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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "Apparently the GOP think we really do all
Click for details
"Cheney may not be the most popular political
player, but he's been
one of the best vice presidents in
the history of the country."
--Senator Lindsey Graham, (R-Pig) Attribution
Cheney is certainly the most valuable VP we've had in a
long time,
but that's because we have a president who needs someone to hold
his hand.
Doubts on Informant Deleted in Senate Text
In the classified version of the report,
the officials said, nearly three pages are devoted to questioning
the credibility of the defector, who was
one of four human sources cited last year by Colin Powell in a
speech to the United Nations as having
provided crucial information about Iraq's mobile laboratories.
But in the public version of the report,
released Friday, all but one paragraph in those pages is blacked out.
The defector, known to the CIA as Red
River, failed a polygraph, the American officials said. But they
said crucial information about the source
had been deleted from the report in deference to British intelligence,
which originally relayed the information
provided by the defector to the United States and has maintained
a continuing relationship with him.
First there was "Curve Ball," and now there's "Red River."
Were all of the informants drunk?
We have almost 900 dead soldiers because we trusted Iraqi informants?
"Did they
catch us?"
"People would still like to see Paris Hilton
rather than Paris, France."
--Barbara Walters, claiming
that America is celebrity-obsessed,
ha ha
...but we've already seen Paris Hilton...
Ditka considers Senate run
Illinois GOP looking for a non-perv to run in Ryan's
Even before the sex rumpus, Ryan was trailing
Barack Obama by 20 points in the polls.
"Certainly, you wouldn't have to spend five or
six million dollars for people to get to know his name,"
said Dennis Hastert, who became speaker
because he's the only House member the GOP had who
was free of a sex scandal.
Even this state's Democratic governor said
he would welcome a Ditka candidacy because it would add
spice to the race. "I love Mike Ditka.
He's a straight talking guy who talks from the heart," said Rod Blagojevich.
There are still some hurdles left: Ditka's
wife has said she will divorce him if he throws his hat in the ring,
and he is not apparently even registered
to vote in this state.
ha ha
Too bad - it might've been fun.
Anti-Bush patriots
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We're fighting the fight our elected Democrats are afraid to fight.
Helen Thomas - my hero - fighting Bush almost by herself.
Child porn found at Austrian seminary
A vast cache of child pornography and photos
of young priests having sex has been discovered
at a Roman Catholic seminary, officials
said Monday, leading politicians and church leaders to
demand a criminal probe and the resignation
of the bishop in charge.
As many as 40,000 photos and an undisclosed
number of films, including child pornography,
were found a year ago on computers at the
seminary, the respected news magazine Profil reported.
It published several images purportedly
showing young priests and their instructors kissing and
fondling each other, and said others showed
them engaging in orgies and sex games. The child porn
came mostly from Web sites based in Poland,
the magazine said.
This is not a surprise.
Until the Catholic bishops sign the "Zero
tolerance" policy, they might feel they each get a free shot
Subject: Delayed elections? Not!
Only a State can control elections within
its borders.
The Feds do not control elections.
This is a matter for the Courts and you
know what that means!!
Dave in LA
Dave, I think President Gore might disagree with you about how
power the federal government has over a state's election process
and results.
Some Key Conservatives Uneasy About Bush
is a cakewalk, just as we predicted..."
"'This war is not going well,' said Stefan Halper,
a deputy assistant secretary of state under President Reagan.
"It's costing us a lot of money, isolating us
from our allies and friends," said Halper, who gave $1,000 to Bush's
campaign and more than $83,000 to other
GOP causes in 2000. "This is not the cakewalk the neoconservatives
predicted. We were not greeted with flowers
in the streets."
Conservatives, the backbone of Bush's political
base, are increasingly uneasy about the Iraq conflict and the
steady drumbeat of violence in postwar
Iraq, Halper and some of his fellow Republicans say. The conservatives'
anxiety was fueled by the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse
scandal and has not abated with the transfer of political
power to the interim Iraqi government."
If only we could get the public as concerned about Bush's failures
as the GOP is.
...this BartCop character sounds like trouble.
Gitmo vacation ought to straighten him out..."
"It's been my experience that folks who have
no vices have very few virtues."
-- Abe Lincolm, the last good Republican
Real Enemy Staring Us in the Face
by Bob Herbert, an honest reporter for the NY Whore Times
"I don't know what the administration was thinking
when it invaded Iraq even as the direct threat
from bin Laden and Al Qaeda continued to
stare us in the face. That threat has only intensified.
The war in Iraq consumed personnel and
resources badly needed in the campaign against bin Laden
and his allies. And it has fanned the hatred
of the U.S. among Muslims around the world. Instead of
destroying Al Qaeda, we have played right
into its hands and contributed immeasurably to its support...
We've trained most of our guns on the wrong
foe. The real enemy is sneaking up behind us.
The price to be paid for not recognizing
this could be devastating."
Half the country thinks the Giggling Murderer
is doing a "great job" fighting terrorism
even tho he let guilty bin
Laden go to chase after maybe-guilty Saddam and his oil.
Herbert is right.
While Bush is throwing soldiers and dollars
down the drain in Iraq, his old friend Osama
is planning his next attack against us
- which will mean more votes for Bush - ...I need a drink.
Marty's Entertainment Page
Air America Radio listeners...
We pooled our money and bought a bunch of ads in an attempt to
our readership to grow enough to where we can cause Bush problems.
What's bartcop.com?
It's the strangest mix of goofy and serious you'll ever see.
What's a bartcop?
BartCop is a 50 year old, ADD-riddled, recovering Catholic with
an IQ of 64 who spends far
too much time sipping and comparing fine luxury tequilas while
offering the scared-bunny Democrats
free advice on how to whip the GOP (which they choose not to
follow) and solving the world's problems.
What world problems have you solved?
None yet, because my ideas are so simple, people think
they cannot work.
Here's a list of what we've proposed so far:
A Tax Plan that revives the economy Click Here
An easy fix for campaign finance reform Click Here
we even solved the Middle East Click
We started in February of 1996 as a newsletter sent to a dozen
The newsletter had a slightly different name:
The newsletter list grew and one day in 1996 Marc Perkel asked
if I wanted my own website.
Ever so slowly, we grew big enough that I could quit my important
day job.
(I was an Emergency Room Surgeon and Psychiatrist
to Hollywood's biggest stars.)
Today, July 14th, we placed one of the biggest bets ever
on a slew of Air
America Radio ads.
I like to gamble, but usually it's just nickles & dimes.
This isn't a "normal" issue - for that - check the back pages - we have lots of 'em.
For instance:
Volume 111
was the first time we heard the name Monica
Volume 387 was the first day of the illegal Bush regime
Volume 500
is where Tiger Woods got hit with The BartCop Hex.
In July 2001, Tiger was
totally unstoppable - until we put some BartCop Hex on
his fake-ass mojo.
Now he's just Eldrick the golf-playing wannabe.
Volume 581
began a four-issue series all done on 9-11. I got e-mail from people
who couldn't get
info so I became a reporter and called the day while switching from channel
to channel.
It's certainly not fun, but it's interesting to watch the day unfold.
Volume 786 was a big issue - we threw a party at James Carville's restaurant in Washington DC
Volume 1021 Is about the time Bush started his bloody and illegal war
Subject: Democrats don't want to win
The demo's are a bunch of weenies, being nice is far more important that winning!
It would be nice if that wasn't true.
The GOP fights ...and they fight hard.
The Democrats are content to let Bush and Rove bully them all
Larry Flynt has a new book coming out,
one that tells all about Bush's
Undefeated in debate
We're proud of our status as undefeated in live chat room debates.
We've been on the web since March of 1995, and I can't find anybody
willing to debate.
What are they afraid of?
If their ideas are so right, why can't they be backed up in a
live chat room?
For the last 9 years I've been begging for some
ditto-monkey to meet me in a live chat room
to debate ideas, not personal insults, but nobody is willing
to step forward.
Don't get me wrong - I can fight on any level.
They don't have a level where I can't kick their ass.
...I realize, this sounds like some drunken kid boasting about
but I've been here since 1996 and I'm still waiting for a ditto-monkey
Rush fan to shut me down.
But how does an IQ of 64, Tequila Cowboy from Oklahoma back up his claims?
The reason is simple: We have the facts on our side
- we have charts, we have crafts.
Like when they say "Supply-side voodoo
works better than Clintonomics,"we show them this.
The GOP ran billions in orange deficits.
Clinton produced billions in green surpluses.
They can't argue with the facts so they stay away.
In a fair debate, racism and fascism and religious hatred don't
score so much in a logical debate.
If you have the facts on your side, you have to screw up badly
to lose the debate.
Bottom Line: Bush's fascism can't survive open questions,
so they scare the media.
Besides Helen Thomas, Michael Moore and a few lowly websites,
who's telling the truth these days?
Back to dabate:
When they say "Prove Clinton was better on jobs!" we show them this.
When they say, "Repulicans are better for Wall Street," we show them this.
We don't lose debates because we have the facts on our side.
So what's the problem?
Most Democrats are too damn scared to stand up and
say something.
That's why Fahrenheit was so big - because somebody finally
told the goddamn truth.
Besides Michael Moore and a few web sites - who's fighting back?
That's why we'd like you to read a few days of bartcop.com
and see if our message
is something you might support - and if it is, you might subscribe
is very different from anything you've ever heard before.
"John McCain has now become a useful accomplice
to an accomplished user. It's sad to see it,
but the senator from Arizona who built
his reputation as a straight-talker seems quite content to be
used by the President as a political
weapon...you have to wonder if, as he thunders away about the
President's moral clarity, the morally
unclear neocons aren't just laughing at him behind his back."
--Thomas F. Schaller, "Why is McCain flinching and wavering?"
I agree.
It's sad to see McCain turn whore for a guy who called him a
traitor to Vietnam veterans.
Everybody knows the babes are all Democrats
I don't know these guys, but they f-ing rock.
Dudes, let me give you a free
subscription to
Susan McDougal
shrew-wife differ on Gay Marriage
She: "It's
a state issue!"
He: "They can fuck themselves!"
Isn't it sad for their lesbian daughter?
Reagan to Address Democrat Delegates
Rubbing their nose in it will be a highlight of that week
House proposal to allow more logging
Bush's serial rape of America's environment continues
Single Courts Controversy
The song asks, "Why did Bush knock down the Towers?"
poll shows Kerry smart, Bush a Monkey
People see Bush as rich, arrogant and decisive (but usually
Greg Palast
"Although we have not found stockpiles of WMDs,
we were right to go into Iraq."
--Dubya, who's sticking
to that lie because he's never made a mistake Attribution
Zeroes in on Vietnam Analogy
as seen on consortiumnews.com
The strange "sovereignty" ceremony in Iraq
and George W. Bush's staged reaction
at the NATO summit got the headlines. But
the underlying reality is that the U.S. military
is again stuck propping up a "sovereign"
puppet regime that couldn't survive on its own,
much the same as four decades ago in Vietnam.
They say Iraq isn't another Vietnam because we haven't lost 58,000
soldiers - yet.
When we hit that 58,000 mark a second time, then
they'll agree it's another Vietnam
Great site to check individual Bushco lies,
sortable by the liar OR
by the lie.
VCR Alert
The History Channel is doing Las Vegas.
Here at bartcop.com we enjoy America's playground.
Frequent Flyer miles take us there often.
Las Vegas has two of our favorite things - a wide array of tequila
choices and live poker.
(As you read this, we are flying to Chicago this weekend for BartCop
Pokerfest Chicago.
But tonight's TV highlight is the Travel Channel's presentation
of The World Poker Tour's
Bellagio's Five Diamond World Poker Classic."
We love poker ad nausem here at bartcop.com
Subject: BartCop Radio feedback
Listening to Show 46 and on the abortion
issue, I think the repugs want the poor to have
lots of babies so the next generation of
the super-rich will be sure to have someone to do
the landscaping work, clean the pool, wax
the Maybach etc..
By the way, I think one of the sexiest sounds
on any audio source is Tally taking a sip of
a Tallytini or any other drink. Also, if
she likes Irish whiskey she oughta try Old Bushmill's.
Steve in Seattle
After years of Nazi nonsense books,
we finally have some balance at the bookstores
Now with VHS and DVDs
Subscribe between now and the end of July and get 2-for-1.
What do you get when you subscribe?
First, you get
- which is completely uncensored invective
aimed at the fascist goons who took away our right to have our
votes counted.
You've never heard radio like this before.
We can say any fucking thing we want - and NOBODY can censor us or stop us.
Click Here for a instant-load sample of
For what it's worth, members also get to see tomorrow's page being
That way, they can send in comments to be in that same issue,
which is better than,
"Bart, remember yesterday when you wrote
When you subscribe, send an e-mail with
your friend's e-mail address.
If you're already a subscriber, your friend
can subscribe for just $5
until the end of July.
Click Here to subscribe or snail mail a check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Kurt Vonnegut
Subject: Wolf Blitzer on Jon stewart
You wrote:
> "Tonight? Don't even turn the TV on, unless it's for Wolf the Whore on Jon Stewart."
I watched Wolf on Jon, and I have to say
that he is a huge whore. His apology for the
never-elected monkey for the "mistake"
in the Iraq intelligence was "You never made a mistake?"
I've never heard anything more outrageous.
I wasn't really expecting Jon to be hard on Wolf since
that's not his job, but he did ask Wolf
harder questions than Bush has been asked in the last 4 years.
Love your work. Keep it up.
I agree 100 percent.
I'll have clips in Thursday's BCR
Show 47.
Jon said the White House press reporters were "retarded"
to Wolf's face.
Angel - Prescott Bush
W's grandad paid a fine for helping
Prescott's dreams of riches began to crumble
in the summer of 1942. The New York Tribune had discovered
and written on the Bush-Thyssen connection.
The Tribune hung the moniker of "Hitler's Angel" on Bush.
On October 20, 1942, after investigation
by the US government, Vesting Order 248 was executed.
With that, Prescott Bush lost his power
in the Union Banking Corporation.
But the story, and the audacity, of Prescott
Bush do not end here.
Prescott Bush received $750,000 for his
share of Union Banking Corporation, a princely sum in 1951,
but nothing compared to the millions the
Thyssen family got back. Prescott used some of this Nazi cash
to bankroll his son George Herbert Walker
Bush's first business enterprise and to support his successful bid
for Senate in 1952. The Thyssen's rebuilt
their empire, and today, the Thyssen Group (TBG) is the largest
industrial conglomerate in Germany.
You'll see BFEE mentioned a lot here - this is what it
Dueling Quotes
"In what could be viewed as a desperation attempt
to hold on to the presidency, the Bush administration
is preparing plans to postpone the
November presidential elections by claiming the threat of a terrorist
attack would disupt the process. Sources
within the Department of Homeland Security confirm the agency
is preparing "legal steps" to postpone
the election and can do so at a moments notice when the orders
come from the White House."
--Staff and Wire Reports,
"Bush May Use Terrorism As Excuse to Delay Elections" Attribution
"No one's thinking about postponing the election."
--Kinda Sleazy Rice
Order your CDs today!
These play in your car or laptop - like
Click Here to get 3 BartCop Radio Shows for just $24
Currently shipping shows
44 (The one where Bart sings)
45 (Mercifully, no singing)
46 (Double-disc)
Click Here to send your review of Show 46
Note: To keep
costs managable, we must stream the mono audio at 24K.
But the CDs you get in the mail are 128K hi-fi stereo.
Red Cross Fears U.S. Is Hiding Detainees
"The international Red Cross said Tuesday that
it fears U.S. officials are holding terror suspects secretly
in locations across the world...The United
States says it is cooperating with the organization and has
allowed Red Cross delegates access to thousands
of prisoners, including Saddam. But Notari told The
Associated Press that some suspects reported
as arrested by the FBI on its Web site, or identified in
media reports, are unaccounted for. "Some
of these people who have been reported to be arrested
never showed up in any of the places of
detention run by the U.S. where we visit," Notari said."
Only an outlaw regime would hide prisoners from the Red Cross,
but that's what Bush and his gang of thugs are - so get used
to it.
Subject: Re: Election day worries
I am always interesting in hearing how the 11-March bombings in Spain "influenced" the elections.
The then-Spanish government tried to deceive
everyone about the culprits -- I had always understood
that this angered Spaniards about as much
as the bombing. But then again, if we follow that line, we can't
have our right-wing bib-dribbling that
Europeans are fundamentally weak and elect pacifist governments.
Up to twenty views per penny.
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Service Doesn't Stop the Dying
by Hack
"We refurbished an indoor theater, and then they
decided to charge soldiers for movies."
...the new Iraqi army is being issued 13,500
Glock pistols - one of the finest pistols in the world
armored vests and top-of-the-line submachine
guns. It seems all the things our troops have been
missing and literally dying over are there
for the asking for the Iraqi forces."
"Tell them
to take it like a man..."
Click to Enter
Chicago Pokerfest - July 17 - Saturday
If your name's not on the list, you're not in yet.
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
880, 885, 887
dead American soldiers.
Drip, drip, drip - young lives go down the drain for Bush's illegal
and polls show America favors the giggling murderer over war hero
Soon it will be 900,
and sometime before the election, it will be 1000.
Do you have an opinion?
Do any GOP impressions?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to record your message.
"You can sit there and blame Bush for the bad
intelligence all you want.
He's the man at the top, but you can't
exempt the Senate. Oversight intelligence,
and these guys today act like they
knew nothing when they were in the loop."
--Rush, pretending he
doesn't understand that Cheney & Rummy "sexed up" the intel Attribution
"People were nervous during the recession.
Then we got attacked, and I'm going to
talk a little bit about making America
safer. But we got attacked on September 11th.
It hurt our economy. In other words,
you're in a recession, then we have an attack."
--Dubya, blaming 9-11 for his recession
instead of his tax cuts. Attribution
People might even believe that until they see this.
Speaking of tax cuts...
...and who did they hire with these billions in tax cuts?
Shopping online?
Use this portal
and they'll send
four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2004, bartcop.com
Here for the radio links
If your GOP workplace doesn't want you to
see the truth, use these mirrors.
Shirley Manson of the rock group "Garbage."
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-748-1714
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you in Vegas at The
Joint on your next American tour.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of attempts
at humor.