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1437 - US sentenced to 4 years
Friday Nov 5, 2004
Mike Malloy on AAR weeknights
"If, as seems likely, the President follows
the neo-conservative agenda and takes his war
of "liberation" beyond Iraq -- Syria
and Iran seem to be the next targets -- the transformation
of the Republican Party will be complete:
it will become the imperial party.."
--Justin Raimondo,
Vows No Letup in Military Deaths, Beheadings
Stubborn idiocy is as stubborn idiocy does
Bolstered by a hard-fought election victory,
Bush says the United States will vigorously pursue
its policy of throwing young American heroes
into the meat grinder for no goddamn reason and
will not retreat from destroying families
who sent a patriotic son or daughter to serve their country.
"I understand, in certain capitals and certain
countries, my murders are not popular," Bush said.
He was unapologetic about the course he
has set and said he would not back down.
That's our Bush - he stays the course no
matter how many icebergs have hit the ship.
If you have a draft-age son or daughter,
you've got some tough decisions to make.
Swear to Koresh, Bush has plans to close
our borders, just like Castro, to keep Americans from fleeing.
If you wait, and Bush closes the borders,
your kids could be sacrificed in Iraq for Bush's insanity.
You elected him, America.
You begged Bush to take your kids to help
bolster Halliburton's bottom line.
If there was any fairness in this world, those who voted for Bush
would be drafted first.
But that won't happen because the rich don't send their kids
to war - that's for the poor and the black.
"Can a people that believes more fervently
in the Virgin Birth
than in evolution still be called an
Enlightened nation?"
--Garry Wills, The
Day the Enlightenment Went Out
It's still hard to accept that America took "one giant leap" backward
this week.
The rest of the world is looking at us and wondering what the
hell happened.
Do you remember a year or two ago, I said that I'd always felt
that racial bigotry was
America's biggest problem, but that it was falling to Number
Two behind religious insanity?
Sometimes I hate it when I'm right.
problem will continue. Religious people are used to following orders.
They are very obedient and they will stand in line and vote for whichever
candidate claims
to be "more Christian," no matter how many tens of thousands of people
he had murdered
so his friends and family could steal the assets of the dead..
The facts are that Bush has killed 1124 soldiers and over 100,000 civilians
in Iraq,
but the easily led are so scared, they'll vote for that murderer again
and again.
We have to figure out how to outwit the insane majority.
Subject: Bush DID NOT "win"
the elections!
When are you going to stop saying that Bush
The elections were STOLEN! www.blackboxvoting.org
Annie H
Annie, I am against Bush, and I am not against www.blackboxvoting.org
but when you go there, it says:
> Black Box Voting has taken the position that
fraud took place in the 2004 election...
> We are working now to compile the proof...
We can suspect all we want, but we
need proof to make the accusation.
won't be duped like Dubya's dopes
England's free press allows them to tell the truth
Hostile injuns are on the edge of town,
threatening yer wives 'n' cattle!
And those pesky Democrats want you to shoot
the Sheriff! Whaddya say to that?
The answer was "No", as predicted right
here seven days ago.
The most important US presidential election
for decades was brought down to
that naive level by a cunning, cynical
George Dubya Bush. And it worked.
This corrupt exercise in mass deception
cost a billion dollars in TV advertising
and twice that in campaign expenses (some
of them genuine).
But it was worth it for the big business
interests that dominate American politics.
Bush is back, sponsored by good 'ole US
oil. If that is democracy, then I am the Count of Monte Cristo.
If only bamboozled Yankees were involved,
we could all go about our business without a care.
More Years! Take That, You Sons of Bitches
by Adam Teiichi Yoshida: ultra-conservative political
Let's face a hard truth: this was the bitterest
Presidential campaign in living memory. The Democrats and their allies
staked everything on the defeat of this
President. All of the resources they had accumulated over a generation
struggle were thrown into this battle:
and they have failed. Despite all of their tricks, despite all of their
lies, the people
have rejected them. They mean nothing.
They are worth nothing. There's no point in trying to reach out to them
because they won't be reached out to. We've
got their teeth clutching the sidewalk and our boot above their head.
Now's the time to curb-stomp the bastards.
...and you don't own a gun because you think guns are dangerous?
Get your bartcop stickers!
Then send in your digital pictures.
Send a stamped envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
But if you send a small tithe...
we will not be offended.
"We must be relentless in our war against terrorism.
We should work with Bush
on this agenda. It is one which all
nations of goodwill would surely agree."
--Tony Blair, urging the world
to accept Bush's agressive militarism, wherever it may occur Attribution
Occupy Library to Protest Bush Fascism
About 85 high school students upset about
the nation's direction were camping out in
the school library, demanding an audience
with Republican leaders.
Students began their protest Thursday and
school officials said they could stay through
Friday when representatives of their congressman
were expected to visit.
"We want them to reassure us that our fears are
misguided and that the government is doing
everything in its power to prevent our
futures from being destroyed," said senior Brian Martens.
Students said they are worried about the
national debt, military recruitment in schools and the environment.
Those are some brave kids, because Bush
could have them declared "enemy combatants,"
and sent to Cuba to be tortured to death
for daring to have an opinion that differs from his.
"Europe will continue to criticize Bush, but
I do not believe that he will be more willing to listen."
PM Persson, who knows how fascists think Attribution
Little, Too Late
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
George W. Bush's electoral victory is chilling
proof that the conservatives have achieved dominance
over the flow of information to the American
people and that even a well-run Democratic campaign
stands virtually no chance for national
success without major changes in how the news media operates.
It is not an exaggeration to say today that
the most powerful nation on earth is in the grip of an ideological
administration - backed by a vast network
of right-wing think tanks, media outlets and attack groups -
that can neutralize any political enemy
with smears, such as the Swift boat ads against Kerry's war record,
or convince large numbers of people that
clearly false notions are true, like Saddam's link to the Sept. 11 attacks.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the internet. You
should read their stuff.
Click Here
Get involved, write your thoughts down
and send them to Alan
Hold 'em made legal in K-Drag Tuesday?
That's the rumor, but since this is Oklahoma, nobody knows.
I went to tulsaworld.com,
and searched for "poker," "blackjack" and "Texas Hold em"
but, of course, they said those words have never been used in
their newspaper.
I called a local Indian casinoe*
and they said, "It's illegal for us to talk about
it ...until it happens."
The rumor I heard was that State Question 712 passed,
but I want to see it in writing.
Hell, we might have a Pokerfest right here in K-Drag.
Central location, Southwest Airlines cheap fares, warm climate,
dirt cheap hotels etc.
Subject: Military families
As far as the military families go, we know
that they'll suffer severe retribution if they speak out.
I would love to hear from some of the spouses
who've already lost their loved one, then lost all
their military benefits, then lost their credit status, then lost their houses, etc., etc., etc.
This is another prime example of Dubya suppressing
the American voice of freedom!!
The Last
Liberal Outlaw,
by former prisoner Mike Palecek
Published by New Leaf
Books of Chicago
haven't had a writer like this since
Vonnegut was at his peak."
- Chuck Gregory,
"We were not allowed to enter polling stations.
Although we were officially
invited to follow the presidential
election, the message was not passed on
to the polling stations. It's the limit
of arrogance."
--Soeren Soendergaard, a Danish parliamentary
who was refused admission
at polling stations in Columbus, Ohio, Attribution
Subject: love for BartCop
and leaving a red state behind
I haven't written in before, but I'm really
pissed off at the results - four more yrs of hell with Chimpy.
I wanted to tell you how badly I feel about
the cancellations and the grief that you're getting.
But, look at all the others who love your
website. I remember when you were one of the few sites
that ranted against the stolen election
of 2000 (and maybe this one as well).
In order to keep our sanity, my family will
be leaving red state Ohio and returning to our native
blue state of Illinois - where folks know
how to vote. I'm looking forward to a world with a
Dem. governor, 2 Senators (Obama and Durbin)
and Mayor Daley.
Republican Bumpkins of Ohio, your state
continues downward because you keep electing corrupt
GOP politicians. The result: no jobs,
no healthcare, no teeth, failing/worn schools, crappy Sec of State Blackwell.
Hey, but they voted for Chimpy's morals!
There's no lifesaver available, so the Titanic continues to sink with Captain
Taft at the helm.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Your biggest fan,
Signs Bill to Ratify Kyoto Protocol
America's anti-science bastard
is the only big holdout
Putin has signed a bill confirming Russia's
ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Kremlin said Friday,
clearing the way for the global climate
pact to come into force early next year.
Without Russia's support, the pact - which
has been rejected by America's ignoramus - could not have
come into effect. It needed endorsement
by 55 industrialized nations accounting for at least 55 percent
of global greenhouse gas emissions in 1990.
The United States accounted for 36 percent of carbon
dioxide emissions in 1990, while Russia
accounted for 17 percent.
Backwards America (we need to get used to
that phrase) rejects the science the whole world recognizes.
Bush sold his soul to the "creation-science"
nitwits and made us the butt of ridicule all over the globe.
Subject: voter fraud in
Just look at this and tell me there wasn't
voter fraud.
If this makes no sense to you then look
at the graphs at the bottom of the page.
Rob A
Bonus Pay for a one-year subscription ($100)
and get the last three shows on CD delivered to your door!
They'll play anywhere - in your computer, in your car, in your
home CD player.
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Here to purchase a year of BCR and get your free CDs
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a check with your e-mail address to:
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
party in DC on Inauguration day?
Last night on AAR, Janeanne Garafolo suggested we welcome the
next Bush Reich
with a "tear gas and fire hose" reception on January 20th of next year.
If anyone plans on going, I would like to sponsor your sign(s).
I will trade you money for signs, paint, etc for some digital
If we buy in bulk, we can get signs cheap, right?
I'm not talking about one sign or two signs, depending on costs,
I'd like to see a sea of signs.
So if you're going to DC to protest that bastard, click below and we'll see what can be worked out.
First thing we'll need is some local DC ground people to be anchors.
Once we have them, we'll check into the costs of, say, 20-40
Then anyone wanting to protest can meet up with our anchor and
get an anti-Bush sign to carry.
I'll even pay for some hot chocolate afterwards, because it can
get chilly in DC in January.
If someone would like to donate to the protest fund, Click
Here and put "protest" in the subject line.
If you'd like to help via mail: bartcop.com PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
With a bigger budget, we can build bigger, better signs with eye-catchingcolors.
With enough big, fancy signs, one might be photographed for a
national/worldwide publication.
Let's show the world that not all Americans are fascist, warmongering
sons of bitches.
Would you make a good anchor?
"You better
not make me look bad
with people all over the world watching!"
Click Here to
volunteer to Protest that Bastard
We have 75 days to prepare, but it all starts with some DC anchors.
...unless you think we should bow down and worship this Giggling
Subject: Kerry won
Hey Bart,
I thought I'd call your attention to this
piece by Greg Palast.
Why haven't we heard anything more about
all the pre-election voter suppression scandals?
Is it because the Dems are too busy asking
to get their bellies scratched?
Our elected Democrats are scared spineless.
Keep raging,
by Greg Palast
Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting
for Kerry. CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush
among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent.
Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters
51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a third
gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state.
So what's going on here? Answer: the exit
polls are accurate. Pollsters ask, "Who did you vote for?"
Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial,
question, "Was your vote counted?" The voters don't know.
Here's why. Although the exit polls show
that most voters in Ohio punched cards for Kerry-Edwards,
thousands of these votes were simply not
recorded. This was predictable and it was predicted. Click
Once again, at the heart of the Ohio uncounted
vote game are, I'm sorry to report, hanging chads and
pregnant chads, plus some other ballot
tricks old and new.
The election in Ohio was not decided by
the voters but by something called "spoilage." Typically in the
United States, about 3 percent of the vote
is voided, just thrown away, not recorded. When the bobble-head
boobs on the tube tell you Ohio or any
state was won by 51 percent to 49 percent, don't you believe it ...
it has never happened in the United States,
because the total never reaches a neat 100 percent.
The television totals simply subtract out
the spoiled vote.
IE Hole Opens PCs Up to Attacks
We should all sue Bill Gates for $1 million...
Snoop CDs Pushed Up Due to Piracy
If the CDs are done, what's the point of holding them back, anyway?
jet strafes New Jersey school
School surrenders, no WMDs found after meticulous search
Man Hides In Wheel Well Of Plane At LAX
Unstable man climbs barbed-wire fence naked, climbs into
departing jet
The best books by the best authors
pledges to make super-rich ever more rich
"I have a mandate, America demands that I do this."
Contending Americans have embraced his
conservative agenda, Bush pledged Thursday
to aggressively pursue major changes in
Social Security, the tax code and medical malpractice
awards, working with Democrats if they
are receptive and leaving them behind if they're not.
"We're going to roll over anyone trying to protect
the middle class," Bush vowed.
"I earned capital in the campaign, political
capital, and now I intend to spend it," Bush said.
"I'll reach out to everyone who shares our goals,"
said Bush, who 24 hours earlier had
promised to try to win over those who voted
for his Democratic opponent.
America - last Tuesday, you gave this monster
the green light to steal your future.
You told Bush you want him to empty the
Treasury and send your kids to die in Iraq.
You told him Grandma doesn't need her Social
Security check or her medicine.
Why did you do that?
Entertainment Page
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"We were denied entry to a local Republican
office in Orlando. They called the police,
saying they had received guidelines
from Washington to do so."
OSCE observer Carina Christensen, Foreign
monitors 'barred' from US polls
Virginia, There is a Bright Side
"America is faced with another four years with
an administration more reckless and destructive than any other.
The progress made in our short history
will be threatened by a small group of ideologues who now realize that
they have a very short time to leave their
mark on this country - more than they already have. Social programs
like Medicare and Social Security have
been added to the Endangered Species list. Civil rights and women's rights
stand to be reversed with the likely appointments
of three, maybe four, Supreme Court justices. And the great
wedge which has divided this country for
four years will continue to grow."
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1111, 1120, 1124,
1228, dead American soldiers.
They got 4
more yesterday.
I guess the majority is OK with that?
Voters tell us they wants more war,
and more soldiers killed.
It's a sad day for our military
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
"There are millions of Americans living in
hidden places, whose faces and names we never know.
But I have seen children starving in
Mississippi; idling their lives away in the ghetto; living without
hope or future amid the despair on
Indian reservations; with no jobs and little hope. I have seen
proud men in the hills of Appalachia,
who wish only to work in dignity--but the mines are closed,
and the jobs are gone, and no one,
neither industry or labor or government, has cared enough to help.
Those conditions will change, those
children will live, only if we dissent. So I dissent, and I know
you do, too."
--Robert Kennedy, Liberal,
who they had to murder to stop Attribution
Subject: How can this be?
Bunning's victory illustrates just how pathetic
we have become as nation.
More to the point, just how pathetic we
have become as a party.
The masses are so repulsed by a democrat
that they would vote for Bunning.
What does this say about our party?
I realize losing seats in the Senate is
a bad thing, but I am glad to be rid of Daschle.
His spineless tenure as Minority leader
helped make Rove's job easier. Our inability to
unite around a candidate as opposed to
unifying against Bush needs to be re-examined.
The entire party had better get its proverbial
shit together in next 24 months.
Stay in the game Bart, there's still hope
53,000,000 million of us seem to think
Phil, I'm not going anywhere for a long
Sidebar: My latest medical tests
say I'm still doing good.
Subject: Bush and Osama
Not only does Osama appreciate the three
year vacation,
he looks like he's just back from Club
Med, fresh and just rarin' to go.
I'd like to think he'd target Red states
but in the end,
he does as he's told by his bosses, doesn't
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30 minutes of this 'n that and the Ben Stein beatdown
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28 minutes of Tommy and Bart on pre-election
Click Here to listen to Part 3 of Show 58
Click Here to download Part 3 of Show 58
28 minutes of IRS-required teqiula and
poker reports
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26 minutes of misc political comedy bits
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