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1404 - Osama's Candidate
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Weekend-Monday September 18-20,
Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
"In jujitsu, the trick is to move quickly to
leverage your opponent's strength to your advantage.
In this way a lightweight can attack
a person of substance and flip him. We're watching the biggest
jujitsu flip ever seen in American
politics. President Bush, a slacker, a draft evader, and a president
who has misled the American people
about everything from the invasion of Iraq to the cost of Medicare,
has managed to flip John Kerry onto
his back by turning Kerry's strengths -- his valor in Vietnam,
his intellect against him. It's cynical
and destructive -- and shamefully effective."
--Susan Lenfestey, Attribution
of John Kerry's demise have been greatly exaggerated
-- too
often by doomsaying Dems themselves. A host of new polls
it's the president who should be trembling.
by Joe Conason
To listen to certain Democrats these days
is to learn that the presidential election is all but over,
apparently because John Kerry slipped behind
George W. Bush in a few national polls last week.
These sad doomsayers whine constantly that
Kerry "isn't tough enough," when what they are really
talking about are their own mental weaknesses.
Much of the anger and determination displayed by
liberals over the past year seems suddenly
to have deflated into fear and resignation.
Joe was on Al Franken's show Friday morning,
reminding people that the same Kerry-will-lose polls
showed the Monkey ahead by ten in
October of 2000, and he went on to lose the popular vote.
Translation: The polls are either
lying or just plain wrong, so that means we still have a race.
was told in July of civil war risk in Iraq
So, "We are winning, we will prevail," was just another lie
from these guys?
...even Republican senators described
the administration's reconstruction efforts as "beyond pitiful"
and "exasperating from any vantage point,"
when the White House sought to divert $3bn from reconstruction to security.
The administration dismissed the criticism,
White House liar Scott McClellan calling critics "pessimists and hand-wringers".
Yeah, look what their "optimism" has gotten
us - 1029 flag-draped coffins.
America deserves better than this never-elected
Subject: Cheney's "Vote
GOP or die" message
Bart, in Vol. 1403 you wrote:
> She (Madeline Albright) was talking about Dick
Cheney's jibe that if Sen. John Kerry is elected
> "the danger is that we'll get hit again and
we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the
> standpoint of the United States." The message
for voters was as unthinkable as it was unmistakable:
> Vote Republican or die.
Not only that, Bart, but following the logic,
if you vote Republican, YOU WON'T BE HIT AGAIN.
Sounds like Cheney is either suggesting
that the Cons are SOOOO good that they'll thwart ANY
and ALL attacks, no matter where, when
or how devious they may be (which should be ludicrous to
anyone that can THINK), OR, OR, OR, Cheney
and the Republicans actually CONTROL the terrorists.
Cheney is a vile creature. Far worse
than Bush.
Steve in Houston
Steve, good point. A good rebuttal to Cheney might be,
"So if we're attacked again, you and Bush will resign and let Kerry
and Edwards take over?"
In effect, Cheney is giving his Nancy Grace guarantee that we won't be hit again, but when we are,
he'll say, "Nobody could have predicted
they'd strike that way, on that day," like they
did last time.
"Where is the freedom [Bush] promised? All
the bloodshed, the sabotage, the killings.
Who is paying the price? We, the Iraqi
--Retired police officer Abaas
Ramah, scornful of Bush's invasion, Attribution
Signals Softer Approach to U.N.
by Scott Lindlaw, BFEE puppy on the payroll of the AP
Bush opens a new effort next week to focus
attention on the compassionate side
of his foreign policy, promising a vision
for "building a better world
What a horseshit sentence to begin a "news" story
to promote the Giggling Murderer's election.
A. Bush's idea of compassion is mixing regular bombs with
Mother of All Bombs
as he orders them dropped in a city
of 5,000,000 people.
B. Promises and handjobs is all America or the world has
ever gotten from this killer.
In his weekly radio address Saturday, Bush
previewed the speech he's to deliver to the U.N.
Tuesday's speech will strike a different
tone from his address to the world body last year,
when he told the world to "fuck off" because
he was gonns do whatever he wanted to do,
and anyone who didn;t like it could form
an army and try to stop him.
Now that he's looted Iraq, he needs the UN to get the hell out
of there
The "Darn
good liar" Chinaco Mug
Click to Order
Tell the world the truth.
I did everything they asked me to do and met
my requirements and was
honorably discharged. Im proud
of my service in the Guard. But as for
the documents, there are clearly unanswered
questions that need to be answered."
--Dubya, proud to be an AWOL drunk during wartime, Attribution
"Is anyone else getting tired of the President
and his service with "honor" in the National Guard?
Bottom line is that while Kerry was
getting shot the President was doing shots."
--Don Achenbach, Greenville, PA., Attribution
Linked to Bush Memos Contacted Cleland
sure what this story means...
A retired Texas National Guard official
mentioned as a possible source for disputed documents
about President AWOL's service in the Guard
said he passed along information to Max Cleland.
Bill Burkett, said in an Aug. 21 e-mail
to a list of Texas Democrats that after getting through "seven layers
of bureaucratic kids" in the Democrat's
campaign, he talked with Cleland about information that would
counter criticism of Kerry's service. The
Associated Press obtained a copy of the e-mail Saturday.
"I asked if they wanted to counterattack or ride
this to ground and outlast it, not spending any money.
(Cleland) said counterattack. So I gave
them the information to do it with," Burkett wrote.
Burkett, who lives just outside of Abilene,
wrote that no one at the Kerry campaign called him back.
What does this mean?
Does this help or hurt Kerry?
Does this make Clelend the dupe?
Was Kerry's camp smart or negligent in
not speaking to the man?
To me, this story is a bunch of words connected that mean nothing.
If you get something out of this, let me know what it
"The fact is Bush and his ilk are a disgrace
to this country, and to everyone
who served honorably. To
think that a man who carries shrapnel in his body
from Vietnam could be questioned by
Karl Rove & Company is sickening."
--Mars Jones,
who served in 1972, Attribution
Subject: O'Reilly gets
'Bart Simpsoned'
O'Reilly got nailed This Friday by a selection
from his mail bag that was an obvious prank.
Check out the author's name.
It's even from Springfield, the home of
the nefarious Bart Simpson.
ha ha
Subject: Reporters are
afraid of Bush-Cheney
They are afraid to ask simple questions
When you went to Alabama tell us
1. To which section did you report?
2, In which office did you work?
3. What were your duties in that office?
4. Tell us the names of some of the people
in your section.
Bush cannot answer. Bush will not answer
because he will be caught in big lie.
clarence swinney
political historian
burlington nc
Those would be great querstions for Kerry to ask Bush in the debate.
But if Kerry accepts James Baker's debate rules, he'll be judged
the loser
of the debates and Bush will continue his crime spree for another
four years.
Please John, insist that you can ask each other questions.
If you don't, all questions will be pro-Bush and you'll certainly
win this debate on points
but whores like CBS's Bob Schieffer will be on TV right afterwards
saying crap like,
"I'm amazed at Bush's total mastery of all
subjects and questions put to him."
Culkin Arrested on Drug Charges
(slaps face with both hands...)
Mickelson pairing backfires at Ryder Cup
Mr Perfect pulls Mickelson's play down, gets him benched
a 4-Letter Word for Cancer Doctors
They make money by treating it, not curing it
Dead, 7 Hurt in Iraq Suicide Car Blast
Another tricky day in Bush's Paradise
Spears gets Married
The lazy press - we had this story months ago
Click to
visit politicalanimals.blogspot.com
Subject: Why?
Why does it appear that Bush will be rewarded
with another term in office for using
bad intel to start a senseless war that
has cost over a thousand American lives while Dan Rather
is expected to resign for using bad information
that did little more than bruise someones ego?
Mac in New York
Mac, that's politics for youi.
One man lied and killed 1,000 American heroes.
The other man may have misjudged some evidence so HE should
That's what happens when the press is for sale.
Jon Stewart,
Kitty Kelley,
Fahrenheit 9-11,
Chain of Command
Hunting of the President,
Order your copies from the BartCop Bookstone
doesn't want Americans to know about
death of Kevin Shea and others killed in Iraq
by Kevin Shay
I woke up Friday morning to a radio voice
announcing that someone with my same name
had been killed in Iraq. Talk about a wake-up
Although I have consistently opposed the
unwise 2003 Iraqi invasion through letters to
politicians and the media, columns on Internet
ezines and participation in protests since 2002,
I have to admit that lately I have tuned
out the daily reports of fresh hell coming out of Iraq.
But Friday's announcement shook me from
those temporary doldrums, making me wonder
just who was this man with my name, who
like more than 1,000 other Americans, had been
unfortunate enough to die in this offensive,
empire-building war that was started by lies.
Subject: You must follow
Observation while reading The Family,
by Kitty Kelley
Ethically challenged as he was, George W.
Bushs grandfather Prescott Bush did do
at least one thing right while serving
in the U.S. Senate. He voted to censure Joseph
Everybody but Me Is a Nasty Commie McCarthy.
Heres what Bush said on page 158:
For he has caused dangerous divisions among
the American people because of his attitude,
and the attitude he has encouraged among
his followers, that there can be no honest
differences of opinion with him.
Either you must follow Senator McCarthy blindly; not daring
to express any doubts or disagreements
about any of his actions; or in his eyes you must be
a Communist, a Communist sympathizer,
or a fool who has been duped by the Communist line.
Substitute the word terrorist for the
word Communist,
and Senator Bush could be talking about
his grandson George.
Carolyn Kay
Subject: Kerry's gild
Sure, John Kerry needs to stop using big
words and obscure words such as 'gild'.
Dumb it down to the 'dumb American' level.
That's how you win!
Hell, while he's at it, lowering his standards
and himself to the bottom of the barrel to
dredge for votes, Kerry just ought to go
the rest of the way. He should stop saying
anything that is not an empty buzzword
slogan. He should never suggest any alternative
course of action to that which is the status
quo now and describe everything as 'fantastic'
(Ahnold's word, but hey, we're stooping
He needs to restrict every one of his personal
appearances to just those in front of herds
of hand picked faithful reading out scripted
softballs. Those who object and complain should
be arrested and charged with some minor
crime with the word 'defiant' or 'aggravated' tacked on to it.
He should mention an invisible Sky Being
in every speech. Several times.
He needs to mispronounce words and mangle
the English language.
And after this none-too-subtle transformation
is complete, Kerry will have a much better chance of winning.
You'll only have to ask yourself if you
want such a Kerry to win.
You rag on Kerry for his photos and what
he was wearing. He says the wrong thing.
He says too big of a word. He doesn't appeal
to the low denominator enough...
Maybe if he was Bush, you'd be happier.
'Jes my 2 cents. 2.7 cents with tax applied.
Steve, apparently you think Kerry is running a solid, effective
Let's hope you're right.
Gold Stars, Just Handcuffs
by She who hates everybody
In World Wars I and II, gold star mothers
were the queens of their neighborhoods.
Instead of a gold star, Sue Niederer got
handcuffed, arrested and charged with a crime for
daring to challenge the Bush policy in
Iraq, where her son died while attempting to disarm a bomb.
The moment was emblematic of how far the
Bushies will go to squelch any voice that presents
a view of Iraq that's different from the
sunny party line, which they continue to dish out despite
a torrent of alarming evidence to the contrary.
Subject: Are Zell Miller
and Cheney toking the same bong?
This nutball accusation that electing Kerry
will guarantee another terrorist attack is
doubly bizarre considering that, just a
few months ago, Ridge, Rumsfeld and Cheney
were saying that another terrorist strike
on American soil was inevitable under Bush.
That's true, they keep saying another attack is a "when," not
an "if," so how can
they hold John Kerry responsible for that which they have
already promised?
"George W. Bush's faith...does not give him
pause or force him to reflect.
It is a source of comfort and strength
but not of wisdom."
--Joe Klein, Attribution
Subject: Guns and psychos
By accepting bans on certain types of guns
you are justifying further limitations later,
and many, many people in the victim disarmament
movement have made it very clear
that after they get my AK, they are going
after your Glock.
ha ha
The "victim disarmament movement?"
Is that what you call those who resist allowing taggants in dynamite?
Your last paragraph tells me you're a full-throttle Number One,
which means you think All types of guns are OK for anybody in all cases.
That's a position that you can't defend and yes, that makes you
a certified loon...
Entertainment Page
Now with Survivor
"What have Bush and his neoconservative team
really accomplished?
They toppled Saddam, the House of Saud
is crumbling and we have removed
American troops from Saudi territory.
These achievements match word for word
the oft-stated goals of bin
Ladin. Bush has clearly delivered the goods for Osama.
Somewhere Osama is smiling, more influential
and powerful than ever."
--Karen Kwiatkowski, "The
Al Qaeda Candidate?", Attribution
Subject: quagmire
This one is simple, why are these backward
people kicking our buts.
Let's look at it this way. I don't
own a gun. I don't think I remember how to fire a gun,
( although I have once or maybe two times),
let alone the art of aiming it. The first target would probably be my foot.
At the moment I feel no need to own a gun,
and don't want to.
On the other hand if my country were occupied
by an invading power,
the first AK47 I could lay my hands on
would be sitting under the bed. I would learn to use it.
Not to mention what damage I could do with
the 35 gallons of gas sitting in my old mopar 440.
Without blowing my self up in the process
I might add. I am a non violent type; still I would fight to protect
my country.
I wonder if anyone in the BFEE has considered
that 'fighting for their country' is just what these people in IracNam
are doing?
Wandy, if you woke up to the sound of sombody kicking in your
front door,
what would you do without a gun?
Call the police (if they haven't
cut the line) and hope they get there before the intruders find you?
Try to reason with the intruders,
explaining that what they're doing is wrong?
Pray that the Invisible Cloud
Being is real and will intervene and protect you?
You said you would get an AK-47 to protect your country.
Would you protect your family inside your home?
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Bonus - mention BCR Show 35 - the Bush Beatdown and get it FREE!
"In March 2002, a military action against al-Qaida,
known as Operation Anaconda,
was botched in Afghanistan's mountainous
border with Pakistan. Billed at the time
as a success story by the Pentagon,
it was in fact a debacle, plagued by squabbling
between the services, bad military
planning and avoidable deaths of American soldiers,
as well as the escape of key al-Qaida
leaders, likely including Osama bin Laden."
--Seymour Hersh, Attribution
Has John Kerry ever mentioned that Bush let Osama slip away to
attack Saddam?
Bush Record Exposed
as seen on Democrats.org
* Top 10 Lies
* Top 10 Flip-Flops
* Top 5 Scandals
* The Bush Record on the Economy
* The Bush Record on Health Care
* The Bush Record on Homeland Security
* The Bush Record on Education
* The Bush Record on the Environment
* The Bush Record on Social Security
* The Bush Record on Medicare
* Special Interest Paybacks
* Middle Class Squeeze
* More...
The American press refuses to report the
scandals that have killed over 1,000 soldiers,
but they were all too eager to discuss every
possible detail about Monica's cigar fetish.
That's what happens when the press is for
sale and the oil companies have all the money.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
dead American soldiers.
Damn, 3
more since Friday?
"Our strategy is succeeding."
--Dubya, lying to the National Guard Tuesday, Attribution
From: bin Laden is on the
Sheeeesh do I have to teach you everything?
He and Bush are old friends, for Chrissakes.
They didn't catch him because that wasn't
part of the deal they made with him.
Your naivete really holds you back sometimes.
Rich McGinis
You're right, I'm too fair to Bush,
and I'm afraid to open my eyes and see the truth.
Subject: Finding unity
in division
America is a very divided and polarized
nation and
there ares very few things we agree on
Sometime one has to really search to find
that most people agree on when it comes
to politics.
But one thing I think most people can agree
with is that
the war in Iraq is every bit as legitimate
as Bush's election.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Emmy Picks
Drama Series
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," CBS
"Joan of Arcadia," CBS
"The Sopranos," HBO
"24," Fox
"The West Wing," NBC
We watch all of these, but The Sopranos is best
Reality/Competition Program
"The Amazing Race," CBS
"American Idol," FOX
"The Apprentice," NBC
"Last Comic Standing," NBC
"Survivor," CBS
Idol and Comic don't belong in this
Survivor ashould win because it's the most real.
Last season, some people had hundreds of bug bites on
their back.
Variety, Music or Comedy Series
"Chappelle's Show," Comedy Central
"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,"
Comedy Central
"Late Night With Conan O'Brien," NBC
"Late Show With David Letterman," CBS
"Saturday Night Live," NBC
Pitiful Leno didn't even get a nomination, which is right.
Hands down, Stewart should win, but a Chappelle win wouldn't
bother me.
Lead Actor, Drama Series
James Spader, "The Practice," ABC
James Gandolfini, "The Sopranos," HBO
Kiefer Sutherland, "24," FOX
Martin Sheen, "The West Wing," NBC
Anthony LaPaglia, "Without a Trace," CBS
Spader was slightly creepier than Tony Soprano this year.
Lead Actress, Drama Series
Jennifer Garner, "Alias," ABC
Amber Tamblyn, "Joan Of Arcadia," CBS
Mariska Hargitay, "Law & Order: Special
Victims Unit," NBC
Edie Falco, "The Sopranos," HBO
Allison Janney, "The West Wing," NBC
Tamblyn should win, but they hate kids, so they'll give
it to Falco again.
Supporting Actor, Drama Series
Victor Garber, "Alias," ABC
Brad Dourif, "Deadwood," HBO
Michael Imperioli, "The Sopranos,"
Steve Buscemi, "The Sopranos," HBO
John Spencer, "The West Wing," NBC
If there was a God, Imperioli would win in a shutout.
But since there isn't, Buscemi the fireman might win.
Supporting Actress, Drama Series
Robin Weigert, "Deadwood," HBO
Tyne Daly, "Judging Amy,"CBS
Drea de Matteo, "The Sopranos," HBO
Janel Moloney, "The West Wing," NBC
Stockard Channing, "The West Wing,"
She owns the screen when she's on it.
Writing, Variety, Music or Comedy Program
"Chappelle's Show," Comedy Central
"Chris Rock: Never Scared," HBO
"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart ,"
Comedy Central
"Late Night With Conan O'Brien," NBC
"Late Show With David Letterman," CBS
How can you compare the funniest hour of the year
with Jon Stewart, who does an average of an hour a week?
As I Say
Bush lets down his Guard
"I'm too
rich to work..."
Click Here
Bush joined the Texas Air National Guard
on May 27, 1968. The move was well-chosen and well-timed.
Only four Air National Guard squadrons
were sent to Vietnam, and none was sent after Bush enlisted.
All he had to do was fulfill a "statement
of understanding" in which he promised to attend 24 days of
weekend duty and 15 days of active duty
each year.
He failed to do so.
Four years into his six-year commitment,
Bush "changed his mind" and decided "he preferred to be in politics."
That description doesn't come from some
phony memo. It comes from retired Col. Rufus Martin,
Bush's then-personnel officer, in an interview
with the WaHoPo.
Subject: Erin Hart
Just wanted you to know that Seattle talk
show host Erin
Hart plugs your web sight often.
She works weekends late nights on KIRO
If you ever get Pokerfest "Seattle" back
on the map, you should try to get her
to make at least an appearence (don't know
if she plays poker or not).
Adam, thanks for that.
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From: Red Dog, a true lefty
Subject: Anti-Gun Bart
Dear Bart:
Please stop supporting Nazi backed issues
like gun control.
Yes you got it wrong buddy. AK 47's UZI's
and the like have not been illegal.
It has been only cosmetic additions to
these firearms. Such as the (Evil Folding Stock)
(Or the Scary Bayonet Lug) Or worse (Had
to provide by law a 10 round Mag with the gun)
But completely legal to buy 100 round Drums
30 round mags and the like after you own the gun.
It is a complete f-ing lie to suggest that
these above named guns were illegal during the
so-called funny little pro Fascist ban
with meaningless COSMEITC CHANGES.
If the changes were merely "cosmeitc," why
are you fighting them so hard?
You claim there's no difference, so why
are your panties in such a wad?
In fact I bought 3 SAR's Romanian AK-47's
during the ban & 1 Mini 14 .223 and I could have
gotten a pre ban gun if I wanted to if
I wanted to pay a $1,000.00 in permits. I challenge you to
report me to the same Gov't that I did
my background checks with and who knew at the time that
I bought these guns, as the Dealer is required
to report the purchase and keep records on this.
I have no interest in narc-ing on you.
You'll have to find somebody else to do
Please stop reporting false information
like pictures of Osama saying things like After the 13th order
our cells to buy AK 47's when they could
have done this anyway if the could show they were a
Permanent Resident or a US Citizen.
As previously reporter on these pages, the
NRA successfully created Texas-sized loopholes
in the Brady Law by designating some guns
as "personal," thus making them legal to buy & sell.
Nothing has changed except that I can now
put a bayonet on the end of my AK if Adolph Bush
ever decides to round up all of the leftist
and I run out of ammo. But then again you seam to support
more than one right wing issue, but please
for us true Lefties please stop trying to help disarm us.
We don't want to die if we need to fight
for our lives.
RedDog, if nothing has changed, why are
you foaming at the mouth?
Why can't you (a true lefty?) discuss the
gun issue rationally?
Do you lose control when talking about all political topics?
Or just guns?
BTW, how many guns would I have to own to lose the "anti-gun"
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BCR Show
Oh yeah, ...there's quite a bit of language in this show,
plus lots of friendly advice for John Kerry's campaign.
Click Here to listen to Part 1 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 1 of Show 54
29 minutes of Bart with lots of advice for John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 2 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 2 of Show 54
32 minutes Bart, with more advice for
John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 54
27 minutes Bart, with still more
advice for John Kerry
Click Here to listen to Part 4 of Show 54
Click Here to download Part 4 of Show 54
30 minutes of Tally, Maher, Leno, Dave
and Jon
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