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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "He does not believe God told him to run, or
If God never told Bush to bomb Iraq,
Maybe the reverend ought not to tell us what's
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"This story is a perfect demonstration of the
difference between the Swift Boat controversy
and the National Guard controversy.
Both are tales from long ago and both are related to Vietnam,
but the documentary evidence in the
two cases is like night and day. In the Swift Boat case,
practically every new piece of documentary
evidence indicates that Kerry's accusers are lying.
Conversely, in the National Guard case,
practically every new piece of documentary evidence
provides additional confirmation that
the charges against Bush are true."
--Kevin Drum, National Guard Smoking Gun?" Attribution
"You think it's not true, you think it's not
coming, you think "it can't happen here."
But it can, and it is, right before your
George Bush's United States is clearly in
a proto-fascist condition. Of course, there's no such thing
as direct equivalence between historical
events. The same dangers never come around again -- not in
the same form nor with precisely identical
content. At every point in time, a new set of elements and
circumstances coalesce to create the unique
reality of that particular historical moment.
But if you take the general definition
of fascism provided by its founder, Benito Mussolini -- "the merger
of corporate and state power" -- and apply
it to the elements that are coalescing in America at this historical
moment, you could hardly find a more apt
description of the Bush Regime."
Aaron McGruder's gotta be reading bartcop.com
"It's scary to think what the economy would
look like now without the tax cut."
--Whore Street Journal Editorial, on the Vital Role of Tax Cuts
Yeah, without Bush's "billions to the super rich" giveaway, we might have Clinton's economy again.
Spits Toads
by Maureen Dowd - she hates everybody
Bush and Cheney have always used the president's
father as a reverse lodestar. In 1992, the senior Bush
wooed the voters with "Message: I care.''
So this week, Cheney wooed the voters with, Message: You die.
The terrible beauty of its simplicity grows
on you. It is a sign of the dark, macho, paranoid vice president's
restraint that he didn't really take it
to its emotionally satisfying conclusion: Message: Vote for us or we'll
kill you.
Without Zell Miller around to out-crazy
him, and unplugged after a convention that tried to "humanize'' him with
grandchildren, horses and wifely anecdotes
about his inability to dance the twist, Cheney is back as Terrifier in
He finally simply spit out what the Bush
team has been more subtly trying to convey for months:
A vote for John Kerry is a vote for the
"We heard, of course, that hell was full and
therefore Clinton will be with us for a while longer."
-- Michael Savage (R-Sex with
objects) Attribution
"I molest statues because
no woman will have me."
Subject: the simple fact is...
George Bush and his NeoCon pals have been
getting their asses kicked all over this planet
by an Arab living in a cave somewhere (supposedly)
and his religiously insane jihadists.
Wish John Kerry would say it out loud;
"George Bush is getting his ass kicked all over
the place by an Arab in a cave somehwere
and still continues to call himself a "war president'.
That should be our message at the moment.
But Dot, that wouldn't be polite.
Kerry doesn't want to win "dirty."
Dueling Quotes
"That's a source that didn't even exist 10
years ago.
400,000 people make some money trading
on eBay."
--Dick Cheney, saying the economy is much bgetter than GDP figures indicate
"If we only included bake sales and how much
money kids make
at lemonade stands, this economy would
really be cooking."
--John Edwards, showing some sarcasm
and some balls by mocking Cheney Attribution
Subject: Marguerite's Letter re: Cheney
Dear Marguerite,
Thanks for your letter to Cheney!
Today I'm watching the WTC Memorial. After
3 years, the grief and sadness is still very strong.
And not a g_d damned thing has been accomplished.
Like Richard Clark said, "your government
has failed you". It has continued to fail
us, on all fronts - both overseas and here at home. The Brown
Shirts and the State Controlled Media think
they have things wrapped up, but they are wrong.
On top of their failures that led to that
terrible disaster on 9/11/01, they have done nothing except lie,
cheat, steal and deceive all Americans.
After 3 years, OBL has not been captured, but instead, tens of
thousands of lives have been destroyed
in IRAQ with BILLIONS of profits being made by corrupt
Iraq cronies and Cheney's Halliburton.
Now, add insult to injury, Cheney terrorizes
Americans with threats of further "pre-fabricated attacks"
on our country if we vote for the wrong
Marguerite, I agree 100%. We must push out
these fascist thugs and put them all in jail for life.
Charge: TREASON and CONSPIRACY against
the American People.
Thanks for having the guts to express your
opinions. Its a shame no one else seems to have any left.
George in NJ
11 - What you ought not to know
FBI words chill the soul by Greg Palast
I pressed him to tell me exactly which
investigations were spiked. None of this interview dance was easy,
requiring switching to untraceable phones.
Ultimately, the insider said, "Khan Labs." At the time, our intelligence
agencies were on the trail of Pakistan's
Dr. Strangelove, A.Q. Khan, who built Pakistan's bomb and was selling
its secrets to the Libyans. But once Bush
and Condoleeza Rice's team took over, the source told us, agents were
forced to let a hot trail go cold. Specifically,
there were limits on tracing the Saudi money behind this "Islamic bomb."
Then we made another call, this time to
an arms dealer in the Mideast. He confirmed that his partner attended a
meeting in 1995 at the 5-star Hotel Royale
Monceau in Paris where, allegedly, Saudi billionaires agreed to fund
Al Qaeda fanatics. We understood it to
be protection money, not really a sign of support for their attacks.
Nevertheless, rule number one of investigative
reporting is "follow the money" -- but the sheiks' piggy banks were
effectively off-limits to the US agents
during the Bush years. One of the men in the posh hotel's meeting of vipers
happens to have been a Bush family business
The "Unfit
for Office" lunchbox
Show your co-workers how you feel.
Media ownership limits may depend on election
In its Friday ruling on cross-ownership,
the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia refused
to reverse part of its June decision that
the FCC had improperly loosened a wide array of media
ownership limits in 2003.
Tribune "has so much bet on this thing and
they're really starting to sweat," said Andrew Schwartzman,
president of the Media Access Project,
which represents a group seeking strict limits on media ownership.
"There's billions of dollars sitting on the sidelines
- transactions that are being held up."
Shaun Sheehan, the lobbyist for Tribune
in Washington, D.C., acknowledged that the company's appeal
was an "outside shot," but said resolution
of the cross-ownership issue should not be held up along with the
other FCC media rules because diversity
of news sources is inherent in the big-city markets where Tribune
seeks to own papers and TV stations.
"At the end of the day we may be vindicated -
we rather think we will be, except the day's getting awfully long," Sheehan
nothing wrong with the rich owning the airwaves
long as they're honest like FOX News..."
BTW, if you're a subscriber
and have a page or blog to plug,
send me your link.
"Now, one of my opponent's key economic advisors
is saying they won't give
the details on how they would raise
spending and lower the deficit until after the election.
Well, if they want to hold back information
until the people vote, you can bet it won't be
good news for the taxpayers. But America
will reject the hidden Kerry tax plan."
--Dubya, who has a five year plan to end his quagmire in Iraq
Subject: This is what happens...
...when less than half the population votes,
and those that do make up
their minds off of sound bites and pictures
and who their friends like.
America is too stupid to survive.
Rich McG
Blue in Seattle
You sent me something, so I sent you a BCR Show as a thank you,
but the package came back from the Post Office saying "Incomplete
If you'd send your full address, I'd fix you up.
What happens when you:
1) have nothing to do
2) own a sharp knife
3) have a large lime
4) own a patient cat
5) drink too much tequila
6) and it's football
Flowers May Have Long-Term Benefit for MS
God will be angry - He wants his children to suffer
Watch 'Joey' Debut on NBC
18M viewers a 'Big disaster' for Matt LeBlanc and NBC
U.S. Deserter Surrenders in Japan
Why is Bush surrendering in Japan?
of 1,000 Dead U.S. Soldiers Laid Out in NYC
Putting a human face on Bush's thousand victims
Subject: It's because he lied about it
I remember when the Republicans were trying
to get President Clinton kicked out of office saying,
"It's not that he had sex with that woman - it's
that he lied about it." Now we get to say the same thing.
It's not that Bush has strings pulled to
get him out of Vietnam - it's that he lied about it.
It's not that he didn't show up for his
national guard duty - it's that he lied about it.
It's not that they didn't find weapons of mass destruction - it's that he lied about it.
And - it's not that he got us into and unprovoked
war against the wrong enemy that has
crippled the economy and got 1000 soldiers
killed - it's that he lied to get us in there.
Well - actually - it is about
getting 1000 soldiers killed - not just that he lied about it.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Partners . The Real Terrorists?
by the BartCop Feminist
While this administration has shown no
interest in the physical and mental well being of women in this country,
we do know that they are interested in
helping wealthy corporations. The following statistics should spark attention.
According to The National Violence Against
Women Survey (NVAWS), American women lose nearly 8.0 million
days of paid work each year because of
violence perpetrated against them by intimate partners. This is the equivalent
of 32,114 full-time jobs each year.
In reality, instead of murdering thousands
to make 'merica safer, dubya should focus on depleting the number of
intimate relationships formed between women
and men while expanding the number of children raised in orphanages
to be sure they aren't murdered by their
#1 threat their parents.
Funniest white man in America has a new book out.
You're going to hear a lot about this book.
When Kitty Kelley writes a book, everybody talks about it.
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Hunting of the President
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
This was the day the world changed
"From the moment American airliners were transformed
by suicidal fanatics into missiles of mass destruction,
it was clear the world had changed. Now
we know it has changed in ways most of us could not have imagined,
and mostly for the worse. The nations of
the West are more afraid, less united and, most tragically, less free.
To that extent, in spite of George Bush's
war against terrorism - indeed, in part, because of it - al-Qaeda has
achieved its ends...The terrorists have
panicked the US and other Western nations into compromising the rule
of law and civil liberties, the principles
they claim to defend. Meanwhile, ruthless governments have been
handed a neat rationalisation for repressing
internal enemies. It is indeed a dreadful anniversary.
Isn't it time the Swift Boat
Veterans removed the "Truth" from their name?
Schachte's colleagues at Blank Rome include
not only top Bush-Cheney donors, several former Bush administration
officials, a cochairman of the 2000 Republican
Convention and a cochairman of the 2004 Republican Convention,
but also the former director of the Republican
National Committee's "opposition research" department.
The retired admiral renewed the Vietnam
controversy on Aug. 27 when he told journalists that Kerry's first Purple
was the unearned result of a self-inflicted
scratch during a nighttime mission that received no enemy fire. Contradicting
word of two veterans of that December 1968
mission -- both of whom said Schachte wasn't there -- Schachte charged
that Kerry had misfired a grenade launcher
and suffered a minor scratch. (Schachte's account also conflicted with
Swift Boat Veterans' own Web site, which
was quickly altered to match his tale.)
Independence Day
7, 2004
Subject: "Don't bullshit a bullshitter"
I am so proud of my Dad!
A lifelong dem, he's been gently working
the local country club set in a red section of PA.
On Labor day, he & the Babe hosted a
barbeque for 4 couples from the country club.
A doctor, a lawyer, the owner of a manufacturing
plant and a banker, all hard-core lifelong
republicans and all vets of either WWII
or Korea.
'Doc' is Catholic, but pragmatic, especially on
'choice' issues (he also has 3 wonderful uppity daughters).
'Doc' was badly wounded in WWII, and between
birth control issues & the Swift Boat liars, he came
over to Dad's side a couple of weeks back.
The other 3 couples tried to give Dad &
'Doc' a hard time over Kerry til Dad asked the lawyer
how old was his grandson. The
lawyer said the kid would be 15 next month, so Dad pointed out
the kid was only 3 years away from military
service, and had the lawyer realized that his only grandson
could be going into the Iraq mess during
the coming term of who ever is president?
That led to a 'what are we doing in Iraq,
anyway' discussion.
By the end of the evening they were all
still pals & golf buddies, but Dad had converted the lot of them to
On the way out, the wife of the lawyer thanked
Dad for getting her husband to see her point of view.
Turned out the wife of the banker was a
closet Kerry fan all along because she thinks Teresa Heinz Kerry
is 'fabulous', but she was afraid to say
I learned early on that if you're gonna
argue with dear old Dad you better have your facts straight and lined up
like little duckies.
Or as he would phrase it "you don't bullshit
a bullshitter."
Tipped him on the '60 Minutes' segment last
night with Ben Barnes.
Think Dad's going to have even more fun
on the links this weekend.
A damn proud daughter,
Marty's Entertainment Page
"I would be very careful about using our troops
as nation-builders."
--Dubya, "Bush's 2000
War Promises"
When Rumsfeld was told on the morning of
Sept. 11 that a second plane had hit the WTC,
he paused, then continued his morning intelligence
briefing, according to the 9/11 Commission.
It wasn't until a third plane slammed into
the Pentagon that Rumsfeld jumped into action, even assisting
with rescue efforts. A few hours later,
he wondered aloud to his staff whether the attack would allow
the United States to strike at Saddam Hussein,
not just Osama bin Laden.
Rumsfeld's response tells us all we need
to know about what went wrong with our government's
policies in 2001. We were unprepared for
the threats we faced, were slow to comprehend the meaning
of the attack, and in planning our counterattack,
almost immediately began focusing again on the wrong threat.
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"When I took office, manufacturing employment
had been declining for
almost three years. In the last
six months of the prior administration,
more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs
were lost. We're turning that around.
--Dubya, letting us know the Clinton
miracle was a mirage Attribution
But Giggling Murderer, if that's true,
why did you promise tax cuts during 2000
"because the economy's in such good
Rescue Workers' Health Suffering
Bush lied, thousands died, thousands more wheezing
The latest health study, conducted at Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, showed that nearly half
of the 1,138 people screened had problems
that either began or worsened after being exposed
to the dust, airborne toxins and pollutants
unleashed by the collapsed buildings. The analysis is
part of a broader study of about 12,000
people being evaluated at Mount Sinai.
The CDC said that only 21 percent of the
workers and volunteers participating in the screening program
had appropriate respiratory protection
between Sept. 11 and Sept. 14, 2001, the days when the impact
of dust, diesel exhaust, pulverized cement,
glass fibers and asbestos was considered the greatest.
Bush gave them his Nancy Grace guarantee that it was safe to breathe
those toxins,
and now they are dying. But of course, John Kerry and the
Democrats refuse to make
that an issue - because it wouldn't be polite.
Bush's American soldier body count in Iraq
1005, 1007 dead American soldiers.
"We're chasing down these killers overseas
so we don't have
to face them here at home. We're making
good progress."
--Dubya, sounding like Robert MacNamara
explaining Vietnam Attribution
Nation Remembers
a cartoon by Mark Fiore
From: Mess-O-Potamia
I'm borrowing that line from John Stewart's
The Daily Show: Mess-O-Potamia. It truly is a mess, and we
seem to be getting our butts kicked by a bunch of teenagers with
RPG's and hand-made bombs. This is ridiculous,
and it's a mess that is solely of Bush's
making. But where is the outrage, where is the outcry? The American people
seem to be taking the mounting U.S. casualties
in stride. I guess as long as it's not your kid getting his legs blown
over there it's O.K. Why isn't an American
President being held accountable for dragging the armed forces of our nation
(those venerable armed forces that once
liberated Europe from Hitler and were admired the world over) into another
no-win mess is a foreign land?
A year ago pundits all were saying that
if Americans were still fighting in Iraq in September of 2004 it was curtains
for Bush.
Well, they're still fighting over there,
but it doesn't seem to be hurting Bush one bit. Also, throughout the Spring
and Summer,
all of the polls were showing that the
economy and health care were the top issues on peoples' minds. Now, all
of a sudden,
Bush and Cheney have been allowed to turn
the conversation around -- for obvious reasons. I find it hard to believe
the Bush,
Cheney and Rove have been able to turn
something around to their benefit that should have been a huge liability
for Bush.
Of course, cable news is now an arm of
the White House propaganda machine, so I guess that helps.
Donald P
It's our bad luck that Kerry said he would've done the same thing Bush did.
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the artisty of bruce yurgil
Subject: Authenticity
of Bush Memos Scrutinized
I bet you won't mention this on your website.
Looks like Soros is
using the money he gave Moveon.org to create
fraudulent documents.
You democrats are the lowest form of scum
on earth.
Shows you will stop at nothing to cheat
and steal the election.
Amazing that they are too stupid to use
a typewriter.
Microsoft Word didn't even exist in 72
and the guy never signed it.
That is some credible evidence.
Daren - let's gamble!
If those papers are proven to be fake, then George Bush wasn't
But if that's not proven, you'd admit he's an AWOL Deserter?
You feel strongly enough about it to gamble, punk?
From: why Kerry waited to fight
Excuse me but, as a Clark supporter, I have
to say that I think that Kerry is a p_ssy.
I am soooo pissed that I even wrote to
his senate office to voice my objections to his
stupid ineffectual campaign, at least from
where I sit, in a swing state.
I can NOT believe that he is letting bush
take the high (or gutter) ground on this.
What the heck did he bother running for
if all he is is another dukakis?
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