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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "God gave the savior to the German people.
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"What galls me to the core of my being is when
George Bush pretends to be a cowboy.
It galls me that they've created the
largest federal deficit in the country's history.
It galls me that they basically lied
about the reasons for starting a war in Iraq and
alienated our allies. The list of things
that gall me is too long to get into. I'm not working
under any grand assumptions that my
involvement will change the course of the election.
My great fear is that we will wake
up on November 3, George Bush will have won and
we will say, 'What more could we have
--Moby, Attribution
Boat Liar Lied on Cambodia Claim
Can we start talking about what a losing loser Bush is now?
Serial liar John E. O'Neill, in a conversation
that was taped by theNixon the
evil Dick's secret recording system, told
The Trickster in 1971 that he had been
in Cambodia in a swift boat during the
Vietnam War - a claim at odds with his
recent lies that he and Kerry were not.
Thanks to the press helping Bush and the
silent Democrats, the Swift Boat Liars
are going to get away with this. A new
CNN poll says the number of people who
would've voted for Kerry because he's a
war hero dropped from 42% to 21 %
I wonder what would've happened if we had fought back?
Subject: Your country needs you
You have got to get on the Kerry staff,
ASAP. They definitely need someone who can
give the Swift Boat Liars and other flying
monkeys the Red Ass, someone who knows
not to use words like "proactive" when
talking to yokels.
"Shirley" you know somebody who knows somebody
who can put you in touch with
someone who knows someone else on the Kerry
campaign. If they don't hire someone
like you--with a smart mouth and a bad
attitude towards Rethuglican b.s.-- I'm afraid that
the bounce that Smirky will get from the
convention will erase Kerry's lead.
I've been a fan of your site for two years
or so; now is the time to take that hammer to the Big Leagues.
Keep swingin',
Matt in B-more
Matt, I have no connections.
All I have is a modem, a smart mouth and the truth.
"I felt like Bush stole the last election and
the whole country kind of got robbed
and bamboozled, and I wanted to make
sure I did my part besides voting. I was like, yo,
I want to do an ad myself... George
Bush is probably the first real gangsta we have
had in office. John Kerry needs to
be a little bit more of a gangsta himself."
--Hip-hop impresario Benny
Boom, Attribution
Advising Vets Quits Bush Campaign
rat gets caught lying for Bush
Benjamin Ginsberg an election lawyer for
The Usurper who also has been advising
a liar's group of veterans against Kerry
resigned in disgrace from Bush's campaign.
Ginsberg's acknowledgment Tuesday evening
that he was providing legal advice to
the Swift Boat Liars marked the second
time in days that a scumbag on Team Smirk
had been connected to the group, a front
for the Republican incumbent's re-election effort.
Bush has repeatedly lied that there is no
"Who knew
they were connected? Not me..."
Subject: Yes I agree - Show 51 had a whole lotta what we're gonna need
One little spark at the right time and
place, that'll set it off.
Anyway - killer show Bartdude!
(And we'll ride into town, justa whoopin' and a whompin', and get some f'n payback!)
Richard, f'n Seattle!
"The Kerry campaign is sending Max Cleland
and Jim Rassman down to the
president's 'ranch' to hand deliver
a letter signed by seven veterans serving
in the United States Senate asking
Bush to "recognize this blatant attempt
at character assassination, and publicly
condemn it."
--Josh Marshall,
Subject: Re: read this again
Hey, Bart:
In response to the reader who wrote:
> No, they stole power to Enron the world the way they did California
> Can't you find a proof reader?
> A third grader could correct most of the stuff.
I think it's obvious what happened here...I
thought the sentence was gobbledygook, too,
until I realized you were using "Enron"
as a verb. Once I made that connection, it made
complete sense. From the Merriam-Webster
Main Entry: en•ron
Pronunciation: 'en-ron
Function: verb
transitive senses
1 a (1) : to mistreat or exploit through
extortion, trickery, or unfair actions; especially :
to deprive of or cheat out
of something due or expected <screwed out of a job>
(2) : to
treat so as to bring about injury or loss (as to a person's reputation)
<use the available Federal machinery
to screw our political enemies -- J. W. Dean III>
-- often used as a generalized curse
<screw you!> b : to extract by pressure or threat
Keep swingin'! Oh, and look for my upcoming
book (you're mentioned in it) called "Red State Yellow Dog Blues,"
a compilation of my lefty columns published
here in Wichita's free weekly paper, F5.
Best regards,
was awarded NO Texas National Guard Medals!!
They say you get two just for showing up - and he has none?
only mean something if you throw them away..."
Subject: Bob Dole - how did you injure your arm?
Bart I have to tell you that I never saw
Bob Dole injure his arm in combat.
For all I know it got that way from spanking
his monkey one to many lonely nights.
I'm sure that there are others who would
back this ludicrous claim also.
Yesterday's hero is today's clay pigeon.
Charlie Ray
Charlie, good point, and shame on the GOP for opening this
Pandora's box.
It cheapens the sacrifice of every war hero America's ever had.
"I'm an unabashed supporter of John Kerry because
I've stood beside him in combat
and I know what he's capable of and
I'd want him at my back if I ever have to go
someplace where it gets really ugly
really fast."
--Wade Sanders, who was under
fire with Kerry in Vietnam, Attribution
I've been treated like scum since I got back from Iraq
Subject: McCain and Dole
WTF do the Bushies have on John McCain and
Bob Dole?
These were two people everybody thought
were stand-up guys.
Now they're taking part in the smearing
of a fellow veteran -- a fellow WOUNDED veteran
-- by a drunken, never-elected monkey who
couldn't even finish his Texas/Alabama National Guard duty?
What is the world coming to?
PS. Please pardon my inclusion of McCain
with the SBVT smear campaign. He has condemned the smears.
he's still supporting an administration whose 2000 campaign vilely attacked
his family.
I agree.
If you had asked me 90 days ago, "Name two decent living Republicans,"
I would've answered "McCain and Dole."
Dole is out completely now as a easily manipulated handjob (pun
intended) but yes,
we must give McCain credit for saying Bush's ads were disgusting
and shameful.
Subject: Dole
I also had some respect for Bob Dole at
one time. When he ran against
President Clinton in 1996, I didn't support
him but at least I thought he was
a man of some integrity. After this latest
episode he's proven to be just as
despicable and fraudulent as Bush and Rove.
He should be ashamed of
himself but as a typical Republican, he
has no shame.
DeLand, Fl.
NYC errs in playing nice with protesters
Next week, people who hate Republicans plan to release swarms
of mice in New York City
to terrorize delegates to NaziCon2004.
Republican-haters plan on dressing up as RNC volunteers,
and giving false directions to little blue
hair ladies from Kansas, sending them into the sectors of
New York City that are unfit for human
They plan on throwing pies and Lord knows
what else at Republican visitors to the city.
Prostitutes with AIDS plan to seduce Republican
visitors, and discourage the use of condoms,
according to liberal journalist Ted Rall.
New York City is a place renowned for coddling no one.
And yet, its new mayor, a Boston transplant,
plans to coddle these junior terrorists..
Yeah, it looks like there's some hate all right - on the GOP side.
Subject: Veterans for Kerry, not Dole
Isn't Bob Dole the one who dumped his first
wife - the mother of his children and the nurse
who took care of him when he was wounded
in WW II (and you're right - he HAS made a
career of that) for that bimbo, Elizabeth
I think Bob is either senile or he's suffering
from Viagra poisoning.
Bill Clinton should tell him to go Cheney
Repugs - they have NO shame!
Terry C
Terry, that reminds me of the time Bob Dole called Dr Laura in the summer of 1996
Cleland Tries to Deliver Letter to Bush
Senator Max Cleland, left, and Jim Rassmann,
center, approach a Secret Service Agent,
on station at the check point to the entrance
of Pinhead's ranch Wednesday Aug. 25, 2004.
Cleland tried to deliver a letter protesting
ads challenging Kerry's Vietnam service to Bush,
but the Secret Service stopped Cleland
short of his goal.
No telling how much trouble Cleland could've
caused if they hadn't stopped him.
Edges Ahead of Kerry for the 1st Time
What is Kerry waiting for? There
are only 68 days left.
Trial Focusing on Accomplices
Cops thought Amber Frey might've been involved
Stops Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
The GOP knew it was illegal when Bush
signed it into law
Leykis gets kicked in the head in Seattle
Listeners assault syndicated shock jock outside a bar at
3 AM
now has a Sept. 11."
Planes assumed to he hijacked and crashed
"The sudden resignation of Bush's top lawyer
doesn't end the extensive web of
connections between Bush and the group
trying to smear Kerry's military record.
In fact, it only confirms the extent
of those connections."
--Kerry-Edwards campaign manager
Mary Beth Cahill, Attribution
Kreme profit drops 50%
The Carb Craze is killing them
The profit shortfall is the latest in a
string of bad news that has raised concerns about the company's business
Krispy Kreme's stock, which debuted in
May 2001, sank almost 17 percent to a record low of $12.75.
It was the second-biggest loser on the
New York Stock Exchange on Thursday.
At the close, it was off $13.77.
The stock has tumbled about 70 percent
from its peak of $44.54 last November.
Subject: It's about the Future - not the Past
We have an election coming up that will
determine the future of America.
I wish the media would shift the focus
of the election coverage to where
America is going rather than rehashing
Vietnam again.
I call on the media to reality test the
positions of the candidates and try to
talk about where we are going rather than
where we have been.
Vietnam is history.
We should be talking about Iraq and what
it's going to take to resolve it.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA
Subject: Dole, banana, viagra, pencil...go figure.
I remember back in '96 people simply assuming
that Bob Dole was a "better man" than Clinton.
Even people that voted for Clinton seemed
to think, "yeah, Bob Dole... greatest generation,
injured in battle, middle American, plain
spoken etc. etc. he must be a better man."
Well if he was so G.D. good then why was
he against the Brady bill?
Why was he affraid to offend the tobacco
Clearly he valued campaign contributions
more than the lives of the people he wanted to govern.
Good man my ass.
Now this bit about Kerry's war wounds.
Bob Dole should take some viagra and go
"F" himself !
Boston Dave
Dave, I remember two things Dole said in his 1996 campaign.
One, he said we shouldn't have taggants in dynamite, meaning
he wanted
the purchasers of dynamite to be able to remain hidden - and
then ther was milk.
Remember when a reporter (back when they did their jobs) asked
Dole if tobacco was dangerous?
Dole said, "I'm not a doctor.
Some people say milk is bad for you, too."
Milk and cigarettes are equally bad, Bob?
Would you give your grandbaby a cigarette, Bob?
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Hunting of the President
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
"I believe that when you put in a good day's
work, you deserve a good day's pay.
I believe in creating jobs that don't
just let you survive, but let you get ahead.
Jobs that let you pay your bills, send
your kids to college, buy a house, save a
little for retirement and go out to
dinner or a movie every once in a while."
--John Kerry, explaining why
jobs are important, Attribution
John, is that the best way to spend your time now that you're
behind in the polls?
Don't you think it's time to launch the offensive?
Subject: BCR Show 51
Hey, I'm in London...and it's brilliant!
Uh-oh, the Englishster liked #51
Subject: Why I'm cancelling my subscription
I've been a subscriber since before there
was even a radio show.
But now I just. have to cancel my subscription.
Because I'm placing a new one for twice
as much. Because you won't turn whore.
And I know I'll be hearing you on Air America
before the year is out.
Peregrin, thanks for that.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"The whole country's watching him avoid the
question. You asked about Cambodia.
How do I know he's not in Cambodia?
I was on the same river, George. I was there
two months after him. Our patrol area
ran to Sedek, it was 50 miles from Cambodia.
There isn't any watery border."
--John O'Neill, calling himself a liar Attribution
Subject: Dole
Well said Bartman
When are these pussy Democrats going to
start kicking back?
Time is running out - I wish they'd start.
Bush the dumber has got his nuts out there
so far for Kerry to just kick until he cannot kick anymore
Please John - kick this guy and put him
where he belongs.
GWB does such a good job of making himself
look stupid,
imagine how bad a good fight could make
Bush look ..sheesh.
Subject: when?
When is a dem gonna come out and say the
obvious - Bush is stupid, thick and a real dumbass?
That is the bottom line.
This is not the time to be pc.
Dave, I hope they do something soon.
is different.
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Subject: 9-11 and Bush's reaction
From, Kevin Cloyd
The emotion Bush displayed in the classroom
that day was GUILT, America was warned of the attacks
by Russian President Putin, Egyptian intelligence
and a host of others. The possibility of the attacks were
suggested in the Aug. 6 PDB. The
only explanation of Bush's lack of reaction or normal curiosity to the
news that the nation was under attack is
that he already knew that the attack was planned. Bush found
himself in the position of knowing the
attacks were planned but not knowing the details of the plan.
The actions that Bush would have had to
take to have any potential of thwarting the attacks of 9-11-2001
carried major political costs, real
security at airports, delays and inconveniences to passengers,
higher costs
for tickets, lower profits for airline
companies and even the possibility of grounding commercial airlines
In an
administration where EVERY action is filtered
through the political wing before being implemented Bush simply
was unwilling to absorb the political heat
for trying to prevent the attacks. That the attacks also had the
for a political upside probably figured
into the equation also.
Bart, you were sure right about the 911
Commission, as a Hoosier I thought that Hamilton and Roemer would
not participate in a whitewash. I
bought a copy and started to read it, but decided to skip ahead to the
on the insider trading in put options on
American Airlines and United Airlines stock in the days before the attacks.
Exactly the type of trades monitored by
the SEC because of the potential for abuse. Guess what? The
only place
the trades are mentioned in the report
is in the testimony of Mindy Klienburg. The Commission Report does
have one word on the clearest evidence
of foreknowledge of the attacks to the Federal Government.
Remember Ashcroft and senior Justice Department
officials stopped flying commercial in August 2001, Bush started
taking Cipro, the preferred treatment for
anthrax, the first day of September 2001 and Richard Clarke had spent the
entire summer warning of the probability
of such an attack. That Bush would then morph the attack by Al Qeada
an excuse to invade Iraq demonstrates his
willingness to use the greatest tragedy in most of our lifetimes for political
purposes. If Bush is willing to use
the tragedy for political purposes after the fact, then Bush would have
political costs into his actions before
the fact.
Kevin C
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
966, 970 dead American soldiers.
Forgive me for counting Bush's victims.
"I know what I'm doing when it comes to winning
this war."
--The Butcher of Baghdad, Attribution
Subject: McCain's opinion of W
I read on another board that McCain's son
is best friends with the singer, Moby.
Moby said that his father HATES Bush but
is shilling for him 'for the Republicans'.
McCain hates Bush for what he said about
his family, most notably his sister.
Obviously, McCain, Jr. has more character
than his father.
Hugs and smooches, Bart honey,
William Kennedy Smith Accused of Rape Again
A woman who sued William Kennedy Smith
said Thursday that he sexually
assaulted her five years ago "in a manner
that will haunt me to the day I die."
She said he dragged her into the house, took her upstairs to his bedroom and raped her.
She continued to work for Smith afterward
and had even had consensual sex with him
on a number of occasions, her attorney
said. She is seeking at least $50,000 as compensation.
Here we go again.
One might think having repeated, consensual
sex with a guy would disarm
the accusation that he raped you before
you started dating him.
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Today in History
• In 55 B.C., Roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
• In 1883, Krakatoa began erupting East of Java.
• In 1920, the 19th amendment, guaranteeing American women the right to vote, was declared in effect.
• In 1939, the first televised Major League baseball games were shown on station W2XBS
• In 1957, the Soviet Union announced it had tested an intercontinental ballistic missile.
• In 1974, Charles Lindbergh died at his home in Hawaii at age 72.
• In 1978, Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice
ran a succesful campaign for Pope after proving
the "Swift Chalice Priests
for Truth" were lying about his Church record.
• In 1999, Janet Reno pledged that a new
investigation of the 1993 Waco, Texas, siege would
"get to the bottom" of how the FBI
used potentially flammable tear gas grenades against her
wishes and then took six years
to admit it.
From: Tank
Subject: Racist Bart
I see you repeat yourself on this point
without any proof of your point.
You say Republicans hate Blacks.
Is that why so many Black judges have been
appointed and recommended for higher office
including the Supreme Court?
Is that why the first Black Secretary of
State was named under Bush and the first
Black National Security Advisor was acclaimed?
How about Secretary Ron Paige
and so many undersecretaries and high level
subordinates? How about the first Black
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Bill "Whitey" Clinton had eight years to name
someone to these stratisfied posts and
he named only white men and women.
The only one he named, Ron Brown, wound
up dead under mysterious circumstances.
How come?
Bill Dobson
How come you're such a Monkey?
Your side may appoint blacks, for show,
but you'd never elect one because your side hates them.
How come?
When will the lily-white GOP elect a person of color?
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52 is here
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but it's not graphic and it's not manufactured.
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Part 1 of Show 52
29 minutes of Bart, at least it sounds like Bart
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Part 2 of Show 52
32 minutes Bart, I think it's Bart, and
a little Tchaikovsky
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Part 3 of Show 52
27 minutes Bart, probably and other stuff
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Part 4 of Show 52
30 minutes of Tally, Wanda, Jon and Chris
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