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to Reagan and working off my Smarty Jones depression
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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "Beware of those who sell the tools of war,
Ike was right.
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"Now, how many of you look at the Democrat
Party and see it that way? I mean, if there's
a party that's soulless, it's the Democratic
Party. If there are people, by definition, who are
soulless, it is liberals! By definition.
You know, souls come from God. No, you can't go there!
You look at the trouble they're having.
The European Union is trying to put together a Constitution.
There's some people over there want
God in it. It's all falling apart. Those elitist socialists, the
friends of John Kerry, don't want God
anywhere near the Constitution or anything else having
to do with the formal official structure
of the EU."
--the vulgar Pigboy Limbaugh,
Hey Pigboy, I have a question:
Why don't you open and close each hour of each show with a pray
to God?
Could the reason be that prayer doesn't belong in a talk radio show?
There must be a good reason why you don't want God in your show,
is it because you're a soulless bastard or because you're a Democrat?
a Massive Stock Market crash coming?
Funny business with the money supply suggests so...
...the Federal Reserve has confirmed
our Stock Market Crash forecast by raising the Money Supply (M-3)
by crisis proportions, up another 46.8
billion this past week. What awful calamity do they see? Something
is up.
This is unprecedented, unheard-of pre-catastrophe
M-3 expansion. M-3 is up an amount that we've never seen
before without a crisis - $155 billion
over the past 4 weeks!! There must be a crisis of historic proportions
and the Federal Reserve Bank of the
United States is making sure that there is enough liquidity in place to
our nation's fragile financial system.
The amazing thing is, the Fed's actions mean they know what is about to
They are aware of a terrible, horrific
imminent event. What could it be?
One can draw no other conclusion except
that the Fed is acting irresponsibly in its managing the money supply,
in fulfilling its duty to "maintain
a stable currency." I reject the notion that the Fed is acting irresponsibly.
No, something is
up, bigger than we have ever seen in the history of the United States.
Could it be the BFEE power grab after Kerry
wins the election?
If Bush turned the army on Americans in the street, would that
cause the market to crash?
Can the BFEE hold off the crash until after Diebold fixes the
I think gold stocks are looking pretty good right now...
"You need to prepare your public health facilities.
You need to prepare your hospitals
and all the immediate first responders.
Many of them will tell you right now that despite
the talk over the course of the last
years, there has not been that kind of preparation,"
-- John Kerry, interview with Associated Press Radio two days ago
Bush is so busy raping the Treasury, and
giving our tax money to the super-rich,
America isn't the least bit prepared for
the next 9-11.
Subject: prisoner abuse
The involvement of "civilian contractors"
in this is not only no accident,
it was planned for with the blanket
immunity given before the war started.
All the blame can be shuffled off on them,
but they aren't liable...
Keep Swingin'
'Slam Dunk's" Exit
Tenet resigns, Bush, Cheney & Rummy should follow
While there is no proof that CIA reports
on Saddam's weapons were falsified to please Bush
administration hawks, the available facts
suggest that crucial parts of them were, as postwar arms
inspector David Kay put it, "almost all
wrong." After months of prickly defensiveness, Mr. Tenet
barely acknowledged that reality in a single
speech last February; like the administration he serves,
he has never fully accepted responsibility
for what will surely be remembered as one of the most
significant intelligence failures in U.S.
history. The ongoing damage of that failure is only compounded
by the conspicuous absence of accountability.
Get Your War On, (c) 2004 by my good friend David Rees. Used with permission
Subject: Sen Jim Inhofe is such a whore I can't stomach it
Could you hate this guy as much as the
rest of us?
I f-ing can't believe I have to read this
regarding the prison scandal:
"'humanitarian do-gooders' for kicking up an unnecessary fuss"
pro-rape, pro-murder and pro-torture for helpless prisoners
and I'm OK with payback for our boys who are taken prisoner."
Murder, Rape and Torture of innocent civilians sanctioned by our govt. is not ENOUGH for this whore?!
I know this is not new or news, but reading
it again makes my stomach turn. If this is how these pricks
watch the pResident's back, then they should
wash his back in Texas, unemployed and not receiving benefits
they denied everyone else. Why can't we
rid ourselves of all these bastards?
In January 2002, official White House legal
counsel Alberto Gonzales warned George W. Bush that he faced
the possibility of execution under the
U.S. War Crimes Act for the "new interrogation procedures" and other
"flexible measures" he had authorized for
the "war on terror," Newsweek reports.
However, because Gonzales regarded himself
as the consigliere for the Bush crime family and not a public
sworn to uphold the Constitution, instead
of denouncing Bush's policy of state terrorism -- torture, kidnapping,
indefinite detention, hostage-taking, assassination
and aggressive war -- Gonzales urged Bush to abandon the
international Geneva Conventions and use
weasel words to cover up his deliberate violations of U.S. law.
This dereliction of duty comes as no surprise.
Back in Texas, Gonzales helped Governor Bush execute a record
number of prisoners by preparing the scanty
summaries of death penalty cases that Bush reviewed before giving
his Neronic thumbs down. Knowing just what
the boss wanted, Gonzales routinely omitted mitigating circumstances
from the summaries, including recantations
of testimony and evidence of flagrant prosecutorial misconduct and
defense malpractice, The Atlantic
reports. Bush, who continually stoked popular bloodlust for vengeance
to enhance
his political fortunes, never questioned
the slanted reports.
On tap of that, Bush never read the slanted, inaccurate reports and he giggled as he killed..
bin Laden's Money leads back to Texas
In 1979, Bush's first business, Arbusto
Energy, obtained financing from James Bath, a close family friend.
One of many investors, Bath gave Bush $
50,000 for a 5 percent stake in Arbusto. At the time, Bath was
the sole U.S. business representative for
Salem bin Laden, head of the wealthy Saudi Arabian family and
a brother to Osama. It has long been suspected,
but never proven, that the Arbusto money came directly
from Salem bin Laden. In a statement issued
shortly after 9-11, the White House vehemently denied the
connection, insisting that Bath invested
his own money, not Salem bin Laden's, in Arbusto.
In conflicting statements, Bush at first
denied ever knowing Bath, then acknowledged his stake in Arbusto
and that he was aware Bath represented
Saudi interests. In fact, Bath has extensive ties, both to the bin Laden
family and major players in the scandal-ridden
Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) who have
gone on to fund Osama bin Laden.
BCCI defrauded depositors of $ 10 billion in the '80s in what has been
called the "largest bank fraud in world
financial history" by former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau.
During the '80s, BCCI also acted as a main
conduit for laundering money intended for clandestine CIA activities,
ranging from financial support to the Afghan
mujahedin to paying intermediaries in the Iran-Contra affair.
No wonder Bush the Smarter pardoned the Iran-Contra crooks - to keep stuff like this hidden.
"Every day, I'm on my knees. I am praying on
my knees. After losing my son, I want all our babies
to come home. I don't want to see another
soldier join 'military heaven.' I'm going to do everything
I can to see that all our babies come
home as soon as possible."
--Barbara, whose son, 19-year-old Jonathan, died in Iraq, Attribution
Ma'am, it's my opinion forming a get-out-the-vote club for Kerry
would save more lives than getting on your knees and praying.
Subject: Get off the Democrat's back already
Dear Bart:
In a recent issue, you mentioned the four
Republican senators who were forcing Bush's budget to fail,
and saying you wish for the day a headline
had the Democrats doing that for once.
This was a totally cheap shot. They only
hold the balance because the Democrats are unified as possible
with traitors like Zell Miller or John
Breaux, and the rest were unanimous, getting it close enough that the
four GOP senators held the balance.
The Democrats have shown Republican-like
party discipline in both the House and the Senate for quite
a while now, and have toughened noticeably.
In what the conservatives considered a surrender
debacle for Bush, he signed away any interim appointments,
because otherwise, the Democrats threatened
to filibuster all judicial nominees, requiring 60 votes to overcome.
That is hardball, and the conservatives
think Bush got beaned with a fastball.
Soon to be the first woman Speaker of the
House, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi let fly with both barrels.
The senior leadership is speaking out like
that, and not backing down. Kerry called bullshit on the attacks on his
military record, and said he wouldn't take
it from a man who couldn't even show he fulfilled his sworn duty in the
If you noticed, they stopped that line
of attack.
Senior Democrats like Ted Kennedy and Al
Gore are putting very direct accusations out there, getting the GOP
and the corporate media whores to scream
like stuck pigs. (I think my daddy's gone craa-aazy!)
So lighten up a bit on these guys.
They were behind the curve for a long time,
it's true, but now you are.
There are about 260 elected Democrats in Washington.
You've named three who are fighting back, which means
I'm 97 percent right.
Why should the GOP and CNN fight our battles while the mute 97 percent cash their checks?
Hi, I'm
boxing thief Don King, inviting you to
vote for
a thief bigger than me, George W Bush.
"Howell Raines says that a lot of us Democrats
are pining for the exuberant days and clarity
of Bill Clinton's campaign message.
I know I greatly miss Howell's exuberant obsession with
David Bossie's bait shop gossip and
Clinton's manly member and I'm sure he does too.
Yes, it was an innocent time, a time
before people like Raines aided and abetted partisan witch hunts
that led to impeachment for blowjobs,
a time before electoral legitimacy was conferred by cronies
instead of votes, a time before a president
was allowed to walk the streets naked as powerful media
figures like Raines exuberantly described
the three piece suit he wasn't wearing. It was a time before
the country's credibility had been
shattered, the magnificent might of our military and intelligence
strength had been exposed as a paper
tiger and our allies and enemies alike hated us with an
unmatched fervor. In fact, the only
thing that can be compared to that time is the huge job losses
and enormous budget deficits of both
Bush presidencies."
--Digby, "Incandescent With
Horror", Attribution
I can't do it?
F-ing watch me."
Smarty Jones - made the 2-5 early favorite
- is considered the closest thing to a sure thing
that may ever exist in Thoroughbred racing
when he attempts to win Saturday's Belmont Stakes
and join Seattle Slew as the only undefeated
Triple Crown champion.
I would like to be in the Sports Book of the Bellagio Saturday,
standing with hundreds of people
who've put down thousands of dollars each on this great big chunk
of horseracing excitement.
If Smarty's in the lead as they make the final turn, that room will be hotter than a Beyonce concert.
"...and down the stretch they come!"
"There is good news tonight for Chalabi.
It turns out that all along he was
providing accurate, truthful, helpful
information. Unfortunately, it was to Iran."
Stewart, Attribution
Michael Moore!
Don't watch
this trailer,
- it's
just a pack of lies!"
Did Bush's silver spoon cause forked tongue?
A source close to the president's piehole
said that if Bush is forced to confront the forked-tongue issue,
he will claim he injured his tongue last
month when he fell off his bike. However, a bipartisan expert in
political linguistics said it is more likely
the president's condition is caused by the cumulative strain of
playing fast and loose with the truth.
"Even the most adept prevaricator cannot expect
to escape the severe tongue trauma associated with,
say, telling millions of people you knew
Saddam Hussein had weapons and even knew where some
of them were," said Dr. Chad Lickett, an
eye, ear, nose, throat and tongue specialist at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Subject: proving you wrong
Who could?
I certainly couldn't possibly prove you
wrong because I'm too busy reading that fountain of truth Paul Krugman.
I would like to be charitable and so will
assume you haven't read any of the "attacks" on PK
that don't stoop to your brand of personal
attack but rather challenge many of his "facts."
Thanks, After vesting your little website, I have decided to donate the legal maximum ($5,000 isn't it) to either Bush or Nader.
For something different, but sad to say,
requiring intellectual effort, try dealing with facts not the written equivalent
of fart noises.
And please don't bother to reply, I have
garbage filter on my system.
Carl Alan Key, JD, of counsel,
External Legal Consultant,
Schima Walletin Law Firm \
Vienna, Austria
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Civil Engineering, B.S. 1977
University of Miami School of Law (top
10 %; Dean's list), Juris Doctor, cum laude 1988
International and European Law, Duke University
School of Law, Copenhagen, Denmark
McGeorge School of Law, Salzburg, Diploma
of Advanced International Studies 1989
California bar examination 1988
Attorney at law since 1989
Hey, fancy pants legal monkey - I would
enjoy kicking your Aryan ass in a live chat room,
but I suppose you're "too busy" to get
your candy ass straightened out by a guy with an IQ of 64.
Plus, if you're unhappy that dozens of people will read
your certainly drunken and churlish e-mail,
you always have the option to sue me
ha ha
Flashback - from Volume 1071 - Goodbye Buffy
Pentagon missing a trillion dollars
That's "trillion" with a "T,"
I'll bet the BFEE got half of that
A Defense Department study says the Pentagon
couldn't account for more than a trillion dollars
in monies spent. A GAO report found Defense
inventory systems so lax that the U.S.
Army lost track of 56 airplanes, 32 tanks,
and 36 Javelin missile command launch-units.
Oh, they did not!
Rummy had those planes and equipment shipped overseas to Adnon
Khashoggi who sold them to various
up & coming "Hitlers" who each will have to be stopped in
the Middle East wars of 2005 and 2008.
The B.F.E.E. will split that money with Khashoggi who
will kick some back up to the Carlyle Group
which is also owned by Poppy Bush. The Bush bastards are stealing
money from 20 different directions.
Hell, for all we know, this was the real reason for the
war-for-no-reason. The B.F.E.E. wanted to steal a
trillion, so Junior fakes a war and who but the government can
track those hundreds of ships and planes?
This is a continuation of the biggest money grab in history.
"Santorum - that's latin for asshole!"
-- Unknown, but I like it
Second Coming
What if McCain is Bush's VP?
Meanwhile, Bush continues to tank. The
war is bad enough, but his strategy of trying to win by energizing his
right-wing base is beginning to look plain
silly. Kiss-assing the Christian right by condemning abortion, gay marriages,
cloning, and stem cell research, and by
promoting abstinence as sex education, may pacify the base, but it's always
got to get something more it wants. And
Bush's efforts to endear himself with fiscal conservatives by running up
deficits to fight the war while preparing
people to accept cuts in homeland security ($1 billion), education ($1.5
and veterans' affairs ($900 million) have
all the earmarks of a wacko at the helm.
"The religion I know is not one that
encourages killing."
-Dubya, who says anybody against
his Iraqi murder spree in un-American Attribution
A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy Advocacy
and Enemy Construction in International Media
by Cynthia Boaz and Chris Paterson, University of
San Francisco
US press coverage in particular in the
days leading up to war portrayed protest and the arguments against war
as irrelevant or unpatriotic (when it spoke
of these phenomena at all.) However, the arguments against a rush
to war
were given more legitimacy by the rest
of the world, including much of the European press. Although these
paralleled the Franco-German resistance
to war in Iraq, to date there has been no major empirical study on media
output to clearly show whether typical
aspects of war reporting, such as stereotyping or "othering" an enemy,
are less
pronounced amongst media in the predominately
anti-war nations. Likewise, we might expect to find that non-coalition
media would generally present a more sympathetic
view of the Iraqis than would coalition media. Both American
British press have recently been condemned
for their largely jingoistic and unquestioning coverage of the war, and
a lack
of critical reporting on the reasons for
war (most of which has now been exposed as misleading at best, or blatant
fabrications at worst). Senior Los
Angeles Times correspondent Robert Scheer complained at a University of
seminar in March 2004 that "This has been
the most shameful era of American media. The media has been sucker-punched
completely by this administration."
"Who you
calling stupid?"
Last night's 7 card stud game ...failed to materialize.
The computer won't deal unless the table is full, so we went to
the Hold' em tables
and had a really fun and profitable evening. Oddly, today's mail
had several people
asking when we were going to play poker - so it must've been
my faulty messaging.
We'll try again soon.
poker here is a lot of fun. If you have gambling "issues,"
you should avoid partypoker.com because it's a lot
of fun.
Marty's Entertainment Page
the PR - get the facts
by Molly Ivins
CBS News has acquired tapes of Enron employees
boasting about how they were "f-ing over"
California during the late, great "energy
crisis" there.
My favorite segment in these charming conversations
is the dismay at Enron when local utilities try
to get the money back. "They're f-ing taking
all the money back from you guys?" inquires an Enronite.
"All the money you guys stole from those poor
grandmothers in California?"
"Yeah, Grandma Millie, man."
"Yeah, now she wants her f-ing money back for
all the power you've charged right up,
jammed right up her ass for f-ing $250
a megawatt hour."
Grandma Millie. The nerve of her.
Imagine thinking it's wrong to rig a market
and overcharge by billions of dollars.
But hey, no worries at Enron, because George
W. Bush is about to be elected president.
"It'd be great. I'd love to see Ken Lay
secretary of energy."
"When this election comes, Bush will f-ing whack
this s--t, man.
He won't play this price-cap bulls--t."
Subject: Tenet's sudden departure
Perhaps Tenet doesn't want to carry the
can for the next round of "intelligence failures" that are
undoubtedly happening as I write this.
Think about it for a minute---At least two known incidents
involving Israeli nationals and moving
vans (again - see 911 and the dancing Israelis story), Ashcroft's
bizarre and off the wall "terror just a
heartbeat away" speech, increasingly strident references to
unstoppable terror attacks by Bush and
Cheney, elections all upcoming in most Western democracies,
a large number of US carriers putting to
sea, military draft now being spoken about rather openly,
the abject failure of the US in Iraq (if
you measure failure by the many and varied rationales for the affair),
more forceful rhetoric against Iran including
the totally bizarro yet vaguely credible accusations concerning
Chalabi (the Rasputin of the new millenium),
and a still collapsing US economy which had its last imminent
collapse temporarily postponed by the very
fortuitous 911 events.
By any measure of normal government function,
Tenet should have been sacked at least a year ago over
intelligence failings. That he stayed
on suggests he would be a bigger liability to Bush outside of Government
than inside it. Hope he doesn't seriously
think he will actually be allowed to complete his memoirs.
Maybe this is the time for Tom Ridge to dust off the famous Duct tape speech.
Paul B
Paul, add in that M-3 money supply story that started today's
The BFEE is gearing up to make a big profit on whatever's about
to happen.
Bushido: The Way of the Armchair Warrior
Because human beings are prone to illusion,
the sounds and sights of battle - the groans of the wounded,
the maimed bodies of one's comrades - may
remain in the mind for many years, like a cloud that confuses
judgment. Hence, a man who has fought on
the battlefield and has later risen to high office may be fearful
of leading his people to war. Such weakness
does not afflict the armchair warrior, who at all times is firm in his
The armchair warrior does not fear death,
especially not the death of other people.
"I say
bring 'em on..."
Sharpton Joining CGOP As Commentator
Give Al a regular time slot so we know when we can catch
on 30-Year, 15-Year Mortgages Down
That means the economy has turned downward again
Sues Over $129,626 Strip Joint Tab
Getting a lap dance at Scores can be expensive
Cuts Work Force, Lowers Forecast
Even the lonely Maytag repairman is getting the ax
"In a moment of extraordinary and chilling
honesty, Deputy U.S. Atty. Gen. James Comey
explained that Padilla had to be stripped
of his civil liberties because, if he used them (including
his right to remain silent or his right
to a lawyer), he might have been able to win his freedom.
Thus, the government had to keep him
away from lawyers and judges at all costs. Gone was the
pretense of legality or principle.
The Justice Department had finally found its natural moral resting
point: Civil liberties are tolerated
only to the extent that they will not interfere with the government's
actions. Meanwhile, Zacarias Moussaoui,
a foreign citizen accused of terrorism, was presumably
given his rights in federal court because,
given the case against him, the government thought those
rights would do him little good."
--Jonathan Turley,
"You Have Rights -- if Bush Says You Do," Attribution
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"The question regarding Tenet is, which fall is he taking? Is it the:
a) "I screwed up on 9/11" fall?,
b) "I made up that stuff about
WMD" fall?,
c) "I also made up that stuff
about Iraq and Al-Qaida" fall?,
d) "And yeah, that stuff about
the nukes, I made that up, too" fall?,
e) "I shoulda taken a look at
that "State of the Union" thingy" fall?,
f) "Ahmad Chalabi is a bery, bery,
good friend of mine" fall?,
g) "And so is Robert Novak" fall?,
h) "And what ever did happen to
that bin Laden fellow?" fall?,
i) "Um, we could probably get
some better info out of those prisoners if we roughed 'em up a bit" fall?,
j) And don't forget, the
billions for star wars while ignoring homeland security
Time constraints keep us from going
through the entire alphabet."
--Eric Alterman,
Altercation, Attribution
is Barack Obama?
And why is everyone talking about him?
Subject: two boobs, Woodward and BartCop
You make us laugh with your misunderstood
You thought this observation by the biased
and stuffed shirt Bob Woodward was important:
>"The Joint Chiefs' staff had placed a peppermint
at each place. Bush unwrapped his and popped it into his mouth.
> Later he eyed Cohen's mint and flashed a pantomime
query, Do you want that? Cohen signaled no, so Bush reached
> over and took it." Later Bush had others'
This is thought to be important to Bob Woodward?
It is a silly and unimportant observation.
Then you proved your stupidity by saying
"After all these years, stories of Bush's stupidity continue to amaze me."
When does asking for a mint constitute
stupidity, Bart?
As for Woodward, when does a story like
this deserve to be in a book?
I guess the answer is that it is not an
important book.
Tom Wright
Tom, you can pretend you don't understand if you want.
The point is, when the adults in the room were talking about
the future
of America's military, all your monkey could think about was,
I think the president's massive stupidity problems are relevant
to the mess he created by attacking
the wrong country after swearing to bring bin Laden to justice.
Now we have 820 dead soldiers with
no end in sight and no doubt your monkey is busy scouring the
White House for more free candy.
BTW, your Woodward insults remind me of a Pigboy funny.
Pigboy always said Bob Woodward was the best reporter in Washington.
Then Woodward wrote a book
critical of Bill Casey (R-Felon) and Rush said Woodward was a
lying hack and a whore trying to sell books.
Then Woodward wrote a book critical of Clinton and Rush said
Woodward was the best reporter in Washington.
Now Woodward writes a book critical of your monkey and he's back
to being a lying hack and a whore.
You banana eaters can't make up your mind, can you?
ha ha
Banana Fact: Bananas are available all year-round. They are harvested every day of the year.
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Nobody gives you a better deal that that.
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
817 dead American soldiers.
817 families destroyed forever - all for Bush's oil grab.
Soon it will be 900, and then 1000.
Over 800 deaths on Bush's watch
"I'm sometimes in a world of fakery, obfuscation,
political bank shots,
so I'm very mindful of the use of faith
in this process."
--Dubya, mindful
of that candy - you gonna eat that? Attribution
Kobe's Day in Court
Bill Frist suspect in 6 New York murders
They were cut open, drained of their blood
and left on their backs with their legs
pointed outward, exposing internal organs.
They were found on the roof of a two-story
building in Long Island City, with an apartment
on the second floor and a delicatessen below,
said authorities who went to the scene
after receiving a tip from nearby workers.
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to record your message.
"Near the front, the wife wears the face of
death, ash gray, with eyes like bricks, then the son's mother,
faceless, mindless, and robotic--the
face of death, followed by the face beyond death, the face of America
as it pays the heavy price for a bad
idea. But not all of America--the wealthy and the powerful are not
paying the price, nor the cynical and
selfish who never fight a nation's wars. The Bush sisters go on with
their lives, as commerical America
ignores a war that does not cost them money. Yet, the horrible face of
death is particularly prevalent in
the small towns and rural areas of America; 47 percent of all U.S. dead
come from these areas. And in this
small town, both are African-American."
--Stewart Nusbaumer, at a memorial service for another soldier killed in
Iraq, Attribution
For the massacre of innocent
people in Afghanistan, Columbia, Iraq, Phillipines
Complicit in the massacres in
"Palestine" and Chechnya
Muslim racism in the torture
chambers at Gitmo
Raping and pillaging the entire
planet and his insatiable greed.
Caution, he is a deadly and
dangerous bastard
Baghdad Attack Kills 5 More American Soldiers
Five U.S. soldiers were killed and five
wounded on Friday when their vehicles were attacked.
Video showed the burning wreckage of a
Humvee and a plume of smoke rising from the Humvee.
At least three bodies, apparently of U.S.
soldiers, lay on the ground nearby.
About six other American soldiers were
seen loading the bodies onto another Humvee and guarding the site.
I can't believe the news today
I can't close my eyes and make it go away
How long...?
And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me - who has won?
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart
How long...?
I'm so sick of it...
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It had everything.
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One thing?
We play a clip of what I think is the next Emmy winner's performance
and it wouldn't work doing a PG version - so this show has some language.
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If your GOP workplace doesn't want you to
see the truth, use these mirrors.
Shirley Manson of the rock group "Garbage."
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-748-1714
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at The Joint
your next American tour.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of attempts
at humor.