
Subject: "Is Al Gore hijacking the presidency?"
                A Day on the Faux News Channel...


I only watched about 30-40 minutes of this "Fox and Friends" this morning and the 3 smirking
hyenas(1 woman, 2 guys...the regular hosts, didn't catch their names) managed to suggest this
at least 20 times during this period and that was before one of the hyenas actually whipped out
the New York Post and almost blew a load all over it after reading the same Al Gore hijacking
headline and before they actually made it their "Question of the Day" for the ditto-fuckheads
who call and send them email all damn day.

Absolutely amazing.

"Hijacking"...their code word for stealing I guess.
How the fuck does Gore steal...I mean hijack something that doesn't even officially belong to
someone else? I guess with the right-wing parrots all over the tv and radio screaming about
how Bush already won Florida the first time and then the second time, blah-blah-blah.

...these people actually start to believe this shit or at least hope that others who are less partisan
will bite eventually. Also wasting no time trying to mix apples and oranges, one of the hyenas
(the blond one...if you're familiar with this show) made sure to mention several times during the
course of this just 30-40 minutes (I shit you not!) how 96% of Floridians got the butterfly ballots
correct (which of course has nothing to do with the current manual recount since double-punched
ballots and the confused Jews who might have voted for Herr Buchanan instead of Gore are a
totally seperate issue) and that it's so unfair to only do recounts in Democratic counties
(which of course he failed to mention that the Republicans didn't request any and actually took a
shit all over states' rights by whining to a federal judge about the Democrats doing it).

This same scumbag also suggested several times that during the hand recount, it will be
2 Democrats vs. 1 Republican and the 2 Democrats will gang up on the 1 poor, little defenseless
Republican and force then to change Bush or Buchanan or whatever votes over to Gore.
It just went on and on like this over and over. And the other highlights of my short time with
Fox and Friends? A brief interview with the woman-County Commisioner(?) who pushed
hardest for the manual recount to take place in Palm Beach County. They introduced her as
..."the most hated woman in America". Can you believe that shit? They were doing the
interview by proxy for some reason and the anchor they had in Florida mentioned that she was
under police protection because she had recieved some death threats. Probably the same thugs
who wanted to attack Congressman Wexler. Y'know, this is why I agree with you on Democrats
needing to own at least some guns.

Not sure about the Florida gun laws, but apparently it's not even safe to try and do your own
goddamn job down there if you have a D after your name. But anyway, between all of this fucking
hooey, was the Howard Stern imitator and pro wrestler wannabe known as Mancow who came on
and ranted about this and that and the "Dumbocrats"(haw haw haw...gosh, that's some cutting edge
humor, huh?) and I guess was trying to suggest that we'll have another civil war sooner than later
or some such nonsense and then managed to once again accuse President Clinton of raping
Juanita Brodderick and rambled incoherently about Jesse Jackson (whose name made the female
whore host let out a very audible "hmmph"...honestly it was so over the top, you would of thought
one of the guys had just grabbed her ass or something) and some other stuff that made little to no
sense and that was about it. I had to go to work, so I missed their upcoming interview with
America's favorite "gook killer" Col. David Hackworth. I'm sure that was yet another lovefest as well.

So this was my 30-40 minutes with Fox and Friends (a 2 hour show btw) and though I'd never
seen it before, it was EXACTLY what I figured  I was missing....


I saw Mancow for the first time a few months ago.
It was the only time I registered some respect for Rush Limbaugh.
When you compare the two, Rush looks part-sane.

I have a rule - (I have lots of rules) anybody who goes farther than me when I'm kidding
should be watched very closely. There are times when I get off on a rant and I'm being
wacko-sarcastic about something, and then I see some GOP wacko go farther than me
but the difference is he's not kidding!  That's scary.

I gotta go, gotta clean and oil my guns.

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