THE FBI is being asked to investigate how thousands of mainly
black supporters of Al Gore were given ballot papers that had
allegedly already been marked for rival candidates.
Yesterday Democrat officials were examining claims that up to
17,000 ballot papers in the Miami area had been tampered with in
what they described as “organised corruption”. Lawyers from
across the United States descended on Miami and were busy
taking statements from those complaining that they had been
cheated or intimidated out of voting for Mr Gore.
A senior Democrat official in Miami, who has hired a team of 20
investigators to carry out an inquiry, told The Times: “Until now in
Florida, we have been arguing foul-ups, human error and stupidity.
But this is deliberate corruption to spoil votes for Gore and that
must be a matter for the FBI.
“We don’t want to be seen as playing the race card here, but the
areas where this happened are in poorer precincts, which are
predominantly black areas that would be expected to vote almost
unanimously for Vice-President Gore. We are not accusing the
Republican Party or any other ethnic groups for being behind this.
All we are saying is the vote was corrupted. There are just too
many double-punched papers.”
Jewish leaders in staunch Democrat areas of the city claimed that
they, too, had evidence of voting slips being marked before they
reached polling stations in areas populated by retired Jewish
couples. At a rally in a Miami synagogue, Lisa Versaci, Florida
director of People for the American Way, said: “There can be no
innocent explanation for a pre-punched ballot sheet.”
Republican leaders in Miami dismissed the allegations as
“dirty-trick claims”. A spokesman said: “A spoiled ballot is not
uncommon. There is no dark plot here.”