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1402 - Adrift on a sea of futile speech
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Thursday September 16, 2004
Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
"I am under fierce attack from the homosexual
lobby and I need your prayers -- and your help."
--Alan Keyes, 40 points behind, begging for money by blaming gays Attribution
ha ha
Keyes is seeing homos in his dreams...
They're probably chasing him with their pants down, too...
Officials Have Bleak View for Iraq
"But we love Bush's courageous courage in the big war..."
The document lays out a second scenario
in which increased extremism and fragmentation
in Iraqi society impede efforts to build
a central government and adversely affect efforts to
democratize the country.
In a third, worst-case scenario, the intelligence
council contemplated "trend lines that would
point to a civil war," the official said.
The potential conflict could be among the country's
three main populations the Sunnis, Shiites
and Kurds.
It "would be fair" to call the document
"pessimistic," the official added
Things just keeps getting worse and worse,
and the media and the wall-to-wall GOP
echo chamber keeps telling us what
a great job the "war president" is doing..
and Bush 'neck and neck' in new poll
I hope Kerry has people who can do good electoral math
As the convention-time boost enjoyed by
the Giggling Murderer began to wane,
he and Kerry are neck and neck less than
two months ahead of the November 2 election.
According to the latest Harris Interactive
poll posted on The Whore Street Journal's website,
Kerry secured 48 percent of the intended
vote, compared with 47 percent for Bush.
Bush partner Ralph Nader garnered two percent
of the hypothetical vote.
Please God, make me wrong about Kerry.
If you let Kerry win, I'll start going to church again.
(I don't mean it)
Subject: Kerry is losing
I totally agree Bart, Kerry needs to FIGHT
like his life depended on it.
How did we end up with this shill?
My man Wesley would be mopping up the floor
with Shrub if we were so luck to have him.
BTW, why all the anti gun stuff?
We're gonna need 'em especially with 4
more years of Shrub.
There are lot's of 2nd amendment supporting
Michael R
Mike, I agree about General Clark.
He would fight back hard each time an attack was launched.
"I have to laugh when conservatives call this
system the best democracy in the world.
It is a little bit better than Russias
and a few others, but it is hardly worthy of the description democracy.
(I am reminded of Donald Rumsfeld defending
U.S. troops torture, rape and sexual humiliation of innocents
at Abu Ghraib by saying well, its
not as bad as actual terrorism.)"
--Eric Alterman, Attribution
the Filter
No one talks about real interests
The media has allowed itself to shift more
and more to the right, desperately seeking an end
to the accusations of bias. These movements,
though not necessarily dictated by the parent
companies, are no doubt a result of upper-management
pressure to keep the right-wing happy.
And the process continues, because those
who call the truth an enemy are never satisfied until
they obtain complete control.
Legitimate questions concerning Bush are
buried while every scurrilous attack on John Kerry's
record is repeated ad nauseum until it
has been thoroughly immersed in the public consciousness.
When Kerry leads by 5%, it is reported
as "tenuous" or "barely ahead." When Bush leads by 4%,
it is called "a commanding lead" or "well
ahead," and used as a launching pad for a fresh wave of
reports that Kerry's candidacy is doomed.
The "Fake
Flyboy" t-skirt
Click to Order
Tell the world the truth.
"Gore Vidal recalled a conversation with Murray
Kempton. Kempton had mentioned George Bush [Sr.],
and according to Vidal, Nixon had responded:
"Total light-weight. Nothing there sort of person you
appoint to things but now that Barbara,
she's something else again! She's really vindictive!" Vidal
characterized the comment as "the highest
Nixonian compliment."
--Kitty Kelley, in her
explosive book, Attribution
Note: I have a copy of Kelley's book coming.
It will
be the second book I've read since having the page, the first was Susan
Hurricane Hates Freedom
Bush Embraces Story Wherein Deaths Cannot Be Attributed to
Click Here
Millions of Gulf Coast Residents Grateful
for Fiscally Conservative Administration:
"His will
be done..."
"Bush spoke to members of the National Guard
at a convention in Las Vegas.
A lot of those guys were really excited
to see him. A lot of them have been
waiting since the early 70s to see
him, for him to show up."
--Jay Leno
by She who hates everyone
Here's how bad off the Democrats are: They're
cowering behind closed doors, whispering that if it should
ever turn out that Republicans are behind
this, it would be so exquisitely Machiavellian, so beyond what
Democrats are capable of, they should just
fold and concede the election now - before the Republicans
have to go to the trouble of stealing it
There's no evidence - it's just a preposterous,
paranoid fantasy at this point. But it speaks to the jitters of
the Democrats that they're consumed with
speculation about whether Karl Rove, the master of dirty tricks
and surrogate sleaze, could have set up
CBS in a diabolical pre-emptive strike to undermine damaging
revelations about Bush 43's privileged
status and vanishing act in the National Guard, and his odd refusal
to take his required physical when ordered.
House Republicans started clamoring for
a Congressional inquiry into the documents used by "60 Minutes,''
saying it might be an attempt to manipulate
the election. (Isn't that what the Democrats are scared the GOP is doing?)
These same Republicans never wanted investigations
into missing W.M.D., why Congress passed a
Medicare bill based on faulty figures,
Abu Ghraib or even whether those Swiftie guys were lying, for Pete's sake.
Subject: BCR Show 54
Dear Bart,
You are definitely putting on some great
I love the new sound effects for when you
are talking about the vulgar pigboy.
I know you talk about saying things and
losing subscribers, but if they leave
because you presented an opposing opinion
doesn't that make the closet Republicans??
I think everyone is worried that we'll have
four more years of war, death and fear.
If I had any brains, each day I'd say, "Kerry
in a landslide" like Randi does.
You'll never lose us here in East &^%$#@*
Texas, even if we don't always agree.
Looking forward to show 55. Here are some
fan photos for you to laugh about.
Carrie & Stephen
Tyler, TX
Hires Massabama Woman Fired for Sticker on Car
"Let your boss know that as of today, you're working for John
Ramone Dies at 55
After a five-year battle with prostate cancer
Contractor's Bag Full of Explosives at JFK
"projectile point detonating fuse" and a "surface-to-air and
air-to-air cartridge"
Is Sliding Into Dictatorship
Putin is 'pulling a Bush,' grabbing power and say "FY" to
the voters
Subject: Harpo Marx?
Where did you get that sense of humor, Harpo
Marx reference?
It's something I might have heard around
the house when I was a kid.
I was just trying to think of somebody very
and I didn't think this crowd would know
who Marcel Marceau was.
Jon Stewart,
Kitty Kelley,
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Chain of Command
Hunting of the President,
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
needs an M16? ....whaaaaaaat?
Debate with a gun nut
Click Here
C'mon, if someone wants to commit violence,
all they need is a brick, or just their fists.
This is what the gun-ban countries are
finding out. Gun-bans keep people who respect the
rule of law at a disadvantage vs. the criminals
who break laws, including the gun-ban laws.
Subject: my campaign ad
for Kerry
I've never fully understood the democrats
unwillingness to play the "class warfare" card, in that the
republican party of the last twenty four
years has declared "war" on the middle class. Here's my Kerry ad.
It opens with the clip from M. Moores movie
where pres. dumbass say's to a black tie crowd,
"The haves and the have mores. Some call you
the elite, I call you my base."
The next scene is of a news reader (real
or fake) reporting sales figures from last years Christmas season.
He says, "Sales results for Wal-mart,
J.C. Penny, and Sears were dissappointing, while sales at
upscale retailers like Neiman Marcus
and Saks Fifth Avenue were much better than expected."
Next, a picture of a newspaper headline
about the number of people who have fallen below the poverty level.
Then, a disconsolate football coach telling
his crestfallen high school players that funding cuts mean the end
the football program at ole' ? H.S.
Then, wrap it up with, "It's hard when
you're not part of George W. Bush's base."
Or something along those lines. Homer would
get that.
Boston Dave
Dave, that would be too effective - it makes
perfect sense.
The Democrats would never go for it.
Says He Didn't Mean to Malign Islam
"Christian" man lied like his name was Bush last night
Boykin told CBS he had been misunderstood
for saying of a Somali warlord
he interrogated in 1993, "I knew that my
God was a real God and his was an idol."
The general said the Somali warlord was
"not a good Muslim."
"He's a man who worshipped graft, corruption,
power and money," Boykin said.
"My reference to his God being an idol was not
to Allah. My reference was to his
worship of corruption, of power, of money."
What a clumsy liar this "Christian" is.
If you're a super-duper Christian and you
say your God is real and the Muslim's
God isn't, you're not talking about anything but God vs God and this liar is trying
to cover up his gaffe instead of admitting
it like a man. How laughable is it to try
to convince people he really meant the
Muslim "worshipped corruption."
Every religion has a built-in prejudice
- it's how they operate. It's how they sell
their brand of hooey to you, by telling
you the other religions are nothing but crap.
Subject: BCR Show 54
One is better than the other.
I don't have alot of $$ but after I got
Randi Rhodes to talk about you
and you got me hooked with the July month...
I couldn't resist. Had to subscribe.
Cutting back on the food budget and using
Went with a slightly cheaper brand of bourbon.
But all is right with the world when I
can listen to BartcopRadio!.....
I have burned a few on CDS-rw and turned
on friends. One of the Dem big wigs here
is totally turned on to your site and I
am spreading the word more each day. My art fair
booth now sports a Bartcop sticker, (I
am sending another envelope so I can get stickers
everywhere I go in the eastern US).
Will send a picture when I do my next show.
Once again, KUDOS on the fine work you do.
Robert, that's a good idea.
I've sent out hundreds of disks this month and if everyone
burned a few copies
and sent them to friends that would be fine with me. Maybe
I can get on those
Kazaa and Napster outlets so people will think
they're doing something sneaky :)
They love
Kerry in Madison
"George Bush is proud of the fact that
not even failure can cause him to change his mind."
--John Kerry, Attribution
Subject: thought this might
interest you
I'm the manager of the local rural water
district and my only boss in that capacity is the board of directors.
On the board are several veterans as well
as family members of soldiers serving in Iraq.
After our meeting last night the war in
Iraq came up.
Several family members of soldiers commented
that in the beginning soldiers were free to
e-mail home and send pics as often as they
liked. Now the access of the soldiers is being limited
and their
mail is now being censored.
It's getting so bad that one soldier commented
to his family that things were "Spiraling out of control
and this could be my last message."
The veterans in the group at that point
chimed in and said that "politicians should let the soldiers do their job"
and they then all agreed that "each time
politicians get involved in war it becomes a mess" they cited as examples
Vietnam, the first Gulf War AND Korea as
examples. They then mentioned wars we had won such as WWII
when McArthur took charge and eliminated
Hitler. Also mentioned was the fact that they bridled "Stormin Norman"
during the first Gulf War and that if the
had let him do his job we wouldn't be in this mess now.
Sadly, one WWII vet said that during that
war they would approach a village and allow everyone that wanted to leave
to pass.
They would then attack the village and
everyone left behind was eliminated. The theory being that only those friendly
to the other side would stay to try and
fight them. Now, that's some food for thought, don't ya think?
Entertainment Page
"I consider [Negroes] more of a menace ...
than all other evils combined ... For humanity's sake,
I am in favor of putting to death all
children who come into the world hopeless invalids or badly deformed ...
I am in favor of a whipping-post law
... for wife-beaters and petty offenders on whom jail sentences are imposed."
--W.'s great-great grandfather, David
"Pee" Walker, in a letter to the editor of the St. Louis Republic, Attribution
Subject: Tiger Woods's
Bart ole Cop,
I have seen a picture of Elin Nordegren
in a bikini and if I were Tiger Woods,
a golf course would not be the the
first course on my mind.
Dave in L.A.
Dave, you're saying she is distracting?
Here to get 3 BartCop
Radio Shows on CD delivered for just $24
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Bonus - mention BCR Show 35 - the Bush Beatdown and get it FREE!
"You are paying these guys a lot of damn money.
If Kerry is screwing up, where is our
Karl Rove?"
--Tony Coelho, hitting Kerry's advisers, Attribution
That's one problem we have - no Rove on
our side.
You see, that wouldn't be right.
If we can't win with the high road, we'd
rather lose.
Hogwarts Howler For The American Voter
Arianna Huffington strikes again on alternet.org
Kerry simply cannot, as some are advising,
look at the poll numbers, cede national security
to the other side, and hope to win by going
after Bush on health care and jobs.
He needs to hit the president again and
again and again right smack in the middle of his
supposed strength: Bush's "strong," "steadfast,"
"unwavering," "decisive" leadership in the War on Terror.
...and could we somehow work that "Bullhorn Sacred Vow"
issue into the campaign?
I just think Bush's 9-11 Betrayal to America's
soul should be an issue.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
998, 1007, 1020,
1025 dead American soldiers.
Damn, 5 more since yesterday?
"We're chasing down these killers overseas
so we don't have
to face them here at home. We're making
good progress."
--Dubya, explaining how great the war is
going Attribution
From: the ad that beats
I can agree this ad if it were shown nation
wide and not in some swing state(s)
would be the one ad that would create a
fire storm for Kerry. I cannot give you
a reasonable explanation as to why Kerry
will not be a damn "grizzley" and attack Bush.
I am in agreement with you asking the question,
why he does not fight back?
Hell, with all the "smarts" running his
campaign one would assume there would be more
fire coming forth, but there is hardly
a consistant fire that keeps building and building.
Now if his team is going to rely on the
debates then we are all "chit out of luck".
Hell, the media will tell us that Bush won
the first and last, and we all be sucking hind tit come November 2th.
Bart, I must thank you for keeping the
hammer pounding and awakening those comatose folks.
Click Here to
see the ad and hear a clip from BCR
Show 54
Season Premier of Survivor
It's like New Year's and Cinco de Mayo at BartCop manor.
Mrs. Bart is walking on a cloud. She'll be in a good
mood until Koreshmas.
There's also a good C.S.I. repeat.
Can one person have two sets of DNA?
Wanda on Leno - she's getting a show right before Jon Stewart.
Dubya Knows Best
the BartCop Feminist
Click Here
Over the past four years, the lying unelected
chimp has become increasingly concerned over the damage
brought upon heterosexual marriages by
homosexual relationships. In a recent
Sunday radio address,
dubya stated his opinion of homosexual
marriages. The lying thief believes that marriages were created for
the purpose of procreation. He believes
civilization will end altogether if he allows homosexuals to marry.
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Denverites: All
this week, BartCop Radio ads running on Denver's AM 760 between 11PM-midnight
on Janeanne Garafolo's Show. (The ads are only in the local Denver
area, not online.)
Click Here if you'd
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Subject: Tim McGraw's
Bullshit Hero
So Tim McGraw wants Bill Clinton to be king?
Just like a freaking socialist bastard
to want to dump democracy and install a king instead.
I don't need a horses ass king. I like to
vote for my representatives.
Only you Democrat bastards want a dictatorship
with a single ruler.
You love dictatorships. That's because
you are pricks.
I'll bet Alec Baldwin would like a king
named Clinton.
And Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, Tim
Robbins and Tom Cruise, too.
Bill, you have it backwards.
We didn't kill democracy, Bush,
Harris, Baker and Scalia did that.
You say you like voting? Democrats
do too.
We wish the votes had been counted back
in 2000,
but your Monkey's daddy's friends insisted they pick our president, instead.
You have to realize that our side won the
last three popular votes
and your side can't win unless you cheat
- that's a fact.
mother of all coverups
Click Here
According to the historians, Walton told
Bolshakov that Bobby and Jacqueline Kennedy believed
"there was a large political conspiracy
behind Oswald's rifle" and "that Dallas was the ideal location
for such a crime." The Kennedys also sought
to reassure the Soviets that despite Oswald's apparent
connections to the communist world, they
believed President Kennedy had been killed by American
enemies. This is a stunning account --
with the fallen president's brother and widow communicating
their chilling suspicions to the preeminent
world rival of the U.S. -- and it has not received nearly the
public attention it deserves."
Four decades later, the Warren Report is
widely regarded as a whitewash, with polls consistently
showing that a majority of Americans reject
the official version of Kennedy's death.
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BCR Show
Oh yeah, ...there's quite a bit of language in this show,
plus lots of friendly advice for John Kerry's campaign.
Click Here to listen to Part 1 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 1 of Show 54
29 minutes of Bart with lots of advice for John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 2 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 2 of Show 54
32 minutes Bart, with more advice for
John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 54
27 minutes Bart, with still more
advice for John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 4 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 4 of Show 54
30 minutes of Tally, Maher, Leno, Dave
and Jon
Here for the radio archives
Shirley Manson of Garbage
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
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That would be really cool, and we'll catch you in Vegas at The
Joint on your next American tour.
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