution
Twelve months too late? Are you kidding?
2M barrels a day at $40 a barrel is $2.4B a month, times 12 =
thirty billion
dollars and that's just
the oil.
As far as the BFEE is concerned, their 90-second used car dealer
cash grab is about to come to an end long enough to
get thru this election so they can invade more countries in Bunnypant's
second term.
Ex-Inmate Alleges U.S. Abuse at Guantanamo
A Briton who spent two years in the U.S.
prison at Gitmo accused his American captors
of subjecting him and other inmates to
a catalog of brutality: beatings, forced injections,
sleep deprivation and shackling in painful
positions. He said interrogators forced him to
spend long periods in painful positions
on his knees or bound in chains that cut into his skin.
On some days, according to his account,
guards chained him to the floor for up to 15 hours
in an interrogation room with cold air
blowing in, forcing him to urinate on himself. Inmates
suffered broken arms and legs, and bloodied
and swollen faces, he said.
Harith insisted that he was wrongly jailed
at the prison. As far as I'm concerned, I was kidnapped,"
he said. "Rushed into the Kandahar base.
First I was beaten, stripped naked, interrogated naked,
and after a week or two weeks in that concentration
camp, I was sent to Cuba."
And what does he think of the 9-11 evildoers?
"They should be taken up publicly and their life should be taken, simple, I have no qualms about that," he said.
So how many hundreds or thousands
of innocent people are being tortured at Gitmo by our troops?
America, once a great nation, has become
a Gestapo, torturing and killing, sometimes for fun.
Iraqis to have troop 'veto'
Does democracy work in a military occupation?
Blair said that the new government will
have full rights of control over coalition activities.
sked what would happen if coalition troops
wanted to act against insurgents in a major city, he said:
"If there is a question over whether we go into
a place like Fallujah, that has to be done with the consent of the Iraqi
"Final control rests with the Iraqi government."
The sovereignty transfer had to be "real and genuine".
Mr Blair said that though the coalition
would remain under its own commanders it would operate solely
with the "consent" of the Iraqis, who could
ask troops to leave at any point.
These non-thinkers have painted themselves
into another corner.
.Give Iraqi's the vote and they might elect that
Sadr dude.
If Sadr says he wants all our troops out
- what excuse will Bush/Blair use to dismiss his orders?
Subject: walking a thin line
Probably you are too cool to remember any Huey Lewis song like my subject line,
I remember a song with the line, "You're
never the same once you've been under fire."
but it is about returning veterans and relates to this - you wrote:
>"I don't mean to pick on this soldier, but
after 18 months of killing everything that moves,
> what's he going to do when he gets home
and someone cuts in front of him at the supermarket?"
I want to ask about my seemingly false memory.
When I was a kid, it was constantly in
the news about someone going crazy and shooting up a McDonalds.
I swear that I heard stories about that
on the news on a regular basis. Does anyone else remember this?
I sure do, in California in the 80's - was
it San Isidro?
They tore down that McDonald's - nobody
wants to eat at the site of a massacre.
I figured that was just the way the world
worked. But at some point it quit happening and the fact that
it did happen has gone down the memory
hole. No one, to my knowledge, mentioned it after Columbine.
The only reference I can find to it is
the example from Dean Koontz's book "Cold Fire".
It was apparently an early 1970s phenomenon
which was caused by traumatized Vietnam vets, but the country
does not want to remember this side effect
of war. According to an article I read on Counterpunch, there was a
large increase in domestic violence among
Gulf war veterans. So we can anticipate some random acts of violence
in America's future thanks to our disaster
monkey. Before 9-11, the worst act of terrorism in America was from
Gulf-war veteran Timothy McVeigh.
I remember a Star Trek NG where they put all the war veterans
in prison because they were trained to kill and they
had trouble adjusting to civilian life after they got back.
I feel sorry for these guys and gals who were at work at Fedex
or IBM or Best Buy - then got a call to report to Iraq so their
minds could be torn apart by a year of senseless violence.
The problems we'll have with raging vets in the coming years would
be a lot more tolerable
if they got screwed up in a war that needed to be fought.
"Bush and neoconservatives still foolishly
refer to a "free Iraq" as a model for the region.
They may be right -- if other Arab
populations are eager to incorporate into their lives daily car bombs,
shootings by soldiers at checkpoints,
torture of prisoners by liberating armies, the rise of fundamentalist
groups and violent militias, clerical
control of political affairs and many empty promises of democracy.
Colonization does not work in the 21st
century, and the Iraqis who suffered under Saddam will settle for
nothing less than full independence."
--As'ad AbuKhalil, professor of
political science at California State University at Stanislaus, Attribution
Halliburton drives empty trucks for extra cash in Iraq
The empty trailer runs in Iraq peaked in
January, February and March of this year but have dwindled
as violence has escalated and forced contractors
to reduce the number of trucks in each convoy and
how far they travel, the drivers said.
Earlier this year, as many as a third of
all the flatbed trucks in a 30-truck convoy were empty, they said.
Much of the time, drivers would drop off
one empty trailer and pick up another empty one for the return trip.
"There was one time we ran 28 trucks, one trailer
had one pallet (a trailer can hold as many as 26 four-foot
square pallets) and the rest of them were
empty," said David Wilson, who was the convoy commander on
more than 100 runs. Four other drivers
who were with Wilson confirmed his account.
James Warren of Rutherfordton, N.C., one
of the fired KBR drivers, said he drove empty trucks through
Iraq more than a dozen times. Besides the
risks to the truckers, the six National Guard or Army escorts
who provided security were also in danger,
he said.
In the fog of war, who can keep accurate
Halliburton and the BFEE are stealing hundreds of billions
from the taxpayers.
You might see something you can't live without.
Shrine Is Damaged in Clashes
No problem - it's not a Christian shrine, so who cares?
Reaches Tentative Deal With Union
Tommy Mack expected back on the web today - Koresh willing
Cancels Shows in Israel due to recent violence
Oh please! Why schedule shows in an ultra-violent place
- then cancel?
Scandal May Overthrow the US Govt
Wild red meat fodder for the conspiracy theorists
The Best of Mike Malloy
...as heard on http://whiterosesociety.org
"Don't let Republicans create an America we won't recognize."
America entered an Orwellian world of Doublespeak
outright lies can pass for the truth? a
Buzzflash exclusive
BuzzFlash first saw a cut of "Orwell Rolls"
at a media reform conference in Madison last winter.
We were looking for something to "fill
a hole" in our schedule and found a documentary on the media
that was playing at noon. We went in expecting
to pass the time. We left dazzled, disturbed and
slack-jawed in admiration of how Pappas
had creatively distilled the grave threat of the mass
corporate media into a film that is riveting.
"Orwell Rolls in his Grave" proves beyond a reasonable
doubt that the oft-used BuzzFlash claim
that we have entered into an Orwellian
parallel universe, with the arrival of the radical right wing
Republican Party in full power, is true
and accurate.
From: CaptAmerica4life
Subject: Clinton/Somalia
I served in the US Army in the Somalia raid.
It was Clinton's idea, it was his blunder,
it was all for nothing.
He cut and run.
That gave terrorists a hint that America
would not fight back.
I hesitate to call a veteran a monkey...
Pay attention, Loogie, because class is
in session.
You Sir, have no idea what you're
talking about.
Maybe your clumsy bluff works on kids who
weren't paying attention 14 years ago,
but I know the facts so your lies don't
sidetrack me from what I know is the truth.
Bush the Smarter sent those men to
Somalia in December of 1992.
Guess who was still governor of Arkansas
at that time?
Clinton had no authority to send anyone
so knock off the bullshit.
Second, the terrorists didn't learn about
weak Americans from Clinton in 1993.
Does this ring a bell?
THIS is where the terrorists learned
that Americans cut and run. They learned
that lesson in 1983
when Saint Reagan made a huge blunder by insisting
those men be housed on land instead of
at sea because, as you know, trucks
full of explosives can't fly and hit ships.
We're now saving two nations of people...
That's not why 800 of your
brothers are dead -"saving two nations."
Bush said we had to defend ourselves from
the coming-any-minute Saddam attacks.
Bush said the attacks were so imminent, we couldn't give the UN
inspectors one more week
to search Iraq for the never-existed weapons of mass destruction.
...and you want to bring up oil and how many soldiers Bush killed.
Funny that you don't. You think the men
dying for Bush's oil greed shouldn't be recognized?
Are you really a former soldier?
Or are you some snot-nosed punk who likes
to pretend he's a soldier on the internet?
I think a real soldier would have more
respect for the men who died for false reasons.
First of all he didnt kill them, Saddam's gangsters, terrorists/Al Qaeda did.
Saddam's gangsters couldn't have killed
if they were home at their jobs,
but Bush saw something he wanted to steal
- so there goes 800 once-great lives.
We need to get rid of people like that in this world.
I might agree, but that's not why those
men were sent over there.
What's wrong with you that you lost your
memory from 14 months ago?
Why do you accept Bush's bait-and-switch
People like you could care less if they're running around in the world.
People like you would rather see 800 lives
snuffed out?
You'd sacrifice those 800 lives to bring
down a petty thug who was no threat to us?
You need to get on the right side of this
argument, "Captain America."
Only some skate boarding, tatooed, pierced trash would write such lame things as you have on your website...
Right again, Loogie...
I'm a 14 year-old sk8tr covered with tattoos
and nipple rings, but funny...
You and everybody you know couldn't handle
the truth in a live chat room debate with me.
...while the children of Iraq and Afghanistan
are given the first hope they ever had their entire lives.
We're winning a HUGE mission, and will
do it w/o support from people like you.
If this mission is so just, so noble and so right - why did you return home to safety?
Why aren't you over there right this second, "saving
the children?"
Don't you care about the children?
saw it on thefreespeechzone.net
Dueling Quotes
"Bush did not provide the midcourse correction
that even some Republicans had called for
in the face of increasingly macabre
violence in recent weeks ... nor did Bush try to answer
some of the looming questions that
have triggered growing skepticism and anxiety at home
and abroad about the final U.S. costs,
the final length of stay for U.S. troops, or what the terms
will be for a final U.S. exit from
Iraq. After promising 'concrete steps,' the White House basically
repackaged stalled U.S. policy as a
five-step plan."
--Robin Wright and Mike Allen, Washington Whore Post,Attribution
"Bush's speech gave us the two things we needed
most: an honest report
on the present and a detailed plan
for the future."
-- Tom DeLay (R-Squirrel), who was sued in 1987 for sexual harrassment
the vacuum hose of a Ford F-150 pickup he once owned, Attribution
lied in speech Monday night
Either that, or he's incredibly out of touch
In his speech about his plan for Iraq,
Bush also said, about the beheading:
"It reveals a fanaticism that was not caused
by any action of ours, and would not be appeased by any concession.
We suspect that the man with the knife
was an al-Qaeda associate named Zarqawi."
Now first, the "not caused by any action
of ours" - we invaded them for chrissakes, then we plaster pictures
of us sexually humiliating them, so his
claim is a bit disingenuous.
But claiming they suspect the man with the
knife was al-Qaeda... the Stupid Git reported last week that the
beheaders were captured, and had nothing
to do with al-Qaeda. It's been nearly two weeks now since those
guys were caught, and they were Iraqis.
But it's more convenient to claim it's al-Qaeda?
stealing millions in food sub-contracts
You knew all about this months ago because you read
Now an insider involved in the deal alleges that
the Australian-Kuwaiti joint venture was approached
by a Halliburton employee seeking kickbacks
worth up to $3 million during the contract negotiations.
"We're not talking about a paper bag. This guy
was after a percentage of your sales every month."
The allegations surfaced during a messy
legal brawl between Halliburton and its former contractors
Morris and KCPC, who are seeking a settlement
over the termination of the contract.
Confidential Halliburton documents given
to the Herald show that the US Halliburton employee who
allegedly approached the joint venture
was involved in awarding millions of dollars worth of Halliburton
work in Kuwait to supply the US military
with services. The Herald was unable to contact the employee.
Too bad we can't get an elected Democrtats to check into this.
New sponsor - oneweekendmyass.com
Marty's Entertainment Page
"George W. Bush began and ended his speech
with a brazen lie.
He claimed that the United States is
in Iraq to fight al-Qaida...
The shamelessness is matched only by
his contempt for the intelligence of the American people."
--Michael Lind, author of "Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics"
New flash movie from takebackthemedia.com
Mr. President, What Planet Are You On?
The president is somehow deluded that a
fake turnover of power to a puppet interim
government - to replace the widely discredited
U.S.-picked Governing Council - will take
the fire out of the guerrilla insurgency.
Bush retains that vain hope despite his administration's
attempt to low-ball expectations by having
senior officials warn that violence could spike after
the turn over of "sovereignty" on June
The violence is likely to get worse despite
the administration's pretense of turning over Iraq
to the Iraqis, and throwing more U.S. forces
into a quagmire already unpopular at home would
be a sure election loser. What's an administration
to do?
Order your CDs today!
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(Double - and best yet)
and a really lame show from the past.
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"Several statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin
Mary in an Australian hall have apparently
begun weeping and bleeding rose oil,
prompting the Catholic Church to launch an investigation,
a church official said on Tuesday.
Hundreds of people have flocked to a Vietnamese community
hall near St Mary's Church in the Brisbane
suburb of Inala after news spread that several statues,
crucifixes, tablecloths and a set of
prayer beads were oozing rose-scented oil. "It's one of those
matters where you proceed prudently,"
said Father Adrian Farrelly, who has been appointed by
the church to investigate the incident.
The objects, which reportedly began bleeding and weeping
a week ago, have been placed behind
glass in the hall until investigators can examine them.
"It looks genuine enough, but then I suppose
I don't know what a fake one looks like," visitor
Mark Power told Brisbane's Courier-Mail
newspaper on Tuesday. "I'd like to believe, but (I'll)
wait and see what the church says."
--Oddly Enough - Reuters,
"Church Investigates Weeping Statues", Attribution
In the old days, it was snake oil - today it's rose oil.
The Catholic Church is showing their contempt for their faithful
- pulling a cheap stunt like this.
If the Vatican had any credibility, (should I finish this sentence?)
they'd immediately announce that
someone had a mental breakdown and that statues are not
weeping rose oil. But nooooooooooooooo.
This way, they might "scare up" some extra money from the scared
people who buy this con job.
Tell you what - let's send The
Amazing Randi to Austrailia to investigate.
He's offered one
million dollars in cash for anyone who can show him a real
space monkey.
The Catholics should be ashamed of themselves.
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Subject: Advertising on Air America Radio
I'm willing to go in for $95 to sponsor
I'm sure there are other Patriots out there
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I'm in...who's with me?
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Note: We figure to do this the first week of June.
For $190, you'll get three mentions on AAR, instead of two, while supplies last.
Click Here to hear the sample ad. The real thing will sound better.
So if you're thinking about getting involved in this - and have
at least $190,
the price of ads has dropped 33 percent thanks to Helldog and
others who chipped in.
Ten views per penny.
Nobody gives you a deal that good.
VCR Alert
American Idle winner tonight - yawn
Country Music Awards - if no Shania, why bother?
Star Trek: Enterprize ends with a surprise, they say
Law & Order - all night on NBC. If you're stuck with reruns, could be worse.
The Sopranos repeats their most recent masterpiece on HBO
Poker Tour "Battle of Champions"
The winners from the inaugural season gather in Las Vegas
Watch and sharpen your game so you can join us in Chicago in
Subject: conspiracy and the WTC
Back in issue 1311, you asked about a link to info about the seismic data for the WTC on 911.
There's an image on this page: http://serendipity.ptpi.net/wtc5.htm
And the site has a couple of pages of "controlled
demolition" theories. All in all, a pretty decent paranoia site.
I hope it's all insane and crazy fiction
but it's hard to tell with the nutcases running the country. I want
to wake up soon.
Keep up the great work! It's truly
inspiring that someone with a double digit IQ can consistenly produce so
much content.
And ol' Bart is always on target.
If only Smirky the Chimp were half as handicapable.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Keep swinging that hammer.
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
801 dead American soldiers.
Over 800
deaths - why?
Funny - nobody
has mentioned the Mogadishu 18 lately...
"Under the dictator, prisons like Abu Gar --
reb -- were symbols of death and torture. That same prison
became a symbol of disgraceful conduct
by a few American troops who dishonored our country and
disregarded our values. America will
fund the construction of a modern, maximum security prison.
When that prison is completed, detainees
at Abu Garab will be relocated. Then, with the approval of
the Iraqi government, we will demolish
the Abu Garab prison, as a fitting symbol of Iraq's new beginning."
--Dubya, May 24, 2004,
Translation: When the troops were caught following my
rules rules" of war, we decided to ask our
hand-picked puppets for permission to destroy that prison so
Halliburton can build us a newer, more efficient
torture chamber North of Baghdad where no damn digital cameras
will be allowed.
Subject: The Baja Plan
The problems in the middle east will never end as long as Israel exists. Where it is.
Arabs and all Muslims view it as an outlaw
state, and there will be ever worsening conflicts
in the region until there is an irreversible
catastrophe. Please consider seriously what I am proposing.
It is time to think outside the box.
The best possible outcome in any conflict,
is when the outcome results in all parties being satisfied.
I believe that if the Baja Plan is adopted
it will bring peace and prosperity to all involved.
Baja California is approximately four or
five times the size of Israel. There is much open space there.
The environment is similar in many ways
to the area currently occupied by Israel.
Mexico needs money. The United States
needs a guaranteed source of petroleum. Let's make a deal.
For (fill in the number) billion dollars,
the US will purchase an area in Baja the size of Israel, and Mexico
will recognize it as a sovereign nation
within its borders. For an arbitrated amount, somewhat higher than spot,
the US will agree to buy every drop of
oil Mexico can produce, relieving us of any more reliance on middle east
A vibrant, dynamic small country like Israel,
relocated in Mexico, is going to get the regional (and global)
economy humming, lower unemployment in
Mexico, and reduce the flow of immigrants crossing our southern
border looking for work.
There's a plethora of details that have
to be thought of and dealt with, but I assure you it's possible.
Peace in the middle east, a drastic reduction
in terrorism, fewer undocumented workers, improved quality
of life for Mexicans, no more worrying
about dependence on Arab oil, the list goes on.
Last thought for the doubters and nay sayers:
If they moved London Bridge to Lake Havasu,
they can move the Western Wall to Ensenada.
Adopt the Baja Plan!
Tony McGrath
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to record your message.
Sidran, other stars shine as theater closes
Groove is gonna get you through times of
no money better than money will get you through times of no groove.
That was Ben Sidran's mantra, and opening
number, Saturday as the talented Madison jazz pianist hosted for
almost three hours the last-ever performance
in what soon will be known as the former Oscar Mayer Theatre
in the former Madison Civic Center.
Garbage lead singer Shirley
Manson, in full chanteuse regalia, fronting the quartet with a smoldering
of the Peggy Lee torcher "Fever" that aroused
more than musical appreciation among many audience members.
Damn, who's got a tape of Shirley
"arousing" the audience members in Madison?
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It had everything.
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