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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "It's not enemies. It's Americans.
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"Dying for Bush's lies should not be considered
a lofty cause. Bush is still expecting
to be cheered and revered for his courage
in 'making a tough decision.' It is as if the
more Americans who die for Bush's folly,
the more undeniable his greatness becomes."
James Bovard, in his book: The Bush Betrayal
of Iraq Bridge Incident Admitted
Look for Jesus on a cloud - the Republicans are admitting
the truth
Testifying under immunity, three U.S. Army
commanders admitted Friday that soldiers were told
to cover up an incident in which two Iraqi
civilians were forced off a bridge into the Tigris River,
where family members say one of them drowned.
The commanders, however, said they don't
believe anyone died, despite what the family
and prosecutors say.
from 1988...
"During shock and awe, I wondered which of
the megaton bombs Jesus,
our president's personal saviour, would
have personally dropped on the
sleeping families of Baghdad. I wondered,
'Does Jesus understand collateral damage?'"
--Meryl Streep, at a fundraiser for Kerry Attribution
Bush Retreats Into Private, Paranoid World
A sullen Smirk is withdrawing more and
more from aides and senior staff, retreating
into a private, paranoid world where only
the ardent loyalists are welcome.
"Yes, there are concerns," a top Republican political
advisor admitted Wednesday.
"The Bush we see today is not the same, gregarious,
back-slapping President of old.
He's moody, distrustful and withdrawn.".
Maybe he's depressed about America being
hated all around the globe.
Maybe he's depressed because he thinks
Kerry's going kick his ass.
Mostly, I'll bet he's depressed because
he's going to be a one-termer
like his failed, traitorous-to-America
"Clearly the job of president is over Bush's
He has proven himself to be dangerously
Bush's reelection depends entirely
on willful ignorance.
He might well ride the sea of ignorance
right back into
the White House. It would not be the
first time Americans
have chosen the demagogue over the
--Charley Reese,
9/11 "Devastating" on Military Morale
Movie depresses soldiers, says one
deployed overseas
"Specialist Janecek, who is feeling depressed
because a close family member is nearing the end of her life,
just saw the film today. I saw him in the
DFAC. He is devastated. 'I feel shitty, ashamed, like this was all a lie.'
Not only is he looking at going straight
to a funeral when he returns home, but now whatever pride he felt for
serving here has been crushed by Moore's
film. Specialist Everett earlier after seeing the film:
"You'll be mad at shit for ever having come here.'
And there are others. Mostly the comments are absolute shock
at the close connections Moore makes between
the Bush family and the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia.
"Bush looks really really REALLY corrupt in this
film. I just don't know what to think anymore,' is a common
comment to hear. Some of these soldiers
are darn right ashamed tonight to be American soldiers, to have been
apart of this whole mission in Iraq, and
are angry over all that Moore has presented in his film."
Subject: Tom's Pokerfest summary
I think this is the last of these.
Wealthy imagination topples destructive government
I think radio and television should be
Public Property and managed by local interests
for their education and enrichment, Not
for Corporate Profits and criminal propaganda.
I think the energy and power production
facilities that robbed California should be seized by the
state until repaid, and managed by the
state for benefit of the people not the Profit of the Corporations.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"He's been a world-class polarizer. I don't
know if I can stomach four more years
with him as president. He misled us
into the war in Iraq and has mismanaged everything
since. I just have a gut feeling that
Kerry can be trusted to make the right courageous
decisions and will make a good president.
He showed that with his heroism in Vietnam."
--Ohio Republican Bob Stewart
Subject: RE: You disappoint me
Christian, you didn't deserve as much wrath
as I laid on you
but just please just don't let them throw
Koresh, where to start?
Christian is my former Chief O' Staff.
She retired to become a senior bartcop.com
Let's not assume your comments were directed
at her.
Screw 'em. They will make anything
out of anything and everything.
You know if there weren't "silly" photo
they would make one up or tell lies.
You know that.
Hey I can handle any f-ing thing the hard
right throws at me,
but when one of my own attacks, I feel
like I'm in a straight-jacket.
And you know they have an awesome message
machine to spread the mockery and the insults.
The only way to stop it is to neutralize
them. You tell them to go screw them selves.
What you don't do is scold John Kerry for
wearing a beekeeper suit or a tutu or whatever the f. that stupid thing
Kerry made a major, potentially history-changing
My advising him not to make
that same boneheaded, shit-for-brains mistake again is a PLUS.
We're on the same side, that's why I'm asking for fewer personal insults.
"I always voted Republican before but I'm against
Bush ever since
I found out that he doesn't love this
country. His so-called military
record is a sham. And the worst part
is that he lies so much. He lied
about weapons of mass destruction."
--Ron King, a black
Republican and Vietnam Veteran, Attribution
Lies Catch Up to Missing Woman's Husband
As the search for Lori Hacking enters a
third week without a trace of her, her friends and
co-workers are recalling moments when they
believe she discovered her husband's propensity for lying.
He got his wife to pack up and move to North
Carolina so he could attend medical school - where, it turns out, he wasn't
He kept textbooks spread open around his
apartment, but in fact, he had dropped out of college.
Mark Hacking reported his wife missing on
July 19. The next day, he was taken to a psychiatric ward
after he was seen running around at night
naked in sandals outside a motel where he'd taken a room.
This guy is certified guilty/crazy.
Have yo heard the details of this story?
Just today, the whore media reported that Guiltyboy told her family
something that made them call of their search.
What can that mean?
He shredded her body and threw the mulch into a river or ocean?
What could a husband tell his wife's family that would make them
end the search for her body?
Subject: Kerry's October Surprise
Hey Bart
Remember the brouhaha in the spring about
the European heads of state
who quietly told Kerry they were
ready to support him over Bush?
And how Cheney demanded to know their names?
My theory is that Kerry's October surprise
is that these heads of state are
going to announce they will commit many
tens of thousands of troops to form
a new coalition to relieve our troops in
Iraq, if and when Kerry and ONLY Kerry is elected.
No draft.
President Kerry (may as well start
getting used to it!) has been making some
pretty heavy promises lately involving
coalition-building. I think he has this in the bag. .
The Phantom
Michael Moore on Bill Maher's HBO Show
It was great - clips on BCR Show 49, but catch it yourself:
Monday, 2 1:00 AM Real Time with Bill Maher 300 HBOw
Monday, 2 8:00 PM Real Time with Bill Maher 301 HBO2w
Tuesday, 3 9:00 PM Real Time with Bill Maher 306 HBOe
Wednesday, 4 12:00 AM Real Time with Bill Maher 300 HBOw
Wednesday, 4 8:30 PM Real Time with Bill Maher 306 HBOe
Wednesday, 4 11:30 PM Real Time with Bill Maher 300 HBOw
Thanks to Al B
Makes Surprise Visit to Baghdad
It had to be a surprise because things
are so unstable there
alive, well in southern Oklahoma
It could be a giant cock-fighter making those prints
Limbaugh in Night School
Why is the vulgar Pigboy dating a Weather Underground fugitive?
Royals Dispute 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
What would you expect from Bush's partners?
values sex criminals
Over the past several decades we Democrats
have had to get used to repeated accusations
that we are immoral and evil and responsible
for everything bad in the world -- the Clinton
impeachment was the culmination of this.
I think that it's time to turn the guns around.
not all having sex..."
Subject: Have you noticed?
Bush has yet to name a Supreme Court Justice.
It just suddenly occurred to me like a
"moment of clarity" (or something...)
Since Bush was appointed the office of POTUS,
not a single member of the Supreme Court has retired.
We all know that Clarence & Antonin
aren't going anywhere anytime soon...but what about Rhenquist,
Souter, Stevens, et al. Who are really
"getting up there in years" ?
In fact, I seem to recall a Washington Post
article in 2001 saying that Sandra Day O'Conner was so
fed up with partisan bickering, that she
was going to resign soon herself. Apparently that hasn't come to
Rhenquist is 80. Stevens is 84.
Have the Justices become so afraid of who
Bush might appoint in their place to hold off on their retirement?
Is this some sort of way for them to atone
for their bone-headed 5-4 Bush v. Gore fiasco?
A Rose
It could the the liberals are staying on to fight Bush world fascist
takeover and the crooks are staying
to be sure the BFEE doesn't have to worry about the courts stopping
Bush's murdering madness.
VCR Alert
Christopher Columbus' Secrets from the Grave - Sunday n ight on Discovery Channel
Was Columbus even Italian?
Paulie and Silvio will be very pissed.
Robbie Knievel's jump at the
USS Intrepid was heart-stopping
Subject: BCR Show 48 one of my favorites
I listen 'cause I like Okie speak and you
crack me up regularly.
That's what I like, some serious mockage
delivered by an expert.
Sure wish I could help you in your quest
to improve, but I dunno...
I ordered that wet dream Shirly Manson's
album - the one that took root in your brain.
R. Vogt, Seattle
Those Shirley albums get in your head and take over.
Up to twenty views per penny.
Nobody gives you a better deal that that.
"I think people got spoiled by prosperity under
Bill Clinton.
So they voted for Bush. Many of them
are the younger ones
who lost their jobs under Bush."
--Wesley Wells, regional labor
council, Attribution
With Clinton & Monica, it was "The flag is falling," if we didn't get every detail.
With Bush and the bin Ladens and 9-11 and four thousand dead,
"What good would it do to look backwards and
assign blame?"
If you ask the American media, oral sex is worse than 4,000 dead.
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Hunting of the President
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
Want Their Own Network
TBTM organizes a movement at DemoCon 2004
Stinson said he wants the best progressive
journalists and online publishers to join the New Media,
the name he uses for the planned network.
Editorial standards at the network will be high, he said.
"This is about the issues. This is for real," said Stinson.
Stinson is meeting next week in New York
with other New Media planners, including Greg Palast,
a reporter for BBC TV and The Guardian.
There, the group will begin reaching out to investors.
is different.
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"You know something; I'm voting for Bush, I
just made up my mind.
--Michael Savage, (R-Weiner)
about sitting on the fence until now Attribution
"I love getting a piece of wax..."
Mikey, why do you molest wax statues?
Can't you find a real woman to have sex with?
men ordered to pay prison room & board
After 18 years in the slammer, innocent
men told to shell out the bucks
Two men wrongly jailed for the murder of
the newspaper boy Carl Bridgewater were ordered
yesterday to pay "board and lodgings" for
the 18 years they were in prison. In a ruling condemned
as "sick" by prison campaigners, the Court
of Appeal agreed with a Home Office-appointed assessor
that the cousins Michael and Vincent Hickey
should lose a quarter of loss-of-earnings compensation
for their free food and accommodation inside.
The verdict means the Hickeys, victims of
one of the worst miscarriages of justice in post-war Britain,
will lose £60,000 each, about £60
for each week they were locked up.
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
912 dead American soldiers.
Drip, drip, drip - young lives go down the drain
Beats the shit out of me, Lieutenant
On July 13, I went into the Tucson Federal
Credit Union main location in Tucson, Arizona
where I have been a member for thirty-four
years. While standing at a counter filling out paperwork,
I was approached by an employee with a
cardboard poster, which she displayed to me, with a quiet
verbal request to remove my sunglasses.
The poster had two generic FBIish faces
side by side. One face wore glasses, the other a cap.
They both had superimposed on them the
universal prohibition indicator of a red circle bisected by an angled red
I complied with her request and did not
question her because it happened so quickly and because she seemed to want
to make it a very brief low key interaction.
When I left, I found myself wondering from where this new stripping of
individuals' rights in the name of getting
clearer images of bank robbers had come. I Googled "cap
sunglasses bank"
and learned that this is happening all
over the place.
From: mac2042@bellsouth.net.
Subject: liberals on TV
maybe there would be more liberal TV shows
on the air if they
would quit spending there money on bullshit
like welfare and feeding children in africa...
Yeah, feeding starving children is such
a waste of time and money.
After all, the super-rich oil men need
another tax cut, right?.
you have plenty of voices anyways, rosie
o donald is one of them,
god she is one ignorant fat bitch
You hit that nail on the head, but Rosie
professed her hatred for Clinton, "He disgusts
and her undying love for the never-elected
giggling murderer, so she's your problem.
and im not saying im conservative, i dont
like them fuckers either,
but i hate your whiney asses most of all...
No, if you think feeding starving kids is
a waste of money - you are a conservative.
Enjoy your eternity in Hell.
What it
looks like in Iraq if you're
a truck for Halliburton.
The Manchurian Candidate
Great movie, I think everyone will like
We just watched the original, and they
updated the story well.
One review I read asked,
"Since the original was set in Korea/China (Manchuria)
how can they work 'Manchurian' into
the 91-92 Gulf War?"
Note: The movie reads like an issue
of bartcop.com
This isn't really a spoiler, but if you're
extra-sensitive to spoilers, scroll past.
Turns out the bad guys work for Manchurian
Global, which is The Carlyle Group,
Halliburton and the BFEE all rolled into
one let's-hate-them Evil Empire. In the movie, they
describe Manchurian Global as a
global entity composed of former US Presidents, (Bush)
former Prime Ministers (John Major) various
Middle Eastern arms dealers (Adnan Khashoggi)
who are working together with a private
army to take over the world.
Great movie, I highly recommend you spend the money to see it.
Other movie stuff
Also, if you saw M. Shangalanga Ding Dong's
The Village this weekend, please e-mail me the
surprise ending which I will not publish.
I'm not going to give that fraud a single nickel of my money.
I consider him to be a fake director and
I refuse to be held "in suspense" for his fake, horseshit
the crappy trick ending to The Village is...
Have you been watching those creepy Exorcist:
The Beginning previews?
remember, if you're Catholic, you have to believe the Devil can
possess you or you're not for real.
Batman Begins has a preview for their Summer 2005 release.
I saw about 15 minutes of Eyes
Wide Shut on HBO last night.
You know the pool table scene where Mr Can't Act talks to Sidney
That's the worst acting I've ever seen from Cruise - even worse
than "I want the troot!"
I understand Nicole Kidman is totally nude in that film - yet
I can't watch it.
But to be fair, and what is bartcop.com if not fair
- that new movie Collateral?
I thin Mr Can't Act looks great with some gray hair. At least
I don't see him standing there in his
underwear dancing and singing to Bob Seeger when he's sporting
that gray hair.
Do you have an opinion?
Call the
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"What pushed me over the edge? Name a topic.
Everything pushed me over the edge!
The quiet dismantling of environmental
regulations. The phoniness of No Child Left Behind.
Everybody should be getting up and
making a big fat noise."
--Meryl Streep,
When will the rapes stop?
When will the tortures stop?
When will the looting stop?
When will the murders stop?
When will the invasions stop?
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Part 1 of Show 48
33 minutes of rambling
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Part 2 of Show 48
27 minutes of rants & stuff
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Part 3 of Show 48
26 minutes of screaming nonsense
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Part 4 of Show 48
21 minutes of this n that
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Shirley Manson of the rock group "Garbage."
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