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1423 - Busch bashing

Friday-Weekend Oct 15-17,
Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
"If any woman ever breathed a word, I'll make
her pay so dearly
that she'll wish she'd never been born.
Roger Ailes knows very
powerful people, and this goes all
the way to the top."
-- Bill O'reilly, threatening women
with Bush's influence? Attribution
Orders Freeze on Zarqawi Network Assets
After 37 beheadings, after 37 beheadings, ...Bush froze his assets?
Bush has ordered a freeze on assets of
that Zarqawi nut, who the CIA says
committed a series of bombings, kidnappings
and beheadings in Iraq.
The move, which came a day after Britain
ordered banks to seek out and freeze
any assets of the group, blocks any accounts,
funds and assets of Tawhid and Jihad
in the United States.
So, after Blair did it, Bush
could no longer allow Zarqawi access to his money?
Why has Bush allowed Zarqawi to have free
flow of his money in the US all this time?
After 37 beheadings, ...he froze his assets?
Remember 9-11, they waited (I'm guessing)
6 weeks to freeze Osama's assests?
It's almost like the BFEE wanted a cut
(no pun intended) of Zarqawi's assets.
It SEEMS like Bush is working with Osama
and Zarqawi.
On Aug 6, 01, Bush received written warning
that Osama was coming and did NOTHING.
He didn't even tell the FAA to watch for
trounle or keep a close eye out for hijacked planes
On 9-11, jet fighters are ordered to stand
Weeks later, Osama is said to be cornered
in Bora Bora, but our troops were told to stand down.
Rumors say (I wasn't in Afghanistan that
week) Pakistani planes flew in during the stand down.
Shortly after (my recollection) Bush froze
Osama's assets.
Why did Bush wait about 6 weeks to freeze Osama's assets in America?
Why give the bastard a 6-week head start with his hundreds of millions of dollars?
Then Bush pulls troops out of Afghanistan
to "stop the imment threat" from Saddam.
Then 18 months after Zarqawi
is named as being responsible for killing Nick Berg,
someone convinces Bush it might be a good idea to freeze his American assets?
"Oh Christ,
...did BartCop catch me helping them again?
I hope my eye don't start twitchin..."
"Do I pray? No, I don't.
And I don't ask Santa for gifts anymore,
-- Bill Maher, HBO highlights for his show
The Masturbator, Fights Sex Scandal 
It'll be a while before we get tired
of this...
masturbate on the phone for you...!"
Hot times at Fox: A 33-year-old producer
on Bill O'Reilly's show filed a steamy sex suit
against the old pervert, and he launched
a blistering offensive against her in court and on the air.
"This is the single most evil thing I have ever
experienced," O'Reilly lied, branding it an extortion scheme.
"In a case like this you have to fight, even
at some risk. . . . These people picked the wrong guy."
ha ha
Like Al Franken did?
O'Reilly's attorney, Ronald Green, said
he wants a court to make the tapes public.
"I know that he does not fear
what is on the tapes,"
ha ha
If O'Reilly is whipping his hamster on her phone recorder,
I think everybody should get to hear it.
Before Clinton, there was a gentlemen's agreement that you could
screw (or be blown) by anybody
and the other side woulkdn't tell. But Clinton whipped them so
badly, they made new rules - they
cheated - because they couldn't stand that he beat them fair
and square.

"Just use your vibrator to blow off steam.
What, you've got a vibrator, don't
you? Every girl does."
-- Bill O'reilly, offering
tips on relaxation, Attribution
Bill O'Reilly, The Masturbator, a cheating scumbag?
She says O'Reilly repeatedly pressured
her to engage in phone sex and frightened her with lewd "monologues.
Her suit quotes O'Reilly as speaking to
her in highly explicit terms about vibrators, oral sex, masturbation
and a fantasy involving a Caribbean hotel
room shower - ha ha -
no mention of the oven mits?
O'Reilly, the married father of two, host's
the Nazi network's most watched program. He's a foul-mouthed
bastard and a bully unless you're bigger
than him. He has become its most recognizable personality through his
combative style and populist opinions.
Last month he published "The O'Reilly Factor for Kids."
We can't let the kids near The Masturbator, can we?
knows what a masterbator he is
Subject: Remember Florida
Dear Bart,
I am one of the people responsible for
making final decisions about the Democratic Party's state efforts.
Yesterday, Al Gore wrote you about the
painful choices his campaign faced due to a lack of resources
during the final weeks. It brought back
some bad memories.
In 2000, we didn't have what we needed to
compete everywhere and were forced into difficult choices.
I still believe that going for it in Florida
and scaling back in Ohio was the right decision -- nonetheless it was
a decision that we shouldn't have been
forced to make. I'm convinced to this day that if the Democratic Party
had the resources we needed during the
last two weeks, George W. Bush and the Republicans would not be in office.
Make a contribution for the entire Democratic
ticket before tomorrow's deadline:
Tonight is the deadline -- help put us over
the top now.
Thank you,
Michael Whouley
General Election Strategist
Michael, why did you guys wait until October to start looking
at election fraud?
Saturday on CNN, they say Democrats are filing lawsuits to try and
force several states to have
honest elections by adding printers to the Diebold machines -
18 days before the election.
Do you really think Diebold is going to fly 10,000 software experts
to 10,000 precincts to
rewrite the code on 50,000 machines in the next 11 working days?
Do you people not own a calendar?
Have you lost your desire to win?
If so, why wait until now to tell us?
Why weren't these suits filed in December of 2000?
Don't you think you're about 200 weeks late filing these lawsuits?
How in the wide, wide world of sports did this election "sneak
up on you?"
Even still, there's a chance we'll win, in spite of our suicidal
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the internet?
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complicit on political truth-shading
by Gene Lyons
Click Here
Dick Cheney accused Edwards of being a
no-show in the U.S. Senate.
"The first time I ever met you was when you walked
on the stage tonight."
It was a palpable hit, ...except that it
was not true. Cheney presided over the
Senate exactly twice in four years. Within
an hour of the vice president's
statement, photos of Cheney and Edwards
together at a Washington
prayer breakfast were all over the Internet.
So the press, which flayed Al Gore for getting
the cost of his dog's arthritis
medication wrong in 2000, was all over
Cheney, right? Not quite.
Why wasn't it a big deal? Two reasons: The
VP debate got shunted aside
in favor of the upcoming presidential encounter, and
the media hesitate
to offend vengeful Republicans,
but don't fear Democrats.
Were truer words ever spoken?
Nobody is afraid of the Democrats
because the world knows they are geldings.
Democrats simply refuse to fight, so bullies
of all types beat them up daily.
It's the same reasons muggers pick on old ladies and not linebackers.
...and no, I won't run the dancing, pink tutu senators picture
this time.
I saw this on sweetjesusihatebilloreilly.com
Kill 10 in Baghdad's Green Zone
We can't even control the inside of the Green Zone?
Insurgents penetrated our military's heavily
fortified Green Zone and detonated explosives Thursday,
killing 10 people, including four American
civilians. A top Iraqi official said the attacks appeared to
have been suicide bombings. The attack
was a bold assault on the heart leadership of the country
and a district known as a relatively safe
haven for Americans stuck in Bush's personal quagmire.
The attack raised fears over security in
the compound and underscored militants' ability to strike
our military as they are carrying out a
new offensive to suppress them in other parts of Iraq.
Remember Lebanon in 1983?
The military geniuses couldn't guess that
truck bombs might be used?
They didn't think to put up barracades
until after 241 men died?
Now, 21 years later, they can't guess maybe
a fence would keep these guys out?
Maybe we should hire Israel to build us
a security wall?
Can't they afford metal detectors at the
Green Zone Gate?
Can't they afford bomb-sniffing dogs?
Did every fucking dollar have to
go to Halliburton?
Months ago, the GOP was bragging about "all
the experience we're getting with
urban warfare and occupation security,"
so why aren't they using any of that?
I'll bet the security to see Fahernheit
9-11 is tighter than the Green Zone Gate.
"I fear, really, that we are doomed on some
level here. We are so close to
not being able to pull it back, to
turn it around -- to get control of our country
back in our hands. We have allowed
the wealthy to take control now of all our
democratic process. It may be too late
-- I don't know, I hope it isn't."
--Michael Moore, who
sounds like he's been reading bartcop.com from 30 days
ago Attribution
Subject: Republicans cheat
The Republican National Committee (RNC)
has hired firms to register voters who are
destroying the applications of Democrats
registering to vote. Because of Republican
cheating, Democrats will need to win elections
by a large margin to actually take office.
So even if some polls are showing that people
are tired of failure and excuses and are
ready to change the direction of America
from failure to success - we still need to
redouble our efforts to compensate for
Republican voter fraud.
They already stole one election. Let's make
sure they don't steal this one.
I'm Marc Perkel - And I approved this message!
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA
"War begins
with Dubya" Chinaco Cup in the BartCop
Get one for the office.
It's a conversation starter.
Click to
"Telling someone you will seek legal redress
unless they are
willing to pay a certain cost is not
within the extortion statues
as long as you have a plausible
basis for your legal claims.
Fox is being so aggressive it suggests
that Fox and O'Reilly
are quite worried about this lawsuit."
-- Stephen Gillers, expert on legal ethics at New York University Law School,
suggesting The
Masturbator has some rough
waters ahead Attribution
"I do it
with both hands..."
Ignores the Facts With Good Reason
by Joe Conason
When George W. Bush speaks, the listener
is often left guessing whether the President
of the United States intends to deceive
or is merely ignorant of basic facts. Either is always
possible, since Mr. Bush is as capable
of deception as any politician, and more indolent than
many whenever "hard work" is required.
...the Duelfer report proves that Iraq was
in no sense a "gathering threat" to us - as the President
continues to insist in his stump speeches.
The Iraqi regime's diminished power presented a problem
not nearly as grave as those posed by North
Korea, Iran and Al Qaeda.
After last year's invasion, those who had
publicly doubted the firm assurances of the President and
his cabinet about Saddam's possession or
imminent acquisition of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons were told to wait patiently for
inspections to be completed. The White House couldn't wait
another eight weeks for the U.N. inspections
to conclude, but asked the world to withhold judgment
for 18 months on its preemptive attack.
vs Gary Busey
ha ha
I can't stop laughing...
Kerry should've said in the last debate
This article rated (M) for Mature - no children of Freep
"Bob, let me begin by saying that what you are
asking is a stupid goddamned question that only has
meaning if you've been busy wolfing down
chowder from Karl Rove's boner. And don't you smirk
at me, you Bush bitch, you little corporate
whore, so painted red by pharmaceutical companies,
with your little slit mini-skirt and no
panties, ready for Merck or Exxon/Mobil or Carlyle to negotiate
a price for your sweet policy pussy. I'll
come over to your fuckin' podium and force feed you a bowl
of mercury emissions and we'll watch you
twitch and dance, motherfucker, dance as that toxic shit
eats away your fuckin' brain man, makin'
you seem like more of a retard than ever
the unthinkable
"Who died for Saddam? Would one of those who
died, if he or she had lived, have found
a cure for cancer, composed a symphony,
wrote a novel or great poetry,fathered a family,
been chosen parent of the year, served
friends and neighbors throughout the long and happy
life he or she hoped to have, expected?
The greatest threat to civilization is not
weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists,
but hubristic politicial and religious
zealots claiming their God is on their side, bent on having
what they want, no matter what the cost."
If Bush wins, you'll
need bartcop.com to stay sane.
If Kerry wins, the media
will do their very best destroy him.
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The hottest
babes are for Kerry-Edwards
"One day he's going to get a knock on his door
and life as he's known it will change forever.
Ailes knows very powerful people and
this goes all the way to the top...Top of the country."
--Bill O'Reilly, describing the future murder of Al Franken, Attribution
rates down
Rates drop as the economy flunders
prices soar still higher
the U.S. data show crude supplies up
Harry's teacher: taped his confession
Who cares? Bill O'Reilly whipped his puppy
into a recorder!
US unprepared to handle election fraud
Can't blame the Democrats - they had no idea we'd
have elections in 2004
of Command
family Fortunes
Order yours from the BartCop Bookstore
Our boys in the field know where to find the truth
Get your bartcop stickers!
Then send in your digital pictures.
Send a stamped envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
But if you send a token donation
we will not be offended.
Entertainment Page
Thursday: Just got back from Ted
Drewes Frozen Custard
If I didn't see it myself, I might not've
believed it.
People were lines up twelve deep to buy Ted
Drewes Frozen Custard.
It's 45 degrees, raining and the wind
is blowing like Ann Slanders at NaziCon
and people are lined up OUTSIDE to buy Ted
Drewes Frozen Custard.
I got a hot fudge sundae and the fudge was
boiling on the custard - swear to Koresh.
It feels odd to be standing in the cold
and order a frozen treat and when they hand it
to you it's hot and you wonder for a second
if it's too hot to hold. Then you look down
and see the hot fudge bubbling like it's
flowing out of Mount St Helens.
Oh, on their window, they have a sign that
says, "Our concretes are a Cardinal sin."
This town is so baseball crazy. Just
driving around, you see Cardinal banners on houses,
even moreso than you'd see in a high-spirited
college town. Even McDonalds is selling
Big Mac's for a buck the day after the
team wins. That'll cost them some money.
Tonight (Thursday) they play Game Two - in the cold, 45-degree
rain with gusty winds?
reign on Houston, on to Enron Field.
It's 6 PM CST Friday.
We just finished the wedding, and the BIG Catholic bachhanal starts in an hour,
(I'm going to try to get into some trouble with Dave and Freddie)
but I just had to knock out an issue for you, ...the
As you know, doing this page is hard work - everybody
knows that...
and response Quotes
"I sent my budget man to the Congress, and
he says,
here is how we are going to reduce
the deficit in half by five years."
--Dubya, trying to make
sense Attribution
"Bush says he 'sent up my budget man' to Congress.
A whiff of
the lord of the manor sending one of
his workers off on another task..."
--Katharine Q. Seelye, NYWTimes, Attribution
Subject: RFK tribute
Thanks for the little tribute to Bobby Kennedy
you ran in Volume 1422.
I believe that he would have become our
greatest president ever.
Some day our side will turn the tide.
Maybe it starts on November 2, 2004.
I've volunteered to drive seniors to vote
in Madison, Wisconsin (swing state) on election day.
So after I vote in Chicago, I'm heading
north for the day. I hope all your readers will remember
our fallen heroes and do a little extra
this time. We owe it to those who have gone before us.
Let's make Bobby, Martin, Medgar, John and
all the rest PROUD.
Tim shot of Chinaco for your extra efforts
Here to get 3 BartCop
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56 or 57
Subject: Volume 1421 -
Perfectly legal
Hey Bart,
I've been a big fan these last four years.
This issue by far
was the best issue I've ever read, and
I've read just about all of them.
Your call to arms, your eloquent goading,
force readers to think soberly
about what's happening in our country.
You are a sane and brave person -
I greatly respect that.
Thanks for the provocative entertainment.
It's the best.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1059, 1075, 1086, 1092, dead American soldiers.
6 more dead since yesterday?
28,275 amputees,
wounded, injured or mentally ill
and he's running for re-election?
O'Reilly Factors in Lawsuit
Fox's top gabber is also a grabber - of himself
"There comes a time when enough's enough," O'Reilly
blustered on his Nazi show Wednesday.
"So I had to file a lawsuit against 9my old grilfriend)
or she will 'punish' me and Fox News.
ha ha
Is there tape of her punishing you, Bill?
"I really can't say anything else. I don't want
to waste your time with this. The justice system has the case.
We'll see what happens. But in the end, you should
know this is all about hurting me and the Fox News Channel.
"It's a shame we have to live in a country where
this happens, but got to go through it."
This comes from the soulless bastard who
got super-rich with the Monica story.
The entire FOX News Network was born to
scream "pervert" at Clinton.
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
'Not Concerned' About Bin Laden in '02
Media calls Bush on one of his lies
- but why?
In one of the testiest moments of the evening,
Bush protested, "I don't think I ever said
I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden.
That's kind of one of those exaggerations."
But during a March 13, 2002 news conference,Bush
said something close to what Kerry quoted.
"I truly am not that concerned about him," the
president said, according to the White House transcript.
Who gave the media permnission to act like they were free again??
Why, after all these years, do they mention the truth about their
owner's lies?
After twelve years of...
...what would cause them to suddenly tell the real story - using
accurate quotes and real facts?
This is bizarre and puzzling.
Anyone have any idea how this could have happened?
From: John Hill@XXX.XXX.mil
Subject: Vacation
Bart, you wrote:
>"Dude, I'm not going anywhere.
> At the worst, I'll be every other day for ten days or so.
> If something happens, I'm right on top of it."
How much thought or work does it take to
call republicans nazis, curse, and spout rhetoric?
You could go on vacation permanently and
the content of your site wouldn't change one iota,
just assign it to any of the bloggers in
your forums.
I hope you don't think you're performing
any more of a service than cheer leading for rabid liberals.
John H
John, first let me say I respect your service, even if you've
been used as an unwitting pawn.
I sincerely hope you're wife doesn't become a widow for Bush/Halliburton
As far as writing this page every day , ...it's hard work - everybody knows that.
Doing the radio show on top of a 12-hour day? It's harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd.
...it's hard work - everybody knows that.
Doing the page and the radio show and driving 370 miles is harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd.
...it's hard work - everybody knows that.
But it's important that I stay resolute and not send mixed messages.
Kicking ditto-monkey ass?
That's easy - easy as falling off a Segway.
BTW, would you or a friend or a group of friends care to straighten
me out?
If you (or anyone in your division) would care to tango in a live chat room debate,
my respect for the military would prevent any serious harm from
coming to you/them.
Stay safe, and come home safely so we can argue Hillary's election
in 2008.
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BCR Show
I haven't heard this 'road' show.
Let's hope it's a good one.
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36 minutes of Bart's expertiary debate comment
Click Here to listen to Part 2 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 2 of Show 57
33 minutes of Smirky McHardon debate beatdown
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 57
28 minutes of misc political comedy
Click Here to listen to Part 4 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 4 of Show 57
26 minutes of SNL, Jon Stewart and misc
political comedy
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Manson of Garbage
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