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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "I am a Democrat because
![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Even though only a third of the country defines
itself as "Republican,"
they control the White House, Congress,
Supreme Court and most state governments.
Republicans are in charge because you
never back down. Your people are up before dawn
figuring out which minority group shouldn't
be allowed to marry today.
Our side is full of wimps who'd rather
compromise than fight. Not you guys.
-- Michael Moore in USAToday,
Have you ever seen truer words than those?
Democrats just aren't interested in fighting for what they believe.
How did I get in a party of spineless, we-love-losing wimps?
What will it take to change our party?
Monkey Speaks Tonight
Between Iraq & the economy, I deserve four more years
The prime-time televised address by Bush,
who arrived in New York last night,
will propel the president into the final
two months of a neck-and-neck race for
another four years in the White House against
the more qualified John Kerry.
Recent polls show Bush gaining ground on
Kerry, and some show him moving
into a small lead. They also show him building
his advantage over Kerry in areas
that have moved to the top of the campaign
agenda, such as national security.
The speech will provide Bush a stage to
tout his first-term failures, lay out ideas
for another four years and draw some sharp
differences with Kerry, his better.
Rumor has it Bush "won" by 537 votes in
If every family that lost a soldier voted
against Bush, Kerry would win.
"I did
everything right - the bad stuff is Clinton's fault."
Hollywood Liberal is out of jail
The last we heard from him in print was:
Ok I'll report back tomorrow with all the
civil disobedience action
that is planned for today. Hopefully I
dont get arrested
"My job tonight is an easy one: to present
to you one of this nation's
heroes, one of this party's
best-known and
leaders and a good friend.
John has worked
to strengthen
our military, reform public
boost the economy and protect the environment.
-- Zell
Miller, January 03, praising Kerry, his hero, before he took their
money Attribution
Ben Barnes to break silence on "60 Minutes"
The campaign battle over Vietnam War records
is still raging, but Bush may soon be the one
answering uncomfortable questions about
his past service. Ben Barnes, the former lieutenant
governor of Texas, will finally break his
silence and talk to the press about what role he played
in helping Bush get a coveted slot in the
Texas Air National Guard in 1968. Sources say Barnes
has already sat down for a "60 Minutes"
interview that will air next week. A "60 Minutes"
spokesperson declined to comment, saying
the program does not discuss reports that are in progress.
"This guy
is a sleep Al Qaeda cell..."
Subject: Why do you act this way Bart?
"The essence of Christianity is told us in
the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was
forbidden was on the tree of KNOWLEDGE.
The subtext is, All the suffering you have
is because you wanted to find out what
was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden
if you had just keep your fucking mouth
shut and hadn't asked any questions."
--The Great Frank
Zappa, Attribution
NaziCon2004 Bonus Radio
Dick Cheney called last night.
He didn't talk long (and boy, does he have a dirty mouth)
so I put together a mini-show, BCR
Show 53, to go with it.
Check the bottom of the page for the link.
Here to listen to my phone call from Governor Musclehead
Click Here for a little of Show 52 - "The Nader Conspiracy"
Here to get three
Shows (up to six hours) on CD delivered for just $24
to Bartcop
"Time after time in our history, in the face
of great danger, Democrats and Republicans
worked together to ensure that freedom
would not falter. But not today. Motivated more
by partisan politics than by national
security, today's Democratic leaders see America
as an occupier, not a liberator."
--Zell Miller, foaming at the mouth, at NaziCon2004,
for liberating us, Zell
Subject: DNC e-mail
I get daily emails from the DNC & Mary
Beth Cahill, which I usually just delete
(I read your site daily, plus a few others,
so I keep informed). I took today's email
as an opportunity to respond back to Mary
Beth and the DNC, with the following email (attached).
Mary Beth,
I have to tell you that I am not happy with
seeing pictures of John Kerry windsurfing while these attacks
by Republicans (and the Democrat Zell Miller!!!)
are taking place. It's starting to look reminiscent of 2000.
This is not a "polite" election -- the
future of our country is at stake. I think John Kerry should forgo
vacations until AFTER the election.
Or else he had better get some attack dogs of his own (Howard Dean,
Michael Moore, Wesley Clark, somebody
who's not afraid to fight back PLEASE!).
I think you guys are presenting a weak campaign
against probably the most evil team ever in power.
It's time to take of the gloves.
This is not a tea party --- you are letting us Democratic voters down by
fighting back forcefully, decisively, and
immediately. If John Kerry doesn't want to fight, HARD, then he shouldn't
have sought the democratic nomination in
the first place. Democrats don't need ANOTHER lukewarm candidate.
Lisa B.
Lisa, a shot of Chinaco for you.
You never know, your letter might hit her desk at just the right
Too bad we don't have the power to flood Cahill with thousands
of messages like yours.
back, and he's ready to win
An old man at 37, can he keep up with the faster kids?
Sanders will begin his career with the
Ravens as a nickel back. If he shows that his body
can stand the rigors of the NFL, he could
spend some time at his familiar cornerback position
and, as he hinted Wednesday, might even
play a little offense.
"I'm willing to do what I can to help this
team win, whatever that entails," said Sanders, who
flashed his trademark smile on several
occasions but was decidedly less flamboyant than many
have come to expect from a man who wore
a gaudy burgundy suit at his introduction with the Redskins.
Subject: BCR Show 51
Hi Bart,
Just got my cd burner, first thing I burned
was BCR
51 which I listened to in
the car.
Great stuff, makes my day instead of the
"wight wing wadio whores"
reporter and news analyst John Stanton's predictions for
a possible
second term of George W. Bush are "not only shocking,
but substantiated
by the facts on the ground. The future described here
is not
only imminent; it may be a fait accompli. Both stimulating and irritating,
this collection
of essays paints a picture of a people, a country that lives
on myth
and illusion and is at war with itself and the rest of the world.
explains how Bush has adroitly fused state, religious
government) and business interests into one
tyrannical mass and his explanation of how
this has
been accomplished is eye-opening."
Dueling Quotes
"Twenty years of votes can tell you much more
about a man than twenty weeks
of campaign rhetoric. Campaign talk
tells people who you want them to think you are.
How you vote tells people who you really
are deep inside."
--Zell Miller, criticizing Kerry's voting record at NaziCon2004
"John Kerry has fought against government waste
and worked hard to bring some
accountability to Washington He fought
for balanced budgets before it was considered
politically correct for Democrats to
do so. John has worked to strengthen our military,
reform public education, boost the
economy and protect the environment."
--Zell Miller, praising Kerry's voting record in a 2001 speech,
Why did Zell Miller turn whore?
For the same reasons most whore do - for the money.
He's got a book out that screams insult at Democrats.
If he was just another Rethug screaming at the left, the book
wouldn't do very well.
But a Democrat fellating Bush and spewing hate at Democrats sells
of books.
Subject: is the nation drunk?
Is the nation drunk? Well, not in Oklahoma.
My former neighbor and friend {omitted}
sold her house here a few months ago,
and moved to Tulsa to be close to her daughter
and grand-daughter. She sold here
for over 400K and bought a brand-new house
in Tulsa for 189K. She has had
trouble with her neighbors and handimen
ever since she moved there. She is a liberal
who marched against the war in Vietnam
even while her husband was serving at the Pentagon.
Now this.
She has commited several no-way-you-don't,
but she did. She built an outdoor patio, she is
fencing her property with a solid wood
fence. Initial offenses. Her brick layer, upon hearing
that she listens to CNN, looked at her
and said he would pray for her. Lately, things got worse.
She put a Kerry/Edwards sticker on her
car, and stuck same into her front lawn. Some neighbors
came to her complaining she will drive
down their property value. The Catholic church she joined
produced some members who protested she
should not be allowed to take communion because
of the sticker on her car. Abortion
is the issue.
Finally, the priest approached and told
her it's alright with the sticker, as long as she doesn't vote
for Kerry. Recently, the builder
confided to her that she bought her house in the most conservative
part of Tulsa. The woman got
herself into deep trouble.
These folks are not drunk, they are insane,
no, worse.
They have no brain.
sent by Donna W.
Yep, that's Oklahoma.
September 2, 1944
George H.W. Bush loses his second plane.
According to the citation for his Distinguished Flying Cross,
after receiving a hit from Japanese flak,
his plane on fire, he pressed home the attack, bravely delivering the
bombs to the target and coaxed the crippled
bird out to sea where he and his crew could bail out safely.
Bush bailed out and was fished out of the
Pacific Ocean by the crew of the USS Finback. He was later
informed that his crew did not survive.
Editor's Note: It's just a good
thing that GHW Bush was a Republican and Karl Rove wasn't around then,
otherwise it would have been reported
that his plane was never hit by flak, never on fire, and he panicked,
abandoning his crew to their fate as
he bailed out of the plane.
Alan Keyes calls Mary Cheney a 'selfish hedonist'
Republican Alan Keyes has labeled homosexuality
"selfish hedonism" and said Cheney's
lesbian daughter, Mary, is a sinner. Keyes
made the comments Monday night in an interview
with a radio station aimed at gays and
lesbians. After saying homosexuality is "selfish hedonism,"
Keyes was asked if that makes Mary Cheney
"a selfish hedonist." "Of course she is," Keyes replied.
"That goes by definition."
The GOP is trapped in their own hate - again.
At least Keyes had the balls to state what
the GOP believes.
It's like calling pro-choicers "baby killers,"
the honest Republicans (I guess that's only Keyes)
have to admit Bush is the son
of two baby killers and he married a baby killer and his
are baby killers - but only Keyes is honest
enough to state the facts.
I heard this whackjob on MSGOP saying that "when
two lesbians rub their organs together,"
it's a sin because there's no chance of reproduction.
Sounds like Keyes isn't getting any.
Bryant case dismissed with accuser unable to go forward
"Although I truly believe this encounter between
us was consensual, I recognize now that she
did not and does not view this incident
the same way I did," Bryant said. "I now understand
how she feels that she did not consent
to this encounter."
Damn, that looks like a confession to me.
Kobe, you rat bastard - you raped that
Since that's the way you feel, why bother
with a civil trial?
Just write her a check for $40M and spare
her having to testify.
Subject: your website
Steven P
Subject: Kerry is running
a terrible campaign
Kerry is running a terrible campaign:
Repubs define *ALL* the talking points.because Dems refuse to hurl the accusations grounded in VOLUMES of facts....
NO mention of AWOL bush
NO mention of CIA outing FEDERAL CRIME...
NO mention of the August 6 PDB
NO mention that ASHCROFT was WARNED "terror
threat assessment"
NO mention of the Anthrax attacks directed
against Democrats
NO mention of Iraq WMD lies
NO mention of Cheney's CONNECTIONS to Saddam
NO mention of Rumsfeld's WET KISS to saddam
re Poison gas attacks on Civilians 1987
NO mention of John Negroponte's connections
to Death Squads - past & present
NO mention of Rumsfeld's connection to
Abu Ghraib TORTURE
(well, kerry HAS "mentioned" his
call for Rumsfeld's resignation... but he ALLOWS the media to IGNORE him
NO mention of the GI's on trial for Abu
Ghraib, LEFT TO TWIST IN WIND by kerry & co...
NO mention of US GI's in Iraq with NO body
armor, NO Humvee armor, so bush can give TAX CUTS to BILLIONAIRES
NO mention of the 2000 STOLEN ELECTION
NO mention of festering Diebold/ES&S/Sequoia
massive e-vote FRAUD
NO mention of DISENFRANCHISED minorities
NO mention of Enron Extortion of California
NO mention of bush connections to Enron/Ken
Lay (Kerry prefers to let Martha Stewart TWIST in THE
NO mention of Mercury and arsenic in water
NO mention of Snowmobiles in Yellowstone
oh, and the Great- Grandaddy of them all:
BOTH Rumsfeld and Cheney APPROVED
of the TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER to Saddam of WMD-precursor technologies...
including anthrax spores and access to
nuclear physics data libraries.
Having been bombarded with "Clinton-China-Satellite-Spy"
'scandal' for half-a-dozen years, IT SURE WOULD BE NICE
IF SOMEONE **MENTIONED** cheney's love-fest
with Saddam!
Kerry seems content to make Vietnam the
centerpiece of this race and that's a fight (unbelievably) he's already
Kerry could win this fight if he fought,
but so far, he has decided not to.
That makes me sick.
we lose this race, our first move should be to get a different state than
Iowa for the first primary.
Iowa took Dean out of the picture and elevated Kerry who seems
to not want the job.
(If you don't like reading that,
instead of screaming names at me,
send me
a list of things Kerry is doing right.)
Subject: article in Billings, MT newspaper
Good morning Bartcop,
It looks like the Swift Boat Vets for Truth
have been caught lying again.
The headline article from the 9/01/04 Billings
Gazette reads, "Columbus swift boat vet angry over letter".
It seems that this Columbus, MT. vet's name
was on the letter used to try to discredit John Kerry.
Only problem, he never OK'd it, nor did
he know anything about it.
How many more of these names are bogus?
I think it's time these fools changed their
name to Liars for Bush.
The entire article can be found at http:www.billingsgazette.com
Keep the hammer swinging,
Mike in Montana
Mike, I shoulda seen this a long time ago...
Politics is just another game of poker.
Kerry has aces, Bush has a 2 and a 3.
Bush's team has no hand but they keep winning by
All we need is a Democrat to call them on it.
all hope, ye who enter here
Phish plays its final concert in the ninth circle of hell
by Palm Beach Pokerfester Dan Sweeney
The literally tens of people who
regularly read my column likely noticed, with much wailing
and gnashing of teeth, that it was strangely
absent two weeks ago. The simple explanation is
that I was on a working vacation, traveling
to Vermont to catch famed jam band Phish play
its final concert. The more complex explanation
will take up the rest of this column.
Subject: Comments
As for Kerry, settle down, he's a good closer.
Remember back before Iowa when he was losing
to Dean and getting outraised 5 to 1?
He bet his house that he'd win. He
sealed the deal.
Hell, he's even (at worst) with Bush now
and he hasn't even started campaigning.
There are two months before the election.
He's doing a rope-a-dope and will come
out punching hard in the 7th round.
Believe it or not, the Democrats have a
few people smarter than you or I on this.
Tim H
Tim, I understand, but Dean wasn't a play-dirty, savage bastard
who would kill for the job.
As far as the smart Democrats, if you take away Clinton, FDR
was the last guy to win twice.
...but let's hope you're right.
If Kerry would fight back, more people would know
Osama Bin Laden
"I want justice. And there's an old poster out
West, I recall, that says,
'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'" [09/17/01]
"I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't
spend that much time on him...
I truly am not that concerned about him."[3/13/02]
Calls for Hurricane Evacuations
Let's hope the weather dudes do a better job this time
Acid in Fish May Arrest Alzheimer's
This could be a trick to slow stem cell research
tiger spotted on Louisiana Army base
Witnesses say the animal is wearing a collar
just can't eat that awful Heinz ketchup
Subject: democrat strategy
I'm getting mighty tired of our Democratic
candidates being gutless.
Bush and the gang smear Kerry and what
Nada. No reply.
Lies are told in the Bush ads, and still,
no reply.
I've had to search for the truth behind
Kerry's votes on the 87 billion bucks
because he seems to be unable to respond
Do we need Gov. Dean to give Kerry a lesson
in how to be a man and fight back?
How does it look to Joe and Betty Undecided
when there is no strong reply to the lies of the Swift Boat Idiots?
I'll tell you how it looks. It makes
Kerry look timid and unsure, just the qualities we don't want in a President.
Will someone in charge please grow some balls and fight back?
Larry in Iowa
Worth a repeat
photographed wearing Air Force award he never earned
The above photograph had to have been taken
some time between his qualifying as a pilot,
since he is wearing his pilots' wings,
on November 26, 1969 and his promotion to First Lieutenant
on November 7, 1970, since he is listed
as a Second Lieutenant.
Bush earned his pilots' wings on Nov. 29, 1969, according to his White House military biography.
American media, having focused for more
than three weeks on Swift Boat lies, has yet to report the story.
It has, however, appeared in the The Telegraph,
which carried a brief piece on the charges Aug. 29.
Walt Starr, a researcher, first reported
the story in Democratic Underground, on Aug. 23.
Punishment for wearing an award one hasn't
earned is punishable by bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture
of all pay and allowances, and/or confinement
for 6 months under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Subject: Zell Miller
I keep hearing from idiots like Zell Miller
that John Kerry voted against
appropriating the money needed to give
our troops the armor they need in Iraq.
Why didn't they have that armor BEFORE they went into harm's way?
Durant, Oklahoma
Good point - too bad the Kerry camp doesn't point that out.
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Hunting of the President
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
Ebert and McCain show
by Michael Moore
I felt really bad for McCain standing there
on the stage. The man wanted to be president.
That dream was snuffed out during the 2000
primaries, when Bush's supporters spread nasty
rumors about what five and a half years
in a POW camp might have done to McCain's sanity.
Then there were the calls to potential white
voters in South Carolina to inform them that McCain
had a "black baby." (He and his wife adopted
a child from Bangladesh.) The Bush supporters also
spread other rumors that questioned McCain's
patriotism, even though the man was a decorated
war hero while W. chose to oh, let's not
get into that again.
Still, McCain has offered to soldier on for Bush.
Subject: Cup o' confidence
Let me add my encouragement to Daniel's
and Randi's. I haven't had a chance to listen to Randi lately,
but I have been reading a lot of Steve
Gilliard. Steve has written several anyalyses of the campaign
make a logical, compelling, case that Kerry
is laying low and setting a trap for Bush. One point Steve makes
is that the SwiftBoat BuddyFuckers for
Bu$h have been COMPLETELY discredited, and the ads are now
routinely referred to as being connected
to the Bu$h campaign.
Dude, only the smart people know that.
The other 95 percent see the ads and wonder
if they're true.
The ads may have damaged Kerry, but they
will not have legs, and will fade away.
If Steve is right, the trap will spring
fairly soon after NaziCon'04 (aka, Nuremberg on the Hudson), within the
next week or two. There are some
potentially devastating beatdowns on the Giggling Murderer available.
That's the understatement of the year, but will Kerry choose to use them?
Whatever you may think of Kerry's strategy,
he's got balls.
If he decides to pick up the barstool,
and I think he will, C+ Agustus is going to be one fucked monkey.
Kerry was declared dead during the primaries,
and fooled the predictions. I'm willing to give it a little more
The next two weeks will tell all, I think.
Gilliard has called almost every turn of events in Iraq, well before they
Let's hope he's right again.
Dittoes* to "Let's hope he's right again."
probe scans neo-cons' Israel ties
Look, the Asian Times stole our WWN graphic
The FBI has been intensively reviewing
a series of past counter-intelligence probes that
were started against several high-profile
neo-cons, but which were never followed up with
prosecutions, to the great frustration
of counter-intelligence officers, in some cases.
Some of these past investigations involve
top current officials, including Paul Wolfowitz;
Douglas Feith, and Richard Perle, who resigned
as Defense Policy Board (DPB) chairman last year.
Subject: Kerry vacationing
Dear Bart:
I have to disagree with your assertion that Kerry looks "super-stupid" and "VERY unpresidential" wind surfing.
I think he looks very fit, and apparently
he's good at it.
Wind surfing certainly must be harder to
do than keeping your balance on a mountain bike (and we all know that W
can't do even that.)
Julia, I am a poor communicator.
I didn't mean to suggest Kerry wasn't a good windsurfer.
What I meant was America is looking for a President, not
a surfer.
Marty's Entertainment Page
My Experience at the Republican Convention
I'll give them this much, though: Republican
women are *VERY* well put-together. Every single one of them
looked they were fresh out of the beauty
salon. Perfect makeup, stylish and freshly-cut hair, smart professional
I have to admit, it was kinda hot being
surrounded by attractive, well-dressed women of every age, shape and size.
I was considering getting a "W: Four More
Years" pin and trying to hook up, when I saw I was headed toward the Garden.
Did I have a shot at getting in? Did I
have the guts to enter the belly of the beast? They were checking IDs very
and I didn't have any credentials. Everyone
was wearing their ID cards around their necks, in plain sight. I didn't
have any,
so I got out of line and walked away. A
cop finally noticed I wasn't wearing a pass, so he asked me how I got back
I played dumb and said, "Got back where?
I'm just trying to cross the street here!" A couple more cops surrounded
then escorted me back to the security barriers.
Subject: Letter to John Kerry
How has your vacation been? We saw you
windsurfing in Nantucket. Fabulous.
We wish you were here. Let me tell you
what's happened since you were away.
Many hands are wringing in Democratic circles.
Panic is setting in. You've slipped in the polls.
You lost the "bounce." Momentum has shifted
to George Bush, and many are saying it looks like another four years.
You, Senator Kerry, are on track to lose.
I didn't want to be the one to tell you
this, but someone needed to light a little fire under your ass.
...you need to feel the heat. Our nation
depends on it. It depends on you.
is different.
Click Here to get 3 BartCop Radio Shows on CD delivered for just $24
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Bonus - mention BCR Show 35 - the Bush Beatdown and get it FREE!
Could the lesson be ...nice guys finish last?
a fork in Monsieur Kerry. He's done
I believe men call those "fighting words"
Here it is two months before the election
and there's not much to look forward to. That's because
Kerry's campaign is collapsing faster than
the Cubs do every year. Absent a colossal Bush blunder,
it's all over except for the finger pointing.
The controversy generated by the Swift Boat
Veterans for Truth has had significant impact.
Questions about Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia,
and whether one of his Purple Heart wounds
was self-inflicted didn't boost his electability.
Look back, however, and we can see how Frere
Jacques' rendezvous with failure has been developing.
There have been and continue to be signs
of the imminent disaster.
For starters, he had the backing of people
like Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.
These false words were written by a whore.
He goes by, ...Master Bates, some call
him 'Mike.'
He says Kerry can't win this.
His message is Kerry's not up to
the job.
He wants you to think Kerry wants to be
with bin Laden, while at the same time
smearing him as a mad dog killer
to every running Vietnamese child in a loin cloth.
Don't believe whores who are paid
to voice their rich, fat, white bosses who hate blacks and gays.
Their intent is to deceive you.
Kerry could easily win this.
All he needs is some motivation ...and
more plain talkers at his side.
Kerry's in a band with no Toby Ziegler
and no Josh Lymon. (Did Lincoln write his own speeches?)
America is being asked to gamble on John
We have Bush - should we gamble on Kerry?
If you're in a cab with Jack the Ripper, should you gamble on
a different cab?
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
973, 976, 978 dead American
Forgive me for counting Bush's victims.
"I know what I'm doing when it comes to winning
this war."
--The Butcher of Baghdad, Attribution
Subject: Kerry - fire an advisor
Be mean. Hit hard. Slap them down. Stop
being so nice. I want blood.
Stomp em til they bleed. Bush blood.Rush
blood. RNC blood
I want revenge for the $110,000,00 spent
trying to ruin Clinton.
I want revenge for Gore.
I want revenge for 1,0000 soldiers killed
and 6,000 wounded. No Legs. No arms.
I want revenge for the killing of over 9,000
Iraqis who were innocent and most hated Saddam.
How many have no legs, no arms, etc. I
want revenge for them.
How man Afghans are dead or wounded.
Clarence Swinney,
Burlington, NC
Want to
be on BartCop Radio?
If so, make the call.
Do you have an opinion?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to record your message.
Today in History has been cancelled.
Subject: bartcrap
You are actually complaining that Bush is
conducting a smear campaign against Kerry
when there are 10 times as many websites
and organizations doing the same thing to Bush.
Are you saying Democrats are flooding the
airwaves with ads calling Bush a liar?
Tell me where I can see these ads because
I have yet to see one.
Many of these organizations are funded by
the DNC and other big time liberals like Soros.
You are a total fraud.
Tell me where I can see these ads because I have yet to see one.
I don't believe the swift boat ads but I support them since your party does the same shit.
Tell me where I can see these ads because I have yet to see one.
Daren, when we leave Iraq, how many soldiers will Bush have killed for no reason?
Cancelled subscriptions
As a Democrat, I tried and tried to pin
the blame on someone else, but in the end - I failed.
As you know, I have an IQ of 64, but even
*I* should be able to remember Bart's
Law #1.
> Bart's
Law #1
> Don't EVER
tell the truth in a political campaign.
> People want to be lied to.
I'm so stupid, I forgot the Prime Directive of politics, so allow me set the record straight:
Kerry is running a fantastic campaign.
He's chopping Bush into little pieces
with his quiet, reserved behavior.
We couldn't lose this election if Kerry
was caught with a dead woman and a live boy.
The last thing Kerry needs to do
is meddle with a proven formula for success.
"Dance with the one who brung ya," is how
Carville might put it.
The NASA suit, riding the bike, throwing
a football and windsurfing is exactly what voters
are looking for in a presidential candidate
to protect us from bin Laden and Al Qaeda
Who wants to see a dignified statesman
when there's a surfboard to be ridden?
That talk of bringing in new advisors? Poppycock!
Telling Kerry to change tactics is like
telling Halle Berry she needs plastic surgery.
Asking Kerry to get tough makes as much
sense as telling Birtney to wear more clothes.
The last thing voters want to see
from their candidate is a bunch of fighting.
Quiet self-assuredness is what the voters
want this year.
Carville's Complaint
It was surprising to hear him declare that
the Kerry-Edwards message is muddled.
That there's no bark, no bite to what the
candidates are saying. That the Democratic
campaign is too timid when it comes to
attacking the Bush-Cheney team. That too many
people are in charge, so no one's in charge.
"They're a perpetual committee listening to a
perpetual focus group, and it's got to change," he says.
"What the Kerry operation sorely lacks is someone
who can drive a communications message."
This has created a "vacuum" at the heart
of the campaign.
"I know that what they're doing now ain't gonna
Carville must've been drunk on Makers Mark
when he said those things.
Kerry's running the best campaign in history.
It couldn't be run any better.
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BCR Show
53 is here
The VP kisses his wife with this mouth?
Here to hear mini-show 53
39 minutes of NaziCon2004
clips & stuff
Special thanks to Kyle McMahon and Mal DuRoque
BCR Show
Oh yeah, ...there's quite a bit of language in this show,
but it's not graphic and it's not manufactured.
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to Part 1 of Show 52
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Part 1 of Show 52
29 minutes of Bart, at least it sounds like Bart
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to Part 2 of Show 52
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Part 2 of Show 52
32 minutes Bart, I think it's Bart, and
a little Tchaikovsky
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to Part 3 of Show 52
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Part 3 of Show 52
27 minutes Bart, probably and other stuff
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to Part 4 of Show 52
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Part 4 of Show 52
30 minutes of Tally, Wanda, Jon and Chris
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Shirley Manson of Garbage
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