59 is up, Radio links below
Volume 1444 -
World Hates Bush
Thursday Nov 18, 2004 Clinton
Library Day Mike
Malloy on AAR weeknights
"I think this whole Willie Horton thing is a slur
on the American people. The argument
has been made by Democrats and liberals that
the Bush campaign in '88 supposedly showed
pictures of this man. It did not. There was
an independent expenditure ad that did. But they did not."
--Michael Barone, the whore who labeled
Kerry the most liberal person in history, lying again by failing to admit
that the BFEE always has "independent" groups
like the Swift Boat bastards to slur Bush opponents Attribution
Library Opens in Little Rock
Bono, The Edge, Jimmy Carter, The Monkey and Herbert Herbert
Click Here
Big Dog is hosting a party befitting his role
as a political rock star - complete
with actual rock stars, Hollywood luminaries and
an Air Force flyover.
An estimated 30,000 guests were expected to
pack downtown Little Rock on Thursday
for the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center,
the $165 million glass-and-steel home
of artifacts and documents gathered during Clinton's
eight years in the White House.
The Giggling Murderer, former presidents Herbert
Herbert and Jimmy Carter, Hillary
and daughter Chelsea headline the event along with
U2's Bono and The Edge.
But the true star is Clinton, America's last
successful president, whose library collection consists
of more than 80 million presidential items. Clinton
has promised to give scholars early access to
previously private policy advice and other documents
he isn't required to release until 2006.
Unlike the BFEE, which has to hide evidence
of their crimes, Clinton is an honest ex-president.
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive,
and judiciary, in the same hands,
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether
hereditary, self-appointed, or elective,
may justly be pronounced the very definition
of tyranny."
--James Madison, who saw the
Bush bastards coming 220 years ago, Attribution
Subject: You blame Bush for
Hassan's death?
Your a total ass to blame Bush for the slaying
of Margaret Hassan.
Can you blame the radical Muslim extremists?
They are the people who shot her in the head.
Daren the Monkey
Daren, how many CARE workers were executed before's Bush's bungled
Used by permission - please visit http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/
Big Media,
Some Nerve!
by hotter-than-fire Robert Parry (D-On Fire) at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
The entire article is superb - you really must
read it.
Note: consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the internet.
House Changes
Rules to Protect Crooked Tom DeLay
Delay's coming indictment would mean a loss of power for their shortest
Click Here
The current party rule in this area requires
House Republican leaders and the heads of the various
committees to relinquish their positions if indicted
for a crime that could bring a prison term of at
least two years. It makes no distinction between
a federal and state indictment. Three of DeLay's
political associates already have been indicted
by that Texas grand jury.
By a voice vote, and with a handful of lawmakers
voicing opposition, the House Republican Conference
decided that a party committee of several dozen
members would review any felony indictment of a
crook like Delay to see if they'd be better served
by the crook staying at his post.
What did you expect from a party of crooks?
Lucky for them the gelding Democrats are too
scared to object.
"We do
as we're told because we're obedient Bush boys."
Subject: Scott Peterson
First off, I am against the death penalty, period.
But I don't believe the state made a beyond a reasonable
doubt case for first degree murder.
I don't think he's innocent --- I do think he
killed her, but I don't believe there was the necessary premeditation.
I was surprised that it didn't come back second
degree. My theory is that they had a fight, it went too far,
& he killed her, then panicked & decided
to dump the body, etc.
It may arguably have been a manslaughter case
(no intent to kill) initially. I don't think he killed his wife for
Amber Frey or because he didn't want to be burdened
by a baby, etc. I think it was a tragic heat-of-the-moment
action which Peterson only made worse by trying
to cover up.
M. Millington
Good point, but the facts didn't fit the DA's
They claimed he bought the boat specifically for
the purpose of dumping her body.
The pundits (who shaped public opinion) said, "I guarantee he's
guilty because he
bought a boat and didn't tell his father -
and that's proof of murder in my book."
Subject: Scott Peterson
Is not enough to unanimously convict on a Murder
One death penalty case.
Petersen's defense "theories" were just as plausible
as the states "theories".
They proved he was worth more with her ALIVE than
This guy was convicted BEFORE the trial.
Guy D
Dude, you have some very unpopular opinions.
is coming
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Subject: Fallujah debacle
Everyone in the world knew a big push was coming
in Fallujah.
Of course Bush and his co-conspirators waited
until after the election thus giving
the Iraq Resistance time to prepare themselves
and make plans for the battle.
Once again their intent wasn't to win outright
but to inflict casualties and damage.
If the battle was of such strategic importance
to the occupation then it would not have
waited for the election. That it did wait
suggests that its importance was as an act of
propaganda, thus rendering the lives of the troops
in there meaningless.
The real enemies of America are not the Iraqi
resistance they are the Republicans,
the McJesus christians, the corrupt business elite,
and the stupid stupid rednecks of
America who swallow this crap and call it ice-cream.
Maybe it will end when enough people wake up.
Paul B
Dude, sorry I had to pull your Mussolini phrase
out of your e-mail.
The SS would love to arrest me for threatening
the president.
The Last Liberal
by former prisoner Mike Palecek
Published by New Leaf
Books of Chicago
from Mike to Robin in Melvin, Iowa:
your email. Please send again.
"Every war has atrocities. Now, there's a new one
in Iraq. But it's too icky
to show on TV. Too bad. This war
will end when Americans get to see every night
at dinner what their sons and daughters are
becoming. What the true cost is of those SUVs.
If it's too icky to show, maybe it's too icky
for us to be doing it"
--Atrios, "War Crimes Are Not an American
Value", Attribution
Iran Is
Pursuing Bomb, says known liar Powell
Powell will tell any lie The Monkey tells him to say
Click Here
The same lying bastards who guaranteed Saddam
had WMDs and now giving a
similar guarantee that Iran is working to adapt
missiles to deliver a nuclear weapon.
Since Iran has almost as much oil as Iraq, Bush
is expected to invade them and steal that oil,
knowing the world will hate us for it, but the
press will back him and the Dems will lay down..
Subject: Wes Clark
Unfortunately I was correct in my gut feeling
that Kerry would not win in the South.
Although I would rather see Kerry as president
than see Clark as president, I was fully on
the Clark bandwagon, as his campaign was popular
here in Arkansas. Clark04 fizzled,
but it is now painfully obvious that the way to
beat the worst president in history came down to:
Not who from a blue state can win a red state,
but who from a red state can win a blue state.
Had this dawned on the DNC, or had they decided
to ask anybody from the red state what was
going on (what do we know, all we did was give
the world the Big Dog??), they could have told them
that Clark was the only one who could win Arkansas
or Missouri or South Carolina or the goddamn election.
The Democrats decided to play electoral college
games against the mafia. Smart choice.
Blake, the ignorant rednecks in the South still look at Northerns as "Yankees"
who burned Atlanta and thus cannot be worthy of their vote.
The GOP is smart enough to play to those cave people, but the DNC can't
figure it out.
That's why we keep running "elitists" from New England - and losing.
A Plague
of Toadies
by Herr Dragoness MoDo
Click Here
Condi Rice and Stephen Hadley did not do their
jobs before 9/11 in coordinating the fight against Al Qaeda,
and they did not do their jobs after 9/11 in preventing
the debacle in Iraq. They not only suppressed evidence
Americans needed to know that would have debunked
the neocons' hyped-up case for invading Iraq;
they helped shovel hooey into the president's speeches.
Dr. Rice pitched in to help Dr. No whip up that
imaginary mushroom cloud. Condi's life story may be inspirational.
But the way she got the State Department job is
not. Not only are the Bush officials who failed to protect the
country and misled us into war not losing their
jobs. They're getting promoted. "
Mail I missed from September
Subject: Your
dislike of Maureen Dowd
What is it with you and Dowd?
I can't believe that while you bitch about the
generally lazy-ass, usurper-loving press,
you then criticize Dowd as someone who is "nobody's
Bart, THAT'S THE IDEA. Objective journalism. Heard
of it?
I heard that phrase as a youngster, but not in
the last 20 years or so.
Look at it this way--She's ONE person who isn't
concerned with losing friends over her reporting.
She doesn't care that everyone on the right despises
her right now--and five bucks says that if Kerry
takes office in November, it'll take her about
seven minutes for to start hammering him for every misstep.
Because she knows what her job is, and brooks
no fealty to anyone's tender heart.
Try getting that out of Wolf Blitzer.
Ryan in Tampa
Everybody looks great compared to Wolf
the Whore.
Having no soul and no core beliefs doesn't make
a good journalist.
Hating everyone and everything doesn't make a reporter
Maureen Dowd is a talented liar. She makes
shit up.
She lets her hatred for everyone color her "facts."
I enjoy her hammering of The Monkey and his fascist
but you always have to look hard to see if she's
telling the truth.
Why did you
do this, Mister Bush?
"Since Bush is a religious conservative I think his
choices will be guided by those ideals.
I'm mystified as to why these people choose
to tout the morals of the 50's and reject the
advances of the 60's. 50's society in the US
was a very sick one indeed. The African
American population was being horribly repressed,
McCarthyism was at its peek, and
sexism was rampant. In the 60's these problems
began to be remedied. I guess the
religious right doesn't remember that middle
class white people weren't the only ones
around in the 50's. Leave it To Beaver was
a fictional show, not a documentary."
-- a Dude heard on the BBC
Subject: I'm
46 too, worst than it's been on my lifetime
I'm 46 too and this has got to the worst it's
ever been. Before the election they
would just hiss the word "liberal" like it was
equivalent to saying "axe-murderer".
Since the election it's been a constant hissing
of "liberal elite". WTF?
Since when is Social Security elitist? Since
when is being fiscally responsible elitist?
This is bullshit - there's more polarizing than
I wish I could just blame the administration but
the media is eating it up with a spoon as well.
Nothing sells like a culture war!
Liberals have failed to defend themselves since
1980, so the stigma sticks.
"The rain isn't helping."
-- Judy Woodruff, the smartest woman at CNN, covering the
Clinton Library opening.
"Some call it the world's biggest double-wide."
--Candy Crowley (R-Butterqueen) describing Clinton's library
Subject: Nader
Hi Bart...
So, "Nader Fights For Recount...
Weird, since you called him an "Asshole" a few
months ago... just for running.
Why is Nader fighting for a recount?
Does he hope to win?
Why would such a "Loser" fight for our rights,
while the guy you supported - Kerry - still ignores us?
I can't explain the motives of either man.
I asked you this back then, and it still stands;
Why do you support Kerry, who is a PUPPET for the
New World Order?
Kerry had a chance to win and he's not Bush.
Also, what is "the new world order?"
Who is their leader - where are its headquarters?
Isn't it NOW clear, even to Oklahomans, (ha
ha) that the Democrats & Republicans
have BOTH
sold out to the New World Order and what we have
going in REALITY is the United States of Israel ????
I don't want any part of your fight with Israel.
Bart this IS Treason, what will it take for you
to acknowledge this?
Who are you wanting to string up?
Dude, we might not have the comfort of another
stolen election next time, they might actually get serious!
Ha Ha (this really is some serious shit bart dude!)
Ha Ha
Well I guess this is ALL Naders fault!
Sure, Right...
Rob Mahon
Rob, I didn't say Nader was responsible for 2004.
As far as I know - nobody did..
"Get over it. The issue is not whether the decision
should have been decided in the Florida
or U.S. supreme courts, but that the Constitution
had been violated...The only decision was
to put an end to it after three weeks and looking
like fools to the rest of the world."
Scalia, asked why the whore court appointed Bush when Gore won the vote Attribution
"Unka Tony is
a friend of Unka Dick's..."
Subject: Contract on America
Remember when the repiglicans made such a stink
about their "contract with/on America"?
Well heres a thought, I'm not totally sure but
I think it included a promise of term limits and
a balanced budget if memory serves.
That said, how about we get some really hot shot
legal shark and SUE the bastards?
Its not legally binding, you say? Well maybe NOT,
but imagine the publicity for somethign like that.
Mike, that's a great oidea, but the Dems would
never go for something easy and cheap
that would cause a firestorm of controvery that
would make the GOP look silly.
The Democrats have taken a loyalty oath to Dubya..
Kerry Says
He Might Try Again in 2008
Allow me to help you, Senator - No, no, no, no, no!
Click Here
John Kerry, who has $45 million left from his
record-breaking campaign,
hinted on Tuesday that he may try again for the
Hey John, why didn't you spend that money?
In the final days, your team was begging us for
more cash, and now we find out
you didn't spend that money in October when it
may have changed some minds?
You had your chance and you refused to fight like you promised.
We want better in 2008.
We deserve better.
Subject: BCR Show 59
Bartster, I enjoyed Show 59 immensely!
At first I didn't like your voice because it didn't
fit with my image
of what I thought you might have looked like, eh. However,
it grew on me.
You kicked some Repuke ass on that show.
I will have to contribute some money to you for
that entertainment.
Keep Hammering,
Bruce T
Bruce, thanks.
It's been suggested that I "get" a new voice.
I thought about it, but I'm not a big fan of vocal cord surgery.
Actor Vincent
D'Onofrio Back in Hospital
He has these crazy fainting spells -
maybe they'll find a cure?
Click Here
New Wendy's
Ads Will Feature Dave
He didn't die from clogged arteries like everybody
Click Here
Bill Gates
Gets 4 Million E-Mails a Day, Mostly Spam
That's one e-mail from everyone whose Windows computer locked up
Click Here
'Monday Night
Football' Rankles FCC
A woman's back is ugly, disgraceful and indecent, Michael Powell
Click Here
The best books by the best authors
Subject: Life in these united
not divided states
Bart ~
I'm with Lynn on this. I remember Eisenhower
and McCarthy and the red baiting and the red scare
and the cold war at its worst and "duck and cover" --
like that would ever have saved us from an atomic bomb!
And I remember the Bay of Pigs and how close we
came to nuclear war. And I remember Vietnam and the
protests and the "love America or leave it" crowd,
and the civil rights marches and the riots and Ohio and Nixon
and Watergate and Ford pardoning the felon. And
I remember Reagan and Bush I and Iran-contra and the hostage
crisis that they prolonged to get Reagan elected. And
I remember the nine year campaign of hatred against Clinton.
And NONE of it compares to where we are now.
We are on the edge of 1984 Big Brother.
None of us will be able to speak our minds in the
next 4 years.
This is the most evil, vile regime since Hitler
and Stalin -- killing 100,000 innocent Iraqis in the name of FREEDOM??
Purging the CIA?? Making his love slave Secretary
of State after she has bungled everything she has touched?
It is so frightening, and we have the knuckle-dragging
evangelicals and white fear and homophobes and sexist pigs
to thank for this. Moral values my ass. Hatred
is the word of the day.
This is the worst of times for one reason and one
reason only. Mankind has always been a brutal lot.
But in this country we have always had a free press
to let us know what is going on, to curb the excesses.
We no longer have that. Look for the purges
to continue ........... it is truly frightening.
It can't happen here? Watch and learn.
Thank you for being a bright spot in my life.
Without you and a few other sites I'd truly lose
my tiny little mind.
You have my continued support now and always.
Suzanne R
"Among the most pessimistic conjectures made when
Bush gained re-election was that
with a mandate, he'd keep Rumsfeld at the Pentagon
and nominate Rice to replace Powell.
The second of those has now come true. ...
It is bad news for European leaders."
--French newspaper Le Monde,
speaking for the rest of the world, Attribution
Library Officials Defensive on Impeachment
Click Here
Clinton library officials are on the defensive
about an impeachment exhibit that some (which
the rabid sons of bitches on the right) have
described as tilted in favor of the former president.
Oh Jesus, the bastards want Clinton to lie about himself in his own
goddamn library?
Does the George Herbert Herbert Bush Library list all the major, global
crimes that bastard committed?
Does the Reagan library mention his ill-timed naps and the crimes his cabinet
needed pardons to escape?
Will the Monkey library mention the 1,000 soldiers and the 100,000 civilians
he killed for oil profit?
Whoever complained about this needs to blow me, before they go straight
to to hell.
how the world sees Bush.
Subject: Hassan NOT killed
by Muslims
Click Here
Or maybe she was. Who knows?
The truth is the first casualty of war ( said
Will Rogers, I think)
Let's not "Nancy Grace" Margaret Hassan's death
until we get the facts.
So far, no one has come forward with her body or
to take "credit" for her murder.
Stickart, you could be right - my Baghdad correspondent
is not returning my calls.
I have a feeling the negative reports we're hearing
are true.
This handjob has Dick Morris's fingerprints all
over it.
Marty's Entertainment
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Party in DC on Inauguration day
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We'll send some how-to-get-together emails out shortly.
Subject: Green party?
Bart, I agree with you.
It's an old tired and spineless horse, but the
Democratic party may be the only horse we have to ride.
Breaking in a youngster and making him a reliable
mount takes many years and this country does not have that luxury.
I remember when the green party in Germany was
They are now part of the multi-party system in
the German parliament but it took them many years to get there.
We have two years to turn this ship around.
Let's make it happen, I so want to get that blue
Your German fan from Tennessee,
Sonja, ...we have 40 months to get a message to
the Demo 'date for '08.
I'm not going to suggest the Road
to Victory in 2008 runs
thru bartcop.com,
...but would it hurt for that candidate's staff
to assign some newby, junior intern
to monitor bartcop.com for combat
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BCR 57
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2004: The 100 Best Election Satires
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Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1188, 1195, 1210,
1215, dead American soldiers.
They got 5 more since
yesterday, for no damn reason.
Saw it on fallujapictures.blogspot.com
"I love oil,
I breathe oil..."
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: subscription question
I know I've enjoyed my member services for at
least a year.
Will you be sending out renewal notices?
Patty, thanks for being honest.
When putting someone into the system, the computer
gives them 9999 days
unless another number is entered in that space. When
we first got going,
I gave everyone 9999 days because the subscriptions
Those who sent a check or PayPal for 6 months
or a year also got 9999 days,
so I'd like to remind people to renew if your original
subscription has expired.
And if you're not sure, we set up the system 551
days ago.
"Condoleezza Rice brings an impressive resume to
her new job. The granddaughter
of a cotton farmer, the former provost of Stanford
University, she is fluent in four
languages, an accomplished classical pianist,
and even an expert figure skater.
Wow, it seems like the only thing she can't
do is make peace with other nations."
Subject: Oil
Bart, you wrote:
> "I blame Bush for starting a war for no damn reason
other than oil greed."
I'm still waiting on ANYTHING to back up that
a charge you toss around more than you curse Republicans,
if that's possible.
If you and yours continue to rely on emotion as
a substitute for fact,
you'll be upset over elections for a long time
to come.
John H
John, lucky for you we're not in the chat room.
Can you name the reason Bush invaded?
You can't, because no legitimate reason exists.
That's why Bush has changed the reason again and
There are 100 million reasons, every day, why
Bush invaded.
Iraq can pump 2 million barrels of oil per day
and it sells for $50 a barrel.
That's $100
million dollars a day that Bush
will not account for.
Would an oil man commit murder for $100 million
a day?
Would a crooked president send soldiers to their
deaths for $100 million a day?
They wanted to steal that oil and since it's a
war zone, there can be no accounting
of the oil they are pumping. Since the country
had been in choas for 20 months,
there can be no accounting for Iraq's assests that
Bush legally claimed for himself.
There was never any legitimate reason for Bush
to invade - besides oil greed.
Subject: you need to stop sniffing
Or whatever drug you are into that causes you
to say "You think All types of guns are OK for anybody in all cases"
and then "If you woke up to the sound of sombody
kicking in your front door, what would you do without a gun?"
That's right.
I own guns and I'm never without one.
That doesn't mean every handjob in America should
have a bazooka, Dumbass.
What's wrong with your brain that you can't figure
out what "enough" means?
Either you support our 2nd Amendment, or you don't.
That is an idiotic statement from a mind that
can't function properly.
This "hunters don't need machine guns" shit is
a goddamn cop-out.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't have shit to do with
hunting and anyone who has passed
a freshman-level Political Science course knows
that. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment
is to insure that the populace is equipped to overthrow
the government should it complete
that historically inevitable slide into tyranny.
Bolt action deer-guns won't make the nut in that instance.
No individual can out-gun today's federal government.
What was true in 1776 isn't true today.
As for taggants in dynamite, I don't know how
you got there from "keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Sounds like a straw-man argument to me, Rush.
Intrepid Journalist
Being against taggants in dynamite so the police
can't trace bombers is an example of gun monkeyism.
You can pretend you're not able to grasp that concept
if you feel it helps your argument.
What world do you live in where every issue is
black and white?
You think all people, even children, drunks
and the mentally ill should own every kind of gun?
That's what "Either
you support our 2nd Amendment, or you don't" means.
You need to re-think your unexplainable position.
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BCR Show #59
There's Got to Be a Morning After
Click Here to listen to
Part 1 of Show 59
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1 of Show 59
35 minutes of reflections on what might have been, 2004
Click Here to listen to
Part 2 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
2 of Show 59
21 minutes on the big winners and big losers
on Nov 2
Click Here to listen to
Part 3 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
3 of Show 59
28 minutes of Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes and
Bart on the McLaughlin Group
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Part 4 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
4 of Show 59
21 minutes of Sliders (no, not White Castle
Click Here to listen to
Part 5 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
5 of Show 59
19 minutes on Catholic Math, Bart's Law #3 and
Stupid People
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Part 6 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
6 of Show 59
37 minutes Tommy & Bart digesting the election
with a look towards the future
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Part 7 of Show 59
Click Here to download Part
7 of Show 59
32 minutes of Tally, Clean Air, The Fruitcake
Lady and Bill Maher
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