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1427 - Journalism 'ethics'
Fri-Sat Oct 22-23,
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Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
"My inclination would be to remain private
for a good long while. But I came here today in support
of John Kerry because this is so important.
This is what Chris wanted. His heart was full of hope,
and he imagined living in a world where
politics would never get in the way of hope."
--Dana Reeve, the widow of
Christopher Reeve, endorsing Kerry, Attribution
Poll Finds Bush, Kerry Locked in a Tie
This could mean Kerry is a few points
Many voters are dissatisfied with Bush
but uneasy about Kerry's ability
to protect the nation, according to an
AP poll that found them locked in a tie.
Many voters believe Bush is better qualified
to protect the country. A majority consider
Kerry indecisive, less solid on national
security. But Kerry is seen as stronger on creating jobs.
I wish kerry would pound home this message:
"Do you want more like the last four years?
Or would you like to go back to a Clintonian America of peace
and prosperity?"
Brit Quotes
"I have not changed my view on the war but
I do not want my government to be manipulated
by one of the most unscrupulous U.S.
administrations that the U.S. has ever seen."
-- Gerald Kaufman, MP who
voted for Bush's war on the decision by Blair to meet a request
the never-elected Pinhead to deploy troops in problem spots in Iraq, Attribution
"I'm concerned about the timing. We've been
asked by the Americans two weeks before
their election to cover for their troops.
Is this a ploy to allow Bush to not send more troops?"
Illsley, MP who voted for Bush's war on
the decision by Blair to meet a request
the never-elected Pinhead to deploy troops in problem spots in Iraq, Attribution
Observers See Problems in Election
They know the crook will cheat again
- can they catch him?
Substantial threats to the integrity of
the U.S. presidential election remain despite an improvement
in election practices since 2000, an international
delegation of election observers reported on Thursday.
The delegation of 20, including lawyers,
diplomats, civic leaders and veteran election monitors from
15 countries, visited five key states last
month to review preparations for the Nov. 2 balloting.
They plan to return to Florida, Ohio and
Missouri on Election Day, although officials Republicans in
some counties have so far not agreed to
allow them access to polling places and vote counting centers.
The group made several recommendations,
although it acknowledged that it was probably
too late for many of them to be implemented
less than two weeks before the election.
It's so like the Democrats to not realize there'd be an election
this year.
After all, they'd have to be able to count to four to know that.
We don't want to win this election - why?
"After the last presidential debate in Tempe,
I am left wondering why it is so hard for our
nation's commander-in-chief to tell
the truth. From domestic issues to war to fiscal policy,
Bush either ignores the truth, doesn't
understand the truth or can't speak the truth.
Whatever the reason, none of these
truths sit well with me-and they should not with
anyone else either. For all sakes and
purposes, Bush is the leader of the free world.
He must be held accountable for his
words and actions... This is the central problem
of the Bush presidency and his candidacy:
he lied...
-- Judge Greg
Mathis, "Bush won't, or can't, tell the truth", Attribution
Subject: Another side of
the news
Former CIA Director George Tenet now says
the Iraq War was wrong. A platoon of soldiers
in Iraq refused to drive trucks loaded
with fuel, possibly contaminated, up a very dangerous road.
The soldiers complained that the trucks
they were supposed to drive were not sufficiently armored.
Support for our troops George Bush style!!
Pat Robertson now claims Bush told him in
March, 2003 that there would be no US casualties in Iraq.
The ex Marine had a lot of doubts. The
White House is calling him a liar. A new Pew Research poll shows
24% of white Evangelical Christians say
the Iraq War was wrong, and 22% say they will vote for Kerry!!!
Speaking of polls, are the recent ones showing
a close election really a corporate media smoke screen
so that if voting machines are rigged,
we will accept the results?!!?
Many thanks to http://www.BartCop.com for publishing this email with the link from Marty's
Tune in to "Another Side of the News" with
Paul Berenson, Saturdays 9am-10am PST on KCSB-FM 91.9
or listen on our webcast http://www.kcsb.org.
Your local phone calls are welcome at:
Outside of the Santa Barbara area:
If you're tired of the Limbaugh's, Fox News,
Corporate Media, etc. and want to hear
a Democrat with attitude, this is for you!
Paul Berenson
Play the 'Traitor' Card
by on-fire Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
The assaults on Sen. John Kerry's patriotism
- first from the Swift boat ads and now from an attack-video to be
aired nationally before the Nov. 2 election
- look to be part of a Bush family pattern, which also was on display in
1992 when the elder George H.W. Bush instigated
a smear campaign against Bill Clinton for alleged disloyalty.
In 1992, the Bush reelection plan was to
disqualify Clinton with the voters by publicizing bogus allegations that
had tried to renounce his U.S. citizenship
during the Vietnam War. The first President Bush and his allies also pushed
rumors that Clinton had treasonous contacts
with Soviet-bloc communists during a student trip to Eastern Europe in
the 1970s.
Today, Bush supporters are hurling similar
disloyalty allegations at Kerry - that he lied about his combat experience
Vietnam and that he betrayed his country
in his anti-war activism upon his return. George W. Bush's campaign insists
that it's not behind these charges. But
there were similar denials in 1992 and the now-available documentary record
shows that George H.W. Bush was at least
the sparkplug behind the attacks on Clinton's loyalty.
It's also important to remember that the
1992 scheme might well have succeeded in destroying Clinton,
except it was countered by a few alert
Democrats on Capitol Hill.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the internet. You should read their stuff.
"This Parry
guy is trouble.
He's the one who exposed my Daddy on Iran-Contra.
We gotta get him inside a small plane..."
"Is This
The view from Iowa
A weekly column by Mike Palecek,
former federal prisoner for peace,
county prisoner, Iowa Democratic Party candidate,
small-town newspaper reporter.
"I don't believe that God has desires. What
we were taught in Catholic education is
God's ways are unknowable. The essence
of the Catholic God is that God works in
mysterious ways. George
W. Bush doesn't think God works in mysterious ways.
George W. Bush thinks he knows what
God wants, and George W. Bush then says,
I am here to execute what God wants."
--Lawrence O'Donnell,
on Scarborough Country, Attribution
Subject: No longer will
visit and subscribe to your page
For years I enjoyed your humor, wit and
your site, and also endured your attitude towards the Yankees.
I'm a long time fan, who's suffering today
from a humiliating defeat, and what do I get on your site?
More taunting.
That's it, that was the last nail in the
I can no longer support your site, and
I will no longer visit it.
Long time reader and subscriber,
PS: Yeah right! Like I care
if we disagree on sports teams!
kicking major ass, and we're going to win on Nov.2nd, and that's the win
that matters!
PPS: Hope you enjoyed my attempt at humor
Alex, you had me going there for a second...
Now I'm feeling guilty because the Cardinals are going to break
Boston's heart.
Counting and Greg Palast
by Paul Krugman
Click Here
If the election were held today and the
votes were counted fairly, Kerry would probably win.
But the votes won't be counted fairly,
and the disenfranchisement of minority voters may determine the outcome.
Last week I described Greg Palast's work
on the 2000 election, reported recently in Harper's, which conclusively
shows that Florida was thrown to Mr. Bush
by a combination of factors that disenfranchised black voters. These
included a defective felon list, which
wrongly struck thousands of people from the voter rolls, and defective
machines, which disproportionately failed
to record votes in poor, black districts.
One might have expected Florida's government
to fix these problems during the intervening four years.
(Yes, but we're Democrats and we have no desire
to win - we are content to let Bush steal it.)
But most of those wrongly denied voting
rights in 2000 still haven't had those rights restored -
and the
replacement of punch-card machines has
created new problems.
This pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.
The inept Democrats are going to be surprised by the 2006 and
2008 elections, too.
I think I'll send the DNC a calender with the important dates
Subject: I couldn't
let this moment pass
Dear Bart,
Make a donation today to our Countdown to
Victory Matching Fund.
With some people already casting their ballots,
the election of 2004 is now underway,
and nothing less than the future of our
country is at stake. This is the moment for every
Democrat to look in the mirror and ask:
"What more can I do to help?"
Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of
a special group of Democratic donors,
every dollar you donate today, in the kickoff
of our Countdown to Victory Matching Fund,
will be matched, doubling the impact of
your Countdown to Victory donation.
Let's go for it. America's future is on
the ballot this year.
Let's use these final days of the campaign
to win the victory that is within our grasp,
and secure the kind of future we want for
our children. I'm counting on you.
Bill Clinton
by Michael Hammerschlag
The most likely Oct. surprise by the Repubs
is a huge groundless Ridge/Ashcroft security alert a few days
before the election designed to suppress
voter turnout, particularly of new voters and minorities, the most
tentative faction. This would excuse Repub.
governors sending police to all polling places, which also would
intimidate and suppress minority voting.
That has the capacity to sway millions of votes. It would be in keeping
with Repub efforts to disenfranchise blacks
in Florida, Missouri, et al; and reject or turn away new voters
(Nevada, Oregon, Mich., Ohio), who tend
to be majority or overwhelmingly Democratic.
In a precursor or trial run, Sen.
Mark Dayton (d-MN) closed his Washington office Oct 12th until after the
election after an alarming report by the
Majority Leader Frist, saying
"I take this step out of extreme, but necessary,
precaution to protect the lives and safety of my Senate staff and
my Minnesota constituents, " he said. "We
know that Al Qaeda has a history of going back to targets it was
unsuccessful in destroying," Dayton said
Wednesday evening. Law enforcement agencies have said there is no
new intelligence indicating the Capitol
is a target.
Dayton also said Senate Sergeant at Arms
Bill Pickle called the intelligence report, which was presented two
weeks ago,
the most "declarative statement" in his
career. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/10/13/senator.close.cnn/index.html
honor are we talking about?
scroll to the second story on this link
And the POWs interviewed for the (Sinclair)
movie? They include folks like Paul E. Galanti,
the Virginia chair of Republican Sen. John
McCain's 2000 presidential bid; Kevin McManus
of the much-maligned Swift Boat Veterans
for Truth; Ronald J. Webb, who served as a
Federal Aviation Administration official
in George H.W. Bush's administration; and ...
Well, you get the idea. War heroes? You
bet they are. Each and every single one of them.
Partisan conservative Republicans? Ditto.
From the people interviewed to the film's
creator to the film's producer to the broadcasting company
that will air it this week, every person
involved is a partisan conservative. And given Gerow's status as
a Bush appointee, Sinclair's airing of
Stolen Honor may not be just unethical but also illegal.
Oh, and Sinclair CEO David Smith was
arrested for "committing a perverted
sex act"
in Baltimore in 1996. We didn't want
to have to say that, but it is, after all, "news."
Sinclair (R-Sexual
pervert) Sued by Filmmaker Over Kerry Photos
The director of a documentary of lies about
John Kerry's Vietnam service sued Sinclair Broadcasting,
accusing it of illegally copying his photographs
in his anti-Kerry movie it plans to air this week.
The suit seeks unspecified damages and an
order barring Sinclair and film distributors from selling
or showing the movie containing copyrighted
photographs and film footage
Democrats have (very, very meekly) charged
the documentary was a blatant political statement disguised
as news and demanded equal air time from
Sinclair, whose executives have been major contributors to
the never-elected fraud and Republicans
in recent years.

If Bush wins, you'll
need bartcop.com to stay sane.
If Kerry wins, the media
will do their very best destroy him.
Why not subscribe, and we'll go thru this
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PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Borrows Another $136 Billion to Give to Super Rich
Bush showered $136 billion in new tax breaks
on oil and gas businesses, tobacco farmers and
super rich golfers, quietly signing the
most sweeping rewrite of corporate tax law in 20 years while
the gutless Democrats just stood
there and applauded Bush's latest bank robbery at high noon.
Bush said the new law is good for America's
workers because it will help create jobs here at home.
What a f-ing joke that is.
The only president in seventy years to
lose jobs has a $136B giveaway to "create" more?
Opponents disagree, saying it will swell
the nation's huge budget deficit with a massive giveaway
that will reward multinational companies
that move jobs overseas and add to the complexity of the tax system.
...but they decided it wasn't worth fighting
for, so they simply wet their pants and gave in to Bush - again.
I am so disgusted with the cowards who call
themselves Democrats.
How did I get in a party of spineless weenies?
you know you can vote early in 30 states?
Let's not let the bastards steal another one.
Manson's Diary
Woke up feeling REALLY outraged this morning
having spent sunday night at a fundraiser for
Women's Rights during which the organizers
screened the documentary "A Voice for Choice"
which examines the current crisis in women's
reproductive freedoms and the systematic attacks
being wreaked by the current Bush administration
on a woman's right to choose.
I must have been sleeping because I genuinely
had no idea just how threatened they have become
during this current administration. If
Bush and Cheney succeed in their bid for another four years
I dread to think how much more fucked up
things could become.
You gotta love her.
As far as I know, Shirley's never heard of bartcop.com
but she sounds like she's been reading it for years.
Coulter hit with Cream Pies
She-Nazi "survives" hit by "Al Pieda"
finds lost lyrics from 1981 album "October"
Someone stole them after a Portland
concert all those years ago
Will Not Apologize to Paparazzi
The photographer suffered a cut lip - claims Harry struck
him without provocation
I don't know much about Harry, but anyone who punches a scumbag
paparazzi is OK with me.
Stewart Talks TV News on '60 Minutes'
"CNN says, `You can depend on CNN.' Guess what?
I watch CNN. No, you can't!"
Remember when he told Wolf the Whore to his face that the press
was "retarded?
Shot of Chinaco for Jon Stewart
Do you have a friend who's undecided about this election?
Here to order Fahrenheit
...and then watch it with them.
When you're done, say, "Are
you still considering voting for Bush?
Subject: absentee ballots
I've been voting by mail for more than 15
years as a registered Democrat.
I have lived at the same address all that
time and have received my voting materials WAY early each and every election.
Here it is, ten days 'til the election and
no ballot.
I intend to show up at the polling place,
but still have serious doubts my vote will be counted...
I wonder if there are other Dems out there
who've had the same thing happen - better yet,
are there ANY Repugs who haven't received
their absentee ballots?
I'd love to know...
Love ya, Bart
Miss Davis
Get your bartcop stickers!
Then send in your digital pictures.
Send a stamped envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
But if you send a small tithe...
we will not be offended.
to Let Crooked Halliburton Keep Stolen Billions
pays when your partners are running the government
The Army is laying the groundwork to let
Halliburton keep several billion dollars paid for work
in Iraq that Pentagon auditors say is questionable
or unsupported by proper documentation.
The Army says they might never be able to
account properly for work billed to taxpayers,
which has been probed amid accusations
that Halliburton overbilled us for expenses in Iraq.
The company has hired a consulting firm
to estimate what Halliburton's services should cost,
...which is complete horseshit because they work they did was in an area known for beheading
people, so who the hell's going to audit
their work?
Officials are considering using the estimate
to serve as the basis for "an equitable settlement,"
so the Pentagon could drop many of the
claims its auditors have made against the company.
Some disgruntled Pentagon officials see
the effort to broker an outside settlement with the
company as unusual because the contract
is so large.
Halliburton so far has billed about $12
billion in Iraq, and about $3 billion of that
remains disputed by government officials.
$3 billion? Get real.
The big contracts aren't even on the books
- they may never be. You see, making the payments
public would mean "the terrorists have
won," and we can't have that, so the BIG money is all
black budget stuff that we'll never know
about - never - even though you and I are paying for it
while the super rich get billions of borrowed
money that we're paying for, too..
Reminder: This is why they stole their way into power.
Cheney was making millions at a cushy job with Halliburton when
he quit to steal hundreds of billions.
You didn't think Cheney started working 80 hour weeks with 5
heart attacks to help the poor, did you?
From the BFEE's point of view, you want to know what the "work
of art" part is?
What they're doing is 100 percent legal. All they
have to do is say, "We're fighting terrorism"
and they are free to rob us taxpayers until they're too tired
to rob us any more. It's perfect.
If you don't like it, form a political party with the courage
to stand up to these bastards
or create a superpower military and push America out of Iraq.
Until you do one of those two things,
lie back and enjoy the never-ending rimming from the BFEE because
that's all we have on our horizon.
Entertainment Page
False Dualism
by Gene Lyons
Click Here
Meanwhile, al-Qa'idaterrorists keep plotting
their hellish schemes on their own mysterious
schedule. See, that's the thing about the
Iraq invasion even Kerry won't say: It didn't
demonstrate American strength, it demonstrated
our vulnerability. It didn't teach our enemies
to fear the awesome might of the U.S. killing
machine. It showed exactly what bin Laden,
a cunning propagandist, told them: Americans
have no compunction about slaughtering Arabs
from the air. But they lack the ruthlessness
to occupy Islamic countries for long. "[T] here is
nothing bin Laden could have hoped for
more than the American invasion and occupation
of Iraq," writes CIA anti-terrorist expert
"Anonymous" in his chilling book, "Imperial Hubris."
"Clemmings (Roger Clemmons) didn't throw a
bad pitch all night.
I got a fast ball high and inside and
thank the Lord my hands were able to get the ball out."
--Albert Pujouls, baseball
NLCS MVP, explaining why the Cardinals are in Boston.
"I saw the ball come over the plate,
it came off the bat well,
and it ended up in the seats."
-- Scott Rolen, home run hitter,
explaining why the Cardinals are in Boston.
Sure, a Texas/Boston series would've been
a cool Bush/Kerry prelude, but the
Cardinals/Red Sox make up Red October and
one of them's going to win everything.
Talking in Bill O'Reilly Sex Abuse Case
Will O'Reilly's victim get the $60 million she wanted?
"I'm gorgeous, all women want me..."
Lawyers are talking in the harassment case
against FOX News pervert Bill O'Reilly,
raising the possibility of a settlement
between the vibrator-in-my-butt married moralist
and the producer he engaged in unwanted
phone sex.
O'Reilly, who can't love his wife and his
vibrators, is host of FOX's top-rated prime-time
cable news program - and he's seen his ratings
go up by 30 percent since the case was filed.
Of course, the Republicans stand behind
this walking butt plug because he's willing to say
bad things about liberals and Democrats,
mostly scumbag lies about their "lack of morals."
Brit Quotes
"There is no way we should give this dangerous
American president any
encouragement to inflict the sort of
civilian casualties that we have already
seen in Fallujah. We instead should
be praying that he leaves office shortly."
--Paul Farrelly, MP who voted for
Bush's war on the decision by Blair to meet a request
the never-elected Pinhead to deploy troops in problem spots in Iraq, Attribution
"There is widespread alarm among the British
public about the deployment of UK
troops to fill in for the Americans.
It looks as if we're getting deeper involved."
--Geraldine Smith, MP who voted for Bush's
war on the decision by Blair to meet a request
the never-elected Pinhead to deploy troops in problem spots in Iraq, Attribution
Subject: absentee ballots
Hi, Bartcop
I heard the same thing on Air America's
Sacramento station this past week.
People should put two stamps on their absentee
ballots just to make sure no matter where they live!
Don't take any chances. The
post office said the ballots are not delivered
to the registrar's office if they don't
have the required postage.
Citrus Heights, CA
Here to get 3 BartCop
Radio Shows on CD delivered for just $24
Currently not shipping shows - until we get home
Here to send your review of Show
56 or 57
Report West
Scary and I played poker with my good friend Jim
You know Jim - The Jim
Rose Circus - as seen on The X-Files and The
He's a BIG time democrat, so big, in 1976 he was Mo Udall's chief
I'm going to do the Trip Report on BCR - there's too much to write.
Subject: Hola!
I don't know if you remember, but I wrote
a little while back commenting that the current war
is making us Evil Canucks richer?
Well, our dollar just hit $0.81 against yours, up from $0.62
in January of 2002!
Your big bond sale tanked out, too, so it
looks like people are starting to shy away from what once
was the best (most secure) investment in
the world. So even without mentioning the plethora of other
reasons to swap governments, sheer economics
dictates that a change is necessary.
That, plus I'm a little concerned what will
happen when the "Red States" realize that Canada is
your country's main supplier of oil, not
Saudi Arabia or Russia or Venezuela.
Resources we have - armies, well...
Hi ho!
Erin B
Erin, prepare to be invaded.
Bush will capture your PM and murder his
kids and put their mutilated corpses on TV
so he can brag to the Christian Right how
God told him to commit those atrocities.
It's how politics works in America now.
A Bush supporter
(in hat) explains his views to a Democrat
"They threw pies at my friend Ann Coulter today.
They missed because she turned sideways
and disappeared."
-- Bill Maher, Friday on HBO
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1075, 1086, 1092,
1103, dead American soldiers.
The polls tell us America wants more war,
more beheadings,
more countries invaded,
more obscene profits for BIG OIL,
more pollution in the air and water,
and more soldiers killed.
Are the polls right?
Subject: The Diehard
to be released soon?
I've got GOOD NEWS: they waited three bloody
weeks, then the psychotic guard
woke Dian *and* her cellmates up at 0200
hours last night to hand her the paperwork
announcing her release date: next Wednesday,
a couple of *weeks* earlier than I was thinking....
Mark, tell Dian Bart says, "Hey!"
Maybe she'll have a story to tell when she gets out? :)
Pundits Ignore Bush's Lies
by smoking Joe Conason
For reasons known only to America's leading
conservative thinkers, it is far more offensive
to utter an inconsequential truth than
to tell a long series of important falsehoods. Or so we are
learning in the wake of the final Presidential
debate, as Republicans and their noisemakers proclaim
grave indignation over John Kerry's innocuous
reference to the sexual preference of Mary Cheney.
On the pages of The New York Times, William
Safire damns Mr. Kerry for inflicting "the lowest blow"
and David Brooks indicts him for using
"somebody's daughter to attack the father and his running mate."
In The Weekly Standard, William Kristol
shrieks about the "shameless, ruthless, calculating cruelty" in the
Democrat's "McCarthyite" mention of Ms.
Cheney, claiming that it proves he should not be elected President.
From print and talk radio and cable television,
the furious right-wingers roar in unison, as if Mr. Kerry had
exposed a dire family secret and ruined
a young woman's life.
Could this helpless victim possibly be the
same Mary Cheney who has been "out" for at least the past five years?
Isn't this the same Ms. Cheney who hired
herself in 1999 to the Coors Brewing Company as a professional liaison
to the gay community, so that the damaging
boycott of Coors beer in gay and lesbian bars might be calmed?
Isn't this the lesbian daughter to whom
Dick Cheney referred so proudly in a speech last summer? Isn't she the
Cheney daughter who shows up at public
events with her female partner? Isn't she the daughter whose acceptance
by her family was praised during that debate
by John Edwards, in a gracious exchange with her father?
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: tricky bastards
i live in florida, and, our ballots tell
us it costs 0.60 cents
but in actuality it costs 0.83 cents to
mail the absentee ballots
It's my opinion they will do anything to win.
Murder doesn't get in their way when you're talking world domination.
If only there was a party willing to fight the Republicans...
Film Quotes
"Stolen Honor is the kind of show you might
come across at 2 a.m. as a paid infomercial
on a local-access channel and leave
on for a few minutes out of sheer fascinated disgust.
It's a sleazy little piece of work,
a cunning act of libel-by-insinuation that introduces no
facts that have not been public information
for at least 30 years."
--Dana Stevens, "Uncivil War: Stolen Honor rewrites
the history of the Vietnam War", Attribution
"Mark Hyman makes Sean Hannity sound like a
sensible moderate. The Sinclair mouthpiece
specializes in scorched-earth attacks
on anyone who sees through the distortions of the Bush
administration. He refers to members
of Congress who criticize the war in Iraq as "unpatriotic
politicians who hate our military.
Whenever mainstream media outlets practice anything akin
to journalism, Hyman condemns the offending
outlets as the "hate America crowd." During the
current campaign, Hyman has been a
one-man propaganda machine, spinning out anti-Kerry
commentaries and repeating even the
most discredited lies about Kerry's Vietnam record on
stations that broadcast in at least
11 of this year's 17 battleground states. If Hyman's goal is
to make Fox look "fair and balanced"
by comparison with Sinclair, he's succeeding."
--John Nichols, "Sinclair's Kerry smear is 1984 come true", Attribution
Reminder: Sinclair CEO David Smith was
arrested for "committing a perverted
sex act"
in Baltimore in 1996. We didn't want
to have to say that, but it is, after all, "news."
Subject: Bill O'Reilley,
sex pervert
Bart when I was 55, I was a horny old bastard,
but I never used that kind of shit to get
into my women friend's pants.
Respect went a long way.
Ole Vet
Ole Vet, a shot of Chinaco for you...
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BCR Show
I haven't heard this 'road' show.
Let's hope it's a good one.
Click Here to listen to Part 1 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 1 of Show 57
36 minutes of Bart's expertiary debate comment
Click Here to listen to Part 2 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 2 of Show 57
33 minutes of Smirky McHardon debate beatdown
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 57
28 minutes of misc political comedy
Click Here to listen to Part 4 of Show 57
Click Here to download Part 4 of Show 57
26 minutes of SNL, Jon Stewart and misc
political comedy
Here for the radio archives
Shirley Manson of Garbage
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