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Today's Tequila Treehouse...
![]() Quote of the Day "Voters like the president because he doesn't
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"The Department of Defense announced today
the death of six Marines who were
supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
My condolences to the families of these men,
killed so George Bush can feel superior
to his father."
--David Allen, "Six More Die in Operation: Iraqi Genocide",
Visits Canada Where They Hate Him, Too
The whole world hates the Giggling
Murderer - with good reason
Bush sought Tuesday to patch up relations
with Canada after years of his petty-ass bickering,
flying here for tough hemispheric and global
talks amid boisterous demonstrations from opponents
of the unwarranted invasion and murder
of the defenseless citizens of backwards Iraq.
Bush's unpopularity in some Canadian quarters
was unmistakable. Hundreds of protesters near the
Parliament building held signs saying,
"Please leave." Others held placards that branded Bush an "assassin."
A truck parked near the motorcade route
was emblazoned with the phrase "Bush is a war criminal."
Another placard simply commanded, "Go Home,
you braindead asshole."
Subject: "bipartisan efforts" are for losers
Now we're hearing the same things from the
Democrats as we heard four years ago
when Bush stole the election from them
the first time: "we need to work with Republicans,"
"bipartisan efforts," and other useless,
gutless phrases.
Don't they realize that the Republicans
hate them?
Can't they see that they are the only ones
extending the olive branch here?
Suppose Kerry had won the election; would
Bush, Karl Rove, and the rest of the GOP machine call for bipartisanship?
It's not a fucking campfire, this is war;
and the Democrats are squandering every minute of vigilance of grassroots
supporters and every cent donated to the
DNC or to Kerry that has gone into this election over the past two years,
by retreating back to their 'support' of
Bush's administration and agenda.
Come to think of it, this is why the Democrats
lost this year.
If Daschle and his cronies had not gone
around trumpeting the cause of bipartisanism after the 2000 election and
instead broken off with the GOP, brought
voter fraud to the American mainstream media, and tried to push their own
agenda four years ago, they would have
had the White House this year. If the Democrats themselves don't
act like
we need change, how do they expect the
voters to believe that they are a viable alternative?
This isn't the time for DNC leaders in the
Senate and House to turn back again. It's a time to be aggressive
and a time
to lay down a plan and an opposition to
the Republican agenda. If the real heroes like Dean aren't given
their chance
to take charge of this party, then the
Democrats have already lost the 2008 election just weeks after losing in
I agree.
If Republicans were half-decent people,
that bipartisan crap might work.
But those bastards cheat and steal every
minute of the day and they'd stomp puppies for a single vote.
They re-wrote the rules to screw Clinton and our guys still want
to play fair.
Democrats refuse to fight for their jobs, their constituents or
their convictions.
How do they collect a paycheck when they refuse to do any work?
Cross: Guantanamo Tactics 'Tantamount to Torture'
Sure it's torture, but we suspect them of crimes
so it's OK?
The Times said the Red Cross investigators
had found a system devised to break the will of prisoners
through "humiliating acts, solitary confinement,
temperature extremes, use of forced positions."
"The construction of such a system, whose stated
purpose is the production of intelligence, cannot be
considered other than an intentional system
of cruel, unusual and degrading treatment and a form of torture,"
the Times quoted the report as saying.
America has clearly lost her soul.
The whole world saw November 2 as a reaffirmation that America
loves invasions and torture.
Who's next of George W Bush's invasion and torture list?
Shape up, world, and show Bush some respect because your
country could ne next.
If you have oil, not even God can protect you from America's
Giggling Murderer.
How many decades will it take for us to get our reputation back?
Please visit our sponsors
Subject: confirming Alberto
What will your comment be if Senator Clinton
votes for Alberto?
Will you still claim she's playing her
cards close to the vest?
I call that being a weasel, frankly.
Will you put her in a pink tutu? I doubt
Somehow, you have given her a pass every
time she's supported the Smirkster.
I can't figure that out...
BTTBB, you didn't say this, but this is what I heard:
"FOX News and talk radio and the whore networks and the GOP and the
cable Nazis are NOT
waiting and ready to pounce on Hillary for taking the tiniest
step towards leadership in her Party."
I also heard you say, "Hillary is no different than any of the other 99 senators."
I'm not certain that Hillary will save the day for us.
I'm not certain she won't disappoint us the same way Gore and
Kerry did,
but you're asking her to make her move NOW, and now is not the
right time.
As far as the specific vote for or against Gonzales, she can't
be the one to lead that charge - not yet.
If the Democrats were to grow a pair (fat chance) and decide
to block Gonzales, she could vote her
conscience, but she can't lead the peasants in revolt until the
time is right.
Also, I'll bet if you had a chance to rewrite your note, you would
accuse me of weasel-like behavior
instead of "being a weasel."
I generally put a Number Six on an attacker for using personal insults.
"Hitler rose to his position as the "Leader"
of Germany with the support of three major elements
in German society: big business, which
was won over by Hitler's covert promise to break the labor unions;
the defense industry and the military,
which responded to Hitler's call for disregarding the restrictions on
German military buildup imposed by
the treaty that ended World War I; and rural religious conservatives.
Hitler won over this last group with
his appeals to their feelings of defeated, yet resurgent nationalism;
and with his hateful condemnations
of those of their fellow citizens at the top of their personal enemies
communists, homosexuals and Jews.
Substituting "Muslims" for "Jews," this
is today's Republican Party, which now controls all three branches
of the federal government, most of
the nation's governorships, and perhaps most importantly, the major media
(now owned by a handful of corporations).
America has lost its democratic republic to a system of one-party imperial
Hasty, "21st Century American Revolution",
in Washington ruin our holiday spirit
by Molly Ivins
Our government now arranges "torture flights."
We are outsourcing torture. A Gulfstream 5 jet
has been leased by the Department of Defense
and the CIA. We use this plane to transport
suspected terrorists from other countries
or U.S. military bases to countries that practice torture.
A Swedish television program tracked two
Egyptians arrested there and supposedly "extradited" by Egypt.
They were flown out on the leased American
plane, and both suspects were then tortured in Egypt.
According to Britain's Sunday Times, the
plane's logbooks show it has been to 49 destinations outside
the United States in the past two years,
including Guantanamo and other U.S. bases, Egypt, Jordan,
Iraq, Morocco, Afghanistan, Libya and Uzbekistan.
Molly, are you surprised that we're in the torture business?
Bush picked Alberto Gonzales (R-Mr. Torture) to be Attorney General.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bush masturbated to videotapes of
the torture.
Subject: Thanks
Keep up The Good work. Your Sight helps
keep me going in these dreadful Times!
I just wish The Democratic Party had the
courage you do. You speak up.
But this party has no guts any more.
Keep putting pressure on them, Bart.
Maybe they will wake up.
And your site is a relief and a release
for many so keep up the good work.
Darryl, trying to keep my head above water
Advertising doesn't cost - it pays dividends.
You don't want to wait to grow your online business, right?
says FDA called journal to block Vioxx article
Bush will let people die to protect a big contributor
Just days before a medical journal was
to publish a Food and Drug Administration-sponsored study
that raised concerns about the safety of
the arthritis drug Vioxx, an FDA official took the unusual step
of calling the editor to raise questions
about the findings' scientific integrity, says USA TODAY.
Lead author David Graham says the call was
part of an effort to block publication of his research
showing that those who took Vioxx were
more likely to suffer a heart attack or sudden cardiac death
than those who took Celebrex, Vioxx's rival.
I was on Vioxx when that call was made.
Maybe Bush knew I avoid small airplanes?
Used with permission - please visit http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/
Subject: Michael Moore
Did you see the "new" Michael Moore on the Tonight Show?
John A
Yeah, I was kinda surprised.
(He cut his hair very short, shaved his beard and wore a suit.)
I was more surprised at his kind words for Bush. When Leno asked
him what happened Nov 2,
he said, "All the exit polls said Kerry
would win, but I think Bush got more votes."
I guess he thinks the voting machines that count backwards are working OK?
"Nicholas Kristof says, 'These days, the biggest
risk may come from the small but growing
contingent on the left that wants to
bring our troops home now.' Is Nicholas Kristof insane?
The problem with Iraq is the left?
Excuse me. Right-wingers created this insane mess.
They control all three branches of
government and are determined to make everything worse,
having admitted no mistakes and thrown
out the people who tried to warn them of their delusions.
And Kristof thinks the “biggest risk”
comes from liberals? Just what is it he thinks we are
going to do to upset this brilliant
war effort? Write a really nasty folk-song?"
--Eric Alterman, Altercation, Attribution
The best books by the best authors
Subject: returning from Iraq
Bart, you posted:
> "Once an easygoing son of Iowa, Friedrichsen,
21, now has trouble controlling his temper,
> with the stress inside him sometimes exploding
into tirades that he says have gone on for an entire weekend.
> "It's hard that he has changed," said Holly,
19. "The guy I fell in love with is completely different now."
So, to all you people who had a hard-on
for war a couple years back,
what do you think is going to happen when
you accidentally cut one of these guys off in traffic?
It's certainly going to be a massive problem.
Everyone coming back from Iraq will be different, but 1/3 will
be unable to cope with the change.
That's another reason they shouldn't be sent off to war just
to make the Bush family richer.
"As America sinks deeper into the heart of
darkness, its thinking citizens need to jolt themselves
out of their apathy. With each passing
day their beloved America is scaling ever greater heights
of hideous glories. Fallujah
will enter history as the place where US imperialism carried out an
offense of heinous proportions, a monstrous
crime far beyond any possible forgiveness.
The Euphrates empties into the Persian
Gulf the hopes and aspirations of innocent people whose
lives were snuffed out on the orders
of a man rewarded for his monumental crimes by his great nation."
--Anwaar Hussain,
Many people write to ask: Am I betraying
my country by leaving? The answer is NO, your country
has already betrayed you. Maybe you grew
up believing America meant bacon cheeseburgers,
Martin Luther King, rock 'n' roll, and
Saturday afternoon softball. But - as you've probably noticed -
the operative images in the world today
are Abu Ghraib, Condi Rice, and the flattening of Fallujah.
And when you first pledged your allegiance
to "one nation under God," you probably didn't realize
that God would be delegating much of the
day-to-day managerial responsibility to James Dobson
and Tom DeLay. It's America that's changed-not
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Subject: You need a tip jar
Bart, put a pic of a nearly full tip jar
in your page and link it
to paypal so ppl can throw in a few coins
on a daily basis :)
Between August and October, Iraq lost $7
billion dollars in potential revenues due to sabotage
against the country's oil infrastructure,
according to Assem Jihad, Bush's spokesman of the Oil Ministry.
An estimated 20 oil wells and pipelines were bombed or set abalze this month in northern Iraq alone,
"Estimated" because all we know is what Bush wants us to know.
Iraq's security crisis and its long, porous
land borders left the country's petroleum industry with no
effective protection against saboteurs
— either Saddam loyalists or tribesmen competing for jobs
with the British security firm Erinys International,
which has a contract to secure oil wells and pipelines.
Don't believe a word of this handjob excuse.
is the reason Bush invaded that helpless country - to steal their oil.
If there was peace in Iraq, the oil being
pumped out could be accounted for, but with a war....
With every beheading, the BFEE can steal another 30 billion dollars
worth of oil.
The BFEE has a legal license to rape Iraq and they're taking
that to the max.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"Run like a bunny" t-shirts and Chinaco mugs
They make great Christmas gifts!
"Paramount among the responsibilities of a
free press is the duty
to prevent any part of the government
from deceiving the people."
Black, Attribution
Subject: U2
Bart, your poster AR from Dublin said,
> No surprise that (Bono) has not spoken out against the war in Iraq.
I guess, depending on how you define speaking
out, that maybe this is true.
However, Bono told Bush--to his face--that
the invasion of Iraq was wrong
(I suppose that, since he spoke of invasion
rather than war, AR is correct).
Also, U2 came out with a special song reacting
to 9-11. Do you remember
the part where the lyrics say something
about not becoming a monster in reaction
to the monster that attacked you?
That's pretty direct.
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while Iraq burns
The US is numb to everyone's pain but its own
Iconic images inspire love and hate, and
so it is with the photograph of James Blake Miller, the 20-year-old marine
from Appalachia, who has been christened
"the face of Falluja" by pro-war pundits, and the "the Marlboro man" by
pretty much everyone else. Reprinted in
more than a hundred newspapers, the Los Angeles Times photograph shows
Miller "after more than 12 hours of nearly
non-stop, deadly combat" in Falluja, his face coated in war paint, a bloody
scratch on his nose, and a freshly lit
cigarette hanging from his lips.
Gazing lovingly at Miller, the CBS News
anchor Dan Rather informed his viewers: "For me, this one's personal.
This is a warrior with his eyes on the
far horizon, scanning for danger. See it. Study it. Absorb it. Think about
Then take a deep breath of pride. And if
your eyes don't dampen, you're a better man or woman than I."
A few days later, the LA Times declared
that its photo had "moved into the realm of the iconic". In truth, the
just feels iconic because it is so laughably
derivative: it's a straight-up rip-off of the most powerful icon in American
advertising (the Marlboro man), which in
turn imitated the brightest star ever created by Hollywood - John Wayne
who was himself channelling America's most
powerful founding myth, the cowboy on the rugged frontier. It's like a
song you feel you've heard a thousand times
before - because you have.
Subject: health care and Elvis
Dear Bart,
Because we have private healthcare, the
United States spends about 30% of its healthcare on administration.
The result is we spend 50% more per capita
than the next highest nation. If you consider life expectancy to
a consequence of healthcare, our life expectancy
is somewhere between 18th and 25th in the world.
We are doing poorly compared to the industrialized
world. Part of this is because we are much fatter.
I read in the Harper's index that the ratio
of Canadians who would prefer a U.S. style healthcare system
is about half the percentage of those who
think Elvis is still alive.
Come to think of it Elvis was fat, had lots
of healthcare, and died relatively young.
Rather got smeared
by I-got-a-new-attitude Bill O'Reilly
Right-wing talk radio in particular pounded
Kerry and also bludgeoned Dan Rather for his role in
another smear incident - the charges against
President Bush about his National Guard service.
Again, Rather was found guilty without
a fair hearing. Charges that he intentionally approved
bogus documents that made Bush look bad
were leveled and widely believed. It was chilling.
As a CBS News correspondent in the early
'80s, I worked with Rather and have known him for
more than 20 years. Listen to me:
There is no way on this Earth that he would have knowingly
used fake documents on any story.
Why is O'Reilly acting like a decent human being?
Is it because he got caught with a penis-shaped vibrator in his
When Rush got caught with his lil' heroin habit, he didn't act
like a human being.
When Laura the Unloved (is she still in radio?) got caught spreading
her legs
for some dude with a camera, she didn't act like a human being.
When Bill Bennett (R-Still Smoking) got caught losing millions
at a casino in
his underwear he didn't act like a human being - so what's up
with HO'Reilly?
"Do you
hear buzzing?"
Subject: donation
Bart, I like this Tip Jar idea.
Can't really afford a subscription, but
to be able to contribute a little now and then is cool.
Thanks so much Bart for this site.
Keeps me laughing, angrily laughing but
even that is good medicine.
Sharon, that was nice - thanks.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1235, 1244, 1252,
dead American soldiers.
They got 8 more since yesterday.
U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Nears Record
According to David Hackworth,
Rumsfeld is so tired of signing
Killed In Action letters ...he
now has a machine sign his name.
Let's all feel sorry for Rummy's tired hand.
Can you imagine being told your son is dead by a form letter?
And the military loves these guys?
Bush swore to "stay the course."
Why would volunteers want to stay this course?
How many more, just so Bush can avoid saying, "I made a mistake?"
"At this point, the Democratic party is dominated
by "Vichy Democrats"—collaborationists who accept
the legitimacy of the 2004 election,
thus ratifying the unconstitutional Bush regime (this group would
include most elected Democrats, including—or
especially—John Kerry); and "Charlie Brown Democrats"
who, after three stolen elections in
a row, nevertheless harbor the naive belief that the Lucy Party
wouldn't dare snatch the football away
yet again."
--Michael Hasty,
Damn, I'd like to but Michael Hasty a drink.
The Last
Liberal Outlaw,
by former prisoner Mike Palecek
Published by New Leaf Books of Chicago
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The next four years will be easier if we pull together.
"The "Bush doctrine' of foreign policy is really
very simple: Attack any country that can't fight back,
but don't rock the boat with any country
that might be able to attack the United States. This doctrine
isn't original with George Bush. It
is the strategy employed by every schoolyard bully in the world:
attack the weak but steer clear of
the strong. George Bush believes that you're either with us or
against us. And if you're with us and
powerful, you can do anything you want. But if you're a small
state that can't fight back, you're
a target – and nothing you say can stop the American military
machine from overrunning your country."
--Harry Browne, "The
Bush Doctrine: Selective Bullying",
Catching something fatal as a kid's gotta suck.
Jordan's Brother Deploying to Iraq
He'll be the best protected black guy in the whole
'Alexander' Irks Some in Greece
Nerves flair up in a nation even more
than the United States
'Mr. Perfect'
Eldrick loses again
Will the former Tiger ever win another round of golf?
pushing hard for alien presidents
Amend the Constitution so Musclehead can replace Bush?
Tom Ridge (R-Baby Killing Catholic) Resigns Homeland Post
Tom Ridge is resigning, U.S. officials
said Tuesday.
A Homeland Security Department official
said Ridge is expected to stay on his job for a few months,
until a more loyal successor is found.
Some officials expect the U.S. may face increased terror risks
around the holidays and the Jan. 20 inauguration.
Possible candidates for Ridge's replacement include anybody with more Bush loyalty than integrity.
Subject: no foldchecking
You talk tough about political backbone
yet fold like the very people
you complain about, while defending Tush
against the patriots!
Like a poker newbie you deal sloppy seconds
and try to fold/check.
In short, you are a loud mouthed wimp.
Remember that the next time you pose in
YOUR tough guy flight suit.
I think I'd look stupid dressed that way.
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Perkel's new Church
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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BCR Show
This Bart-produced show has, I think, no cursing at all.
That wasn't by design, I don't intend to curse or stay clean,
it just depends on the subject and my mood at recording time.
Oddly, #60
is split in just two sections, but it's a full show.
Click Here to
listen to
Part 1 of Show 60
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Part 1 of Show 60
70 minutes of Randi, religion, Little Rock, SNL and Cazadores
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Part 2 of Show 60
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Part 2 of Show 60
52 minutes on the Big Dig, a free trip
4 U, Big Dog, Wanda & more
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Shirley Manson of Garbage
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The Forum |
Live CHAT |
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Bush Hated in Canada, Too |
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Red Cross:
Torture at Gitmo ![]() |
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Turkeys in Washington |
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D-r-i-v-e b-y N-e-w-s |
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FDA in Vioxx Tampering |
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Flee America While You Can |
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Billions in Iraq ![]() |
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Smoking while Iraq burns |
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Dan Rather got smeared |
Quote of the Day
"Voters like the president because he doesn't
blink and he doesn't waver and he isn't
to start. He says he values life, and
he means it."
--Karl Rove, explaining why 'Mr. Respects Life'
dropped the Mother
of All Bombs on a city
of five millions
![]() ![]() ![]() |
"The Department of Defense announced today
the death of six Marines who were
supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
My condolences to the families of these men,
killed so George Bush can feel superior
to his father."
--David Allen, "Six More Die in Operation: Iraqi Genocide",
Visits Canada Where They Hate Him, Too
The whole world hates the Giggling
Murderer - with good reason
Bush sought Tuesday to patch up relations
with Canada after years of his petty-ass bickering,
flying here for tough hemispheric and global
talks amid boisterous demonstrations from opponents
of the unwarranted invasion and murder
of the defenseless citizens of backwards Iraq.
Bush's unpopularity in some Canadian quarters
was unmistakable. Hundreds of protesters near the
Parliament building held signs saying,
"Please leave." Others held placards that branded Bush an "assassin."
A truck parked near the motorcade route
was emblazoned with the phrase "Bush is a war criminal."
Another placard simply commanded, "Go Home,
you braindead asshole."
Subject: "bipartisan efforts" are for losers
Now we're hearing the same things from the
Democrats as we heard four years ago
when Bush stole the election from them
the first time: "we need to work with Republicans,"
"bipartisan efforts," and other useless,
gutless phrases.
Don't they realize that the Republicans
hate them?
Can't they see that they are the only ones
extending the olive branch here?
Suppose Kerry had won the election; would
Bush, Karl Rove, and the rest of the GOP machine call for bipartisanship?
It's not a fucking campfire, this is war;
and the Democrats are squandering every minute of vigilance of grassroots
supporters and every cent donated to the
DNC or to Kerry that has gone into this election over the past two years,
by retreating back to their 'support' of
Bush's administration and agenda.
Come to think of it, this is why the Democrats
lost this year.
If Daschle and his cronies had not gone
around trumpeting the cause of bipartisanism after the 2000 election and
instead broken off with the GOP, brought
voter fraud to the American mainstream media, and tried to push their own
agenda four years ago, they would have
had the White House this year. If the Democrats themselves don't
act like
we need change, how do they expect the
voters to believe that they are a viable alternative?
This isn't the time for DNC leaders in the
Senate and House to turn back again. It's a time to be aggressive
and a time
to lay down a plan and an opposition to
the Republican agenda. If the real heroes like Dean aren't given
their chance
to take charge of this party, then the
Democrats have already lost the 2008 election just weeks after losing in
I agree.
If Republicans were half-decent people,
that bipartisan crap might work.
But those bastards cheat and steal every
minute of the day and they'd stomp puppies for a single vote.
They re-wrote the rules to screw Clinton and our guys still want
to play fair.
Democrats refuse to fight for their jobs, their constituents or
their convictions.
How do they collect a paycheck when they refuse to do any work?
Cross: Guantanamo Tactics 'Tantamount to Torture'
Sure it's torture, but we suspect them of crimes
so it's OK?
The Times said the Red Cross investigators
had found a system devised to break the will of prisoners
through "humiliating acts, solitary confinement,
temperature extremes, use of forced positions."
"The construction of such a system, whose stated
purpose is the production of intelligence, cannot be
considered other than an intentional system
of cruel, unusual and degrading treatment and a form of torture,"
the Times quoted the report as saying.
America has clearly lost her soul.
The whole world saw November 2 as a reaffirmation that America
loves invasions and torture.
Who's next of George W Bush's invasion and torture list?
Shape up, world, and show Bush some respect because your
country could ne next.
If you have oil, not even God can protect you from America's
Giggling Murderer.
How many decades will it take for us to get our reputation back?
Please visit our sponsors
Subject: confirming Alberto
What will your comment be if Senator Clinton
votes for Alberto?
Will you still claim she's playing her
cards close to the vest?
I call that being a weasel, frankly.
Will you put her in a pink tutu? I doubt
Somehow, you have given her a pass every
time she's supported the Smirkster.
I can't figure that out...
BTTBB, you didn't say this, but this is what I heard:
"FOX News and talk radio and the whore networks and the GOP and the
cable Nazis are NOT
waiting and ready to pounce on Hillary for taking the tiniest
step towards leadership in her Party."
I also heard you say, "Hillary is no different than any of the other 99 senators."
I'm not certain that Hillary will save the day for us.
I'm not certain she won't disappoint us the same way Gore and
Kerry did,
but you're asking her to make her move NOW, and now is not the
right time.
As far as the specific vote for or against Gonzales, she can't
be the one to lead that charge - not yet.
If the Democrats were to grow a pair (fat chance) and decide
to block Gonzales, she could vote her
conscience, but she can't lead the peasants in revolt until the
time is right.
Also, I'll bet if you had a chance to rewrite your note, you would
accuse me of weasel-like behavior
instead of "being a weasel."
I generally put a Number Six on an attacker for using personal insults.
"Hitler rose to his position as the "Leader"
of Germany with the support of three major elements
in German society: big business, which
was won over by Hitler's covert promise to break the labor unions;
the defense industry and the military,
which responded to Hitler's call for disregarding the restrictions on
German military buildup imposed by
the treaty that ended World War I; and rural religious conservatives.
Hitler won over this last group with
his appeals to their feelings of defeated, yet resurgent nationalism;
and with his hateful condemnations
of those of their fellow citizens at the top of their personal enemies
communists, homosexuals and Jews.
Substituting "Muslims" for "Jews," this
is today's Republican Party, which now controls all three branches
of the federal government, most of
the nation's governorships, and perhaps most importantly, the major media
(now owned by a handful of corporations).
America has lost its democratic republic to a system of one-party imperial
Hasty, "21st Century American Revolution",
in Washington ruin our holiday spirit
by Molly Ivins
Our government now arranges "torture flights."
We are outsourcing torture. A Gulfstream 5 jet
has been leased by the Department of Defense
and the CIA. We use this plane to transport
suspected terrorists from other countries
or U.S. military bases to countries that practice torture.
A Swedish television program tracked two
Egyptians arrested there and supposedly "extradited" by Egypt.
They were flown out on the leased American
plane, and both suspects were then tortured in Egypt.
According to Britain's Sunday Times, the
plane's logbooks show it has been to 49 destinations outside
the United States in the past two years,
including Guantanamo and other U.S. bases, Egypt, Jordan,
Iraq, Morocco, Afghanistan, Libya and Uzbekistan.
Molly, are you surprised that we're in the torture business?
Bush picked Alberto Gonzales (R-Mr. Torture) to be Attorney General.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bush masturbated to videotapes of
the torture.
Subject: Thanks
Keep up The Good work. Your Sight helps
keep me going in these dreadful Times!
I just wish The Democratic Party had the
courage you do. You speak up.
But this party has no guts any more.
Keep putting pressure on them, Bart.
Maybe they will wake up.
And your site is a relief and a release
for many so keep up the good work.
Darryl, trying to keep my head above water
Advertising doesn't cost - it pays dividends.
You don't want to wait to grow your online business, right?
says FDA called journal to block Vioxx article
Bush will let people die to protect a big contributor
Just days before a medical journal was
to publish a Food and Drug Administration-sponsored study
that raised concerns about the safety of
the arthritis drug Vioxx, an FDA official took the unusual step
of calling the editor to raise questions
about the findings' scientific integrity, says USA TODAY.
Lead author David Graham says the call was
part of an effort to block publication of his research
showing that those who took Vioxx were
more likely to suffer a heart attack or sudden cardiac death
than those who took Celebrex, Vioxx's rival.
I was on Vioxx when that call was made.
Maybe Bush knew I avoid small airplanes?
Used with permission - please visit http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/
Subject: Michael Moore
Did you see the "new" Michael Moore on the Tonight Show?
John A
Yeah, I was kinda surprised.
(He cut his hair very short, shaved his beard and wore a suit.)
I was more surprised at his kind words for Bush. When Leno asked
him what happened Nov 2,
he said, "All the exit polls said Kerry
would win, but I think Bush got more votes."
I guess he thinks the voting machines that count backwards are working OK?
"Nicholas Kristof says, 'These days, the biggest
risk may come from the small but growing
contingent on the left that wants to
bring our troops home now.' Is Nicholas Kristof insane?
The problem with Iraq is the left?
Excuse me. Right-wingers created this insane mess.
They control all three branches of
government and are determined to make everything worse,
having admitted no mistakes and thrown
out the people who tried to warn them of their delusions.
And Kristof thinks the “biggest risk”
comes from liberals? Just what is it he thinks we are
going to do to upset this brilliant
war effort? Write a really nasty folk-song?"
--Eric Alterman, Altercation, Attribution
The best books by the best authors
Subject: returning from Iraq
Bart, you posted:
> "Once an easygoing son of Iowa, Friedrichsen,
21, now has trouble controlling his temper,
> with the stress inside him sometimes exploding
into tirades that he says have gone on for an entire weekend.
> "It's hard that he has changed," said Holly,
19. "The guy I fell in love with is completely different now."
So, to all you people who had a hard-on
for war a couple years back,
what do you think is going to happen when
you accidentally cut one of these guys off in traffic?
It's certainly going to be a massive problem.
Everyone coming back from Iraq will be different, but 1/3 will
be unable to cope with the change.
That's another reason they shouldn't be sent off to war just
to make the Bush family richer.
"As America sinks deeper into the heart of
darkness, its thinking citizens need to jolt themselves
out of their apathy. With each passing
day their beloved America is scaling ever greater heights
of hideous glories. Fallujah
will enter history as the place where US imperialism carried out an
offense of heinous proportions, a monstrous
crime far beyond any possible forgiveness.
The Euphrates empties into the Persian
Gulf the hopes and aspirations of innocent people whose
lives were snuffed out on the orders
of a man rewarded for his monumental crimes by his great nation."
--Anwaar Hussain,
Many people write to ask: Am I betraying
my country by leaving? The answer is NO, your country
has already betrayed you. Maybe you grew
up believing America meant bacon cheeseburgers,
Martin Luther King, rock 'n' roll, and
Saturday afternoon softball. But - as you've probably noticed -
the operative images in the world today
are Abu Ghraib, Condi Rice, and the flattening of Fallujah.
And when you first pledged your allegiance
to "one nation under God," you probably didn't realize
that God would be delegating much of the
day-to-day managerial responsibility to James Dobson
and Tom DeLay. It's America that's changed-not
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Subject: You need a tip jar
Bart, put a pic of a nearly full tip jar
in your page and link it
to paypal so ppl can throw in a few coins
on a daily basis :)
Between August and October, Iraq lost $7
billion dollars in potential revenues due to sabotage
against the country's oil infrastructure,
according to Assem Jihad, Bush's spokesman of the Oil Ministry.
An estimated 20 oil wells and pipelines were bombed or set abalze this month in northern Iraq alone,
"Estimated" because all we know is what Bush wants us to know.
Iraq's security crisis and its long, porous
land borders left the country's petroleum industry with no
effective protection against saboteurs
— either Saddam loyalists or tribesmen competing for jobs
with the British security firm Erinys International,
which has a contract to secure oil wells and pipelines.
Don't believe a word of this handjob excuse.
is the reason Bush invaded that helpless country - to steal their oil.
If there was peace in Iraq, the oil being
pumped out could be accounted for, but with a war....
With every beheading, the BFEE can steal another 30 billion dollars
worth of oil.
The BFEE has a legal license to rape Iraq and they're taking
that to the max.
Marty's Entertainment Page
"Run like a bunny" t-shirts and Chinaco mugs
They make great Christmas gifts!
"Paramount among the responsibilities of a
free press is the duty
to prevent any part of the government
from deceiving the people."
Black, Attribution
Subject: U2
Bart, your poster AR from Dublin said,
> No surprise that (Bono) has not spoken out against the war in Iraq.
I guess, depending on how you define speaking
out, that maybe this is true.
However, Bono told Bush--to his face--that
the invasion of Iraq was wrong
(I suppose that, since he spoke of invasion
rather than war, AR is correct).
Also, U2 came out with a special song reacting
to 9-11. Do you remember
the part where the lyrics say something
about not becoming a monster in reaction
to the monster that attacked you?
That's pretty direct.
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while Iraq burns
The US is numb to everyone's pain but its own
Iconic images inspire love and hate, and
so it is with the photograph of James Blake Miller, the 20-year-old marine
from Appalachia, who has been christened
"the face of Falluja" by pro-war pundits, and the "the Marlboro man" by
pretty much everyone else. Reprinted in
more than a hundred newspapers, the Los Angeles Times photograph shows
Miller "after more than 12 hours of nearly
non-stop, deadly combat" in Falluja, his face coated in war paint, a bloody
scratch on his nose, and a freshly lit
cigarette hanging from his lips.
Gazing lovingly at Miller, the CBS News
anchor Dan Rather informed his viewers: "For me, this one's personal.
This is a warrior with his eyes on the
far horizon, scanning for danger. See it. Study it. Absorb it. Think about
Then take a deep breath of pride. And if
your eyes don't dampen, you're a better man or woman than I."
A few days later, the LA Times declared
that its photo had "moved into the realm of the iconic". In truth, the
just feels iconic because it is so laughably
derivative: it's a straight-up rip-off of the most powerful icon in American
advertising (the Marlboro man), which in
turn imitated the brightest star ever created by Hollywood - John Wayne
who was himself channelling America's most
powerful founding myth, the cowboy on the rugged frontier. It's like a
song you feel you've heard a thousand times
before - because you have.
Subject: health care and Elvis
Dear Bart,
Because we have private healthcare, the
United States spends about 30% of its healthcare on administration.
The result is we spend 50% more per capita
than the next highest nation. If you consider life expectancy to
a consequence of healthcare, our life expectancy
is somewhere between 18th and 25th in the world.
We are doing poorly compared to the industrialized
world. Part of this is because we are much fatter.
I read in the Harper's index that the ratio
of Canadians who would prefer a U.S. style healthcare system
is about half the percentage of those who
think Elvis is still alive.
Come to think of it Elvis was fat, had lots
of healthcare, and died relatively young.
Rather got smeared
by I-got-a-new-attitude Bill O'Reilly
Right-wing talk radio in particular pounded
Kerry and also bludgeoned Dan Rather for his role in
another smear incident - the charges against
President Bush about his National Guard service.
Again, Rather was found guilty without
a fair hearing. Charges that he intentionally approved
bogus documents that made Bush look bad
were leveled and widely believed. It was chilling.
As a CBS News correspondent in the early
'80s, I worked with Rather and have known him for
more than 20 years. Listen to me:
There is no way on this Earth that he would have knowingly
used fake documents on any story.
Why is O'Reilly acting like a decent human being?
Is it because he got caught with a penis-shaped vibrator in his
When Rush got caught with his lil' heroin habit, he didn't act
like a human being.
When Laura the Unloved (is she still in radio?) got caught spreading
her legs
for some dude with a camera, she didn't act like a human being.
When Bill Bennett (R-Still Smoking) got caught losing millions
at a casino in
his underwear he didn't act like a human being - so what's up
with HO'Reilly?
"Do you
hear buzzing?"
Subject: donation
Bart, I like this Tip Jar idea.
Can't really afford a subscription, but
to be able to contribute a little now and then is cool.
Thanks so much Bart for this site.
Keeps me laughing, angrily laughing but
even that is good medicine.
Sharon, that was nice - thanks.
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
1235, 1244, 1252,
dead American soldiers.
They got 8 more since yesterday.
U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Nears Record
According to David Hackworth,
Rumsfeld is so tired of signing
Killed In Action letters ...he
now has a machine sign his name.
Let's all feel sorry for Rummy's tired hand.
Can you imagine being told your son is dead by a form letter?
And the military loves these guys?
Bush swore to "stay the course."
Why would volunteers want to stay this course?
How many more, just so Bush can avoid saying, "I made a mistake?"
"At this point, the Democratic party is dominated
by "Vichy Democrats"—collaborationists who accept
the legitimacy of the 2004 election,
thus ratifying the unconstitutional Bush regime (this group would
include most elected Democrats, including—or
especially—John Kerry); and "Charlie Brown Democrats"
who, after three stolen elections in
a row, nevertheless harbor the naive belief that the Lucy Party
wouldn't dare snatch the football away
yet again."
--Michael Hasty,
Damn, I'd like to but Michael Hasty a drink.
The Last
Liberal Outlaw,
by former prisoner Mike Palecek
Published by New Leaf Books of Chicago
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The next four years will be easier if we pull together.
"The "Bush doctrine' of foreign policy is really
very simple: Attack any country that can't fight back,
but don't rock the boat with any country
that might be able to attack the United States. This doctrine
isn't original with George Bush. It
is the strategy employed by every schoolyard bully in the world:
attack the weak but steer clear of
the strong. George Bush believes that you're either with us or
against us. And if you're with us and
powerful, you can do anything you want. But if you're a small
state that can't fight back, you're
a target – and nothing you say can stop the American military
machine from overrunning your country."
--Harry Browne, "The
Bush Doctrine: Selective Bullying",
Catching something fatal as a kid's gotta suck.
Jordan's Brother Deploying to Iraq
He'll be the best protected black guy in the whole
'Alexander' Irks Some in Greece
Nerves flair up in a nation even more
homophobic than the United States
'Mr. Perfect'
Eldrick loses again
Will the former Tiger ever win another round of golf?
pushing hard for alien presidents
Amend the Constitution so Musclehead can replace Bush?
Tom Ridge (R-Baby Killing Catholic) Resigns Homeland Post
Tom Ridge is resigning, U.S. officials
said Tuesday.
A Homeland Security Department official
said Ridge is expected to stay on his job for a few months,
until a more loyal successor is found.
Some officials expect the U.S. may face increased terror risks
around the holidays and the Jan. 20 inauguration.
Possible candidates for Ridge's replacement include anybody with more Bush loyalty than integrity.
Subject: no foldchecking
You talk tough about political backbone
yet fold like the very people
you complain about, while defending Tush
against the patriots!
Like a poker newbie you deal sloppy seconds
and try to fold/check.
In short, you are a loud mouthed wimp.
Remember that the next time you pose in
YOUR tough guy flight suit.
I think I'd look stupid dressed that way.
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It had everything.
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BCR Show
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That wasn't by design, I don't intend to curse or stay clean,
it just depends on the subject and my mood at recording time.
Oddly, #60
is split in just two sections, but it's a full show.
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listen to
Part 1 of Show 60
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Part 1 of Show 60
70 minutes of Randi, religion, Little Rock, SNL and Cazadores
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Part 2 of Show 60
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Shirley Manson of Garbage
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