Show 57 is Here
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1426 - The Politics of Fear

Wed-Thurs Oct 20-21,
Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
Download Fahrenheit 9/11 Here
Marc Perkel is making F911 available for downloading at this
I'll see how my bandwidth holds up. Here is the initial release
of my posting of Fahrenheit 9/11.
It's big. Its 650 megs. So - if you are on a slow connection
- don't even bother. Go rent the DVD.
But if you have DSL or better - here it is.
Its in AVI format. Pass it around.
Please find others to host this as my server isn't big enough
for the whole planet.
Michael moore has made several public statements that web sites
should pirate his movie.
He cares more about getting rid of Bush than making money. He
says he has already made plenty of money on it
and he wants people like me to spread it around. So I'm relying
on his statements as a grant to spread it around.
NEW! Download
the audio of Fahrenheit 9-11.
Its only 14 megs and you can follow the story very well
just from the audio track. Download it and pass it around.
"How nice that 75 percent of 'key members'
of Al Qaeda have been captured, according to Bush.
According to independent terrorism
experts, the figure has no meaning at all.
--Molly Ivins, Attribution
Endorses Bush
They've done business before - remember
The head of Iran's security council said
Tuesday that the re-election of Bush
was in Tehran's best interests, despite
the administration's axis of evil label,
You bet it is - they can get weapons from the BFEE, just like
Iran has oil, so Bush will give them a carpet of gold or a carpet
of bombs.
"It's not an endorsement we'll be accepting
anytime soon," Bush Liar Scott Stanzel said.
Bullshit - look at their record!
The BFEE has done business with Hitler, Osama, Saddam, Noriega,
Islamic Jihad, etc.
Of course they'll do business with any murdering despot in the
world - if it'll make them a dollar.
"Surely there are officials in the present
administration who recognize that we have
been misled into a war in Iraq, but
who have so far kept their silence -- as I long did
about the war in Vietnam. To them I
have a personal message: don't repeat my mistakes.
--Daniel Ellsberg, Attribution
O'Reilly's sex problems
Producer Files New Lawsuit Against O'Reilly, Fox
have a vibrator in my butt..."
The amended lawsuit says Fox's "removal"
of Mackris from her job "is in direct retaliation
for her complaints of sexual harassment
and a sexually hostile work environment at Fox."
It is a violation of state law to fire
an employee who complains of sexual harassment.
Mackris says O'Reilly, 55, and married with
two children, subjected her repeatedly
to off-color sex remarks and telephone
sex talk.
"We have the president's brother deciding whether
get to vote or not vote, which strikes
me as a conflict of interest."
-- anonymous Florida voting
Subject: Which path?
America has a choice the election to decided
it's future.
Four years ago America had a surplus. Now
we have deficits.
When Clinton was president he created 23
million new jobs. Now we are losing millions of jobs.
When Clinton was president America
stood talk in the world. Now America stands small.
We used to be a nation of peace and prosperity.
Now we are a nation of war and poverty.
The way I see it - we have a choice. Do
we stay the course to failure?
Or - do we go back to success? I'm voting
to bring back success.
I'm voting for the Democrats.
I'm Marc Perkel - And I approved this message!
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Attacker Protected Rev. Moon
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Carlton Sherwood, who has produced an anti-John
Kerry "Sinclair" video that will be aired
before the elections, wrote a book in the
1980s denouncing federal investigators who tried to
crack down on Rev. Sun Myung Moons illicit
financial operations.
In retrospect, Sherwoods book, Inquisition:
The Prosecution and Persecution of the Reverend
Sun Myung Moon, appears to have
been part of a right-wing counter-offensive aimed at discouraging
scrutiny of Moon and his mysterious money
flows. The strategy largely succeeded, enabling Moon to
continue funneling hundreds of millions
of dollars into the U.S. political process, most notably to publish
the ultra-conservative Washington Times
but also to make payments to prominent politicians, including
former President George H.W. Bush.
New evidence also makes clear that Moon
resumed his practice of laundering money into the United States
after serving a 13-month prison sentence
for a 1982 conviction for tax law violations. Former Moon associates,
including his ex-daughter-in-law, have
disclosed that Moons organization smuggled cash across U.S. borders,
but those admissions have not led to renewed
federal investigations.
[For details, see Robert
Parry, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate
to Iraq.]
to Order
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the internet
"This Parry
guy is trouble.
He's the one who exposed my Daddy on Iran-Contra.
We gotta get him inside a small plane..."
"The Democratic Party should be the democracy party. Our platform should begin
with a call for a constitutional amendment
guaranteeing every American citizen the
right to vote, to have the vote counted,
to have the popular vote decide the election
and to be represented in government.
Jamin Raskin in 'A People's
Democratic Platform', Attribution
Subject: tricky bastards
This morning I went to the post office here
in Sacramento, CA to mail my absentee ballot.
I was informed that the 37 cent stamp I
had placed on the envelope was not enough postage
to mail my vote, another 23 cents was needed.
Nowhere on the ballot envelope or in the instructions
was it indicated that extra postage was
required. I've spoken to many people who already have sent
their ballots off with only 37 cents postage
who are now worried that their vote may not be counted .
Since I was starting work, I called the
one person who I knew would check into this problem, my Mom.
She called to the Sacramento County Registrar's
office and was told "the Post Office will deliver the ballots
with the lower postage." However, when
she called to the Post Office, she was told that full postage ($.60)
was required to deliver our votes to be
We don't want another Florida election.
Please let all of your friends and family know that 60 cent postage
is required to mail their absentee ballots,
so there will be no vote left behind.
DW in CA
Iraq War Created Terror Haven
Terror needed a home office and Bush provided one for them
John Edwards accused Bush of failing the
United States and the world,
citing unsecured nuclear weapons abroad
and unprotected ports at home
as further evidence of the president's
"He's created something that didn't exist before
the war in Iraq he's created a haven for terrorists,"
Edwards said. "This is not leadership this
is incompetence," Edwards said.
Bush is scaring people about terrorism
to get people to vote against Kerry, Edwards said.
"While they campaign on fear, we're going to talk
about the facts," Edwards told supporters.
"John Kerry and I are going to unite this country
so we can win the war against terrorism."
Subject: I couldn't
let this moment pass
Dear Bart,
Make a donation today to our Countdown to
Victory Matching Fund.
With some people already casting their ballots,
the election of 2004 is now underway,
and nothing less than the future of our
country is at stake. This is the moment for every
Democrat to look in the mirror and ask:
"What more can I do to help?"
Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of
a special group of Democratic donors,
every dollar you donate today, in the kickoff
of our Countdown to Victory Matching Fund,
will be matched, doubling the impact of
your Countdown to Victory donation.
Let's go for it. America's future is on
the ballot this year.
Let's use these final days of the campaign
to win the victory that is within our grasp,
and secure the kind of future we want for
our children. I'm counting on you.
Bill Clinton
America's Birthright
Sucking Democracy Dry, the George Bush way
Thomas Mann says, "I see the damage to
our system and our sense of ourselves as a democratic people
as really quite substantial. . . . The
consequences of both the policies and the processes have been more
destructive of our national interest and
our democratic institutions than any president I know."
Spend three days talking to movers and
shakers around this town and you're hard-pressed to find
anyone who agrees. Even those who think
the president is stealing our democratic birthright are
eloquent in their excuses for why we shouldn't
do anything much about it at all.
Democratic insiders use politics to explain
their inaction away. They've seen the focus groups:
Accusations of a president draining the
lifeblood from democracy just won't play in Peoria.
"It's what the folks in this business, we call
an 'elite argument,' " says Jeff Shesol, who was a
speechwriter for President Clinton and
whose firm, West Wing Writers, develops messages
for some of the most prominent Democratic
campaigns. "It pitches too high to reach the mass electorate."
Julian Epstein, another Democratic consultant
and frequent talking head, puts it more simply.
"People will think you're whining," he
...but if we're going to lose anyway, and
that's what they're telling us,
wouldn't you rather go down fighting than
giving in to the never-elected Emporer?
One of Three TED Prize Recipients
U2 frontman and global activist Bono is
one of three recipients of the inaugural
TED Prize from the Technology, Entertainment,
Design conference.
The other recipients are Canadian photo-artist
Edward Burtynsky and medical technologies
pioneer Robert Fischell. Each will receive
$100,000 and the chance to have three wishes
fulfilled by a group of world-class companies
and many members of the TED Community.
The three wishes of each honoree will be
revealed at the next TED conference, to be held
Feb. 23-26 in Monterey, Calif.
Earlier this week, Bono, a native of Ireland,
was honored with the international Freedom Award
from the National Civil Rights Museum in
Memphis, Tenn., for promoting greater Western
involvement in improving medical care and
reducing poverty in Africa.
Some people with $300M use their time to
attack little girls and hook themselves on heroin.
Others with $300M use their time and influence
to help others.
It's one of the differences between us
and them.
If Bush wins, you'll
need bartcop.com to stay sane.
If Kerry wins, the media
will do their very best destroy him.
Why not subscribe, and we'll go thru this
teachers, military and AARP only pay $5)
Bonus Pay for a one-year subscription ($100)
and get the last three shows on CD delivered to your door!
They'll play anywhere - in your computer, in your car, in your
home CD player.
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PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
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"Imagine if they delay the election. This could
mean that Bush
would be the longest serving president
never to get elected."
you know you can vote early in 30 states?
Randi Rhodes says Florida started voting Monday and Jeb's up to
his same old tricks.
People are being turned away - "You're
not on the list," so if you attempt to vote early,
you might discover you have some leg work to do before Election
Randi also said she's gotten calls from early voters who report
that John Kerry's name
was not listed on the ballot - and that the GOP thought that
was kinda funny.
So if you can, vote early to be sure your vote gets counted.
Let's not let the bastards steal another one.
Subject: Bill O'Really:
Play it again, ma'am
Proof that Bill O'Really is a certified
O'Really demands that *IF* Andrea has tapes
of phone sex conversations with him,
he wants copies so he can hear them
The prosecution rests....
Breaking News Alert!
Maverick Republican News has received unconfirmed
reports that Bill O'Really,
whose phone mic was not turned off, is
being treated by a psychologist for "absolute,
total, personal rejection". O'Really
realized that he was not loved by anyone at all when,
during a phone sex call to an unnamed female,
his right hand fell asleep.
(the preceding comments and satire are brought
to you by one of the last of the
Goldwater Common-Sense Constitutional Conservatives
left in the country)
The Maverick Republican
Man's TV Emits Int'l Distress Signal
He bought a Toshiba that sent out a homing signal
Aid Worker in Iraq Abducted
director has been been helping Iraqis for 30 years
Peterson Lawyers State's Case
Cement and motive arguments take a beating
The Pill Cuts Cancer, Coronary Risks
Forget all you knew, this is what you know now
Do you have a friend who's undecided about this election?
Here to order Fahrenheit
...and then watch it with them.
When you're done, say, "Are
you still considering voting for Bush?
Get your bartcop stickers!
Then send in your digital pictures.
Send a stamped envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
But if you send a small tithe...
we will not be offended.
Wanna take
a shower with me and my lil' friend?
right finds a lesbian
decades of opposing gays, GOP feigns shock for Mary Cheney
The Republicans are now accusing the Democrats
of being insensitive to gay Americans?
Or to one gay American at least?
After John Kerry mentioned Mary Cheney in
the third debate, talk radio hosts finally found
a lesbian they wanted to protect. Even
the homophobic wing of cable TV rallied to the
support of a family with a gay offspring.
Meanwhile Dick Cheney described himself
as "a pretty angry father."
And Lynne Cheney said of the senator: "This
is not a good man."
What's wrong with this picture?
Entertainment Page
must be tried as a war criminal
Thousands killed, billions stolen - all for the sake of pure
To commit a crime against peace, one must
engage in planning, preparation, initiation or waging of war
of aggression, or a war in violation of
international treaties . . . or participation in a common plan or conspiracy
. . . to wage an aggressive war. Bush is
guilty on all these counts. The most damning evidence coming not from
the liberal left, but in a series of well-documented
books providing revelations by people in his own administration
or party. Now, with Woodwards work, the
President is condemned with his own words.
Author Ron Susskinds book about former Bush
Treasury Secretary Paul ONeill, The Price of Loyalty, reveals
that from the very beginning of the Bush
administration, the President was plotting and conspiring to wage aggressive
war against Iraq. In Against All Enemies,
Bushs counter-terrorism expert, Richard Clarke, not only confirmed
ONeills account of the Bush administrations
obsession with attacking Iraq, yet also shows us an insiders view
on the illegal planning, preparation and
initiation of the war through the deliberate manipulation of intelligence.
President Nixons strategist, Kevin Phillips,
documents four generations of war profiteering and deception by
the Bush/Walker clan in American
Sox 10, Steinbrenner's Money 3
Do you believe in miracles?
After decades of defeat, they shamed the
monied New York Yankees.
As tens of thousands of Yankees fans chanted, "Who's
your Daddy?"
Boston was nice enough to identify "Daddy"
for the clueless money fans.
Clemens in an all-or-nothing Game 7
Edmonds, Cardinals blast NLCS into sudden death drama
Edmonds blasted a two-run homer in the
12th inning and the rejuvenated Cardinals
turned Busch Stadium into a red frenzy,
beating Houston 6-4 to even the NLCS at 3-all.
This isn't the way I wanted it, but it'll
have to do.
Both teams going "all in" on one final
game in the cold October rain.
Thanks to Pauline and Mike
Subject: I really wish
...would mention the great Mike Malloy (and
AAR) more,
as I'm sure you noticed Malloy always seems
to fit you in...
After the election I see Malloy moving
to a early time either around Randi Rhodes.
Malloy is really the true superstar on Air
America Radio (Rhodes is definably in the same ballpark)
but NO ONE can hold an audience like Malloy,
not even Limbaugh at his best (or worst, I hate the Pigman).
And Malloy offers great quotes nightly,
on every show, without even trying. He's that good.
I love when Malloy uses terms like "knuckle-DRAGGERS"
referring to the brain dead republican zombies,
and "I'd rather open a vein than...", etc.
Al B
Humboldt Co. CA
Here to get 3 BartCop
Radio Shows on CD delivered for just $24
Currently not shipping shows - until we get home
Here to send your review of Show
56 or 57
Report West
We landed at 8 AM, it was 65 and raining (what?) and the room
wouldn't be ready until 1 PM.
Mrs. Bart said, "I want to see sharks."
Last time we were here, the line to see the sharks was, literally,
a mile long.
They claim they have the only hammerhead shark on display in
True or not, we saw a hammerhead shark yesterday.
Coming out of The Shark Reef, we met up with our host and he said "Today
is fun day."
That meant shots of tequilas at 11:30 AM
That led to some poker where I broke even but Scary won $500
with his wild and wreckless style of play.
After poker, Morton's Steakhouse was suggested.
Our waiter "showed us the meat" - plastic wrapped double cut filet
mignon, porterhouse,
lamb chops, KC strip, lobster ( not plastic wrapped, but rubberbanded)
Our salad was Maytag bleu cheese dressing on lettuce with eggs
& anchovies.
Mrs. Bart and I said, "Hold the anchovies," so Scary said, "Put
their anchovies on my salad."
All three of us had the double cut filet mignon with bernaise
sauce - she and I "medium", he was "medium rare."
Then he ordered a 2001 Robert Sinsky Pinot Noir Carneros red wine.
The bread was onion bread shepherd's loaf with very good butter.
We had Lyonaise potatos* - sauteed / pan fried cubed potatos*
with red onions and bacon
and hash brown potatoes. The mushrooms were garlic marinated
and very wild
I was full, but Scary insisted on dessert in the desert, so that
meant cheescake - w/strawberry on top, the most
fabulous key lime pie you ever tasted and chocolate mousse -
w/cherry cordial & brandy that melts in your mouth
Even the water was fancy - Italian Pelligrino - bottled
water - 1 flat and 1 sparkling
I don't think I've ever had a $300 meal
Our host is very generous.
Today's forecast calls for more rain, more
tequila and more poker.
Subject: retaliation
Bart, I practice federal employment discrimination
My first reaction to hearing that
Fox News fired Bill O'Reilly's accuser was:
WOW! What a an absolutely huge retaliation
case she has against Fox!
Even if we were to view Fox only as a third
party, the laws prohibiting retaliation
in a sexual harassment case still preclude
acts of retaliation taken by a third party to
protect a harasser. Granted, these laws
are not being enforced very vigorously any
longer by Bush's reactionary federal judges,
but they are still on the books.
I sincerely hope this young woman and her
lawyer avail themselves of these laws.
Donald P. R
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1075, 1086, 1092,
1102, dead American soldiers.
The polls tell us America wants more war,
more beheadings,
more countries invaded,
more obscene profits for BIG OIL,
more pollution in the air and water,
and more soldiers killed.
Are the polls right?
Subject: Bart, you
gotta see this
and Loathing, Campaign 2004
by Hunter S. Thompson
Armageddon came early for George Bush this
year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns
with my man John Kerry turned into a series
of horrible embarrassments that cracked his nerve and demoralized
his closest campaign advisers. They knew
he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal
for him in Florida, where the presidential
debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of
Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason
to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point
underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged
confrontations with a treacherous little
freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor
was clearly John Kerry every time. He steamrollered
Bush and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate?
Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early,
in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up
less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor
George into jelly. It was pitiful. . .
. I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him "Mister President,"
and then I felt ashamed.
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
relatives's website show support for Kerry
"Six blood relatives of President Bush who support
John F. Kerry's bid for the presidency
have launched a website to publicize their
sharp disagreements with Bush's policies. The site,
www.bushrelativesforkerry.com, consists
of personal statements from a group of decidedly
liberal second cousins of the president,
none of whom knows him personally.
All are grandchildren of Mary Bush House,
the sister of Prescott Bush, a former US senator
from Connecticut (and partner with
Hitler) and the father and grandfather of the two
Bush presidents.
The introduction to the site opens with
the slogan, ''Because blood is thicker than oil!" and states:
'As the election approaches, we feel it is our
responsibility to speak out about why we are voting
for Kerry, and to do our small part to
help America heal from the sickness it has suffered since
Bush was appointed. We invite you to read
our stories, and please, don't vote for our cousin!'"
Subject: Believers are
incapable of reason
That is what belief is: the rejection of
rational thought.
People who believe in gods should not be
allowed to vote or hold public office or other
positions of public responsibility such
as running polls or reporting the news or serving in government.
That is the only way the people of this
nation can be protected from the bloody consequences of their willful irrationality.
Scott W
San Jose, CA
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BCR Show
I haven't heard this 'road' show.
Let's hope it's a good one.
Click Here to listen to Part 1 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 1 of Show 57
36 minutes of Bart's expertiary debate comment
Click Here to listen to Part 2 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 2 of Show 57
33 minutes of Smirky McHardon debate beatdown
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 57
28 minutes of misc political comedy
Click Here to listen to Part 4 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 4 of Show 57
26 minutes of SNL, Jon Stewart and misc
political comedy
Here for the radio archives
Shirley Manson of Garbage
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