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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "I deeply resent Hillary's willingness to go
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To that end the newsmedia who has called Ben Vanderford and interviewed him have been changing his story to suit their spin on the issue. But unlike them - I (Marc Perkel - Computer Tyme Hosting) am a real journalist and I have provided them web space to tell their side of the story unedited. That way the real story can come out.
As of this moment the FBI is trying hard to find something they can charge these kids with to save the press the embarrasment of having screwed up the original story. You see - if they can persecute them - then that take attention off their own coverups, their stupidity, and that the media is just a puppet of the Bush administration. At least - this is my spin about what is going on with this story.
As of right now - this is the only link on the internet to their side of the story and as an advocate of free speech I have decided to give them a voice. I got a call early this morning after they got booted off of their previous host and I decided to give them a voice. They have given me the go ahead so it is now up there. And it will remain the official unedited voice of what it is they have to say.
One of the reasons I am doing this is because I have myself been a critic of the original Nick Berg Video which was heavilly edited and raised more questions than it resolved. In the Nick Berg video the man who is killing berg - al-Zarqawi - has two legs where the real al-Zarqawi only has one. The video appears to have been filmed at Abu Ghraib Prison and Berg - who was in American custody is still wearing an American orange uniform. Aparently others had suspected fakery and were curious enough to experiment on how to fake a beheading. These kids produced a video - obviously not intended to actually decieve anyone - because it was the beheading of the producer of the film who was never a captive - and who's name and address appear in the film.
Had Associated Press done ANY research at all they would have know it was fake. Here's a link to the Original video. Can you believe they fell for this?
"The American people know this president speaks
with clarity and
conviction, and the terrorists know
by his actions he means it."
-- Scott McClellan, trying to explain
away Bush's comment that he
is forever thinking
up ways of harming the US and its people,
Backs Off Attack on Kerry's War Record
Nazi right forced to eat some of their
ugly lies
John Kerry's commanding officer in Vietnam
has backed away from attacks on him,
saying he made a mistake in accusing Kerry
of having lied about his wartime record.
George Elliott, (Tool of the Right) had
signed an affidavit suggesting Kerry did not deserve the Silver Star.
In the document, Elliott said, "I was never
informed that he had simply shot a wounded, fleeing Viet Cong in the back."
But in Friday's Boston Globe, Elliott said:
"It was a terrible mistake probably for me to sign the affidavit
with those words. I'm the one in trouble
here." Elliott told the newspaper he thinks Kerry did deserve
the medal.
"I still don't think he (Kerry) shot the
guy in the back," Elliott is quoted as saying in the Globe.
He's not sorry.
He didn't "make a mistake."
He got caught lying and America was outraged that Bush would
stoop this low!
Because their little ambush failed to work (that's in part to
McCain) they had to fold:
"We have not and we will not question
Sen. Kerry's service in Vietnam,"
said White House spokesman/whore, Scott McClellan.
...at this point, I think this is Kerry's
race to lose,
unless he climbs into another
monkey suit for the cameras.
If everything stays equal between now and November (it won't)
Kerry will win. But I see the
Lil' Cowboy on the run, with his low blows and fake terror alerts.
He keeps promising that things
are getting better when they're not and America now seems to
see what we saw back in 1999.
''We have not and we will not question Senator
Kerry's service in Vietnam."
--White House liar Scott McClellan
responding to McCain's call for Dubya to
disassociate himself
from the ''dishonest and dishonorable" attack on Kerry,
Translation: We asked the Wiley Brothers Oil Company
in Texas to produce that ad
so a bullshit artist like McLellan could say we had "nothing to do with
Says Intelligence Led Iraq Abuse
Since Tenet is gone, let's blame everything on him
The account by Ken Davis, a former sergeant
in the 372nd MP Company, conflicts with
testimony soldiers gave this week at the
Lynndie England hearing, one of seven members
of the 372nd charged with abusing detainees.
Davis said he found the soldier talking
with Spc. Charles Graner, one of the reservists charged with abuse.
Davis said he watched Spc. Armin Cruz and
Spc. Krol handcuff two naked male detainees to the bars of two facing cells.
Davis said Cruz and Krol then handcuffed
the naked men together face-to-face, forcing them to embrace while demanding
that they confess to raping a boy in the
prison. He said Cruz asked him sarcastically, "Do you think we crossed
the line?"
Davis said he replied, "I'm not sure you
are MI."
He said Cruz told him the men were being
interrogated and said, "We know what we are doing."
Sounds like
they were following orders from above.
Rummy and the Governor wanted those men broken - whatever it
Will the grunts have to pay for Smirk & Rummy's excesses?
Subhect: Kerry in KC
Sam and Bart,
I thought I would share this picture that
my husband took at the Kerry/Edwards rally last night in Kansas City.
We took our 9 year old son and 5 year old
daughter and drove 100 miles so we could see the candidates!
The weather was great, the crowd was huge,
and everyone was really pumped up. It was so cool to be surrounded
by so many Dems! The Kansas City
Star newspaper estimated there were 20,000 people attending!
Of course, there were a few obnoxious Freepers
there, waiving their posters and blasting a trumpet,
but they were far, far outnumbered!
Thanks for your web site Bart.
It's a refreshing oasis of liberalism and
common sense.
Mel in MO
"Those questioning Kerry's medals are angry
about John speaking out against the Vietnam war."
Rassmann, who was pulled out of the water by Kerry under fire,
Boat Veterans for Truth Start to Sink
"I didn't call it then, but I'll call
it now. Bullshit!"
John O'Neill, the author of the soon to
be released book that attacks Kerry's Vietnam service,
never even served on a swift boat at the
same time as John Kerry. Kerry was back home in the
United States by the time O'Neill took
command of his first unit! O'Neill did not even know John
Kerry until he was tapped by Richard Nixon.
Huh, what was that? Yes, this story gets even more interesting.
Won't Play 'Raghead' Song in Dearborn, MI
Racist scumbag changes songlist for
heavily-Arab Dearborn
The song begins: "This ain't no rag, it's a flag
and we don't wear it on our heads.
It's a symbol of the land where the good
guys live. Are you listening to what I said?"
"Ragheads" is a derogatory term for Arabs, Muslims and others who wear turbans or cover their heads.
Dixie flag-loving, racist, backwards-thinking,
Bush-loving, Confederate-leaning, negro-hating bastard
Charlie Daniels couldn't help himself when
he wrote this Yahoo-charming, screw-the-sand-negroes anthem.
Charlie, do you still sing, "Be
kind to niggers week, be careful what you speak?"
on your tour bus?
You should sing that instead of the 'Rahgead' song in Michigan,
don't you think? Republicans will love you
even more if you have the courage to speak the way you really
feel, you Dixie-whistling turd burglar.
Subject: Keeping us safe from terror?
Hi Bart,
I have recently been watching a great deal
of news on the cable and major networks.
Yes, I admit to having a bit of a masochistic
personality. However beyond that I am trying to
comprehend how anyone could still support
this administration. It's a little easier to understand
seeing the only thing most Americans are
Although there are so very many lies being
perpetuated one point that I have been waiting and
waiting to hear someone, anyone on one
of these programs bring up is the fact that it was Bush
that fought so strongly AGAINST the formation
of the 9/11 Commission and then followed that up
by trying his best to keep Condi, Cheney
and himself from testifying. Well, I finally heard someone
bring that point up just a couple nights
ago and guess who I heard do it - Jon Stewart, that "fake" news guy.
It seems to me that if these "democrats"
would bombard the airwaves with these FACTS as much as
the other side keeps calling Kerry a flip-flopper
it would pretty much end the argument that Bush is the
tough one on terror. Am I missing something?
The guy that has fought so hard to stop people from
trying to get to the bottom of what happened
is the one that is making us safe??????
So although I painfully sit through these
shows I thank the gods that I have reliable sources to go to
so I can get the real news. The two I rely
on are The Daily Show and of course Bartcop.com.
Thank you for the truth and finding a way
to make me laugh through this madness. I'm not usually
a shot kind of girl but I've decided I'm
buying a bottle of Chinaco Anejo and on November 2
I'm drinking a toast to you and Mrs. Bart,
Jon and victory.
You make my day!
BP, thanks.
But don't do shots of Chinaco (and be sure to get
the Anejo)
Just pour a shot and sip it reeeeeeeeeeeal slow.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"The president's Texas allies -- whose animus
against his Democratic challenger dates back
to the Nixon era -- are now deploying
the same techniques and personnel they used to attack
McCain's integrity four years ago.
Bush's "independent" supporters would apparently rather
talk about the Vietnam quagmire than
about his deadly incompetence in Iraq."
Conason, Attribution
Subject: Another side of the News
US Senator Mark Dayton (D-MN) charges that
if the timeline of air defense response
as promoted in the Kean Commission's best-selling
book is correct, then the timeline
presented repeatedly by NORAD during the
last two years was completely wrong.
Yet now no one at NORAD is willing to comment
on their own timeline!
We have localized heightened terror alerts
based on information a couple years old.
The UN criticizes the US and Britain for
using the threat of terrorism to sow fear.
Bush defends the Iraq War...again, and
Kerry has an exit plan.
Many thanks to BartCop.com for publishing this email with the link from Entertainment!
Tune in to "Another Side of the News" with
Paul Berenson, Saturdays 9am-10am PST
on KCSB-FM 91.9 or listen on our webcast
Shout out to Pauline and Mike the Dog
Putting together pieces of the puzzle, apparently there's a Mecon
Fountain in Houston,
posssibly located near the Enron Building where the pro-Bush,
pro-war Texans
gather and "rally," ...for ...whatever good ...that does for
the troops in Iraq.
Well, some pranksters put laundry detergent in their precious war fountain.
ha ha
Their precious war fountain needed to be washed out with soap.
"All of you are soldiers in the army of compassion.
I call upon our citizens
to love your neighbor just like you'd
like to be loved yourself. ."
who loved the innocent citizens of Iraq so much
he dropped the mother of all bombs on them Attribution
for White
Stories from what the GOP calls, "the good old days"
He asked me, "What can you [do for a living?]"
So, I told him what I can bake.
I said, "Now there's one problem: I bake
with a recipe. I don't try and remember what goes in my products.
I don't know today what I put in a cake
that I baked yesterday." "Oh, that's fine, that's fine! Because, we have
our own recipes! And, you better not be
caught using some other recipes! You use that!"
They had everything chalked down to the
hundredth of a penny, how much it costs. He says, "That's fine, that's
We can give each other a try; I don't know
if you're gonna work out, you don't know if you're going to like it.
But, you can try it. There's only one other
thing before we come to an agreement." I said, "What's that?"
He says, "How do you feel about baking around
colored people?"
I didn't raise my eyes or nothing.
I just said, "Doesn't bother me at all!"
ha ha
I don't know how, because I was sent from
the colored section, but they thought I was white.
So, I went in as a white baker in a kitchen
full of black people
"I can
always tell a darkie when I see one..."
Can you find Bush's friend Sparky in this picture?
Subject: Just saw F 9-11
Dear Bart,
I finally saved up enough of my unemployment
check to go see Fahrenheit 9/11 and I just don't
see what all the "Hub-Bub" is about. The
corporate media whores in concert with their task-masters,
the BFEE just continue to lie and lie.
All Michael Moore did was add a few additional BFEE facts
(that I never heard) to this unholy war for oil
and power.
John, readers of bartcop.com, buzzflash,
Altercation etc knew most of 9-11 before it came out.
But the masses didn't have a clue how much
Bush is in bed with his Saudi masters
Hey, I have an idea...
Lets make Fahrenheit 9/11 required viewing
BEFORE allowing anyone to vote in this election.
Let the people decide if they want to re-select
this former coke snorting, whore [visiting,]
Jim Beam swilling, murder-monkey.
Keep hammering away!
Mayer, AZ
Do the voters or the corporations need the security blanket?
by my good friend Alan Bisbort
Big Tim Russert, the wide-faced Sunday-morning
spewer of political incredulity, has found
a sound bite he likes. As we all know,
when TV pundits find sound bites they like, they chew
on them like cuds. Big Tim's sound bite
du jour is "Americans need a comfort level with John Kerry."
Rather than saying anything about Kerry,
this bite says loads about Big Tim and the corporate propaganda
machine for which he stands. It should
also prompt a response from any self-respecting American voter,
like "Get your thumb out of your ass, Russert,
and talk to us like we're grown-ups."
Let's turn this around for a minute. Why
is it up to Kerry to prove himself "comfort"-worthy to assume our
nation's highest office? Twenty-one years
of service in the U.S. Senate is not sufficient? Medals earned for
bravery in combat not enough? Years of
work as a no-nonsense prosecuting attorney don't count for anything?
Why, then, does it come down to something
that can't be defined -- comfort level -- but is reported as if it were
hard news by a reporter who inexplicably
commands respect in America?
Subject Kerry and the Silver Star
This was a war not the gunfight at the ok
the object is to stay alive and keep your
friends alive, not play fair.
Shooting from any angle is acceptable.
Only a douche bag idiot
who had never heard a shot fired in anger,
or lying scum would say otherwise.
I served in vietnam as a marine, and if
I recall, and I do, we were taught to just win baby.
Michael R
Mike, the lie they made up could just as easily have been, "Kerry
had a chance to kill the sniper,
but because he's a yellow, liberal dove,
he wasn't able to do his duty which was to kill the enemy."
Shot of Chinaco for Mike's military service
Get Your War On, (c) 2004 by David Rees. Used with permission
Militants Killed in Najaf, U.S. Says
Sounds like Vietnam - we lost boys,
but they lost more, so like it
al-Qaida Suspect Arrested in UAE
How many of these guys do they have on ice, waiting to be
trotted out?
Nixon Mulled Vietnam Exit in 1972
Why bother to save the thousands who died in 72, 73, 74 and
not in Top 20 at The International
Either he's still looking for his ball or he's not in this
Kerry visits Hannibal, MO
Kerry visits Missouri, one of the country's
important battlegrounds for the November elections.
Kerry hopes his message of restoring mainstream
values will hit close to home on Main Street USA.
Kerry rolled into Hannibal tied with Bush.
He hopes to leave with the momentum of
the Mississippi River at his back.
"You don't
name a town after a man who eats people..."
Subject: don't bash Nader
why vote for someone who agrees the same
way on every subject as you
after all he doesnt have a good enough
of a chance to win, but the democrat (who acts like a republican) does.
why vote for whats right
we wanna win, win, win!
and you blame nader for giving us bush well
i blame the democrats for being bush.
if nader was president he'd represent the
bottom 90 percent.
no contemporary democrat ever will represent
the bottom 90 percent.
sure there better that the neo-nazi republicans,
but there rich and there look out
for the people who contribute to there
campains. so if you endorse the democrat
whos nominated just because hes not bush
thats ok. president bush is a horrible president.
but why bash nader.
hes the only canidate that will get real
CH, Nader will always be "a candidate" because
he'll never win an election.
By giving him your vote, you're helping
If you like Bush, just stand up like a man
and say so, but don't lie to yourself
and pretend that you're voting for Nader
because you want real change..
Giving Bush another 4 years won't change
anything ...except America from bad to worse.
"I love
Unka Ralph!!"
Up to twenty views per penny.
Nobody gives you a better deal that that.
Subject: Re: Bush forced to defend terror threat
I don't know what the Washington terror
threat deal is about, unless it's to intimidate
Dem lawmakers somehow, but the Big Apple
lockdown fits in with Rove's plans to keep the
500,000+ anti-Bush demonstrators expected
well away from Madison Square Garden, and the
media, during the GOP convention later
this month.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Will it work, or will angry New Yorkers
demand their town back before the end of August?
I think Herr Karl has stepped in it again,
just like the 'Mission Accomplished' photo-op last year.
With his recent track record of PR foul-ups,
der Puppet Master has turned from Bush brain to Bush drain.
Keep 'em flying,
RSJ, to imtimidate a Dem lawmaker, you just say "Boo."
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Hunting of the President
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
Singer Rick James Dies in Los Angeles
Crack cocaine felon died of - get this - natural causes
Funk legend Rick James, best known for
the 1981 hit "Super Freak," died Friday,
apparently of natural causes, police said.
James died at 9:45 a.m. at a residence near
Universal City, said Police Department
spokeswoman Esther Reyes.
I think Rick James was bext known for tying up a young woman,
forcing her to
smoke crack and perform sex acts, then burning her with the hot
crack pipe.
"He's Rick
James and he's dead, bitch!"
Subject: countering swiftboat lies
Hi Bart,
Heres a possible counter to the Swift
Boat Veterans ad:
Female voice #1(somberly): I partied with George Bush.
Female voice #2 (somberly): I partied with George Bush.
Female voice #3 (somberly): I partied with George Bush.
Female voice #1(thoughtfully): George Bush wasnot a very bright guy.
Female voice (derisive laughter) #2: No, he wasnt. And he was incredibly obnoxious, remember?
Female voice #3 (emphatically): Oh, yes, very obnoxious, especially when he was drunk
Female voices#1, #2, & #3 (knowingly, in unison): Which was all the time!(group laughter)
Female voice #1(thoughtfully): I dont think hes changed much. Do you?
Female voices #2 & #3(somberly):
NoNo, I dont.
(This message was brought to you by The Ambitious Secretaries For Truth.)
Keep up the good work,
is different.
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*Air America Radio - Beating Rush Limbaugh in NYC 3 to 1
*Heck, beating WABC - & beating him in Seattle Washington
*More Internet radio listeners than Fox News TV worldwide!
*Air America's kickin' conservative media's
ass, *& they know it*!
-- Bound Liberal posted that
in the "spoken word' newsgroup
Public Letter to 9/11 Commission from FBI Whistleblower
"After the terrorist attacks of September 11
we, the translators at the FBI's largest and most important
translation unit, were told to slow down,
even stop, translation of critical information related to terrorist
activities so that the FBI could present
the United States Congress with a record of 'extensive backlog
of untranslated documents', and justify
its request for budget and staff increases. While FBI agents from
various field offices were desperately
seeking leads and suspects, and completely depending on FBI HQ
and its language units to provide them
with needed translated information, hundreds of translators were
being told by their administrative supervisors
not to translate and to let the work pile up"
Subject: Thanks
Hi BartCop and cohorts,
i want to do what a hundred million people
have surely done, and send a very warm and
heartfelt thank-you for helping me make
a very tough decision in my life just recently.
Shortly ago, I turned 18, and had
before paid very little attention to news and politics.
I watched what news channels my father
watched in the mornings, but not much more.
When I turned 18, I realized that suddenly
the country depended partly on me to set things straight.
So, I did what came naturally, and took
to the internet in my search for information.
I stumbled across dozens of different websites,
both Republican and Democrat, and ultimately got confused.
I then came across bartcop.com, and
the decision was made shortly later.
Is there some Democrat master-list
I can add my name to?
Sam, not sure about a Master List, but Click
Here for some pretty good links.
The reason it's called "The web," is, for instance, you can go
to buzzflash.com and check their links.
Then go to Altercation
and check their links, then Mike
Malloy, TakeBacktheMedia,
Palast, etc.
Pretty soon you'll have more than you can read.
So, I have to say thank you for being there
when I needed a little guidance in a world where it is
becoming increasingly important to make
the (excuse me) left choice in deciding America's future.
As a continuing thank-you, I intend to subscribe
to BartCop as soon as I have a little more cash available
(college budget, yeesh). As a more-immediate
gift from me, I have a link you might want to look at this:
Timeline of Terror Alerts
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
930 dead American soldiers.
Drip, drip, drip - young lives go down the drain
Death of Emmitt Till
by Bob Dylan
Twas down in Mississippi no so long ago,
When a young boy from Chicago town stepped
through a Southern door.
This boy's dreadful tragedy I can still
remember well,
The color of his skin was black and his
name was Emmett Till.
Some men they dragged him to a barn and
there they beat him up.
They said they had a reason, but I can't
remember what.
They tortured him and did some evil things
too evil to repeat.
There was screaming sounds inside the barn,
there was laughing sounds out on the street.
Then they rolled his body down a gulf amidst
a bloody red rain
And they threw him in the waters wide to
cease his screaming pain.
The reason that they killed him there,
and I'm sure it ain't no lie,
Was just for the fun of killin' him and
to watch him slowly die.
And then to stop the United States of yelling
for a trial,
Two brothers they confessed that they had
killed poor Emmett Till.
But on the jury there were men who helped
the brothers commit this awful crime,
And so this trial was a mockery, but nobody
seemed to mind.
I saw the morning papers but I could not
bear to see
The smiling brothers walkin' down the courthouse
For the jury found them innocent and the
brothers they went free,
While Emmett's body floats the foam of
a Jim Crow southern sea.
If you can't speak out against this kind
of thing, a crime that's so unjust,
Your eyes are filled with dead men's dirt,
your mind is filled with dust.
Your arms and legs they must be in shackles
and chains, and your blood it must refuse to flow,
For you let this human race fall down so
God-awful low!
This song is just a reminder to remind your
fellow man
That this kind of thing still lives today
in that ghost-robed Ku Klux Klan.
But if all of us folks that thinks alike,
if we gave all we could give,
We could make this great land of ours a
greater place to live.
Subject: Pot!
Greetings, from Canada, Vancouver to be more specific..
Now, I'm hearing that pot is hard to come
by down in the Okie.
Not suprising.
Well, if you ever out on the west coast
for a poker fest you should drop by vancity here.
The mayor has sworn that no one in this
city will ever go to jail for smoking dope.
You can buy pot in numerous stores across
the city.
This stuff is like coma inducing pot, its
some good stuff.
Oh, and the best part. I pay about 125
canadian an ounce,
so doing some currency conversion, thats
cheap as hell.
Justin, that could explain Pokerfest Northwest.
Maybe we should hold the actual Fest in
Vancouver :)
Please visit out sponsors
Subject: being registered to vote
I moved about a year ago and sent a change
of address form to the
proper authorities so I could vote in the
next election. I was told that
I couldn't vote because I moved
[again] since moving to my current location,
which is not in a swing state, BTW.
I sure did not move from my current location.
I figured it was just a mistake,
like somebody entered me in twice. I went
to the ROV office and they entered
my current address in again, which only
took 5 minutes.
After reading your article, now I have to wonder???
Take care,
Rochelle, if the Democrats are smart... they'll expect every dirty
trick and every low blow in the book.
They do NOT want to hand over power to someone who believes in
the US Constitution.
Bound Liberal
Do you ever hear about something great that was on AAR, but you missed it?
There is a liberal who goes by "Bound Liberal"
who posts, apparently every day, complete shows
by Al Franken and Randi Rhodes and Mike
Malloy (some Janeane, too) on the Newsgroups.
Find the "newsgroups" icon wherever icons
hide - and punch in channel
Bound Liberal records, then posts each show
complete, so if you hear that Malloy
or Franken or Randi had a great quest or
got off on a great rant, you can hear it.
So, if you hear Al, randi or Mike say something
killer, or if they have a hot exchange with
a ditto-monkey (like that time Randi beat
up Ralph Nader) look at your clock and write to me
and say,
"Bart, 20 minutes into the second hour on Tuesday (don't say 'yesterday')
Malloy beat the crap out of some sniveling
monkey," and I can use that on BCR if
it's short
There's also a poster named YourPlasticPal
who records and uploads Bush gaffes.
He's a busy guy, too :)
I'd also like to mention WhiteRoseSociety.org,
our good friend Master Ben who has a swiftboat-load
of archived shows from a dozen liberal
talk shows including Randi, Mike, Guy james, Cup-O-Joe and more..
Do you have an opinion?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to record your message.
Today in History
On August 8, 1974, Richard Nixon (R-Crook) was forced to resign
senate Republicans told him he had to chance to survive an impeachment
Where are today's Republicans?
When will someone stand up and call for an end to Bush's crime
Bush has secretly given Halliburton hundreds of millions of dollars.
Bush started a fake war (with real dead soldiers) to enrich his
Bush has used 9-11 as an excuse to not level with the American
Bush has replaced science with superstitious
horseshit at every opportunity.
Where are today's Republicans?
Hell, where are today's Democrats?
Oh, I see them, ...hiding in the corner, ...under a table, ...wetting themselves in fear.
Apparently the debate question has already been settled, but they're
hiding the details.
That means the election results are available - once we
get that info.
Once those debate formats are known, I can probably tell you who
will win in November.
If Jerry's camp ignored my advioce and allowed the coward to
have Brit Hume save him
every time he gets in trouble, the American whore press will
be able to say "Bush won the debates"
and they might as well stop campaiging.
If Kerry allowed the format to be:
Bush gets two minutes to spew a memorized line.
Kerry gets one minutes to say,
"That's not true," but there's no time to explain.
Then Bush gets 30 seconds to say, "Of
course it's true, and YOU love Jane Fonda,"
then the election is probably lost unless something really crazy
Of course, it's always possible Kerry used his head and called
for a free-flowing debate, with no
silly-ass clock rules and no Brit Hume interrupting when Bush
is stammering nosense, and no ridiculous
time handcuffs when an important issues that affects our future
history are being discussed on live TV.
...but what are the odds that Kerry used his head?
When will the rapes stop?
When will the tortures stop?
When will the looting stop?
When will the murders stop?
When will the invasions stop?
Use this portal
and they'll send bartcop.com
four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Show 49
is here
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show.
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to Part 1 of Show 49
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Part 1 of Show 49
28 minutes of slapdown, Capital Gang, DemoCon speeches
and Ben Affleck, rising Democratic star ...and one day senator?
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to Part 2 of Show 49
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Part 2 of Show 49
25 minutes of mostly the Big Dog's speech
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to Part 3 of Show 49
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Part 3 of Show 49
24 minutes of your phone calls with rebuttals
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to Part 4 of Show 49
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Part 4 of Show 49
25 minutes of Leno, Dave, Jon, Bart, etc
Click Here for the radio archives
If your GOP workplace doesn't want you to
see the truth, use these mirrors.
Manson of the rock group "Garbage."
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-748-1714
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you in Vegas at The
Joint on your next American tour.
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at humor.