My head just exploded, so I'll try to write this
before I die.
I was watching the nightly news, and the lead
story was that the Bush camp was trying
to get a court to stop the hand count of the
Florida votes. Now, get of the
reasons that was given for the Bush oppostion
of the hand counts was that they
believed that it was unconstitutional.
That's when my head exploded.
I assume that GOP thinks that the Constitution
only recognizes votes that have been
counted by computer, and are free of bias and
the most accurate. Now, I know that
old Ben Franklin was a smart guy, but I think
he stopped short of inventing the computer.
Seems to me that when the Constitution was written,
that those votes were COUNTED BY HAND.
Does anybody else remember how this whole thing
got started?
I do.
The networks called Florida a little after 8 PM
on election day.
Around 9 PM, Karl Rove comes on one of the networks
and announces
that he doesn't believe that forecast and that
they think they will win Florida.
Then all of a sudden, the networks take away
Florida from Gore's column.
has been a LOT of debate going on
about the influence of the media predicting the
result of an election before all of the voters
have finished voting. The theory being
that if someone hears that one candidate has won
a particular state, that the remaining voters
will just stay home.
Here's ANOTHER disturbing theory...what happens
if the media predicts that a candidate wins
a particular state WHILE THE VOTES AND BALLOT
Here's the way I see it...all of the national
media outlets call Florida for Al Gore at 8 PM.
Karl Rove flies into a fury and calls Jeb Bush.
Karl tells Jeb "you may not have gotten enough
votes for your brother, but you can certainly
make sure that Al Gore doesn't get as many."
Next thing you know, in the hours between Karl
Rove appearing on TV and the prediction that
Bush won Florida, a lot of ballot boxes from
heavily Democratic areas of Florida start to fall off trucks.
I used to work at polling places on election day.
Of course, here in Pennsylvania,
which is ABOVE the Mason-Dixon line, we use computerized
touch-pads to elect
our candidates. When a voter comes in,
we check their name, make them sign the book,
and record their name on a master list.
Then they vote on the machine, and the machine
gives a running tally of how many votes were
cast. Then the polling place workers can
check to make sure that the number of voters
on the master list matches up with the number
of votes cast on the ballot. In almost
every case, the numbers match up EXACTLY,
with a few excpetions, when maybe one vote was
lost out of hundreds.
The point is almost IMPOSSIBLE for
a vote to be "lost."
Ain't technology great?
But hey...I'm up here in Pennsylvania, which
Gore WON.
Isn't it a coincidence that the better, more
accurate, and more technologically powerful
the voting method, the better the chances that
Gore won?
Heck, isn't it true that in Alabama, if you want
to vote for Bush, you throw a red rock
into a bucket, and if you want to vote for Gore,
you throw a blue one in??
ha ha