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"It's our allies, the Saudis, that have been
providing help and aid to the suicide bombers in Israel.
That's the story you should
be covering. Why don't you cover that story? Why don't
you cover it?"
--Michael Moore, to
Jake Tapper and ABC Whore News Attribution
The networks won't tell the truth because that would anger Mr. Rove.
Transfers Sovereignty to Puppet Early
Frozen turkey served, Bremer skips town like a thief
in the night
The U.S.-led coalition transferred sovereignty
to an interim Iraqi government Monday,
speeding the move by two days in an apparent
bid to surprise insurgents and prevent them
from trying to sabotage the step toward
self rule.
Legal documents transferring sovereignty
were handed over by U.S. governor L. Paul Bremer
to soon-to-be-the-late chief justice Mahdi
al-Mahmood in a small ceremony attended by about
a half dozen Iraqi and coalition officials
in the heavily guarded Green Zone. Bremer then got on
a plane and got the hell out of there with
his head still on his shoulders.
How proud they must be - a secret transfer of Puppet Power in
the dark of night.
That's when the BFEE does their best work.
"I told
you I was a jenius..."
"If you are going to call yourself a Christian
-- and I don't -- then you have to ask yourself
a fundamental question, and that is:
Whom would Jesus torture? Whom would Jesus drag
around on a dog's leash? How can Christians
tolerate it? It is unconscionable. It has put our
young men and women who are over there,
fighting a war that they should not have been
asked to fight -- it has put them in
greater danger."
--Ron Jr, the good Reagan,
9/11' Tops North American Box Office
about Bush becomes Number One movie in America
"Fahrenheit 9/11," in which Moore takes aim at
America's Butcher and his illegal war
opened at No. 1 after selling about $21.8
million worth of tickets since June 25.
"This is a testament to Michael Moore. His voice
resonates across the country in
what I think we can all now fairly describe
as America's movie," said Tom Ortenberg,
the president of distribution at Lions
Gate (news - web sites) Films, which backed the movie.
He said in a conference call that the film
played strongly in both red and blue states,
drawing sell-out crowds in Republican strongholds
like Fayetteville, N.C., home of Fort Bragg.
it's all lies..."
Arab TV Shows Tape of Marine Held Hostage
An Arab satellite TV network broadcast
a videotape Sunday showing a blindfolded man
in military fatigues and said he was a
U.S. Marine taken hostage in Iraq.
There was no immediate comment from the
U.S. military, but the video showed a card
identifying the man by a Pakistani name
and as an "active duty" Marine. The man had a
trimmed moustache and his eyes were covered
with a white blindfold.
The Al-Jazeera network said the group claimed
it infiltrated a Marine outpost, lured the man
outside and abducted him. The station said
the group demanded the release of all Iraqis
"in occupation jails" or the man would
be killed.
The group identified itself as "Islamic
Response," the security wing of the "1920 Revolution
Brigades" referring to the uprising against
the British after World War I.
This isn't good.
Things could turn really ugly very,
very fast.
If this Marine is killed like the others,
look for Bush to go nuke-u-ler.
If they got this Marine, does it
mean they can get any Marine?
Subject: Hitchens the whore
Chris Hitchens said that Michael Moore was making money off the dead of 9/11.
Even if that was true (which it isn't),
it's a biased statement because of selectivity.
I don't remember Chris Hitchens or anyone
else in the monkey right aghast over
the money Mel Gibson made off the death
of Christ.
What about the Titanic movie?
What about the Alamo movie?
The hypocrisy of the right always goes up when they're circling the wagons.
Thank you for hammering, Bart
Jake Tapper:
Is it not also legitimate to question whether, however, you are doing the
same thing
you're accusing the
U.S. government of doing? You fault Saddam Hussein for being a brutal dictator
back in the '80s
when the United States was allied with Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, yet
when it comes
to the part of the
movie where you discuss going to war in Iraq in 2003, that's not a part
of the movie
you talk about how brutal
Saddam Hussein was.
Michael Moore: Because
people like you and this network and other networks over and over and over
told us that. Look, we
all get it. We all know that. I'm just trying to present another side of
the story.
Why don't you think that's
a good idea to have a filmmaker out there presenting a point of view and
a side
of the story that really
wasn't well represented in our mainstream media?
--Michael Moore with Jake Tapper on ABC
News Live, Attribution
I'm so old, I remember when Jake Tapper was a a non-whore.
Now, it appears his kids will get to go to the same schools as
Alan Colmes, Judas Maximus, Dennis Miler,
Margaret Carlson, Juan Williams, Susan Estrich, Mara Liason and
the others who sold out for cash.
"Jake is
my dawg..."
Marty's Entertainment Page
Assault weapons making a comeback?
Attention, al-Qaida sleeper cells, domestic
terrorists, school shooters, David Koresh wannabes
and bloodthirsty lunatics everywhere: Be
sure to mark Sept. 13 in your day planners because
-- thanks to Bush -- your murderous missions
are about to get a whole lot easier.
You see, that's the day the 10-year-old
federal ban on assault weapons is set to expire, making it
perfectly legal to buy, sell and own a
whole new line of domestically produced rapid-fire killing machines.
There's a difference between gun madness and gun ownership.
More Fahrenheit 9/11 Reviews
This has many spoilers and reactions to the film.
Don't click unless you want the details spelled out.
Some people can't read, like the Monkey president.
But if you can read, you'll find the right books here
and it's all just a click away.
9/11' Tops $8M in First Day
Should make more this weekend than
Columbine did its entire run
Spending Reaches Two-Year High
Bush's recessions eases a little bit, but we're still not
back to zero
Say Peterson Prosecutors Faltering
It would help to have some evidence against a man you want
to kill
"I would like to thank A,erica for standing
with us in our time of need."
- Bush's new Iraq puppet on
CNN Attribution
Hey Dude, guess what?
We didn't "stand by you."
We invaded your country, kidnapped your leader and murdered his
children and stole your oil.
Did they give the Iraq puppet power two days early
to get America's Number One film out of the headlines?
Subject: assault weapons
Sorry Bart, but as a liberal gun owner,
I find the term 'semi-automatic assault weapon' just as offensive as partial
birth abortion.
Both are terms of propaganda invented by
opponents to demonize a hated weapon or hated procedure.
These weapons have been used in some horrific
crimes, but the ban is a feel good measure that makes little real difference.
Please try to think your arguments through.
Banning all private guns is the ultimate
end of "gun controllers"just like banning abortions is the goal of anti-choice
Tom Weston
It's always weird to get mail like this.
As far as I know, I've never used the term,
'semi-automatic assault weapon.'
Why do you think I did?
My gun arguments are damn well thought thru
and I'd be one surprised eskimo if you
could poke a hole in them, but you seem
to not have a clue what my gun positions are.
Who said "all
private guns should be banned?"
Certainly not me and my five guns.
Are you sure you weren't reading some other site and then clicked on bartcop.com?
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"I expressed myself rather forcefully, felt
better after I had done it. I think that a lot of
my colleagues felt that what I had
said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.
Ordinarily I don't express myself in
strong terms, but I thought it was appropriate here."
--Dick Cheney with the
friendly folks at Fox Whore News Attribution
Really? "Go fuck yourself!"
is appropriate?
Is that what Jesus would have said?
The pro-torture Christians will forgive Cheney for this, too,
just as they forgave Smirk for "Fuck
Saddam, we're taking him out."
It's only bad when Bono says it...
They Losing It?
Dragon Lady hates everyone, this time it's Cheney
While Democratic lawmakers delayed final
passage of a defense spending bill so they
could mingle with Michael Moore, the once
sweat-free Bushies were acting jangly.
First Vice chewed out The Times for accurately
reporting that the 9/11 commission said there was
no collaborative relationship between Saddam
and Al Qaeda. Then Wolfowitz called the reporters
risking their lives in Iraq craven rumormongers.
Then came Cheney's F-word. (Not Fox, the other one.)
Finally, Bush got agitated when an Irish
TV interviewer said most of the Irish found the world
more dangerous now than before the Iraq
invasion. "First of all, most of Europe supported the
decision in Iraq," Mr. Bush declared. (It's
all in how you define "Europe.")
"It's a political season right now, where partisan
feelings and emotions have come to the surface itself.
A lot of personal feelings are being
expressed, and that emotion came out by the vice president, and I'll
let the American people judge as to
whether or not it was warranted. I am not going to overly criticize
language that people use to express
--Kitty Killer Bill Frist Attribution
You phoney bastards fined Howard Stern because a
caller said, "nigger,"
but it's OK for Cheney to say the big "F"?
You phoney bastards allow Limbaugh and Weiner to say the filthiest
goddamn things ever,
but if Janet Jackson shows a little titty your phoney heads explode
is disbelief.
I think the old language might have to make a comeback on bartcop.com
Conason interviews Clinton
I thought at the time that we should take
care of [bin laden and Al Qaeda] first.
I thought it was curious -- given who did
9/11 and what the big terrorist threat was
-- that we were sending 150,000 troops
to Iraq and had only between 12,000 and 15,000 in Afghanistan.
"This is the same Zell Miller who said 40 years
ago that LBJ had sold his soul when he signed
the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This
is the same Zell Miller who was elected by the working people
of Georgia - the teachers, the union
members, the farmers and both black and white voters in the state.
I do not understand what he is so angry
about, but apparently he has lost his way."
John Lewis (D-Fighter), angered that Miller will join NaziCon
2004 for the TV cameras
When I take control of the sacless Democratic Party, I will develope
a mechanism to drum out
the worst of the back-stabbing traitors from the party where
they can do less harm.
The Traficants, the Millers, the Breauxs can all put on their
pointy white sheets and
become official Nazi bastards at the beck and call of Karl Rove.
Whore Alert
Monday morning, the whores at CNN and prattling on and on about
how "ecstatically happy"
the average Iraqi in the street is to have his country "back"
from the Americans.
That is such a total lie written by Karl Rove, and repeated on
command by CNN.
Koresh knows what the FOX whores are doing with this lie.
They can't report the news because honesty doesn't sell as much
as a Karl Rove fabrication
and they're all in it for the money and screw what
used to be called "journalistic integrity.".
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Chicago Pokerfest
Here is a list of people who are officially "in" Pokerfest Chicago.
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We added a senior pillar over
the weekend.
"The occupation formally ends Wednesday and
some Iraqis already are wondering
whether the pain and anguish of 14
months of American rule will be remembered
more fondly than Saddam Hussein's brutal
23 years in power."
--Hamza Hendawi, "Many Iraqis See Liberators
As Occupiers" Attribution
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
Not 848,not
851, but
855 dead American soldiers.
Drip, drip, drip - the lives go down the drain - all for Bush's illegal war.
Soon it will be 900, and then 1000.
Lies of Michael Moore
Christopher 'Mother Teresa was a whore" Hitchens
Hitchens lists and numbers six truths, but then fails to refute
Hey Coward, why not list your replies to the six truths
you listed?
If Moore told lies, why can't somneone point them out?
I give you my Nancy Grace guarantee that I could, if I was a
Bush lover,
so why can't anybody on the right make a short, simple list?
The best we get from Hitchens, is crap like this:
A film that bases itself on a big lie and
a big misrepresentation can only sustain itself
by a dizzying succession of smaller falsehoods,
beefed up by wilder and (if possible)
yet more-contradictory claims. President
Bush is accused of taking too many lazy vacations.
(What is that about, by the way?)
So, Hitchens can't recognize the value of coming to work?
If Hitchens had kids, and hired a nanny to protect them, would
he be upset
if the nanny only watched the kids 60 percent of the time?
'Fahrenheit 9/11' can't get better buzz than this
Moore should send gigantic, red-white-and-blue
bouquets of gratitude to every [critic he has].
Thanks to them, "Fahrenheit 9/11" has been
making news for weeks. Marketing teams can only
dream about drumming up this kind of publicity,
which surely helped "Fahrenheit 9/11" become
the No. 1 film of the weekend -- and the
most commercially successful documentary ever.
We saw it happen twice in two days.
The 947 page Clinton book came out, and everyone who didn't read
it said it was the most boring book
of outright lies and sistortions ever written by a paranois,
self-important, delusional, psychopatic serial rapist.
Long before Moore showed his film to anybody, the White House denounced it as "a bunch of lies."
Wouldn't they have more credibility of they waited until they read/saw the work that outraged them so?
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Now that Fahrenheit 9/11 made,
...like, $21.8
can the American whore media still get
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